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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Poetry Gallery

An Ode to Cap’n Threelegs the Eyrie
by 2008vampirenovel

With the sun at his back and an island below his feet
Krawk Island, his home, and miles of sea
He breathes in the air and because of the heat
Returns to his school, the Swashbuckling Academy

His name is Cap’n Threelegs, but friends call him Lefty
Once captain of the fearsome ship, the Peophintine
Now leading a different life with an impact just as hefty
Teaching young Neopets how to fight at his Academy

The wisdom of the seas rests behind his genial gaze
And he’s willing to give it to pets at a price
While your pets train, you can talk about his days
While he uses his experience to give you advice

He’s a great Neopet to know and his students come to love
This Eyrie who nurtures their Battledome dreams,
The skills of his students soon rise above
Everything they hoped for, and for them the Battledome screams

If your Battledome losses leave you sad and irate,
Come see this pirate captain to change your fate!

by mizuuma_umino

You send us into Grave Danger.
Of threats, we're no stranger.
Or to risk us being eaten?
By the Turmaculus, beaten.
Zapped into ash by the lab.
But if we gain a level, you're glad.
Is the risk of our lives worth the prizes you get?
What does it mean, to love a Petpet?

The Battledome is Waiting
by laurneoneo

If you want to test your skill
The Battledome is waiting 
Take a strike, block a shot,
Don’t stand there just debating.

Victory is oh so close
The dome is there for you,
Grab a codestone, train your pet,
And battle dreams come true.

The fights are always just for fun
And it’s okay to miss
But if you train and your best
I promise you’ve got this.

The Neopian School Day Craze
by _brainchild_

Summer's coming to a close,
As my friends and I have known.
A myriad of staples lies
At Neopian School Supplies.

The Techo greets us with a grin.
"How nice of you to come in!
Our essentials are so nice,
And at a rock-bottom price!"

My pals quickly start to look
At a Red Techo Notebook.
Although they're entranced by the face,
I love that Shoyru Pencil Case!

The crimson wings shall call my name.
That other item's oh so lame.
I'll enjoy storing my stuff
In this pouch. It's cool enough!

My friends have chosen stylish wares—
So many, the shelves are bare.
We'll enjoy our awesome new
School supplies, like pens and glue.

Garage sale
by explorereco

Catch the falling furniture, the blizzard doesn’t help to fix the blur, moving out is so much fun, share items with everyone! Catch them all before they fall, just don’t get pianos at all! It’s so much fun, but please run, it’s starting soon! It’s almost noon, a ketchup bottle, a wooden spoon, sort these all, oh now it’s done, garage sales are great for everyone!

Lord Kass
by theamandafiles

Control is his, they look to him
It’s all he ever sought
And though his will has come to pass
His mind is racing, fraught 

Tormented, screaming out at night
Just longing to be free 
He can’t escape them anymore
His soul is with The Three 

Hateful eyrie, strong and bold
But trembling within
The way he leads the fight with fear
Ensures he’ll never win

Winter is Coming
by andypopo

Cold and frozen, such a treat, 
will create the cutest Chia you could ever meet! 
Fruits and veggies sweet and savoury, 
such as grape, lime, aubergine and pea!

To obtain one you must venture into the cold, 
climb to the peaks of Terror Mountain so bold! 
Inside the Super Happy Icy Fun Shop you wait,
for a rare Chia Pop, a nice Fruit Chia will create!

Sadly after many restocks nothing catches your eye in this shop, 
how rare are these magical pops! 
Just as you are about to leave, 
a sparkly Chia pop catches your gaze as if to tease! 

You grab it and run to the till, 
your heart beating so fast, what a thrill. 
You exit the shop and quickly feed your Chia so fast, 
oh no what is happening you gasp!

The Chia starts to twist and squeem, 
he becomes the deepest shade of green. 
Covered in thorns from head to toe, stinking worse than kale, 
you look at the tag closer, Durian Fruit... final sale!

Lusus Naturae
by misty_donna

A lonely Yurble,
Green in both fur and envy,
Lacks identity.

He longs for a change,
Something extraordinary,
No paint brush for him.

The shopkeeper gasps,
"Are you sure you want to buy?"
The potion he craves.

The cork pops out fast,
A rotten stench fills the air,
He is undeterred. 

To be distinctive,
Quirky and non-conformist,
Inside and outside.

Lips meet glass at last,
And he savours each long sip.
The process begins.

He opens his eye,
One less than before the change,
The mirror reveals:

His species unchanged,
His body transmogrified,
Lusus Naturae.

Pick Your Own
by domdee17

In Meri Acres,
There is a farm.
Though it was quite small,
it had its charm.

There, you can find a Gelert;
the owner of the land.
The farm was filled with fruit,
but it wasn’t very grand.

You can pay 400 NP,
To play a quick game.
It was called Pick Your Own,
but it was actually quite lame.

All you did was go around the farm,
You were only allowed to move 20 times.
The goal was to find hidden berries,
Once your time was up, the farmer would chime.

Despite the goal being to find berries,
most people would find junk and dung.
In fact, for most of the time playing the game,
the farm would feel like it was overrun. 

Finally, every day, on the 17th,
during Illusen Day, 
you can find clovers on the farm.
It caused more people to play.

That’s the story of Pick Your Own.
Most of the time, it’s not that fun.
You don’t even get to pick what you get.
So I guess that the name is a kind of pun.

The Most Humorous Neopets
by shutianlei3333

Meercas are silly, but lots of fun,
And everyone should own at least one.
They're small and furry with two feet,
And have an attitude no one can beat.

They can also stand with their tail,
Which is strong and not frail.
Their tail lets them move very fast,
So that in a race, they're never last.

Their favourite food to eat is the Negg,
Which to them is worth an arm and a leg.
Meercas like to collect them all,
No matter if they're big or small.

When they're bored, they like to play jokes,
Like hiding things belonging to other folks.
They mean no harm and just want to play,
So please go out and adopt one today.

Happy Meerca Day!

Usukis Everywhere!
by gorillaz_girl15

Hundreds of dolls line the walls
a very happy Usul sprints the halls

"They're here! It's time!" the Usul wails
"I wonder if they have the Mutant one with too many tails!"

"No other dolls will ever compare"
"To this Usuki with such beautiful hair!"

"I want to buy every one!" The Usul says to her owner
To afford all that they would need to talk to a loaner!

"You can pick two," the patient owner explains
"Then I want the Valentines boy and girl dolls" the Usul exclaims!

With joy and glee, the Usul dances away
Arms filled with toys, her stride more of a sway

The owner laughs and says, "I'm gonna need another career,"
"If we're coming to the convention again next year."

Eventide Bruce Post-Even
by flufflepuff

When day shall yield its torch to dusk
Who lifts it not for light,
But paints an autumn landscape that
With cooler hues, shall fight,

The mountainside bears witness to
The skyward clash of hue.
As if in answer, fusillades
Of falling snow ensue.

The swift cascades do not long last,
Yet twilight they ignite.
Their journey ends within themselves.
Then, from the dwindling light

There cometh forth a rotund form,
Ungainly on most land.
Yet sea and ice, a snare for most,
His yellow feet command.

Just aft the setting of the sun,
When twilight claims the skies,
The Bruce of many colours shines:
Though without wings, he flies

Across the ice in graceful dance, 
with pirouettes and leaps.
Although the even is long past,
On his round form, he keeps

The liminality of time
betwixt the night and day.
The sky shall change again at dawn,
but dusk, he'll always stay.

Tangram Grundo
by indulgences

I bought the Tangram Grundo box!
I happily race home!
I’m such a fan of puzzles, and
I’m sure I’m not alone!

I spill the contents of the box
Upon my empty floor.
I love all tangram puzzles; they
Are something I adore!

I shuffle pieces left and right.
I move them up and down.
This puzzle’s harder than I thought…
I wear a thoughtful frown!

The colours dazzle, pink and blue,
And yellow, orange, green.
This tangram is the coolest toy,
The brightest ever seen!

And suddenly, I wear a grin!
I’ve solved the tangram toy!
The Grundo is completed now…
I clap my hands with joy!

Go buy yourself this puzzle, too!
It’s colourful and fun!
You’ll quite enjoy this tangram toy.
It’s awesome stuff, bar none!

Chocolate Kau Patty
by _jakk

Neopia is a mad world to most if not everybody
Random events occur when you are not ready
Sometimes Mortogs fall from sky it's crazy
And today came as a surprise to Little Betty
Chocolate Kau Pats started to rain like confetti

Little Betty started catching Chocolate Kau Patty
She didn't stop until her bag became too heavy
Let's bring some home for mommy and daddy
These chocolate look and smell so yummy
I'm sure they will be so thrilled and happy

My oh my, what have you got there, sweetie
Try them they are super creamy and tasty
Somehow parents' faces not looking too peachy
We should save some for Mary and Jeremy
Our neighbours would enjoy them most certainly

Little Betty couldn't wait till four for tea
Popping one, and two, and three like candy
But maybe she shouldn't have been so greedy
Now those patty not sitting well with her tummy
Out everything came making browns of anarchy

A Random Day on Neopia
by profebest

A random day in Neopia,
Just as Random as this Poem,
King Skarl doesn't seem too nice today,
Maybe the Jester was weak with his jokes,

Turmaculus has been on a diet for a while,
The Snowager doesn't sleep at all,
It must be the heat of the summer,
Hopefully he will hibernate soon,

Dice-a-roo randomness,
Just starting from Red,
Ending on a Game Over,
Yooyuball has been fun,

It just takes too long,
Now with this,
I continue to finish my goals -
On Yooyuball that is,
Happy Random Poem Day

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