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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Eyrie Day Special

The Eyrie Way
by ennyra

Flying up high in the sky,
All night and all day,
Is some of the most fun to be had,
And it's called the Eyrie way.

Soaring around helps so much,
Whether you're sad or mad.
Nothing cheers you up faster,
Than taking off that landing pad.

Being up with the clouds,
Is the most free you can feel.
Just ask any Eyrie,
This is the real deal.

Today to celebrate Eyrie Day,
Everyone gets to wear wings.
Even if you just pretend,
You can jump and fly from thing to thing.

Those of you lucky enough,
To really be able to fly,
Know how much the Eyrie Way,
Can really make the day fly by!

The Eyrie Spectre
by precious_katuch14

Zombom's tower is a scary place,
His magical, secluded base.
Full of skeletons roving 'round,
But what else can be found?

A roving, ghostly Eyrie,
What could it possibly be?
It's the Eyrie Spectre, 
Adventurers and intruders beware!

Leaping out from behind pillars,
He soars, swoops, and darts,
Claws sharp and outstretched,
Poised to rend an unwary wretch.

Did you hear the Eyrie's master,
Zombom, that scheming wizard?
"Take them!" says the caster.
"And you'll have your reward."

Did you hear the Eyrie coming
Upon sleek spirit wings?
Did you look upon his face,
Notice him fiercely staring?

Did you hear his song,
A terrible death knell?
You won't hear it long,
You won't hear anyone tell.

The Eyrie Spectre is swift,
The last thing you'll ever see.
And in pride he shall drift
Reveling in his victory.

I Love Being an Eyrie
by kellyclark1115

The sun is up! The sun is up!
I see the sun coming up,
it's time for me to get up too
and start my great Eyrie day, woohoo!

I saw an Eyrie with a grub, what should I eat?
Perhaps some tropical fruits? A sweet?
Or maybe some something bacony?
I know I saw some at the Bakery.

After breakfast its time to fly,
it's up up up to the sky!
I love whizzing around all day,
but unfortunately I cannot stay.

I find a soft spot in the trees,
laying around enjoying the breeze.
I know I will soon be sleepy,
so I'll just take a nap real speedy.

I'm getting hungry, what's for dinner?
I hope it's meat, I can only picture.
Ooo what's that delicious smell?
Wow! Seems I was right as well!

As I lay down I think about tomorrow,
maybe I'll watch that play filled with sorrow?
Or I'll check out the mall,
I've always wanted to buy a ball!

As you can see,
my life is filled with glee.
I love being an Eyrie,
flying from trees to the sea.

Eyrie, Eyrie, Where Will You Fly Me?
by i_lovee_icecream

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to Faerieland?
Oh, Fyora’s Castle is so grand!

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to Fresh Foods?
I heard the Chia there is so rude…

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to the Tyrannian Plateau?
Will I visit the Monoceraptor? That’s an absolute “no”!

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to Mystery Island?
Where I can put my feet in the nice, warm sand?

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to the Lost Desert?
I’ll probably sweat through my undershirt…

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?
Will you fly me to Kreludor?
Where we can wear space suits galore!

Eyrie, Eyrie, where will you fly me?

Talinia the Eyrie
by therainbowsheep

Adventure-seeking, Eyries roam-
Their explorations take them far from home.
One particular Eyrie travelled quite far -
Talinia of Terror Mountain raised the bar!

Of humble origins, she is from the Mountainside Inn,
So many places she had not been.
But finally opportunity arose…
A chance to use her bows!

She joined Rohane’s party in NeoQuest,
And put her archery skills to the test.
Like all Eyries, she battled fierce and hard
Catching all sorts of enemies off guard.

Known for accuracy when arrow is drawn,
All her aims were always spot on.
A powerful attacker, her efforts stand out,
She used her skills along the route.

A key player in Rohane’s story,
She shares in all the glory. 
So thank you Talinia for your part,
In fighting for Neopia’s heart.

Eyries are not so scary
by annikkiadepp_

Dear Eyrie, you imposing griffin
your glare makes me stiffen

I am often scared by your strong presence,
although you’re a good guy, in essence. 

How can I get over my fear
going beyond how Eyries appear?

Perhaps I will need to dig deeper,
to discover each Eyrie is a keeper

Eyries prefer brains over brawn 
as they’re smarter than they let on. 

Eyries will be your ideal companions,
following you through valleys and canyons,

Although they may seem belligerent,
they possess a lot of empathy.
They will never be inconsiderate,
using their words as weaponry. 

This portrait sure looks less scary,
I may even go out and get an Eyrie.

Today is the day to adopt your very own,
and be ready to have your mind blown!

by bittersweet52

Along their quest our heros encounter a friend
She joins the party with the strength of her bow
She vows to stay with them until the end
And follow the captain wherever he should go

Talinia is her name, commander of the ship
A fierce and loyal fighter, with speed and skill
With a bow at her back and a dagger on her hip
She leads with sage advice and strength of will

Attacks from range are how she prefers to fight
Her shockwave serves to stun the advancing foe
Next she draws her bowstring back and tight
And looses to either fell or slow

This Eyrie Day let us honour her with this ode
Our favourite character in the classic age-old game
Strive to upgrade your lookup trophy to gold
And put down your name in the halls of fame

The Emerald Eyrie Coin, So Costly
by _brainchild_

The Emerald Eyrie Coin is grand,
The finest one in all the land.
It boasts a gorgeous hue and shine---
I surely have to make it mine.

The colour, rich, enthrals me so---
It has a certain lovely glow!
The Eyrie's smile is very sweet---
The art is such a lovely treat!

However, it is oh so rare!
Undoubtedly, most wouldn't dare
To make it theirs---the cost is high.
It's pricey, and that's not a lie.

It's needed for an avatar,
Yet this reward is oh so far
Away due to extravagance
Of emerald. I have not a chance!

I hope it will be mine one day,
Yet that won't happen. Most would say
The cost exceeds their bank account.
The conflict is so paramount.

A Strange Sight
by melncholy

If you chance upon a beast
With legs but beak and wings
You may it think it strange, at least
To see such funny things

When you see its lion's tail
You may question why
You'll no doubt be perplexed
As it flies into the sky

This creature is an Eyrie
Not bird nor bug nor bear
It makes its nest on mountains high
And enjoys the tropic air

Though they are ferocious 
Fear not if you are kind
An Eyrie fights for family
And won't leave a friend behind

Next time you spot an Eyrie
Give a kind "hello"
An Eyrie is a welcome sight
In sky or land below

Branston the Eyrie
by theguy2020

Branston the eyrie always dresses fly,
When you are in his presence you'll feel shy,
He'll give you some advice if you're new,
He might even recommend something in your favourite colour blue!

Champions himself as the king of the dance floor,
When a new song plays he'll always want more,
Give him a chance so he can showcase his best move,
You'll surely see him catch his groove!

Always carries around a ton of bling,
Even of both of his wings,
Gold medallions are his style,
And he'll make sure they stay in fashion for a while!

A contestant in the game Cheat,
Don't falsely accuse him of cheating or you may be dead meat,
Prides himself for often winning,
Might as well get a matching outfit so you can be twinning!

Captain Three Legs: An Eyrie Day Tale
by honorrolle

Shiver me timbers! It’s Eyrie Day!
Time to celebrate these birds of prey.
With a peg forearm and a beak of gold,
Gather round while these stories are told.

Captain Three legs, that scurvy fellow, 
Did lose his leg with a bellow,
Shipped out on the Peophintine, 
A bit raucous the crew gets when confine.

Krawk Island grew nearer still,  
And Captain needed refreshment and fill,
Admiral Clawhammer shadows over, 
Tell of gold and treasure of trover.

The young and greedy cap’ Threelegs,
Sipped down the last of the dregs, 
Snuck into the Admiral’s room, 
And plucked the map, to his doom. 

Spelunking through the cave by map, 
Cap’ approached the unknown trap,
A beastly Krawk of epic size, 
Loudly roared a song of Cap’s demise. 

Bravely drawing sword to stand, 
He guarded his narrow strip of land, 
The fifty foot Krawk snapped his teeth, 
Cap’ decided treasure bequeath. 

A wild swing indeed he took, 
Only to be met with a mean right hook, 
The Eyrie’s forearm in the monsters mouth, 
This adventure quickly going south. 

Captain Threelegs dove through a hole, 
And needed not his crew to cajole, 
They paddled faster than any before, 
Reaching Krawk Island and boat they did moor. 

Medics called and peg arm,
Thankfully no lasting harm, 
The day will live in infamy, 
And be talked about over gin rummy. 
Whispers and tales around the gent, 
Grow wilder now in each event, 
Captain three legs just smiles and winks,
And buys the crew a round of drinks.

The Flight of the Eyrie
by clairevoiant

An Eyrie flew by
As I looked up through the clouds
Nothing but feathers

He came down from there
Fur flittering in the sun
Eyes glittering blue

With eyes like a hawk
The Eyrie watched in hiding
The leaves swayed softly

Blue peeking through green
I watched him slowly crawl back
Into the darkness

As fast as he could
He flew out of the bushes
To Neopia

The Eyrie travelled
To a Neopian fest
He wouldn’t miss it

A celebration
In honour of the Eyrie
A grand one, indeed!

Fly like an Eyrie
by loyalty_sustained

From high on the cliffs of the Terror Mountainside, 
An adventurous Eyrie takes to the skies.
Whether traversing Neopia on paw or by wing,
Up here or down there, he’ll see everything 
From the clear, arid blues above Sakhmet, 
To the Black Pawkeet Slots where you place your bets,
From the glittering walls of the Faerie City,
To the stained glass windows in Brightvale, colourful and pretty,
The Lunar Temple on the highest peak in Shenkuu
And the depths of The Lost City of Geraptiku.
Few Neopets can see quite so many things,
As an Eyrie that has both paws and wings.

Eyrie Pilot Outfit
by indulgences

The Eyrie Pilot is a pet
Of legendary skill.
It soars above the highest clouds,
Regardless of the chill!

It dips and floats so splendidly,
A wonder to behold.
Its wings are stretched to fullest length,
Adventurous and bold!

There does exist an outfit that
Is meant for Eyrie pets
That love to cruise the altitudes
Without any regrets!

It’s called the Eyrie Pilot garb,
And it’s magnificent.
It quite befits our Eyries and
Their dizzying ascents!

The Helmet features goggles that
Protect our Eyrie pets
From gusty winds and small debris…
As good as helmets get!

The Jacket is a cosy thing
That’s lined with whitest fleece.
It’s toasty and quite comfortable,
With warmth that will not cease!

And finally, we have the Scarf
That wraps around the neck.
It stays there while the Eyrie flies,
Throughout its sundry treks!

The Eyrie Pilot is a champ
Wherever it does go!
It quite deserves this stunning set
Of Eyrie Pilot clothes!

Cap'n Threelegs
by cpssgh1004

Here is a story
That isn't too gory
Of good ol Cap'n Threeleg
And how he ended up with a peg leg

Before the creation of airlines 
He was aboard the ship Peophintines
In search of a far distant land
Ahoy! They found Krawk Island

Hearing rumour of a great big treasure
He set off with Admiral Clawhammer for good measure
Travelling to find the deep, musty cave they went
And upon the entrance they began their descent 

As they travelled down the narrow walkway
Dreaming about their upcoming payday
Unnoticed on the ground were ancient remains
That may have warned him of any upcoming pains

Then in the dark was a deep ominous growl
The Krawk in the shadows was on the prowl
In the struggle Cap'n Threeleg threw a punch
Which hit directly in the Krawk's mouth and his leg was now lunch

Quickly he ran out of the beast's lair
Living to tell the tale from this scare
On this story he is very adamant
Despite rumour he actually lost it in a tombola accident

Ambduscias' Fall: The Tale of a Mutant Eyrie
by swordlilly

When Ambduscias was
a baby, high up
in the Eyrie
his elder sister pushed
him out, and down
he fell.

The cliff rushed
by. He clutched
at air.
Branches snagged
at and tore
his wings.

When he came
to, he was alone in
a tangle of thorns at the
mountain’s feet. He tried
to stand, but was weak, and cried.
Someone heard him: a faerie grey,
beautiful and faded like an old sun-ray.
She came bearing water, kind words, a soft cloth
which she pressed to his side as she fed him broth.
And in this way Ambduscias healed.
His wings stiffened; his talons steeled.
He will never again be like a normal bird,
but he will sing, and sing to be heard.

What Sorrow Doth a Lonely Captain Bear
by flufflepuff

What sorrow doth a lonely captain bear,
Alone, on vessel grand, with coffers full
And cabins empty.  Filled with grief, despair
Had rendered every triumph void and null. 

In caverns deep, the Eyrie had it all:
The Mermaid’s Tear, a loyal, loving throng.
Yet little did he know that he would fall.
A challenger would rise to right the wrong. 

An Usul pilfered Bloodhook’s newfound Tear—
Attempts to gain such treasure had a price.
A flash of colour! Heat! Erupting fear!—
And all the Eyrie had? Gone in a trice. 

Where Captain Bloodhook went, I cannot say.
Perhaps he's sailing crewless to this day.

Lord Kass Glory
by swatle

Lord Kass took over Citadel
King Skarl magical spell has worn off
Too coldly on his throne afar,
Set a spirit on a star.
The most powerful Eyrie
Now the Ruler of Darigan
Wrote the idle world's vengeance;
When an evil step they wandered
Through every valley Darigan,
Dark was that region with that town,
Where all was mad with a lonely night.
Strange was the night with no matter;
The lightning fell like wind in snow.
With a black mane and red eyes,
Black with the quiet of his soul.
Behind him in the mystic town
With grace of the greatest wings
That Neopia could see.
Grace with regal armour
Bringing the darkness to the city
Dark with the glory of the night!
Going through every light
Until the shadows rise
You will see the true reward
With the hass of the Lord Kass

Eyrie glory
by table

Eyries just love being in the centre of attention
They want to be the name for everyone to mention
Branston the Eyrie is the proof of this
He is the master of the dance floor, something you can’t miss

He has parties in his Neohome every night
Dancing with all might
He even plays Cheat for the medals and fame
For him, attention is more than a game

He thinks is the most handsome Eyrie, simply the best
Whoever he talks to, should feel blessed
Neopia should feel gifted by his existence
But frankly, I rather keep his ego at a distance

Did I tell you his Neohome is covered in mirrors so he can look at his reflection?
He wants everyone to feel some affection
I would like to believe not all Eyries are the same
Not every Eyrie is out there for fame!

Some are more humble and shy
And simply like to fly up high
A quiet evening with Eyrie friends
Not looking at each others fame through a lens

Love your Eyries dearly
But please don’t let them be like Branston, clearly!
Because we don’t need to have a big Eyrie fight for fame
After all … this is just a game!

Branston the Eyrie
by beckykbrooks

Lord of the Dance Floor,
he is ever so proud.
His fans flock around him,
there is always a crowd!

His door always open,
the music quite loud.
The disco ball spinning,
his guests are all wowed.

He takes to the dance floor,
just slides right on in.
His friends are all watching,
so he shoots them a grin.

A little self-centered,
some would even say vain.
Strutting his stuff,
and yet no one complains.

Some may not like him,
but the fact still remains.
Branston the Eyrie,
is not going to change!

Happy Eyrie Day!!

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