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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Krawk Day Special

Another Krawk Island Sea Shanty
by exanomaly

There’s a spry lad squakin’ from our main topmast
our pursers’ grabbed our stuffed coin bags
our deckhands turn to longshoreman
an’ the skipper’s ropes be lowered fast
we’ve come home my sweet at last

The Mynci sheds his sailin’ clothes
where we picked him up, no one knows
an’ up aloft from down below
some scallywags have come to crow
we’re home my isle my soul

We’ve heaved n hauled til high and dry
we’ve buried friends and cursed dark skies
the shadowed corners o’ the world we’ve tarried
a hoard of plundered cargo carried
an’ now home my gem we scurry

We hove our ship t’your shapely shore
your glittering eye glides ‘cross our oars
in slippery skiffs our drenched hearts are borne
Oh! Warf Wharf town where we were born
to come  home me lass we’ve sworn

An’ we’ll rant and roar for we’re renown
for bearing the spice of sea to this salty town
we’ll stuff our gullets win the food club crown
clear the decks with the grog we’ll down
we’re home me heart don’t frown

Oh we’ll ne’er tire of each other’s company
Krawk Island me pearl o’ the southern sea
our love has grown since Cap’n’s Academy
you’re the treasure I carry secretly
at home me love I’ll be

The Qualities of Krawks
by stefsea

Today is the day to stop and appreciate,
A Neopet species who can demonstrate:
Loyalty, mischief, and a confident walk…
I’m speaking, of course, about the Krawk!

From the dank fungus caves they call home,
These baby reptiles are eager to roam.
They flock to Krawk Island, exploring the land;
Enjoying the weather, the sun and the sand!

With their big bellies and small sharp claws,
This magnificent Neopet deserves applause!
Beware, they’re notorious for a very strong bite;
If you’re kind to the Krawks, it’ll be alright!

The Krawk is known as both elusive and rare,
This majestic creature makes Neopians stare!
If you are able to find one to call your own;
This loyal companion will never roam.

These are a few of the qualities of Krawks;
Sometimes they might seem like a paradox.
But still we love them, come what may;
And with that, wishes for a Happy Krawk Day!

The Subtle Revolt of a Maractite Krawk
by flufflepuff

The law to which all of the kings of the land
are so irrevocably bound
has tight iron grip upon all those who stand
upon all Neopia's ground.
Yet in the fair air, and in seas ringed with sand,
rebellion is to be found.
The faeries on high shall oft toe the line
betwixt strength, daintiness, and their grace.
Whereas the sea-dwellers, Maraquans who shine,
Neath dappled white sun, dart and race.
In this do both fins and high wings intertwine:
They snub gravity to its face.
Among those who nestle in sunken abodes,
Mysterious as where they do dwell,
Advantages hide where the fae's inner codes
Permit knowledge not, yet they tell:
Material mined in carts, barrels, and loads
have served their inhabitants well.
Maraquans who gather, and those who do not,
maintain their command of the sea.
With powerful tails, and with flippers, they ought
to propel themselves gloriously.
Yet among them is one, from Maractite, wrought,
Who barrels through, effortlessly.
Extremities garbed in a sturdy webbed mesh,
And intricate patterns throughout,
the Maractite Krawk, with her thick, sturdy flesh,
Casts off any remnant of doubt
That one made of Maractite can often refresh
perspectives of moving about.
Resistance of water as well as all laws
of birthplace, of land, of the sky,
resides in the core in the Krawk's noble claws
as, through daunting depths, she will fly.
No native Maraquan could too near her draw, 
no matter how hard they may try.
A swish of the tail, a slight push off of stone,
with nary a stirring of silt,
and away flies the Krawk into nether unknown,
making only the smallest of tilt.
Even so, within Maractite form all her own,
there reside some small twinges of guilt.

Journal Entry, Prisoner No. 1076592
by cookiez101

Scales of water, transfixed by a stubble of rock and sand
tracing the shift of tides, scuttling to a fungus-spattered cavern.
The ocean a portal: mischief, adventure, dubloons beyond

The ocean a curse: swirling, unpredictable, insufferable
like a familiar friend turned foe, a die miscast

Exiled by fortune, banished by currents
wavelets a swaying claw, halting at the wind’s finality

What choice was there
but to make this gloomy relic my own?

Shift and twist, wringing out a cloth
turning dew drops to crystalline fractals

Finding scrapes and dust on a lantern shade
a lingering and lilting haunting
and turning them to fluffed snow.

– Frostbite

The Sticky-Pawed Krawk: Lyra's Lament
by _brainchild_

That Krawk named Aurrick, oh so rude,
Is clearly from a rotten brood.
The guy, a conman and a thief,
Has bothered me beyond belief!

His sticky paws grab everything---
Pure trouble he is sure to bring.
He even stole my precious sword!
This crime of his is quite untoward.

That sword belonged to family---
I think you know why rage fills me.
Plus, it gets worse. He SOLD it for
A quick payday of gold galore.

I won't be trusting random creeps
Again---he robbed me in my sleep!
The Krawk is so dishonest. Vile,
He'll anger me for quite a while.

Comforting Cuddling Krawks
by inland

It's comforting cuddling Krawks
Krawk day is today
So log in and say hey 
To some angelic aesthetical Krawks!

"But wait," you say,
"I must delay, 
Those teeth were made for hunting prey,
And spiny scales cause much dismay,
Cuddling Krawks is not the way!"

You fear, I fear, the risk of bite
So to approach a Krawk does not feel right 
Your fear, I fear, is quite the sight
I must alleviate your plight 

Krawks may look mean and very scary
And true, most are not very hairy,
But most Krawks tend to be quite merry,
A lot love sweets, ice cream and dairy 

Krawks come in many shapes and sizes
Born in a cave, full of surprises,
There is no need to be afraid 
As looks deceive how they behave 

So now that you have been informed
Your mind and heart (hopefully) warmed
To this idea you feel reformed:

It's comforting cuddling Krawks
Krawk day is today
So log in and say hey 
To some delightful dazzling Krawks!

Notable Krawks: The Story of Aurrick
by milestrong

In honour of this valiant Krawk
Let's take a deeper look
Of how this thief began to walk
The path of greater good

A brave young boy with heart of steel
Abandoned by his pops
He tried to live and learned to steal
While runnin' from the cops

And then one day he made a friend
Who helped him change his ways
They both were sick of life at home
And so they ran away

But at some point this Krawk did set
A devious villain free
A being who will try to rule
This world of you and me

This sparked a fire in Aurrick's heart
A flame that won't die out
He set off to face the evil
'Cause that's what he's all about

To save the smiles of everyone
He'll bring Claymaker down
With heart and soul, he truly is
A hero of renown

Krawks Unite!
by pnaylala24

I am a Krawk that evolved.
I was once so small
The Magic of The Krawk Fungus Cave
Made me look like how I am today!
I have a bite so sharp and fierce
I hope I never have to pierce
Anyone or anything
For just my mischief is all I wish to bring
I get into trouble but not too much
In my defense I'm just trying to find some tasty lunch!
Today is my species day to celebrate 
We all saved the date
We will have festivities to honour
And a great feast to devour!
Today we remember
The struggles, the blessings that brought us all together!

Discarded Cloud Krawk Plushie
by indulgences

It opens up its dreary eyes,
And sighs with utter sadness.
This Plushie needs a fervent hug.
Its mind is utter madness.

Someone discarded this small toy,
Once bright and quite contented.
It now lies obsolete and junked,
Forsaken and demented.

Its joyful looks have faded now.
It has no strength to greet you.
This Plushie needs a helping hand.
This Plushie needs a redo.

You’ll hug the grieving Plushie close.
Its mood will slowly brighten.
It will become its former self,
No longer scared or frightened.

You’ll energize this jilted toy,
No longer sad, deserted.
The Plushie will be full of bliss,
No longer introverted.

So, thanks for all your time and care!
This Plushie is now cheerful!
It smiles with all its merry might,
And is no longer fearful!

I am a Krawk!
by cafediem

I am a Krawk and I am strong!
My teeth are sharp and my tail is long.
I like to play pranks, tricks and jokes
And hang around with pirate-folks!

You’ll love the capers I’ll play,
And by your side I’ll always stay.
Because a Krawk is always loyal, 
And even comes in pink or royal! 

So just one trip down to Fungus Cave
And you’ll have a friend who is kind and brave.
We out start small, but soon you’ll discover
We are the best pets you could uncover!

So I have a think and let me know...
Just come find me with smile aglow!
Because I am a Krawk and I am Strong!
And I’d love to play with you all day long.

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