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Neopets Poems

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Buzz Day Special

Zoom Zoom, It's Buzz Day!
by anotherblond07

Three hooray's for this species of Neopet:
because they sure are vehemence!
Today is Buzz day so let's hear that cheer,
and listen with a careful ear.

The Buzz is known for their keen eyesight,
which is quite useful in their flight.
As they are aerobatic masters,
the Buzz never suffers from aerial disasters.

Known for their cleanliness: their coat is spotless,
while they zoom around they'll never be found a mess.
I promise you they smell like roses, 
a true delight for the sense of our noses!

With their love for wild berries and fruits,
they greedily slurp down their delicious juice. 
Although it can come at the inconvenience of some farmers,
but they can't stay mad for too long as Buzz's are quite the charmers

So remember today is your day to whizz and zoom,
spruce yourself up with some perfume;
and celebrate with some berries and aerial fuzz.
Congratulations to the Buzz!

Baby Buzz Picture Day
by kellyclark1115

Come here for a moment please,
it's Baby Buzz picture day!
Everyone hurry and line up,
then you can go back and play.

All you little babies,
so wriggly and cute.
Anyone hungry for a snack?
How about a piece of fruit?

Now look over there,
see the camera man?
Say cheese and smile!
Ah, all according to plan.

Oh no, we missed a Buzz!
Everyone come back!
If you all behave,
I'll give you an extra snack.

Click! We're all done!
All your parents will be happy,
as they look at all these
Baby Buzzes sitting in a tree.

The BEST BUZZ Around!
by jaden90610

The Festival of Buzz is finally here!
It's buzz-iest day of the entire year!
But that doesn't really matter because
the best Buzz is right here!

Who is that you ask?

It's my Buzz you know!
My Buzz can out fight, and out fly all the rest!
You say I must be joking, but this isn't in jest,
I truly believe my Buzz is the best!

With a sleak long tail and wings that flutter,
"That Buzz is the coolest!" is what they all mutter!
There's no need to be jealous, no need to fear,
because maybe, just maybe, YOUR Buzz could be the best next year!

Frieda the Flightless Buzz
by iloenchen

When Frieda was little still
Everyone told her to chill.
It wasn't easy to fly
But soon, she'd soar into the sky.

Except that day never came
And nobody knew who to blame.
A Buzz should be able to fly
Why couldn't she, why?

Frieda felt like an outcast
She hated it when somebody asked
Whenever she walked by
Because she just couldn't fly.

She tried flapping her wings
But they were just useless things
Until one day, it all changed
And a miracle was arranged.

A secret, Frieda kept it well
Never told anyone about the spell.
Some say it was a faerie's work
Others, not flying was just a quirk.

The truth, do you want to know
What really happened here though?
Then pick up 'A Buzz Faerie Tale'
You can even order it by mail!

Written By A Buzz
by _forever__unbroken_

I flit past windows and fly on by
Whizz right past in the blink of an eye
Who am I? 
Buzz - a really great guy

I can’t believe others think I’m mean
When friendly is always what I’m being
It must be the way that I look
By the cover, you should never judge a book

Wild berries and fruit are my favourite
If you have some, I’ll be your bestest friend
Tigersquash fruit is a delicacy
It’s a perfect feast for you and me

I look very much like an insectoid 
But I hope I’ve become your favourite boy
Because I cherish our friendship so much
I hope you like this poem written by a Buzz

Buzzin' About Buzz
by treblesome

Buzz, its scales never in disarray, 
Two legs and four translucent wings on display, 
Spikes along its head and spine, 
Tail thick and round at its tip- divine! 

On the Twenty-Fourth Day of Swimming in Year Two, 
Mutations strange caused a buzz anew.
From the Fleye species it came to be.
With miraculous changes nobody expected to see. 

Pupil-less eyes on either side.
Medium-sized, fast in the sky. 
Many famous Neopians call themselves Buzz.
So take the time to see about all the fuss!

From Lampwyck and his light,
To Defender Brexis who'll fight,
to the Foreman and his Hungry Skeith,
And Kep Bonnefie, who can't be beat!

Loves Tigersquash and other sugary treats, 
Agile in the air, its flights are a feat! 
Though changes and mutations in its past, 
This beloved Neopet will always last.

The One and Only Buzz
by cinnabonski

From the northern plateau 
To the southernmost isle
Farmers all know
Of a scourge most vile

While storms are a burden
And droughts can be hard
Tis a menace unrivalled
When you’re dealt this card

A hum on the wind
Belies its approach
A cloud in the distance
Begins to encroach

Deafening the thrum
As the mass draws near
All hope is now lost
To a grower’s greatest fear

Though normally quite kind
More concerned with their look
When hunger arises
They’re not one to cook

Keen our their eyes
They’re masters of flight
Neither veggies nor fruit
Are safe from their sight

Tried dirt and foul odours
To keep them at bay
Sadly neither did work
To my great dismay

So I’ve given right up
I’ve accepted my fate
My crop will be shared
I harbour no hate

They’re really quite cute
And they make a fine pet
So adopt one today
Maybe make it a set

What is this conundrum? 
Perplexing in what it does
Tis stealer of Tigersquash
The one and only Buzz

Chef Boggles the Buzz
by cpssgh1004

Chef Boggles is a Buzz with a knack,
For preparing your all time favourite snack.
Using his wings he hovers above the ground,
And cooks with precision and speed for which he is world renowned.

Darting from station to station,
As he prepares his next creation.
Is it chicken? beef? Perhaps, crustacean?
Ah... it was from the sea where he drew inspiration.

A sauce with delicate flavours he marries,
Made with tarragon, balsamic and a variety of berries.
Whipped and blended till it's light and airy,
Emulsified and creamy despite it being non-dairy.

To cook the lobster he takes a skillful approach,
Instead of a grill he decides to poach.
Lobster so tender, it brings tears to the eyes,
In Chef Boggles' Berry Lobster Surprise.

Wondering how you can recreate the same?
All you need is his book Chef Boggles, with all the recipes for you to tame!

The Buzz's Fountain
by corrina404

On the outskirts of Faerieland,
There is a place so grand,
Where the Fountain faerie hides,
A place with water but no tides.

Complete her quest to make it work,
For you to use this perk,
For Buzz this is a special place,
A popular spot to choose a base.

The fountain sparkles like a jewel,
But before entering the pool,
Pick a colour for you Buzz,
A joy awaits you, it does.

Transparent, Biscuit, or Snow,
Plushie, Faerie, or Shadow,
So many colours a buzz can be,
The options fill you up with glee.

Magic waters paint your pet,
A new colour is now set,
Your Buzz looks like a star,
And you have a new avatar!

So what to do with your FFQ?
There’s only one thing in our view,
Make your Buzz say hooray,
And paint them on Buzz day!

by inland

There’s something ringing in my ear
A high, persistent hum
The tell-tale sign a Buzz is near
Where did he come from?

I want to catch the little guy 
To place him back outside
But whenever I turn my head
He finds a place to hide 

I should not have left the fruit out 
Perhaps that lured him in 
Apples, bananas rotten-
I throw them in the bin

With no more food to get at
Surely now, he’ll go
But thirty minutes later, there’s
That sound again, oh no

Swatting at him does not work 
It makes him very mad
Incoherent shouting seems 
To irritate the lad

Devoid of options, desperately 
I decide to simply ask
If he would kindly leave me be-
A very easy task!

Like magic, the Buzz is gone
Who would have ever guessed?
Honey over vinegar was
The answer to my quest

A Neopian Hero
by helpstamp

What's this green muck!??
Oh no! It's Meuka!
RUNNN!! before he catches you!
And covers you in his sticky yucky mucus

He's after us!
He'll catch us!
Someone! Anyone!
Please help us!!

What's that sound??
The faint buzzing is getting louder. 
All the Neopians stop and stare in confusion. 

They look from tree to sky
And from cloud to cloud
Trying to place the sound. 
"THERE!" Someone shouts pointing at plume of clouds. 
"It's Sergeant Brexis!" Another shouted.

With his wings glistening in the sun!
He flew straight and true. 
His eyes narrowed 
And a smirk appeared on his face when he spotted the Meuka.
Fiercely landing in between the Neopians and the snotty fiend. 
He bravely declares
"Do not worry dear Neopians."
And launched into an attack. 

Everyone watched 
As the mighty defender fought off Meuka.
Taking shelter behind anything they can, 
They intently watched, 
Cheering the Sergeant on,
And dodging any stray mucus.
They took shelter and waited for the battle to end. 

Suddenly, all was quiet, 
"Is it over?" Someone pondered
A curious Neopian stuck their head out to peak.
There he was!
Sergeant Brexis, 
Standing victorious over a defeated Mueka.

He faced the stunned onlookers.
"I'm gonna need some help cleaning up this mucus" the Sergeant said 
And broke into a smile! 
Everyone came out of their hiding spots
And erupted into a loud cheer.
"Thank you Sergeant Brexis!"

Funny Festival of Buzz
by ratatoule33

It's time for the Festival of Buzz,
And being funny is a must, must, must.
But how does one go about being amusing,
At this festive, Neopet-filled occasion?

First, start with a smile and a laugh,
And be sure to not take things too serious or daft.
Next, try telling a joke or two,
But make sure they're fresh and not overly blue.

You can also try some silly antics,
Like wiggling your Petpets or doing some funny pranks.
Or you could tell a story with a twist,
Like the one about the flying Neopet who couldn't resist

Buzzes flying into a tree and getting stuck,
Leaving all the other Neopets out of luck.
They had to use a ladder to get him down,
And the poor Neopet ended up with a funny frown.

At the Festival of Buzz,
Being funny is a must.
Just let your silly side shine,
And you'll have a great time!

Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic
by bittersweet52

Deep underground 'neath the land that most know
Is a mysterious city with a dull red glow
Among the buildings of metal and rock
There's a Buzz with a shop who works 'round the clock
To provide illumination to all who may need
The glow of a lantern to perform a deed

Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic it is named
This shop which has earned high Moltaran fame
Come visit and see all the visual delights
Powered by lava or steam or all different types
When you stop by in fact he may be sold out
But don't you worry, there's no need to pout

Have a chat with old Lampwyck as he bustles around
The shelves he'll restock with a leap and a bound
Soon he'll be ready to sell you a light
He'll help choose the one that will fit you just right
May your lamp help you brighten your mind and your space
To you best wishes for a bright Buzz Day!

A Mutant Buzz Day
by sqwigglie

Desmo is a Mutant Buzz
The cutest mutant there ever was!
Some might think he looks a little scary
But I promise there's no reason to be wary!

He enjoys eating all the sweet treats
Tigersquash is some of his favourite eats
He eats it with such delight
But with his small mouth, it may take all night

And when he's done he's ready to fly
His beautiful wings take him so very high
But with all this flying he starts to tire
So he heads to the Neolodge for the night to retire

Snuggled all warm in his bed
The day's adventures play in his head
And as he smiles just because
He whispers, "It's so much fun to be a Buzz!"

Kep The Unbreakable Buzz
by overlordprime

I stare into the mirror
Red eyes and sharp teeth
My wings slightly flap
I won’t allow the nerves to get me

Buzz’s aren’t known for our strength
So the crowd always doubts my abilities
Yet here I am apart of the winning team
Always further proving my viability

I suit up in my gear
Ready to take on any opponent
My adrenaline takes over
Fueling me to be ready at any moment

My teammates come in
“Kep, are you ready?”
They say with a slight smirk
I smirk back in the mirror, my mind no longer heavy

I stand to leave
But turn to look at my reflection once more
I am a member of the Darigan Citadel team
And nothing can break my core

Buzz Huzzah! It's Buzz Day!
by honorrolle

Keen eyesight and aerobatic skills,
Soaring through the air, zooming thrills,
Don’t let their small size fool you, 
These speedy pets pack a punch too!

Also known as Buzz of danger, 
Sergeant Brexis feels his anger, 
Growing with the creeping threat, 
Of Meuka snotting his Neopet. 

Red yellow and grey suit in tow, 
The Defender of Neopia is anything but slow, 
Flying to and fro protecting, 
Neopets from threats detecting.

Buzz Foreman of Hungry Skeith game, 
Uses his eyesight to refine his aim, 
Sorting jelly- a top priority, 
So he doesn’t have to hear Skeith’s sonority.

Four avatars are available now, 
With buzz to make your post a “wow!”
Baby Buzz, maraquan, default and fountain quest, 
Displayed to look your Neopian best. 

Buzz day is here, time to party, 
Set up the cake, with berries hearty, 
Let’s all enjoy this time of the year, 
With lots of buzz huzzah and lots of cheer!

Sergeant Brexis
by theguy2020

Always ready for a battle,
His enemies he always rattle,
Protecting the innocent is what he does,
That's why he's one of everyone's favourite Buzz!

Defending Neopia is what he is best at,
Despite this he isn't even afraid of a bat,
Throughout his body he is painted green,
Don't be a criminal in Neopia or he'll be quite mean!

Danger Buzz was his old name,
Defenders of Neopia was his claim to fame,
Rising the ranks over the years,
Now he's second in command so everyone cheers!

A position that was truly well deserved,
As he is always helping justice be served,
The bad guys know they are in trouble when he's around,
They dash as soon as they can hear him make a sound!

The Buzzes' Commitment
by rurirawr

The morning rays illuminate vast fields.
Lavenders and snap dragons rise taller,
Ready for harvest with plentiful yields.
Buzz swarms never for a moment falter,
As they briskly plough through the long day ahead.

The breeze carries the worker Buzzes' lulled hums, 
And the faint musky scent of nectar, 
Stored in honeycombs where it soon becomes, 
The famed Buzz honey Neopians are after:
A perfect spread for freshly baked bread! 

But this evening holds a special surprise. 
Music blares as party streamers are hung, 
Its colours vibrant against the dusky skies. 
Many Buzzes join in as the night is still young,
Feasting on all kinds of tropical fruits. 

They toast to a prosperous new year,
Vowing to keep doing what they do best.
Through thick and thin they will persevere, 
Making the best honey is their unending quest. 
They will never stray away from their roots.

Little Timmy and the Buzz Day
by chrallotia

Once upon a time, in a land far away
There was a special day, called Buzz Day
All the Neopets, big and small
Gathered together, to have a ball

There was music and dancing, and games galore
Everyone was happy, and wanting more
But little Timmy, a Buzz like you
Was feeling left out, and feeling so blue

You see, Timmy was different, from all the rest
He wasn't as quick, as all the best
So on Buzz Day, he sat on the sidelines
Feeling left out, and full of pride

But little did Timmy know, a surprise was in store
For all the Neopets, who came to explore
The joys of Buzz Day, and all its cheer
For Timmy was special, in his own way, so dear

Timmy had a heart, of gold
He was kind and caring, and always so bold
So when all the Neopets, came to cheer
Timmy was crowned, the Buzz Day Peer

The moral of the story, my dear little friend
Is that it doesn't matter, how quick you can bend
For it's not about speed, or agility or grace
It's about the love, and the kindness you embrace

On Buzz Day, and every single day
Remember to be kind, in your own special way
For that is what truly matters, in the end
A heart of gold, is a true treasure to defend

Ze Buzz, Ze Best
by niddyz

Zip, zap, and zoom, because today’s that day
We celebrate with a zillion Buzz Gourmet!

Maybe that’s too zany—it’d make a book zoo—
But for the bronzy Buzz nothing else will do

Except perhaps the zigzagging smear
Of zingy zippy honeypots to last all year!

Watch Kep and Osielle unzip the Yooyu zones
Or gaze in a daze at Lampwyck’s lamps’ glow,

Move the oozy jellies like precious topaz
And dazzle that Hungry Skeith’s ads—

No, that’s Advert Attack; everything’s all hazy
And gauzy and glitzy and Buzz-y and mazy!

So when it’s all done, go catch you some z’s;
Nuzzle your sweet Buzz in all the warm fuzzies,

But never forget the jazzy whizzing Buzz:
From A to Z, they’re the best there ever was!

Happy Buzz Day!
by jairinhos

Buzz Day is here, oh what cheer!
A day to celebrate our Buzz, neat!
For Buzz, our pet, is quick on his feet
He'll beat any challenger, oh so sweet

On Buzz Day, we sing and we dance
For Buzz is the most agile in Neopia, no chance
He'll dart and he'll weave, with ease and with grace
Leaving all his foes in second place

Let's raise a glass, on this special day
To our Buzz, the most agile in every single way
He may be small, but he's mighty and strong
On Buzz Day, his victory song is never done

So here's to Buzz, so nimble and quick
He'll outmanoeuvre any opponent, so slick
On Buzz Day, we honor and we praise
Our fastest Neopet, throughout all our days

Let the celebrations begin
Buzz Day is here, let the fun commence
For our Buzz, so agile and true
On Buzz Day, we honour and renew
Our love and our admiration, for all he can do!

Late Christmas Buzz Day
by haidenr

When it comes to choosing a colour to paint your Buzz,
There's no choice that can compare to Christmas, it's the best one.

Sure, Disco and Green and Rainbow are all fine,
But they don't quite capture the joy and cheer,
That Christmas brings, with its red and green shine,
It's the perfect colour for Buzz Day, year after year.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "But wait, Christmas is over!"
Yes, that may be true, but that doesn't matter,
For Christmas is a state, a spirit, a feeling of cheer,
And that's something that can last forever, no need to chatter.

Don't be afraid to paint your Buzz Christmas,
Even though the holiday has passed,
For it's the perfect colour to bring cheer and bliss,
On Buzz Day, a day meant to last.

So go ahead and paint your Buzz,
And join in the celebration and joy,
I’m sure he likes this colour, yes he does!
On this special day, oh boy!

The Blue and The Red
by santluisao

There was a Red Buzz,
Who was always in a hurry,
He'd buzz around Neopia,
In a bit of a flurry.

But oh how clumsy he was,
He'd bump into things, and then some,
He'd accidentally offend,
Other Neopets, it was quite sad.

But never fear,
For the Blue Buzz was near,
He'd fix the Red Buzz's mistakes,
And calm the Neopets' fears.

The Red Buzz and the Blue Buzz,
They were a funny pair,
Buzzing around Neopia,
Together, without a care.

The Red Buzz was always stumbling,
While the Blue Buzz flew with ease,
But no matter what happened,
They always managed to please.

You shall see a Red Buzz,
Buzzing around in a daze,
Don't worry, the Blue Buzz,
Will always be there to fix the craze.

Buzzin’ to Be Loved
by snuggle_33

A Kacheek plays games with its owner,
And an Aisha gets dressed to the nines.
The Buzz standing alone in the corner
Wonders, “When’ll I catch someone’s eye?”

To many Neopians, they’re creepy and crawly,
With spiky chins and big staring eyes.
But their personalities are actually quite jolly,
Underneath their insect disguise!

A Buzz leaves the pound, then travels afar,
And gets painted a magical colour.
But it was all to collect an avatar — 
It’ll be sent back to the pound with the others.

What some may overlook at first glance
Is how swiftly Buzzes soar in the sky!
Their wings do a whirling dance
As they flutter through the clouds up high.

The Baby Buzz, a green larva so small,
Would melt even the crankiest hearts.
On your lap, let it curl in a ball,
and no one could ever keep you apart.

So for the Festival of Buzz, a day that is merry,
Consider adopting your own!
Feed your Buzz lots of fruits and berries,
And give it a loving home.

Buzz Festival
by cassanthia

Buzz buzz buzz around the meadow
Grabbing fruits and pollinating flowers
Zipping around up and down
This Festival will be so dang fun!

Meeting my friends around the market
Buzzes of excitement filling the air
Games and stalls with prizes galore
Selling fruits honey to the people around us

Buzz's have a knack for partying
From Dawn until dusk the air
is filled with confetti here and there
Zooming around maypoles and activities

We are Buzz's, and this is the best 
festival you'll see all year
Which is a shame, since it's only
Eleven days in!

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