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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Valentine's Day Special

Happy Valentine's Day!
by ennyra

Today is the day of love,
Let's spread it all around.
To our pets, friends, and family,
There's so much happiness to be found.

Send someone some flowers,
Maybe surprise them with candy.
Just spending time together,
Will surely be dandy!

Let's take the time to remember,
All the nice things today.
You don't need to go all out,
Even a nice greeting is the way.

Not everyone enjoys this day,
And that's quite okay too.
So Happy Tuesday to them,
And Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Bonds of Love and Friendship in Neopia
by querba

In the world of Neopia, far and wide,
Where adventures await and secrets hide,
There are bonds of love and friendship strong,
That last forever, forever long.

Through thick and thin, and ups and downs,
We stand by each other, never wearing frowns,
For in our hearts, we know the truth,
That love and friendship are eternal, forsooth.

We share our joys and sorrows alike,
And lend a hand, whenever one's in strife,
Our laughter echoes, in the hills and dales,
And our friendship shines, like a thousand tales.

So let us cherish the moments we share,
And bask in the warmth of love and care,
For in the world of Neopia and beyond,
Our love and friendship shall forever bond.

by halfkitten

In Neopia the air is sweet, 
All kinds of love that we know 
Settles around our eyes like sleep, 
Even our footprints in the snow 
Find each other. 

While it may be cold, nothing is frozen over,
Breath warmed by cinnamon hearts, 
Anticipation causing hands and paws to sweat, 
Signing in wobbled script,
Soft-spoken confessions. 

Sometimes we skirt the perimeter, too afraid 
To find a sinkhole instead of mirror, 
One who sees us as we are. But sometimes we find
Someone we can’t steer clear of. 

Sometimes we want to dip our toes in, 
And fall through.

Sending A Mysterious Valentines Card
by therainbowsheep

To wear our heart on our sleeve,
Is a challenging thing indeed!
Instead, some of us are more sneaky,
And also a lil bit cheeky.

To the Gift Shop we go,
In search of a way to show -
How we truly feel
With a quiet kind of zeal.

Eventually we find the perfect thing,
No, not any of the rings!
It's the Mysterious Valentines Card,
That makes sharing emotion less hard.

Soft pink, with a bold red seal,
The heart shape will make you squeal.
Send this card in a shroud of mystery,
The rest will certainly be history.

On the 14th of February we share,
How much we really care.
To whom we love, we send this note,
May our valentine love what we wrote.

Lovely Rose
by rurirawr

From the outside, the Pound looks like, 
It's a depressing place,
Where Neopets with nowhere to stay,
Call it their new home base.

You might think that they're all alone, 
With no one to embrace. 
Their hopes might dwindle with each day, 
But that is not the case. 

For Rose, the Uni who's in charge, 
Ensures they're glad and well. 
If anyone is feeling down, 
Instantly, she can tell. 

She cares for each and every one, 
As if they were her own. 
The Neopets there love her to bits, 
Their connections have grown. 

Rose often sets up small events,
For them to bond and play.
Not only that, she buys them gifts,
To brighten up their day.

It's tough work to handle so much, 
But never once she sighs. 
Because her passion, she has found, 
This is where her heart lies.

Jazan's Message to Nabile
by ilovepoogles2

“My love;
You met me as a broken shell of a man.

And I came to you
With my heart in my hands
And begged you to take pity
On a poor prince
Who had never known what love could be.

You took this broken thing
Put it back together
And gave it wings. 

I thought I knew what love was.
But I never knew what it could be.

I didn’t know that love would set me free
Or that every day
I would love you just a little bit more. 
That after days away
My love would sit in the pit of my chest,
Weighing hard and heavy.
Only to lay eyes on you once more
And fall in love all over. 

And when our kingdom is nothing
But stardust and sand. 
When we are gone; 
Everything you mean to me
Will be sewn into the tapestry
Of the universe itself. 

The desert sky will be the quilt
Containing our love.
For the heavens themselves
Is the only canvas large enough. 

The constellations will be
Each careful stitch in between. 
And the comets will be us
Dancing for eternity
In the monument. 
To everything we once were.
Everything we ever have been.
And everything we will one day be.”

Valentines on Neopets
by agedbeauty

It's Valentines Day on Neopets
And there are so many pets about
Dressed in frilly, frothy dresses
That they'd usually do without

There's Kacheeks dripping 
In dainty pink ribbon and lace
As they dance here and there
And prance about the place

And Blumaroos are clad
In lovely white and red
For today's no day for slacks and sweaters
They'll wear gowns instead

The Aishas aren't left out
They'll wear pink satin today
And pass out lots of sweet treats
Here on Valentines Day!

Baby Gelert and his Valentine
by roxanna203

One day after school, a Baby Gelert took a stroll,
He saw many pink and red hearts in display,
Valentine's Day was approaching - he had a goal,
He would buy the perfect gift that would convey..

His enormous love for that he had for his mom,
But he had no idea where to start this quest,
There were many different items - unable to calm,
He wanted to buy it all as his mother deserved best!

Many options: chocolate, jewellery, or a card,
He was leaning towards a card, but unsure,
As many cards over the years get discarded,
He needed to get her something secured!

A light bulb suddenly appeared and he knew,
The perfect gift was something money can't buy,
He ran home as quick as he could as in pursuit,
Giving his mom kisses and hugs - a lot in supply!

Written in the Stars
by parody_ham

Even if you may study the stars,
And I’m a historian,
The time we spend together is ours;
Now, let us combine our plan!

Will you be my flash card partner?
This exam is sure to be tough!
With your help we'll both be smarter
And that will be enough!

I love to hear your interest grow
In all my favourite courses.
The same can be said for me, you know,
My walking star thesaurus.

Your face lights up like a shooting star
The moment you share your brain.
It's part of the wonderful Tonu you are, 
Neopian with whom I remain. 

Studying with you is always a joy,
I look forward to it every day!
With my favourite stellar scholar boy
We'll make history in our own way!

History’s written in the stars
And who would have thought?
It's part of the wonderful Tonu you are,
Brightvale master's taught.

A Mysterious Valentine Free Verse Poem
by i_lovee_icecream

A Mysterious Valentine is sent,
From one Neopian to the next.
Nameless, shameless; hidden. 

What are you afraid to reveal?
A fancy? A love? An admiration?
Hiding behind pen and pink paper.

What’s so wrong about frank feelings?
Aren’t we all Neopians who emote?
A letter written, affections undercover.

A Mysterious Valentine is received,
Who is it for? Is it for me?
A love undying, a heart so full.

I wonder who it could be from,
Who could’ve penned these sentiments.
The mystery remains, evermore.

Happy Valentines Day
by hectic_haley

In Neopia where colours are bright,
Lies a place filled with love, on Valentine's night.
Pets and Petpets celebrate in delight,
In celebration of all love on a starry night
Gnorbus with big hearts, Slorgs with joyful grins,
And Waleins swimming in lakes, where love begin.
The Meepits whistle, a melody so sweet,
While hugging their owners, with love they meet.
The Cybunnies play in the fields,
Jumping and hopping, with love they yield.
And the Usuls they twirl, with ribbons so very fine,
They bring a dance of love, where joy entwines.
Let us all join, this Valentine's Day,
In a celebration of love, in Neopia's way.
With our pets and Petpets beside us, and love in our hearts.
Happy Valentines Day, Neopia!

A Valentine Petpet
by theguy2020

You may be looking for a cute Petpet,
One that would never be perceived as a threat,
You should check out this idea of mine,
Why not paint your Petpet Valentine?

It truly is a cool look,
All your neofriends will be left shook,
A Petpet that also looks quite sweet,
Now isn't that neat?

What better time to get one then now,
Yesterday is the only answer I will allow,
Because demand is high they may be a bit pricey,
This makes acquiring one a little dicey!

When you finally do it'll be worth the wait,
You'll have a Petpet that looks really great,
Some argue that Valentine Rock looks the best,
However having any would make a Neopian feel blessed!

Plumpy's Valentine’s Day
by malzeno

Plumpy cares not for Valentine’s Day
Nor for the sappy words a Neopian may say
But the one thing this Angelpuss can't resist
Is nearly every sugary confection that could possibly exist

With a mischievous smirk they'll take off with your treats
Chomping down snacks at rates unbeat
Throughout Neopian Central Plumpy will parade
Single-mindedly focused on their chocolate-coated crusade

Brownies, cakes, bonbons, and candy
If Plumpy takes your special gift that's just dandy
They'll eat every cupcake, wrapper and all
Until ol' Plumpy starts to roll like a ball

With the Chocolate Shop raided and the Bakery cleared out
You may think that'd cover all Plumpy cared about
But Plumpy won't rest while there's light in the sky
Not while they can smell the scent of fresh pie

From Kreludor to Maraqua this fat cat shall roam
For Plumpy's sweet tooth will conquest over any biome
Those pirates on Krawk Island better think twice
When it comes to chocolate coins, Plumpy won't play nice

The plundering will continue with a trip to Faerieland
Gobbling up Nova Pops and Candy Floss until they are banned
Then without pause Plumpy shall venture to Happy Valley
How much will they have eaten now, it's impossible to tally 

Before the days ends Plumpy will hit the Carnival of Terror
Where the shopkeepers had made one fatal error
They think the ghosts and ghouls will keep this cat away
But the treats up for grabs hold the biggest sway

Plumpy will loot Jelly Fingers and other foods quite scary
As long as it's sweet this Angelpuss will be merry
Now with a stomach brimming with snacks
The day grows late and Plumpy will head back

Waddling into their home, a stuffed Plumpy will flop
Onto the couch and ready to nap nonstop
This day was gruelling and tough, but Plumpy prevails
Content, asleep, and dreaming of post-Valentine’s Day treat sales

Won't you be mine, Valentine Farnswap?
by discardedcrayons

Oh, Valentine Farnswap,
I love your unhinged smile
And the twitch of your eye.
Won't you be my Valentine, Farnswap?

My, my Valentine Farnswap!
Look at the swish of your tail,
you will create a wind gale!
My favourite Valentine, Farnswap.

I love you, Valentine Farnswap,
Your plush heart covered fur,
Would never deter,
My love for you, Valentine Farnswap.

The Valentine’s Blues
by kadface

If you’re down or feeling sad
On Valentine’s day
You should find an instrument
To play the blues away. 

Stand up tall and learn to strum
The Valentine Guitar
With body shaped just like a heart
It’s really quite bizarre!

If you know your sharps and flats
You might want to play
A grand Valentine Piano 
To brighten up your day

A gentle ripple of your own
Valentine Harp’s strings
Will make you feel love and joy
And other wondrous things 

Should you enjoy humming tunes
A Valentine Kazoo
When put between a pair of lips
Will play music for you!

With all the options you can pick
There’s nothing to delay
Playing a song to bring a smile
On this Valentine’s Day!

Valentine Rock
by bittersweet52

This Valentine's Day as you shop for your love
Perhaps you're considering a box of sweets
Decadent bonbons in a silver heart box
The taste on your tongue just can't be beat

Be careful when you go to deliver your gift
Especially if a Valentine Rock is your friend
For the Petpet and candy box look quite the same
And a switch could result in a disastrous end

A Petpet as a surprise is never a good idea
So if one should be received it's surely a mistake
If you were considering giving one I beg you to pause
Petpets are a responsibility not all want to take

I suppose if your sweetheart is a Skeith or Grarrl
A Valentine Rock could be a special snack
But the Petpet League would probably not approve
And you open yourself to social attack

For other species, the Rock would not be tasty at all
For this sentient "box" is filled in fact
With a dozen baby petpetlings, all also alive
Who would very much like to stay intact

Rather than gifting a Valentine Rock
Instead may I suggest befriending one nearby
The minis inside may make affordable Petpetpets
When they're ready from the nest to fly

In the meantime, there are many options at Neopian Shops
Boxes Full of Chocolates, heart-shaped or square
White chocolate or milk, dark or with nuts
All can represent how much you care

Kell Valentine Card Set
by rielcz

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
I've seen you at the Gift Shop,
You look so suave and very cool;
I think I'll take you home.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
Your presence makes my heart stop.
My love would be a fool
To reject a card so awesome.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
I live vicariously through you.
You'll show my dear I'm witty, kind,
Adventurous, and smart.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
For love; I'll take my valentine
On adventures of the heart.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
So many sides of Kell are shown --
That monster hunter daring,
With the shades and hair slick'd back.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
You represent love's many tones.
You'll show I'm always caring
And in love I do not lack.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
You're a gift of the highest rate.
Too good to put away and hide,
You must be set on the top shelf.

Oh Kell Valentine Card Set,
My sweetheart will appreciate
The sentiment you hold -- though I'd
Rather keep you all to myself!

I Am Not Your Valentine
by dudeiloled

Not a box of chocolates, or flowers.

I give you a new plot.
It is a foolproof scheme, unbeatable.
It promises world domination
like the the kind I--Dr. Frank Sloth--have always dreamed of.

It will make you beg for mercy
admit your weakness.
It will make your proud name--Mira, Space Faerie--
a laughing stock of legend.

I will escape your token, around your neck.

I am not your Valentine.

Even though I am here.
Always with you,
watching and waiting,
biding my time,
for as long as I need.

You see?
When I make my escape and begin my masterminded plan,
you will have to see me again.
Fight me.
I will see your face,
your beautiful face.

Ignore that.
I am not your valentine.

But I am your arch nemesis,
and you are mine.

You are mine.

The Mysterious Valentines Cards
by orlytheowl

Mia the Chia had never once got
A Valentines Card that she had not herself bought
This Valentines it all took a turn
It all became different as you soon will learn

Because Mia the Chia did not only receive one
Mia was shocked she got more than none
Not one, two or three cards waited for her
How many cards there were was a bit of a blur

But eventually, Mia was able to count
123 cards were the correct amount
Why so many, you would might ask
To answer that question is a challenging task

Because Mia had for a long time been really nice
Shopping for friends, all from clothing to spice
She just loved helping and lending a hand
Her good deeds were numerous and her karma grand

So not only one friend decided to write her a card
Many of them did and included flowers or bards
To sing her an ode so that she could understand
That her friendship was definitely not bland

Mia understood who her admirers were
She had already started the writing, lucky for her
So Mia got busy writing the rest of her friends
She wrote so much that she broke 14 pens

Valentines is about showing the love
To the Neopians around that fit you right like a glove
So show them affection and show that you care
That is this year's Valentine's dare

Un-Valentines Blumaroo Plushie
by precious_katuch14

It's Valentine's Day once again,
Love and sweetness is in the air.
It's the perfect time to show
Your special someone that you care.

But it's not sweet for everyone.
The Un-Valentines Blumaroo Plushie
In its secluded shelf
Continues to sit forlornly.

A Grey Blumaroo plushie
Heartbroken and in tears,
As though it has lost someone
Very near and dear.

Its Valentine in its paws,
Is ripped and torn in two.
And even its little footpads
Are rent asunder too.

What a sad, downcast toy,
The Un-Valentines Blumaroo Plushie.
The loneliest plushie
My eyes ever did see.

But even this grey plushie
Deserves a happy Valentine.
So I picked it up and bought it
For Valentine's Day, to be mine.

The Unloved Blumaroo
by whitefriar

Within the pound, a Blumaroo lay
Once silky soft fur now in disarray,
Abandoned, alone, he heaved a sigh
“Is there anyone out there, to give me a try?”

Hours turned to days, to weeks, to months,
He yearned for home, for the love that once was,
Yet still he remained in the pound so dark,
Hoping that someone soon would see his spark,

And then one day, a girl appeared,
With a smile and a touch that filled him with cheer,
She saw past the slumped ears and the dirty black toes
She offered him hope, she offered a home 

He followed her out with tentative steps,
Unsure of the future or what would come next,
Stepping into the sunlight his heart began to sing
His tail uncurled like the coil of a spring

With a new owner and a place of his own,
He bounded and played and was never alone,
His fur clean again, his eyes shining bright,
A family to cuddle up close to at night,

So here’s to all pound pets who are feeling alone,
Just wait for the day when love finds you a home

The Heart-Printed Tumbler: Functional and Pretty
by _brainchild_

Heart-Printed Tumbler, very sweet,
Is perfect for a liquid treat.
It's crafted well, and functional.
Plus, pink heart print is never dull.

Some foodies like their coffee iced
With lots of whipped cream (very nice),
While others like their beverage hot.
Good thing this cup is what they've got!

The tumbler holds drinks cold and warm
With style---choose hot or frigid form.
The hearts so red look great upon
The rosy pink---great print to don!

This Valentine's, your drink will find
Itself within a home so kind.
The tumbler surely will enthral,
So rush right to the NC Mall.

The Big Request
by peacelovebliss

Do you think it would be okay
if I spent some time with you
this special Valentine’s Day?
I may not be a very wealthy pet
but can be a good Valentine-y friend
We can make colourful holiday cards, 
or if you think that’s quite lame
I am always up for some games
If you’d rather battle, that’s just fine
as long as I get back home on time. 
Though others think I dislike today
because I am a pet painted Grey
It’s totally untrue, a total lie!
All I need is a pal…please be mine!

A Valentine Petpet
by califorthehomeless

All Petpets are cute, but there a few that are my favourite
They are red, they are pink, a heart defines them
This poem is for them, and their likeness

There is one for everyone, even if Valentine’s Day isn’t your holiday
A Valentine Clompkin, for our Halloween lovers
A mixture of spooky and love, perfect for play

A Valentine Noil for our brave Neopians
Cuddly and bouncy, our favourite adventure partner
Even if you are a gardener!

A Valentine Slorg or Splime, oh my!
For our bug loving friends, who might like a little critter
They’re perfect for those who don’t get the jitters

What about a Valentine Kadoatie or Cirrus?
A few forever friends, made cuter with hearts and love
You’d love any of the above!

So how about celebrating all year round 
With a Petpet who will show you affect and love!

The First Ball
by yuumeria

Oh Valentine's Day, a time so fair,
Spread love and joy, with nary a care.
The roses bloom and the petals fall,
As Neopians young and old, gather for a ball.

Faerie City glows with Queen Fyora’s grace,
Music fills the streets as couples embrace.
Just around the corner, a silent carriage pulls in,
And from it emerges, a shy Draik with a grin.

His hatching day was not two moons ago,
So much of Neopia, he has yet to know.
Joining the fray with a tentative step,
He ventures forth, with a heart full of pep.
As the music picks up, his shyness forgot,
He dances with delight, in the heart of the lot.
For on this day of love, all are welcome to play,
And share in the joy, of this wondrous display.

A young Aisha appears, dressed in red and pink,
Twirling with grace, she gives the Draik a wink.
Together they dance, beneath the starry skies,
Their steps in perfect sync, light ablaze in their eyes.

The music crescendos, as they spin round and round,
Their moves a beautiful sight, the crowd spellbound.
As the clock strikes twelve, and the night begins to fade,
The Aisha bows and says “goodbye we must now bade.”

The Draik departs, his heart aglow,
The day is to cherish, this he does know.
Next Valentine’s Day, when the roses bloom once more,
He’ll return to share in this joy, forever to endure.

A Sweet Valentine's Day in Neopia
by thedarkblade148

It's the day of love all over Neopia

It's the time to hug your loved ones like your Kacheek or your Chia

Giving candies to families and friends

So much chocolate there is no end

Gummies and chalky there's a lot of variety

Just being happy and full of glee

Flowers and hearts all over town

It's all smiles and nobody to frown

Those who choose to spend time alone

That's fine as well it's all swell

Whatever you choose to do on this day

Just remember you are loved, okay?

When you can't eat any more treats

Just remember to brush your teeth!

My Dear Neopia
by phantom_the_wolf

In the land of Neopia, so vibrant and bright,
Lived creatures of all shapes and colours, what a sight!
From Chias to Blumaroos, each unique in their own way,
A world of endless adventure, just waiting to play.

You can feed your pets and watch them grow,
With a home filled with toys and a garden aglow.
Play games and earn Neopoints, buy items for your friend,
A world so full of possibilities, it never ends.

From battles at the Colosseum, to exploring the Lost Desert's sands,
The adventures in Neopia are as big as one can imagine.
Join the Trading Post, make new friends,
The bonds you'll make here, never end.

So come on down to Neopia, bring your pet along,
Experience the magic and the music of this song.
Where every day is an adventure, and the possibilities are endless,
Welcome to the world of Neopets, the place where dreams are boundless!

An Ode to Neopets on Valentine's Day
by _babyxdoll

Oh Neopets, creatures so bright and fair,
In the world of Neopia, they roam and care,
With fur as soft as feathers, scales so smooth,
They bring joy and happiness, a gift so true.

On Valentine's Day, a day of love,
Where hearts beat faster, and peace is above,
Neopets come together, to celebrate and share,
Their love for each other, with a heart so fair.

From Kacheeks to Xweetoks, they all unite,
With love in their eyes, and joy in their sight,
They exchange gifts, of flowers and sweets,
With hearts overflowing, their happiness repeats.

Oh Neopets, creatures so full of grace,
With love in their hearts, and a smile on their face,
On this Valentine's Day, let us join in the fun,
With love and kindness, till the day is done.

Don't Eat That Rock!
by _cherry_kisses_

It may look really tempting,
like a delicious chocolate treat,
but trust me when I tell you
a Valentine Rock you shouldn’t eat!

That cute little box is deceiving,
it looks just like a snack,
but if you pull it from the cupboard,
please, just put it back!

You’ll probably crunch so loudly
and break all your pearly teeth.
You’ll feel so much sorrow and regret.
Don’t do it—you aren’t a Skeith!

This Rock should come with a warning;
that would be a major plus!
After all, who would eat a Petpet
except the Great Turmaculus?

How ‘bout we buy some chocolate?
Just leave that Valentine Rock be.
What? You didn’t listen?
Hey now, don’t blame me!

Extraterrestrial Beauty
by violet1stone

A comet hurtling towards earth, right into my heart, 
An unimaginable beauty, I knew that from the start, 
Skin fluorescent green, unlike any other seen, 
Extra ears, more than any other Aisha. 

Adventurous spirit, caring friend, and kind soul,
Always there for others when they need to be consoled,
Looking up at the night sky, you feel close by,
Extraterrestrial beauty, Alien Aisha.

A magic spell, a red mark I can not quell,
Should travels take you far, I know you're in the stars,
And always in my heart, Alien Aisha.

Valentine’s Day Appreciation Poem
by taremelly

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
We, your Neopets,
Are so grateful for you.

With new books to read, 
And fun games to play, 
Our days are filled with laughter, 
The Neopian way.

From the lost city of Geraptiku, 
To the depths of Maraqua's sea,
With you by our side, 
Adventures are not scary. 

As you keep coming back,
And we play Trudy’s surprise,
Our love for you 
is surely on the rise.

From the most regal Kacheek,
To the littlest Baby Blumaroo,
Our happiness shines bright, 
Thanks to the wonderful you.

So, on this Valentine's Day, 
We raise a paw in cheer, 
For all the memories made, 
On this amazing site, so dear.

Petpets, oh Petpets
by jotagui

Petpets, oh Petpets, so small and so cute,
They bring joy and laughter, they never pollute.
They come in all shapes, and all sizes they grow,
From the cute and cuddly, to the bold and aglow.

Petpets are creatures that love to play,
Bringing laughter and happiness every day.
Whether they're flying, or swimming, or rolling around,
They always bring smiles and a joy profound.

In Neopia, they're cherished and loved,
By Neopets, they're hugged and cuddled like a dove.
From the Meepits, to the Warfs, to the Slorgs and the Snuffles,
Petpets are the heart and soul of this kingdom, so colourful.

So next time you see a Petpet with a grin,
Remember the joy they bring and let the love in.
Petpets, oh Petpets, always full of cheer,
Bringing happiness to all, year after year.

A Valentine’s Day Message To My Neofriends
by indulgences

I heart the way you’ve helped me with
My hobbies on this site.
We chat with so much friendliness,
And never, ever fight!

You’ve helped me with my avatars.
You’ve given me your pets.
I never had to pay you back.
I played without regrets!

You gave me deals on awesome books,
And deals on clothing too.
You gave me deals on pricey stamps.
You are my favourite crew!

I’ve tried to pass the kindness on,
By helping users new.
I give them good advice for games,
The steps they must go through!

I give them deals on all my trades,
To help them save a bit.
I try to make them laugh as well,
And please them with my wit!

I thank you now for all the times
You’ve helped me on this site!
You’re all so special, and unique,
And knowing you feels right!

So happy Valentine’s, my friends!
Please have a joyous day!
I’m thinking of your lovely selves
On Neo where we play!

Valentines Day
by coolton45

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Neopia is filled,
With love for you.

On this Valentine's Day,
We send hearts and flowers,
To all our friends,
In Neopia's bowers.

With chocolates and treats,
And gifts galore,
We show our love,
And open our door.

So here's to love,
On this special day,
May it fill your heart,
In every single way.

With Neopets by your side,
You'll never be alone,
For true love,
Is what makes Neopia home.

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