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Neopets Poems

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Xweetok Day Special

Hooray It's Xweetok Day
by anotherblond07

Today is the day to celebrate,
our beloved forest dwelling creature.
so please let me elaborate,
and let's dive into the Xweetok lore deeper

Quick, agile and eager to be chased
they make you run around in a blur
and once it's in your arms, embraced
you can feel their softer than soft fur

They make their homes in a tree
nice and cosy, all bundled up 
I believe we can all agree
we can not stop loving this pup

Xweetoks can be painted in all kinds of colours, 
Baby, Striped, Darigan or Desert
the choices are endless with lots to discover 
and the island brush even gives them a grass skirt!

Discovered twelve years ago,
November 29th is their day in the sun
so let us enjoy the show
and play some tag and have some fun!

The Amateur Insider
by cpssgh1004

A rather mysterious Xweetok,
With stripes and a silky, purple mane.
She wears a long black frock,
And is capable of causing great pain.

Belonging to a secret society,
Known only as The Sway.
She moves in the shadows quietly,
Emerging only in the fray.

You might be tempted to feel her soft Xweetok fur,
But get too close and you'll quickly find,
In the Battledome she is no amateur,
And will leave you in an unconscious state of mind.

Her name is a mystery,
Unknown to any outsider.
She will go down in history,
Known only as the Amateur Insider.

Behind the Frosting
by precious_katuch14

With a mane of cream
And inquisitive eyes,
The Chocolate Xweetok
Is quite the sweet surprise.

Chocolate brown fur,
In gradient shades,
But unlike melting chocolate
Such beauty never fades.

Tales are always told,
About the Chocolate Xweetok.
Where they come from,
Where they walk.

Tales behind the frosting,
Behind those bright eyes,
All things bitter
And all things nice.

Tales of the Rainbow Fountain,
Where they got their start,
And how they turned their manes
Into works of art.

Tales all compiled,
Into a little tome,
Topped with whipped cream
Its origins unknown.

The Skunk Xweetok
by darkhound45

There was a Xweetok painted Skunk.
He was certainly in quite the funk.
He was not fond of how he was painted.
He thought his fur had simply been tainted.

All he wanted was a different look.
Then he remembered what he read in a book.
There’s a Xweetok statue in the park.
It is said to have a magical mark.

If a deserving pet would touch the mark,
It would come to life with a great spark.
It would help him more than his favourite dish.
If he was worthy, it would grant him a wish.

To the park he quickly ran.
He was running faster than any van.
When he got there he heard a sound,
Which quickly caused him to make a frown.

Some pets had gathered and started to laugh.
“Look! He smells and needs a bath!”
He couldn’t believe what he had seen.
There was no reason to be so mean.

He then realized he had arrived.
He was at the statue so he took a dive.
He touched the mark with one of his toes.
“My beautiful friend what should I bestow?”

The statue was alive, but he was shocked.
It called him beautiful. Then he had a thought.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment quite a while,
But I’m happy who I am,” he said with a smile.

Xweetok Day
by agedbeauty

It's Xweetok Day so,
Let's dance with joy and glee,
Because I can truly say
All Xweetok's are great, I guarantee!

For there's nothing quite so cute
As a Baby Xwee, 
But the Faeries Xwees are lovely,
As you can plainly see!

And Xwees have more colours,
Cute Biscuit, lovely Glowing,
Royal, Eventide, and Stealthy - 
Your options are overflowing!

And we have Xweetok heros too,
Sela Pretorre plays Yooyu Ball!
So does Palia Alback, while
Lillian Fairweather had adventures big and small!

Let's not forget our villains,
For Xandra gave us quite the fright!
(Though every now and then, 
A RE will tell you - Xandra was right!)

But even with a villain, 
Xweetoks are really great!
So on this Xweetok Day -
Let's have fun and celebrate!

The Travelling Xweetok
by ennyra

Of all the days of the year,
Today's the one it's gotta be.
I'm gonna be brave,
I need to be free!

My name is Zane,
And I've always stayed in the forest.
I've never ventured outside,
But now I want to be put to the test.

I've heard of great places,
In Neopia far and wide.
Now I'm gonna go see them,
I'm gonna find my stride.

Where should I go?
I want to see it all.
From Kiko Lake deep,
To Terror Mountain tall.

I guess I'll start,
Where they're having so much fun.
For Xweetok Day of course,
And I'll be there with everyone!

Faerie Xweetoks
by kellyclark1115

Flying through the forest,
dodging leaves and trees,
is the beautiful faerie Xweetok,
soaring as light as the breeze.

Light blue wings ablur, 
brown fur streaked with blue,
these pets love to play tag,
will you join them too?

When they finally tire, 
they nap in the branches.
Soon they will wake,
and do funny little dances.

With a mischievous glint in their eyes,
and turquoise ruff fluffed up,
you can bet a Faerie Xweetok 
is as lively as a young pup!

Sweet Talk for Xweetoks
by ayakae

My, dear Xweetok, what pretty eyes you have
They’re so big and pretty and sparkling!
They’re the windows to your kindhearted soul
Indeed, your Xweetok eyes are truly dazzling

And let’s not forget your facial features
They complement your pretty eyes
Your nose is as cute as a little button
And your ears are of gigantic size!

And my, dear Xweetok, what a gorgeous ruff
It’s made of the softest, most luxurious fur!
I promise I’ll be gentle with my hands as I pet it
So I can hear your satisfied, soothing purr

What about that long, thick mane, eh?
It runs down all the way to your back!
As you run and jump and play around
Its elegance stops me in my tracks!

I just love to make sweet talk about Xweetoks
As there’s just so many things to love
From their playful nature to their cute looks
Of Xweetoks I just can’t get enough of!

So come share the things you love the most
About Xweetoks on their very special day
They deserve extra love and attention
Sweet talk to Xweetoks we should all say!

A Faerie Xweetok
by _cherry_kisses_

A Faerie Xweetok loves to play
and flit through flower fields every day.

She’ll dance on the tips of her little toes
and sing with a voice soft as a rose.

Her wings will shimmer in the sun
all colours of the rainbow—every one.

She looks for treasures only she can find,
her Petpet hopping close behind.

She’ll spin and twirl with all her friends,
hoping the day never ends.

Together they’ll much on Faerie Bubbles
and dream away any troubles.

When the light begins to fade away,
she’ll wave goodbye to the friendly Fae.

As the sun sinks lower in the sky,
back to her cosy home she’ll fly.

At night inside a flower, she’ll rest.
A Faerie Xweetok is the very best!

The Amateur Insider
by natashabelx

Many a tale was told,
About a Striped Xweetok with purple hair,
Shrouded in mystery,
No one could compare,

A bag around her shoulders,
Wearing a midnight-coloured dress,
Mannerisms of a lady,
Her presence bound to impress,

A member of a fabled society,
Only known as The Sway,
In possession of a great deal of power,
Their numbers and aims only hearsay,

To some a familiar face,
Her name remains unrevealed,
Up until the very end,
A figure with no name on the battlefield.

Xandra the Mighty
by theguy2020

Having had a lot of power,
It’s important not to upset her or things may get sour,
Xandra was truly feared,
Anyone who doesn’t think so is probably weird!

To attempt to take over Neopia she used a ruse,
Luckily some were able to foil her plans by looking for clues,
These heroes saved the day,
Without them she would be here to stay!

She was behind turning faeries into stone,
Even the kindest ones she did not leave alone,
She needed to get rid of the faeries to further her plans,
Luckily Fyora and friends had many fans!

Her strongest ability may have been her magic,
But that might have backfired as her ending was tragic,
In the future she will be freed,
Hopefully this time to do a good deed!

An Xweetok at the Faerieland Employment Agency
by i_lovee_icecream

Xweetok, tok, tok, tok, tok, tok;
Faerieland have me work, work, work, work, work, work. 
Tossin’ job coupons, pons, pons, pons, pons, pons;
They put me to work, work, work, work, work, work.
Whatchu gon' earn, earn, earn, earn, earn, earn?
Got dirt under my claws, claws, claws, claws, claws, claws. 

Stripe, a ribbon down my back;
Work so hard, ready to attack. 
Xweetok with the ears, Xweetok with the claws;
I’ve got the prettiest, prettiest paws. 
I’m a queen, call me righteous;
I’ll rescue you out of a crisis. 
I work for the employment agency, adoration;
They took my heart and my keys and my patience.
I put my heart on my sleeve for decoration,
Loyal to the faeries in the faerie nation. 
All that I wanted from you was to give me,
Something that I never had. 
Powers that I’ve never seen,
Something that I’ve never been, mmm.
But I wake up still a Neopet. 

Xweetok, tok, tok, tok, tok, tok;
Faerieland have me work, work, work, work, work, work. 
Tossin’ job coupons, pons, pons, pons, pons, pons;
They put me to work, work, work, work, work, work.
Whatchu gon' earn, earn, earn, earn, earn, earn?
Got dirt under my claws, claws, claws, claws, claws, claws. 

Xweetok, tok, tok, tok, tok, tok;
Faerieland have me work, work, work, work, work, work. 
Tossin’ job coupons, pons, pons, pons, pons, pons;
They put me to work, work, work, work, work, work.
Whatchu gon' earn, earn, earn, earn, earn, earn?
Got dirt under my claws, claws, claws, claws, claws, claws.

It's Xweetok Day!
by bittersweet52

It's Xweetok Day! A time for fun
A celebration for everyone
Whether you scamper or fly
Are elderly or spry
Come join us on our special day

If you're a Xweetok, grab a snack!
Go to the Academy and train your Attack
It's free today, for Xweetoks all
And there are Fizzy Drinks at that stall
Free food? Hip hip hooray!

If a Xweetok is your friend, that's great!
Grab a Xweetok Veggie Crepe
Sit and watch the entertainment
Dancers, singers, free of payment
What do you say?

In this month where we gather and Store
Take a break from the seasonal chore
On the twenty-ninth we'll celebrate
With all our family and all our mates
Every year on this fine day
It's Xweetok Day!

An Ode to Xweetok
by snivyluver

Oh Xweetok, how lovely you are.

As you are nimble, you are quick.
Quick as is, and as light as a leaf,
through the forest of which you seek. 
Seems it's an endless chase,
But you love the grace.

Your fur is soft, and warm,
like the hugs you give others.
There's so much to mention - but also not enough.

Water is a no-go with you,
as you keep yourself maintained.
Haircuts and nail appointments are gone.
We don't want to see you get hurt, 
so we'll skip those trips.

The claws you wield, help us see we're healed.
Even in the field - it's all you.
The ears are the most easiest,
so it'll be the most breeziest.

No pet can compare to Xweetok,
as there's no pet like Xweetok. 

Oh Xweetok.

Xweetok Day: Xandra's Destruction of Faerieland
by honorrolle

An electric shimmer bolts across the sky as the magical tension quivers the very air of Faerieland. 
Picturesque plants around the city's outer edge seem to lose pigment as the tremor continues. 
Radiant though the castle is, the magic seems to seep out of the very stones that Fyora painstakingly maintains. 
A single fiery cornerstone of the palace rockets across a foreboding violet sky like a violent candle in the night.

As if sensing her time had come, a lone figure, speckled fur and darkly dressed saunters on the edge of Faerieland. 
Lifting her arms with careful precision, blazing fire erupts around the quiet city, no long on the brink,
Relishing the blaze as if long awaited, her silhouette is seen as the floating city hurdles to the ground. 
Xandra, rich with power and ready for dark consumption, twirls as if listening to a haunting melody of destruction fuels her. 

Ashen clouds sick with smoke and cheerful purple turned poisonous amethyst as the Faerie’s home crashes to the earth. 
Neopia stands in awe of the desolation that one lone Xweetok dealt to the Queen of all Faerie that day. 
Cape whistling around her as she deeply inhales the magma vapours in the air, Xandra sees her life’s mission set into place…
Destruction of Faerieland has begun.

The Flower Picking Xweetok Gnome: Fragrant and Magical
by _brainchild_

The Flower Picking Xweetok Gnome
Looks great in any Neohome!
His personality is mellow---
I sure love this little fellow.

Sitting down under the sun,
This Xweetok friend is loads of fun!
His beard, so long, shall mystify
With charm you surely can't deny.

The flower is so fragrant. Hue
Quite rosy lifts up moods so blue.
Aroma, floral, shall entice!
I find this blossom very nice.

So, if you seek a friend of scent
And magic, time will be well-spent
With this entrancing Xweetok gnome---
Amongst the flowers he will roam.

The Playful Xweetok
by lovelylittledreamer

Xweetoks are free to roam the forests,
Running past the trees,
They laugh,
And play,
And jump,
While their paws crunch on the freshly fallen leaves,

They will play their games for hours on end,
Because once one has lost,
They demand to play again,

And when the light has finally faded for the day,
The Xweetoks find a cosy place to stay,
Some live in hollow trunks,
Of old trees,
And some simply burrow or sleep in thick roots,
Especially in the winter,
So that they will not freeze,

But you don’t have to live in a tree,
or a in thick root,
to have a special xweetok friend,
you just need to love to play,
and possibly some berries or some fruit.

The Sad Story of Xandra
by erroro

How did the prized student of Queen Fyora,
Like a gem perched high upon her crown,
Became the pet who sought to destroy her,
And brought Faerieland crashing to the ground? 

Fyora took her under her wing,
Her little Xweetok, speckled. 
Teal hair in meticulous braids,
Violet eyes, always bespectacled. 

The Faerie Queen taught her magic,
But Xandra always wanted more. 
She wanted to change Neopia,
Make it better than it was before. 

She cried that Fyora had never listened,
Never gave her that time of day. 
So, she took matters into her own two paws,
She saw no other way. 

Xandra spent her days scheming,
Using an artefact she had found,
She would petrify the faeries,
And bring Faerieland to the ground. 

That Xweetok, eyes brimming with rage,
Glasses long lost in the fire,
Faerieland’s rubble burning around,
Her home lit upon the pyre.

Xweetok Poem
by littlegaytroll

A Xweetok is a fluffy pet -
about as fluffy as they get!
I brush my Xweetok every day
but still, her fur gets in the way!

My Xweetok likes to climb on trees
and tangle up her fur with leaves;
I brush away the dirt and grime
but then, she goes right back to climb!

It seems, no matter how I try,
my Xweetok sheds. I don't know why!
Perhaps she needs a special brush
to help her coat stay clean and lush.

I welcome any pet advice,
as long as you keep it concise;
because this fluffy little pet
is much too cute to cause such fret!

So, if you have a Xweetok,
I suggest that you and me talk -
'cause this pet is very fluffy,
but her furballs are a toughie!

The Tyrannian Xweetok! - Happy Xweetok Day!
by annabethstwin

They may look terrifying,
But they are extremely loving,
Their long fangs may make you fearful,
But they are very peaceful,
Toward their loved ones,
But don’t insult them or else you will atone,
These furry beasts are cuddle bugs,
So give them lots and lots of hugs,
They are lots of fun,
And weigh a ton,
They love to sun themselves,
And they like to sleep on shelves,
Their good companions,
So go find one up for adoption!

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