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Neopets Poems

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Gnorbu Day Special

A Day for the Gnorbus!
by helpstamp

The time has come again!
Once a year, in the month of sleeping,
All the Gnorbus gather together.
They smile gleefully to each other,
Sharing stories of their festivities,
And recant tales from their recent adventures.

They giggle, laugh, and sing
While brushing the wool away from their eyes
And being careful to not tangle their wools together.
They merrily chatter and dance.
Carefully moving as to not to get anything stuck in their wool.

The parlour’s door swings open,
A silence falls upon the crowd.
All heads turn and all ears perk up
As a freshly sheared green Gnorbu walks out,
With no wool over her eyes
And no extra wool weighing down her body,
She spins and lands a pose with a massive smile on her face!
The crowd erupts in a cheer!

Coming to a silence only when the groomer stepped out.
All heads turned to face him.
“Next!” yells the groomer, and checks his list. 
Each Gnorbu shush each other to hear what he has to say.

“Number 231! You’re up!”
A Red Gnorbu waves a ticket
And shouts out “Oooo!! That’s me!”
And joyfully makes her way to the front.
She enters the salon,
And the crowd returns to their festivities;
Smiling, dancing, and chatting.
As each Gnorbu eagerly awaits their turn,
They wish each other a
Happy Gnorbu Day!

Try Again Tomorrow
by cinnabonski

Deep in the woods
Passed Wanderers Camp
Dark was my path
The only light from my lamp

Farther I stumbled
Containing my fright
When out of the gloom
Arose such a sight

From out of the mist
A spectral town loomed
In an instant I froze
I thought I was doomed

Was I in grave danger
Was I in great peril
Did someone just yell
Step up the to the barrel

Perplexed I strolled on
Fear gone is a flash
Another strange sound
Did water just splash

Rounding the corner
Laid eyes on the source
The oddness continued
Now par for the course

There clad in a vest 
Of faded purple hue
Brown hat on his head
Stood a grinning Gnorbu

Welcome my friend
Apple Bobbing Barts the name
Fancy a chance
At my playing game

It’s really quite simple
It’s really quite easy
Don’t swallow the water
It can make you quite queasy

There’s prizes to win
Of all shapes and sizes
Though it’s not without risk
Or a handful of surprises 

In the end I dove in
Teeth chasing a glimmer
When slipped from my pockets
A flash and a shimmer

My Neopoints were gone
Just plain old bad luck
At least it’s not Blurred Vision
Or those thieves run amok

Bart smiled and implored 
To forget my sorrow
For I could  always return
And try again tomorrow

Cumulus Mystique
by actiontal

“Come visit the sky”
A cloaked Gnorbu says with a grin 
“It has the best view- 
But the air is quite thin!”

“The sky?!” I said, 
“But we’re stuck on land!
How would we get there 
From the ground where we stand?”

“There’s a few tricks up my sleeve”
Hoof pointed straight to the stars
But you must always believe 
All you see in the sky is ours 

My interest started to pique
Much to my surprise,
The cumulus mystique 
Covering Neopian skies 

“To the skies, my friend
To the limit we’ll go!”
As he prepared to ascend
My scepticism began to grow

Finally, I had to protest:  
“You have no wings that I can see 
And no powers you’ve confessed
Unless you’re getting launched from a tree…?

Through a side eye he laughed
As he threw off his shroud
He lifted with a gusty draft 
Alas, he was painted cloud

Oh, the excitement for Gnorbus!
by pnaylala24

Today the  Gnorbus get sheared
The day comes only once a year!
Gnorbus, these kind hearted Neopets
Will celebrate , yep!
They are happy on this day
Smiles can be seen every which way!
Together they wait patiently
Oh how good they look, says all who see!
With head held up with more confidence than ever
Waiting in line seems like forever!
Each will get a turn , waiting for that moment
They can’t hide their excitement!
As a family they are sheared, then they  have an incredible feast
The energy of Gnorbus will increase!
Come one and all, that’s what they do
Ringing in a year with fur looking new!
There is a magical feeling in the air
Gnorbus prancing around, look at that lack of hair!
They will grow it all year long
Gnorbus come together, oh what a bond!
Such a beautiful sight!
The Gnorbus will sleep good tonight!

Halloween Gnorbu
by roxanna203

Orange mane as bright as fire,
Bangs at the front to be desire,
A large, round lump at the top,
Makes Neopians gaze as they stop.

The Halloween Gnorbu crosses,
As the hair in the wind tosses,
Lovely grey, spotted complexion,
A colour that must have protection!

This Halloween Gnorbu shines most,
On two specific days one must toast,
First Halloween, seen in all glory,
It is truly a horror of a story.

Second on Gnorbu Day, all the perks,
This bouncy, fluff ball in all quirks.
Celebrate Halloween Gnorbu today,
By painting a Gnorbu in this way!

The Gnorbu Mane
by therainbowsheep

Behold the Gnorbu mane,
Long and flowing, hard to tame.
Each Month of Sleeping they shear -
Their tradition to start the year.

Soon once more their hair grows quick,
And is also notoriously thick!
It’s true it holds some weight,
But doesn’t slow the Gnorbu gait.

Ever humble, they do not boast
Despite being more stylish than most.
Quite dedicated to their grooming,
These habits are all consuming.

As hair products fly off the shelves 
The results speak for themselves!
Look how great these Gnorbus look,
Time to take a page out of their book.

This Gnorbu day, everyone grab a comb,
And let the conditioner foam.
Put your grooming skills to the rest,
It’s time to look our best!

The Fluffiest Gnorbu
by kellyclark1115

Have you seen the Cloud Gnorbu?
Fluffy and soft, they're so cute!
One of the best Gnorbus,
there's no dispute.

With clouds instead of spots,
you can easily see them in a crowd.
Be sure to say stop and say hi,
and give a pat to their Floud!

You can find them at Neopia Central,
or perhaps the Neopian Bazaar,
shopping around for a new outfit,
a gift for a friend, or a guitar!

Be prepared to laugh,
cloud Gnorbus always crack jokes.
From knock knock jokes to puns, 
they can please all the folks.

Just don't ask them to run,
or they will trip and fall.
For such a small Neopet,
they aren't graceful at all!

The Gnorbu Party
by ennyra

The best way to celebrate Gnorbu Day,
Is by sharing a good laugh.
Everyone should have a Gnorbu friend,
It increases happiness by at least two and a half!

They're great for cheering you up,
Whenever you're feeling down.
They're a fun and loving kind,
To always have around.

They see the good in everything,
No matter what it is.
They try to spread cheer to everyone,
From Jhudora to the Shop Wiz!

Today's a day for them,
Let's make it really fun.
Full of laughter and jokes,
This party has just begun!

A Fortune Telling Gnorbu
by theguy2020

Neopians travel far and wide,
Finally reaching Igneot's Cavern to ask questions with pride,
He can answer the most important and difficult questions with ease,
However his answers may not ones that will please!

Using a magic 8 ball made of molten rock,
Igneot mastery of understanding the ball is why people come in flocks,
The answers can be categorized in a few different ways,
So yes or no questions would be how they would be ideally phrased!

This Gnorbu having a smile on his chin is always happy to help,
He may earn you a fortune with his soothsaying so perhaps give him some kelp,
If luck is what you're looking for he can tell you what to avoid,
Just make sure the question is phrased properly or you may be annoyed!

If you have a question for him come on by,
Igneot doesn't bite so don't be shy,
He can help you solve your inner questions with ease,
Just don't forget to be polite and say please!

Shyanna, the Gnorbu Seamstress
by iloenchen

Shyanna has a dream.
She spends all her time
Adjusting these seams
So the plushie looks fine.

Make one for every pet
That's Shyanna's goal.
She breaks out in a sweat
Time to fix that hole.

The plushie now looks good
And the Gnorbu is content.
She wonders if she should
Organise another event?

She could take all the plushies
From the box behind her chair.
Get some help from her buddies
Find a room somewhere.

There, a plushie she would hand
To everyone who wants one.
It would need to be well planned.
But it could be a lot of fun.

For now, Shyanna is sewing
She moves on to the next toy.
It is reassuring knowing
That she could spread so much joy.

The Chocolate Gnorbu
by precious_katuch14

There was a Chocolate Gnorbu
Getting ready for Gnorbu Day.
They wanted to celebrate it
In their own Gnorbu way.

Every year they shear
Their whipped cream mane.
"I'll think of something new,
"No longer more of the same."

They considered a new 'do,
Perhaps piling their mane up,
Into the highest, fluffiest,
Whipped cream dollop.

Or maybe, take some sprinkles
Of every colour of the rainbow.
They could pull off the look,
A whimsical idea, they know!

The Gnorbu thought and pondered,
Considered the Draik and the Acara.
They added cherries atop their cream,
For that little dash of awe.

Wafers, biscuits, even chocolate chips,
Swirls and shavings and candycorn. 
Every chocolate Neopet was unique,
Sweet from the day they're born.

Thus went the Chocolate Gnorbu.
They didn't have to think twice.
They just sheared their thick mane.
"I have to admit, it feels nice."

"Sometimes, it gets a little warm
"Under my cream mane.
"Anyway, after Gnorbu Shearing Day,
"It will just grow again!"

by travel74147

It’s the dreaded day that comes
thankfully only once every year.
The holiday use to cause all goose and bumps
Because we’d all used to lose our beards.

We were never intended to stay
Our creators thought there would be hate
That was until one day
When we were officially made in Year 8!

Our hearts are filled with goofiness and quirks.
Did you know we can tell all the best jokes?
You won’t find a single jerk.
You’ll find happiness you can evoke.

It’s possible we’ll give the clothes off our back.
It’s just the kind-hearted spirit we can’t shake.
Please don’t give us a plague.
We’ve love if you fed us something you baked!

Round and fluffy we are-
Perhaps it wouldn’t be bad
To lose all our hair.
Just like our older lads.

Wise Old Gnorbu
by natashabelx

In the Lunar Temple in a land afar,
An old Wise Gnorbu maintains the lunar calendar,
Looking upon the sky at the movement of the moon,
He tracks them down in a chart while he hums a tune,

In the temple voices are soft and muffled,
The Gnorbu’s desk looking messy and papers shuffled,
He tells you his knowledge was acquired through puzzles and training his brain,
Through sunny days and cloudy days accompanied with the sounds of rain,

He urges you to take a shot at his game,
Not for a shot at a certain hall of fame,
But because he believes it will do you good,
He called it a special type of brain food,

Never will you leave the temple with empty hands,
All Neopians returned with prizes to their respective lands,
Pay the Gnorbu a visit and he may bestow his wisdom upon you,
For maybe he shall teach you how to solve future mysteries too.

Ode to a Cloud Gnorbu
by agedbeauty

Made of fluff
And cute cloud stuff
The Cloud Gnorbu is the best

Full of sweet spice
And all things nice
The Cloud Gnorbu is the cutest

With floofy ears
And wool for years
The Cloud Gnorbu is the cuddliest

With sweet lamb eyes
And a heart to size
The Cloud Gnorbu is the sweetest

So each today
Are quick to say
Happy Gnorbu Sheering Day!

A Gnorbu Thing To Do
by victoriathegr8one

A Gnorbu’s a Gnorbu
through and through
A Gnorbu sheds hair
from their mangy hairdo

Each year we shear
the hairy Gnorbus
whether those Gnorbus are
painted red, grey, or blue

But a Gnorbu is patient
while waiting in queue
simply because it’s
a Gnorbu thing to do

So, from the heights of Shenkuu
to the palace of Roo
one of the best things to do
is adopt a Gnorbu!

Ode to a Gnorbu
by bittersweet52

Amist the bolts and swaths
In the cosy sewing room
A friend that's made of cloth
A smile gently blooms

Dusty purple hues
Bedeck her top to toe
And in her eye a clue
Of how she loves you so

Working with her needle
She patches those with tears
Her favour needs no wheedles
If you need help, have no fear

Of all the fine Neopians
This Gnorbu is the best
So to all who have a notion
This Gnorbu Day be blessed

The Wise Gnorbu
by cpssgh1004

Nestled on the peak of a misty mountain,
Where knowledge flows like a grand fountain.
There resides the wise Gnorbu,
Who has much knowledge to share with you.

The only one who has a clue,
To maintain the lunar calendar of Sheknuu.
Masterfully tracking the movements of Kreludor,
With skill only thought to exist in folklore.

From across the globe Neopians flock,
And at this Gnorbu's door they knock.
Knowledge and wisdom for all who seek,
But be weary as it is not for the weak.

Go and you can try your hand,
At tracking Kreludor's movement from the land.
Guess correctly to collect your prize,
From Shenkuu's very own Gnorbu the wise.

Terrana's Woes
by rurirawr

In the bedroom, she sits alone
Paws working away without thought
Of grand mountains carelessly sewn - 
It was the only thing she sought 

The needle pierces through the cloth
In and out, woven is the thread
But she can no longer go forth
For those mountains are in her head

Indifferent to silk robes so fine 
And alike, of treasures or jade
Imperial meals she did not pine
Nor that of strongest steel and blade

All the Gnorbu so wishes for
Is to scale rocks of different lands
With her trusty hook, she will soar
To the top, where the view expands 

The Princess cannot wait to learn
What glorious sights await her eyes
But for now, she can only yearn
For the day she reaches the skies

Bobbing with Bart the Gnorbu
by kadface

Air chill. 
Cold night. 
It’s time for fairground games. 

Bright lights. 
Sweet scents. 
A green Gnorbu proclaims. 

Fancy your luck with a game of skill?
As easy as easy can be. 
Apple bobbing! Oh what a thrill!
Tonight it is totally free.

Dunk in. 
Wet face. 
Grip it between the teeth. 

Bite down. 
Pull back. 
Drop into hands beneath. 

Well done and well bobbed to that one there. 
Cried Bart with unsmiling eyes.
A true apple that, and no imposter. 
It’s truly a lucky surprise. 

Of Gold. 
Pocket it discrete. 

Fair ends. 
Head home. 
With happy tired feet. 

Bobbing for apples can be such fun. 
Provided you bob with care. 
A prize or surprise for everyone. 
Down at the Unfair Funfair!

The Cotton Candy Gnorbu
by _cherry_kisses_

One day a little Gnorbu fell
down into a candy dream.
She looked around and said,
“I am lost, it would seem.”

But she walked a little farther
and met a candy friend,
a little Valentine Rock.
She hoped it would never end.

She played in a minty forest
and soon met others too.
They showed her a salon
and what Candy Gnorbus do.

Her hair was fluffed and coloured
and made so sugary sweet.
“Oh my!” she exclaimed.
“I look good enough to eat!”

But as we can all agree,
dreams must come to an end.
She said goodbye to the dream
and all her candy friends.

When she awoke in her bed,
the candy was still there.
She still had her stripes
and swirls of cotton candy hair.

As the sunlight filtered in,
She found a mirror to take a peek.
She admired herself and said,
“Maybe I’ll try a new colour next week!”

Bobbing with Vandebart
by overlordprime

In the city of Neovia
Dark and glum
There a tent rest
With a scruffy Gnorbu

Vandebart Biggsby 
Is what he goes by
With him, his apple cart
Try your luck and you might win a prize

Apple bobbing 
Isn’t easy here
You might win something
But those odds aren’t near

Be very mindful
Of Mr.Biggsby’s hat
If you try to touch it
He might engage in combat!

So come along now
Dip your head in the water
And you might pull out
Wait- that apple is an imposter!

Exploring with the Gnorbu
by treblesome

A gentle Neopet with a long mane, 
The Gnorbu is quite unlike any other seen. 
These four-legged creatures are full of cheer, 
Always ready with a joke or a friendly ear. 

Though their strength and speed aren't something to boast about, 
Their patience and kindness will never go out. 
They can take even the most difficult of situations 
And find the funny side with a bit of imagination. 

Their wool is soft like the tufts of a cloud,
And their large eyes are gentle and proud.
Their smiles are often bold,
For their hearts are warm and old.

They live up in the mountains so high,
Where the breezes blow and the snowflakes fly.
Their hooves are strong so they can climb,
Up and down the mountainside. 

The Gnorbu loves to explore, 
Discovering secrets never before. 
So take some time to admire this pet, 
And experience a world you'll never forget!

Gnorbu Shearing Day!
by sqwigglie

With coats as soft as a cloud
Of which they are extremely proud
But once a year
it is time to shear

For their coats are heavy
And it's that time already
To relieve them of their coat
This weight, they no longer have to tote

Once they have been sheared
At first it feels a little weird
They feel light as air
They no longer have so much hair!

You can finally notice their floppy ears
Which had disappeared since last New Year's!
Now they're hopping around without a care
It's honestly an adorable affair

And with that, we give a loud "hip, hip, hooray!"
For it is officially Gnorbu Day!

Origin of Gnorbu Day
by ritzylove

There once was a Gnorbu named Poe 
And oh, how his garden did grow!
For this was a Digging Gnorbu Gnome
Who had made the pastures of Meridell his home 

With his long white beard, a curl at the end
He works vigorously with a shovel in hand 
Digging holes for veggies and an olive tree
Which garnish sandwiches of Gnorbu Wool & Jelly 

The citizens of Meridell appreciate Poe
They can't seem to miss him wherever he goes
A Gnorbu with a great work ethic who digs
With his tall red hat and his stout little legs

It seems they have put together a celebration
That will take place with much jubilation
Not just for Poe, but all Gnorbu as well
From all across Neopia- and Meridell!

This Digging Gnorbu Gnome filled with glee
He had never in his life been so happy 
He felt the love from near and afar 
He even tried to wish on a star

"I wish all Gnorbu could feel this way,
Even if only for this one single day" 
The star twinkled brightly, shimmering so
Maybe the wish had come true, hoped Poe

Wherever you are and come what may
I hope all have a Happy Gnorbu Day!

Cut my Wool
by cassanthia

My coats to big it's far too fluffy
I puff and huff a little huffy
It's too warm and I'm uncomfy
So grab those shears and get to snippin'

Shred the wool covering my body
I was looking awfully gaudy
comfortable breezes ease through me
Now I'll be able to run around with glee

Turn my wool into a beautiful coat
or maybe a shirt to help promote
that shearing my wool every year
is a great thing for health and to avoid tears!

Princess Terrana's Morning Climb
by swordlilly

Not for me,
The courtly rituals,
The everyday curtseys and
Greetings and prim tea-samplings.
The life of the palace is not for me.
My limbs are made to climb.

In the morning when the world's asleep,
Before my maids come to dress me,
I have a narrow window of time
To climb,
To feel the rock,
To throw my grappling hook,
To dig into the cliff-surface and
Breathe, breathe against the fragrant dirt.

And in that window of time before
The world of the palace calls me,
Before I must dress in silks and pins
And perform my diplomatic duties,
I climb.
I pull my rope,
I throw it high, I hear it
Whistle and clank. I tug it tight. And
I climb, up and up, in the morning mist,
Reaching for grass, light, air.

At heart, I am a Gnorbu free.

Please Don't Shear Me!
by jaden90610

It's much too cold to be sheared,
It's much too cold, didn't you hear?

I know you were told it was Gnorbu Shearing Day,
But I'm cute as I am wouldn't you say?
With my adorable tail and silky mane,
It'd be a crime to make me so plain!

Yes, my fleece would make a wonderful sweater,
But I'm sure one made of Vandagyre feathers would be much better!
Besides I'm not waterproof and it's raining a lot!
So tell me without my fleece how will I keep hot?

Us Gnorbu enjoy being soft, fluffy and kind,
So put up those shears if you wouldn't mind.

The Terrifying Day of Shearing: A Gnorbu's Plight
by haidenr

The day of shearing,
Is a day of fear,
For the Gnorbus of Neopia,
Who tremble and shake with tear.

Their fur, it grows long,
And wild and untamed,
Until the day comes,
When they are maimed.

The scissors they snip,
And the fur it does fly,
Leaving the Gnorbus naked,
And vulnerable to the sky.

But alas, it must be done,
For the Gnorbus need a haircut,
To stay cool in the summer,
And warm in the winter, don't you put.

So beware the day of shearing,
For the Gnorbus, it's a scary ordeal,
But it must be done,
For the sake of their fur, and their weal.

The Sensational Shearing of Gnorbus
by wildfleurs

The Gnorbus are getting ready,
As their wool coats are looking heavy.
It's time for the gentle shearing fest,
To get nicely trimmed and neatly dressed.
Gnorbu Shearing Day is here at last,
A time for fun, never to pass.
The Gnorbus play and frolic in the breeze,
Their trimmed coats making them feel at ease.
We must all cheer and celebrate,
This fun holiday, cause it's really great.
The Gnorbus are happy and their coats are light,
Everything is going just right.

The Neopets all gather round,
To watch the Gnorbus prance and bound.
They cheer and clap and have a blast,
As the Gnorbus show off their freshly trimmed past.
But as the day comes to an end,
The Gnorbus must bid farewell to their Neopian friends.

They must head back to their cosy homes,
Their trimmed coats gleaming in the setting sun's warm tones.
So let us all remember this day,
When the Gnorbus come out to play.
We can all look forward to the fun and shears,
And the joy that will come to Gnorbus next year!

Gnorbu Shearing Day
by hellsangel305

It’s once again that time of year
when Gnorbus line up to get sheared.
Gnorbus should be perfectly fluffy,
not too overgrown and scruffy.

Magma wool, ablaze weight embers
Will keep you warm for all December.
Perhaps a sweater made of Ice
worn in July would be quite nice.

Disco is fun and psychedelic,
Cloud is airy and angelic.
The Candy Gnorbu’s coat is sweet,
spun sugar good enough to eat!

Glowing emits an eerie light,
Darigan’s mane is black as night.
The Christmas Gnorbu is aglow,
A festive wreath, complete with bow.

The mutants frolic in the barn,
Although they can’t make any yarn!

The Gnorbu Twins
by catchinglights

Twin Gnorbu sisters
Mirsha and Atsumi too
Gnorbus from Shenkuu

Mirsha Grelinek
The captain of Team Shenkuu
Yooyuball forward

Charity Corner
Atsumi's Living for Less
Recycling machine

Yooyuball and clothes
Their mark on Neopia
The pride of Shenkuu

Two famous Gnorbus
The great Grelinek sisters
Happy Gnorbu Day

The Shearing of the Fire Gnorbu: A Cautionary Tale
by santluisao

Beware the dangers of Neopets,
There's so many, it's hard to ignore,
There's the Skeiths and the Hissis,
And the evil Dr. Sloth.

But there's one Neopet that's quite tricky,
And if you're not careful, you'll get burnt,
It's the fire Gnorbu, oh be wary,
Or you'll be sorry, that's for certain.

You see, the Fire Gnorbu,
He's full of flames and fire,
And if you try to shear him,
You'll be caught in his pyre.

So if you see a Fire Gnorbu,
Don't be tempted, just turn around,
Or you'll be burnt to a crisp,
And your fur, it will drown.

But if you must shear the Gnorbu,
Take precautions, don't be rash,
Wear a fire-proof suit,
And use a special pair of shears, not sash.

The Gnorbu may be angry,
But at least you'll be safe,
You can shear in peace,
And go home with your fur in one place.

So beware of the Fire Gnorbu,
He's a dangerous one, that's no lie,
But with the right precautions,
You can shear him, without saying goodbye.

Gnorby Winter
by ratatoule33

Gnorbu in the winter,
Aisha's fur was a flutter,
Neopets and faeries,
Danced in the snowy heather.

Neopia was cold and dreary,
But the Gnorbu was merry,
He pranced and he danced,
In the icy Neopian landscape.

His hooves they did clatter,
As he sang and he chattered,
The Aisha giggled and smiled,
As the Gnorbu's winter style.

So if you're feeling blue,
Just watch a Gnorbu do,
His silly winter dance,
It's sure to bring you a chance.

To laugh and to cheer,
And banish those winter fear,
So let's all join in,
And dance with the Gnorbu's kin!

Hooray! It's Gnorbu Shearing Day!
by bongo_58

Gnorbu's rejoice!
Today's the day!
It's finally here!
It's Shearing Day!

You've spent the year
to grow your fluff
But now it's time
you've grown enough!

You're fuzzy, and bulky
and starting to get warm
Give out a cheer!
For you'll soon be shorn

Your wool is made
of the softest stuff
To make a sweater,
or a hat, or cuff

But don't worry,
once the shearing's done
You'll be light enough
to frolick and run

Spring time is coming
you'll be nice and cool
While we put your warmth
Away on a spool

We'll use it to make
the comfiest clothes
Then wait 'til next year
as your wool grows

To be as fuzzy
As you were before
Until, at last!
Shearing Day once more!

Gnorbu Shearing Day
by foendra

Folks gather 'round
from far and wide
whilst sheepish Gnorbu
run and hide.

But cheerfully
and dauntless those
on their cherished day
they strike a pose.

And those who grapple
with hygiene
now on today
are finally clean.

Ones who swelter
in their fleece
on Gnorbu day
engulfed with peace.

The Gnorbu all
they bit adieu
to their wool
and feel anew.

Until next year
they laugh and graze
again we celebrate
our shorn friends' day!

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