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Neopets Poems

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Grey Day Gallery

It's Okay To Feel Grey
by frankie8492

Some people misunderstand the purpose of Grey Day, 
Thinking that it is only to celebrate the colour grey, 
But it is also to acknowledge people feeling unhappy, 
Lonely, grumpy, frustrated, depressed, or snappy. 
The point is that having these feelings is completely okay. 

You may be feeling down because you have bad game scores,
Or you are too late at restocking an item at the stores. 
Maybe all your Neofriends are too busy to play with you, 
And that would be dreadful for activities made for two.
Any reason is valid because your feelings are yours. 

Nevertheless, try to remember that Neopia is bright, 
And no matter how it seems, things eventually go right. 
So don't despair and always keep an open mind. 
Give yourself time, take a few deep breaths and you will find 
That tomorrow's a new day and at the end of the tunnel, there is light.

The Song of the Grey Weewoo
by precious_katuch14

Every night, on Krawk Island, 
The Weewoos start to stir and sing.
Their dulcet wees and woos
Carry across just about anything.

But the grey Weewoo
Carries a different tune.
It sits apart from its fellows
Forlorn and alone.

It sings its baleful wees
And calls out its downcast woos.
What is the Weewoo mourning?
No one has any clue.

It slouches in the cleft of the rocks,
With red eyes full of sorrow.
As other Weewoos stand straight and tall,
The grey Weewoo bows its head low.

All who hear the grey Weewoo,
Are cut straight to their hearts.
Truly, tugging at Neopians' spirits
Is quite the impressive art.

Pirates remember faraway friends,
Or mourn lost loved ones.
The sound of that song summons
The saddest memories and emotions.

The night becomes grey
With the song of the grey Weewoo.
And when you hear its cry,
You may want to get a tissue.

Being Grey
by auxillia

There was a little Xweetok 
And she was grey
She was grey all night
She was grey all day
She didn't know how to be
Any other way
She was just. So. Grey 

A bright Yellow Lenny
Came to her one day
Said you just need to get
In the sun and play
And that'll make the 
Doldrums fade away
So you won't. Be. Grey 

So the little grey Xweetok
Spent some time in the sun
And she had to admit 
It was pretty fun
But at the end of it all
When the day was done
She was still. So. Grey 

A disco Lutari said
Just find your groove
Get on that dance floor
And bust a move
When you get all juiced 
When you just cut loose
Then you won't. Be. Grey 

So the Xweetok tried 
She took to the floor
And dancing and whirling
There was fun galore
But when the dancing ended
And her haunches were sore
She was still STILL grey.

A strawberry Usul squeaked
You gotta eat right!
Healthy food and water's
What will end this fight
Eat some veggies, eat some fruits
Eat some herbs and roots
And you'll stop. Being. Grey

The Xweetok heeded
the Usuls advice
And she made lots of food
that was healthy and nice
But while her health improved
Well to make it concise...
she was grey, grey GREY

The little grey Xweetok
Went to visit a friend
She cried, What can I do?
I'm at my wit's end
I've tried and I've tried
and done it all again

The friend sat a while
and she gave it some thought
Her friend was in trouble
and she'd been through a lot
said, I'm sorry if this answer
makes you feel distraught
but you're just... well... grey.

The things that you're doing
will make things a bit better
Eat well, move around
Enjoy some good weather
You can even talk to someone
or try knitting a sweater
but you might still be grey

and I know that this isn't
the answer you wanted
but know that I'm here
even at your most haunted
we can talk or distract
I'll listen, undaunted
no matter how grey.

And so that's the story
and if you're feeling grey
try some of this stuff
to better your day
but no matter what
remember that it's okay
to not be okay.

The Rainbow Pool is a Thief
by lorlurin

For years and years I have saved
Every single Neopoint from events and games
For I dream of a tail or a pair of wings
Or a pastel colour fitting for spring

Finally I got a paintbrush on this special day
A droopy handle crying paints in grey
Obviously, something about it wasn't so right
It made me feel sad at first sight!

Do I need to colour it in the rainbow pool?
Or is it a leftover from the April Fools?
Despite my doubts, I still painted myself
A choice now I wish I could undo!

The waters still rippled a rainbow shine
But not a single tinge was to be mine
My old plain blue faded away
Along with all colours, only grey remains

The colourful pool reflected a colourless image
The water of colours stole my colours away
I lost my colours and failed my goal
With my grey eyes I saw a sad grey soul

And now what else could I do?
Sad took over as my only mood
And now what else could I say?
-- Happy un-happy day of grey!

A Grey Day
by stargirl089

What do you say when the day is Grey?
There’s just no room for smiles today.
No cheer in sight, just doom and gloom;
Time to shut yourself in your room.

They say it’s better not to wallow,
But Baelia just wants to hug her pillow.
Misery builds, it reaches a peak.
Her eyes prickle and begin to leak.

Dark clouds form, the storm breaks.
Her tears fall like heavy raindrops.
She’s tangled up in sodden sheets,
A giant mess of heaving sobs.

An hour passes, maybe two.
Slowly, she looks up at the sky.
The rain has stopped, that much is true,
But her heart still aches and sighs.

So she lies still and doesn’t move.
One day, perhaps, things may improve.
But that day is not today,
Because today the day is Grey.

Greyed Expectations
by birdinggal

One cloudy grey day, I did visit the Isle, 
Thinking, perhaps, that I’d stay awhile.

I admired the flora, and fauna there too,
And the Cooking Pot where Jhuidah did brew.

While looking for trinkets in one island shop,
The Mystic, I thought, would be my next stop.

So I went to his hut, on its isle all alone,
Hoping that my day’s fate he would make known.

The Mystic looked grim – oh, what would he say?
Naught but “Your luck will alter in a strange way”.

I didn’t believe him – I thought he was lying.
But soon it was clear that my fortune was dying.

King Coltzan gave nothing, the Omelette was gone,
And a scientist yelled for me to get off of his lawn.

Skarl yelled and he bellowed as he sat on his throne,
And I found only dung when I Picked on my Own.

The Springs gave a snowball, the wheels gave a pox;
Then to my great horror I saw my plummeting stocks.

The Lab Ray it turned my poor Petpet to soot,
And Fishing gave nothing but an Old Rotten Left Boot.

Tombola had nothing – not one single prize! – 
And Hagan decreed that my words were not wise.

The “fair”grounds were rigged, the scratchcards were phoney;
And whilst bobbing for apples just got Linty Bologna.

The Snowager with his cold breath did me blast,
And the Poogle I bet on was (alas!) not that fast.

While raiding the Tombs I set off a dart trap,
And the Pant Devil stole the last piece of my map!

Turmaculus slept on and refused to budge,
Then Sloth shot his ray and turned my Nerkmid to sludge!

I’d had more than enough – I was ready to scream!
When I woke with a start – it had all been a dream.

United on Grey Day!
by pnaylala24

Grey Neopets let's show Neopia how it's done
Even though we may look sad we have lots of fun
The other species don't understand
They think our look may be planned
We may not seem  too happy and that's okay
I don't think we will even on our special day
It's out of character to have a smile
But still we can find life worthwhile
For as a family we unite
Even though our look may be a fright
Especially to the colourful pets and faeries
That may wonder why we always look so dreary
The look in our eyes when we see things that are grey
Our common bond that connects us, that will always stay
Happy Grey Day, we will greet each other.
Long live all grey Neopets forever!

Praying the Grey Away
by i_lovee_icecream

Some say to pray the grey away,
But I say to let it stay.
Being grey helps us see,
Just how vast life can be.

Life can be happy or sad,
Life is not all bad. 
Any day can be a change,
Any day you can turn a page.

Wallow in your own sadness,
Just to understand gladness.
Cry at the rise of the sun,
Smile when the day is done.

Grey, grey is the way,
To see a brighter yesterday.
Grey might seem dusty and drab,
But it can teach you how to be fab.

Some say to pray the grey away,
But I say to let it stay.
Being grey helps us see,
Just how vast life can be.

Grey Dyeworks Wearables: No More Gloom and Doom
by _brainchild_

Grey isn't always gloomy. Why,
Grey Dyeworks charm---they're very fine!
These wares are certain to entice---
I'm sure you'll find them very nice.

The Cloud Castle, ethereal,
Has such a soft and dreamy feel.
Maraquan Jeweled Foreground is
A choice which you won't want to miss.

Miss Sophie's staff will light the way,
Providing help to you past day.
A Lighted Gothic Tree spreads cheer---
It's very jolly. Never fear!

So, if you're tired of gloom and doom,
You surely will light up the room
With Dyeworks oh so grey. They are
The fashion statements of a star.

A Lack of Colour
by typlohisioh

Where am I to go when
You are one that leaves, yet perpetually you remain.
In my mind and in my memories,
You know where my heart is. 

Happier without me,
I am left with the memories lived.
Out in the rain, 
I’m slipping away.

It’s no surprise that my colour faded,
But would you be the one to reach out,
And not let me be lost?
Until the blue skies break.

Weaving through my dreams,
Is this just for today?
It’s hard to speed up the time, though it’s
Just an illusion, tomorrow awaits.

And for today, there is no way out.
Wait out this cold Grey Day -
In the morning, through the haze and the rain,
There is a light.

All Is Grey!
by cinnabonski

Be thee sad,
Or be thee dour
Welcome all
If thou art sour

For it's that time
Doth somber bring
Bereft of joy
So please don't sing

Forget thy merry
And quell thy feet
Skip thy feasting
Nothing to eat

Cancel parade
Cancel the fun
Conceal your joy
Block out the sun

Bring on dismal
Bring on the bleak
Shed a tear
If you do speak

Be despondent
Or maybe glum 
Or even numb

Wear it proud
For it's your day
All is gloomy
All is grey

A Mind of Winter (at the Feast of the Grey Faerie)
by exanomaly

Dark citadel, my heart escapes
   floats gloomily in clouded sky,
   the castle of my mind doth fly
warily, among ashen shapes –

tho feast awaits in floral halls,
   and my brethren flare ivory wings
   no melody within me sings
a spell of disenchantment thralls

me, I have drifted far ahead,
   where sounds stiffen on icy breaths
   and echoes die in snow-choked depths –
Alas! A cruel grey guest hovers in my stead.  

(Note: This poem reprinted with permission from the “Ukali Poetry Journal”. The title is a line from “The Snowman” by Wocky Stevens.)

Grey Jane
by mutantmetal

Hello, my name is Jane, I am a very proud Hissi
I was born on Cherry Lane and something's amissi
See, for the last few months I have felt apathetic
I lost in the Battledome and I can't forget it

I really don't feel like doing anything
I don't want to talk, I don't want to sing
I'm constantly reading "The Futility of Existence"
It feels like my life is stuck in the distance

I'm too lazy to get up, so I always use Dung Dash
I can't really clean, my room's filled with trash
I don't want to go out and play
I think it's because I'm grey

I'm sharing with you, because I think there may be hope
I see the light in my situation, I laugh and I joke
Things have started to be easier, and it'll be better in time
I wanted to share my recovery in this sweet, simple rhyme

But I think you might not need it, from what I can see
You don't seem, I'm very sorry, much like me
I don't think I'm in the Grey Support Meetings room, no
Because you all look very rainbow

Grey Day Yay
by xghoul447

It's a sad day
Filled with grey skies
However, it's a day to celebrate the grey
It's their day, yay!
Even though they are sad, we should cherish them too. 
Because once in a while, it's okay to feel blue. 
So, here's some cake, and some balloons too!
Because we appreciate each and every one of you!
It's your day, so have some fun. 
Maybe relax under the beach's sun!
Or eat some baked goods,
Or just eat your favourite foods!

The Grey Kau
by mewemy

Devoid of all colour, and left only a shade
The Grey Kau looks dull but don’t be afraid
With large sad eyes and a grumpy frown
It is clear that she’s feeling quite down

Tears splashed down her cold lonely face
She retreats away to her favourite hiding place
To be alone is ideal, away from the crowd
Cuddled up under a blanket crying out loud

Grey pets don’t know why they’re always so sad
They don’t complain, for it’s better than being mad
Just cry it out and everything will prove ok
Tomorrow is a chance at a better day

The Grey Kau falls asleep with dreams of joy
Perhaps she’ll find a smile if she plays with her toy
If not she knows that everything will be alright
For the sun is there to provide enough light

No Grey Days
by hmmdotcom

Whenever I am feeling blue,
I know exactly what to do.
I'll log into my Neopets account,
A happiness you can't discount.

I'll play the games and lurk the boards,
Check to see the highest scores,
I'll play my hardest, do my best,
And while I'm busy, the grey suppress.

Unclench your jaw, shoulders relax,
The Battledome is for attacks!
Customise my pet, there is no stress.
A distant memory while I play dress,

Even on the yearly Day of Grey,
There's so much to do, so much to say!
So while I'm busy playing Neopets,
Any sadness long forgets.

Grey Days
by parody_ham

Even when the sun is shining bright,
A cloud hovers with darkening fright.
It starts as a drizzle and ends in a pour,
Until it gets harder to take anymore.

Days are like weather with changes quite swift
A sunny day dims in a breakneck shift!
With winds howling fierce like a beast of the glade,
Making me feel alone and afraid.

And so, I sit shivering under my sheets,
As the rampant, stormy weather repeats.
The constant misfortune that follows me now,
If they say, “smile more!” I might have a Kau!

It’s a grey day today.
Cannot chase clouds away.
The skies are black.
Time ticks on, can’t go back.

But the more I talk about the days I’ve had,
I realize to myself that I’m feeling less sad.
Sharing the grey won’t make it all vanish 
But to some of those thoughts, away it will banish!

For the Neopians who helped me feel,
Or brought to me a home-cooked meal,
Told me I was loved and that they loved me,
And that they’d be here for me guaranteed…

Yes, today, I am feeling grey,
And that’s okay.
And that’s okay.

Grey Day Dread
by tchiang11

The heavy rain came down, all in one day 

The weather and clouds were suddenly shades of grey. 

Many Neopians felt a touch of dread….

For they knew that Grey Day had reared its sorrowful head. 

Thus, the day continued filled with doom and gloom. 

These feelings of sadness could fill an entire room! 

Yet, you must remember, that these feelings will end. 

In the meantime, have yourself a cup of tea 

           or chat with a friend!

I'm Always Sunny - on Grey Day
by mickey_a94_a39

Monotone skies and dreary eyes,
Neopians moping about their lives.
I see no giddup in their step
The lack of energy gives me pep.

When no one tries to give it their all
Our modern society begins to fall.
But I look in awe, and from ear to ear
I feel a smile growing near.

It's not that doom is synonymous with gloom,
But something inside me begins to bloom.
They feel the way I do on the daily.
Empathy links us, ever so faintly.

They finally see it, what my world is like
As they trudge through the day like an uphill hike.
How do I survive? Well you'd think I'm funny,
But this is just me...I'm always sunny.

Chasing the Grey Away
by frostiepompom

The fourteenth day of the month of Eating
Is upon Neopia again 
And, unsurprisingly, it brings sadness that's fleeting
It's happened annually since way back when 

Pull the curtains to reveal an airbrushed grey sky
And endless rain pouring down from clouds that cry
Violent winds stir the gloomy air carelessly
And most Neopians are wishing they could just go back to sleep..!

But I'll prove them wrong! Me and my infectious smile
I'll strut around Neopia telling bad jokes for awhile
But they're so bad they're good!
And they're sure to bring joy that counters this dreary day
Yeah, that's right, *I'm* keeping the grey at bay!
Or maybe I'm even chasing their grey away

I'll make everyone laugh 'til they cry as hard as those clouds up there
Because I want Neopia to know that I care!
Sure, today's grey
But that doesn't mean that nobody can have a good day

Neopia's convinced that Grey Day's bound to go wrong
But I think that's just a myth that's gone on far too long
Today, let's honour Grey Neopians - not by sadness,
But by reminding them that they're cared for
Even if it's by bad jokes,
Cheesy smiles and laughter that's far overdue
Today I want you to show someone who needs it that they're cared for
By you

Happy Grey Day, Neopia!

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