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Neopets Poems

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Kacheek Day Special

Happy Kacheek Day!
by sqwigglie

With a fluffy tail and pointy ears
Kacheeks have been adored for years!
And now it's finally time we say
hip hip hooray for Kacheek Day!

Kacheeks are adorable like no other
I can't wait to see their new paint colour!
Whatever it may be, we surely know
Everyone will want one, this is so!

And what new items may we see?
Plushies, food, clothes? Maybe all three!
All I know is I definitely can't wait
To see what amazing things TNT create

So let's celebrate the precious Kacheek
They are definitely very unique!
So once again we're here to say:
Hip hip hooray for Kacheek Day!

A Kacheek Named Charlie
by lajill_x3

If you’ve ever paid a visit to Meri Acres Farm
then you might be a fan of its bucolic charm. 
If you go beyond its borders, a little less than a mile
you may meet a tough Blue Kacheek
guarding a tall, stinky rubbish pile. 
The Meridell Rubbish Dump is 
a sort of Money Tree
for townsfolk to dispose of
items others can get for free.
Charlie doesn’t just tolerate
the items’ repulsive smells
he also ensures that at all times
operations go smoothly and well
We should thank this Kacheek
because he is the reason
we can go to the Rubbish Dump
at any hour, any season. 
Watching over Dung and Gravel galore,
When it comes to appreciation
Charlie the Kacheek deserves more!

Dance of the Kacheek
by triarthrus_eatoni

What can be said about a Kacheek,
Their forms are humble and meek!
If it's the fox-likes that you seek,
Come and take a peek!

Their mutant form is so brainy,
They're cheerful even when rainy!
Their antics are goofy and zany,
They're quite skilled, even as trainees!

At once when you see one,
Their fellow Kacheeks would easily free one,
When the race starts they've only just begun,
When they finish, it won't have to be redone.

At a glance, at per chance, in circumstance,
You can see them on their way,
If you were ever kind to one,
The deed they would repay!

At the end of all these things,
You'll see the Kacheeks with fake wings,
Flying to heights as they sing,
About the world that once had been.

Save Albert the Mutant Kacheek
by pixie_tea

My name is Albert the Mutant Kacheek,
If you are wondering how I became a Mutant Kacheek and an answer is what you truly seek,
Who'd be better to answer that than I?
This is a sad story--- oh my!

I used to be a sweet little Spotted Kacheek with hopes and dreams,
My dream was to become the most famous gardener to foster Neopia's rich soil with my trusty teams.
To have one of my gardening shops on every corner in every town,
However, that dream is only a dream, and this dream could no longer be found.

My nightmare started when I went to visit the Haunted Woods in hopes of becoming the first Neopian to grow broccoli trees and pineapple plants in a place with little to no sunlight during day and night,
I recall touching the dirt of the Haunted Woods and something grabbed me and I struggled to escape and fought with all my might.
That moment I met the Esophagor and he put a curse on me,
It all happened so fast in one, two, three.

I was turned into a Mutant Kacheek when he put that curse on me,
I asked the Esophagor to please reverse the curse... that was my plea.
The Esophagor told me to fetch him food to satisfy his hunger and he promised to turn me back into a Spotted Kacheek,
Day after day, my suffering never ended... how could my life be so bleak?

It was always, "Albeerrrttt, I'm staaarvinngg," or "Wheere iss my foood?"
When I came back with Mouldy Cheese, Snorkle Snout, or any foods he has a special for... all this was no good.
He would yell, "Too slooow! Youu have faaailled!!!! Gooo feeettch me mooorree orrr eeelse... BOOM!!"
I would then have to go back to my new home,  the Mutant Graveyard of Doom.

In the Mutant Graveyard of Doom, I hope to maybe one day find the right items in the right amount of time,
Or else I'll be stuck as the Esophagor's only friend for eternity and be stuck as a Mutant Kacheek--- what a crime!
I think you can save me from my doom,
All you have to do is help me find the items in the Mutant Graveyard of Doom to feed the Esophagor in the right amount of time and my life will no longer be in gloom.

With your help, I'm sure we can defeat him in his own game,
After we beat him, my life will change in a good way and never be the same.
To reverse this curse,
Please show me your support on Kacheek Day by playing the Mutant Graveyard of Doom game and if the Esophagor ever asks... let him know all this was not rehearsed.

Kacheek Seek
by conveyance

Kacheeks like to hide and play
Seek them every night and day
During the rain or snow or when the weather is fair
Seeking them is a fun dare! 

Where are they hiding? Only you can find
Only you can with your smart mind
A conundrum if you please 
But it's not that hard, you see! 

High or low they can hide, 
It's like a crazy ride
In the trees or on the ground,
They just don't like to be found!

Oh look, you found one! 
Just kidding, it was only the sun
Easily mistaken, but don't worry
You'll soon find one if you hurry!

Now the game is almost done
I hope you've had your fun
I'm not sure you'll ever find them
But that's why this game is a gem!

What's that? A Yellow Kacheek?
Wow, you've succeeded at the seek!
Rest now, the day's almost done
Happy Kacheek Day, little one!

Florin The Farmer of Altador
by petpower14156

In the Altador countryside many years ago, 
Dwelt a young farm Kacheek named Florin.
His was a simple life, working dawn ‘till dusk
And then sleep fitfully until morning.

A heart full of joy carried him through his tasks
Tending to crops and his herds
It was hard work but good work, so many lessons to learn
Understanding the soil, sun, and herbs.   

But shadows crept over the fields of his neighbours
And whispers of blight struck the land.
From dark forest crevices sickness crawled forth
Plants withered and soil dried like sand. 

So brave Florin went out, leaving his life’s work behind
To find answers to stave off the blight. 
The forest held answers for a pure-hearted hero
Willing to seek beyond the edges of light. 

His diligence paid off, the secret was found,
He returned to his homeland victorious. 
Within the large satchel he carried on his back 
Was a herb, most ponderous and curious.

The herb, when mixed in a large trough of water
Healed plants upon which it was applied.
The fields again flourished and the harvest was saved,
Though Florin’s own crops from neglect had died. 

He had sacrificed his most valued accomplishment
To find this cure for his friends.
So around him came hands to uplift and support him
Until spring came and he could plant seeds again! 

Tales of his selflessness spread far and wide,
Even reaching King Altador’s ears.
And with welcoming arms the King beckoned the farmer
To make the heroes of Altador his peers. 

So this is the story of Florin the Kacheek,
Who acted selflessly to save Altador’s harvest 
He now stands as The Farmer in the Hall of Heroes
Amidst all of Altador’s most marvellous.

A Kacheek of All Colours
by querba

A Kacheek stood in wonder,
Before the rainbow of paint brushes,
So many colours and options,
It made his head rush.

He loved the Maraquan's blue,
The Eventide's mysterious hues,
The Sketch's artistic flair,
And the Origami's unique views.

But the Kacheek was confused,
He couldn't make up his mind,
For each paint brush he'd see,
He'd find something new to find.

He thought about it day and night,
Till he couldn't take it anymore,
He realised the best option,
Was to go for something more.

He picked up the rainbow paint brush,
With a smile on his face,
For with it, he could be anything,
And any colour or place.

So now he roams Neopia,
With a rainbow of hues,
He's happy with his decision,
And he knows he can't lose.

For in the end, it's not about,
The paint brush you choose,
But the joy that it brings,
And the beauty it imbues.

The Blue Kacheek Group
by hectic_haley

The Blue Kacheek group,
may be the most well known group of Kacheeks.
They are stoic unlike most Kacheeks,
you don't often see them crack a smile.

Warm smiles, and kind eyes.
These are the defining traits of a Kacheek,
though the Blue Kacheek Group
dare to be different.

They perform often,
sharing their odd music and bizarre show.
You may not see them smile,
but their concert is an experience.

They pour their heart and soul into their music,
practising for hours on end.
They do this to ensure that their performance
is one you will never forget.

Seek a Kacheek
by discardedcrayons

Peaceful and Shy
May deter you from this guy
But their calm disposition 
Puts them in a position 
For fame, friends, and fortune. 

Their big heads will give you a good laugh
But that just means they aren't daft. 
They may not be aggressive or the loudest, 
But you as their friend, they'll be the proudest. 

A relative of the Poogle, 
With their curved ears with pointed tips. 
Just compare their doodles. 

After today, 
You may
Find yourself on a Kacheek Seek!

The Royal Kacheeks
by rurirawr

The two Kacheeks walk hand-in-hand, 
As they ascend the throne. 
A ceremony, oh so grand! 
To Shenkuu, they'll be known.

The Royalboy climbs up the stairs,
His cape a blazing red.
And on his neck, a jade he wears - 
Same as that on his head. 

With rubies on his wrists and hat,
That match his leather boots, 
He looks even more regal yet, 
Complete with armoured suit. 

The Royalgirl's pink kimono, 
Exudes sheer elegance. 
In jewellery from head to toe:
Symbol of opulence. 

A fresh pink rose adorns her hair, 
Which adds a touch of grace. 
Looks fitting for this grand affair;
At last, she takes her place. 

The nation erupts into cheers, 
Indeed a joyous scene. 
Here's to many more peaceful years, 
All hail the King and Queen!

Charlie the Kacheek
by ritzylove

Garbage here, garbage there 
Charlie has garbage everywhere
A stink so heinous, a stench so foul
Watch out for Charlie's angry scowl 

This Kacheek manages all the trash
The dung, the crumbs, the whole smelly stash
Soggy boxes in puddles of gravy 
No one knows how Charlie doesn't go crazy

While not very nice, he will let you in
Just hold your breath before you begin
Comb through the dirt, sift through the muck
What's that at the bottom? You're in luck!

They say Petpets wander into the dump
Finding the odour too delightful to pass up
Munching on zenana peels, rolling in mud
You pick one up and you're ready to run 

It's not just Petpets that hide in the junk
Sometimes there's other treasure to pluck
So be sure to stop by the rubbish dump
And say thanks to Charlie, that cheeky rump.

Famous Kacheeks
by paintedl0ve

Only a Kacheek brave and brash
could tolerate a pile of farm trash
Charlie is just so swell
for not minding bad smells
I hope he gets paid in Neocash!

My worst nightmares were made
since I met the spooky Eliv Thade
I’m not smart enough
to solve puzzles that tough
and might have to work on my grades.

If concert-going is your thing
the Blue Kacheek Group’s interesting
with their talent and skill
you will get serious chills
I guarantee you won’t stop swaying. 

There are Kacheeks that are well known
but love to all should be shown
As shy as most of them are
some are the coolest pets by far
You might wish you have your own

Mr. Chuckles Haiku
by pedunculatingly

Makeup, bright and white
over a Pink Kacheek’s face
“This can’t be so bad”

I brace for battle
Now, which weapon should I use?
The clown tells a joke. 

I look at the clown
and start laughing quite hard that
I forgot to aim.

*Bing!* Weapon misses
It’s the clown’s turn to aim now
I can’t believe it…

Mr. Chuckles, clown
and Battledome opponent
just put me to shame!

Not just a Kacheek
he’s a fierce warrior too
Laugh before you lose

The Story of Siona the Kacheek
by chromasia

There once was a Kacheek, who was mild and meek.
That ran from any trouble that found her.
But one fateful day, she found the courage to take...
The indomitable step forward. 

Amongst the bustling crowd, a cry for help found
its way to her ears and her heart...
But unlike most days; where she'd be frozen...afraid: 
Siona sprang right into action!

Before she knew it, her legs started moving!
All this courage that once had laid dormant...
She yelled, "I am here!"
And the power she feared, she now felt so free to use it.

Taking up to the sky, she felt all of their eyes...
She knew all too well, how ordinary pets might feel 
when they saw a Kacheek take flight! 
But a young, little Aisha was trembling with fear at the sight of her Kadoatie before her...

Her beloved, sweet pet had gotten stuck on a branch, and it was begging for someone to save her!
Siona soared forward, with no time to think. Grabbing that Kadoatie and
Landing softly on her feet. 

The young, little Aisha ran forward with tears, and embraced the new hero!
Thanking her for hearing her call.
Siona stammered slightly, but she truly felt mighty when she realized a crowd had formed.

They were celebrating her gift, they were amazed with her flight...
She was a hero, not a weirdo--The relief that she felt.
She let out a smile and vowed to remember that feeling, still a little worried that she might have been dreaming.

The (apocryphal) Ballad of the Kacheek Theif
by regniltte

In meadows of flaxen gold and green
Reclined in the domain of honey and dreams
Lay a kind indifferent to gains or esteem
Lazing on knolls, basking in streams
In such places in Neopia Kacheeks abound,
And in such a place by Meridel is our story found

Some Kacheeks lived in peace in those lush waving fields
And knew only happiness and had the land's bounty
And they lived only off the land's yield
Teaching "keep and take not from those around ye".

But a hulking churl from some local village
A Skieth exiled for her pitch-dark heart
Knew of this bounty and decided to pillage
By abusing the Kacheeks' very kindest parts

"Oh please, spare me the food from your hands,
Skieths must eat a king's share to live"
And just as taught, they obeyed her commands,
With nothing to keep from the amount that they'd give

But one young Kacheek, name long since lost
More graceful and sharp than his lay kin,
Said "our ways have betrayed us, and must be tossed,
We'll perish if we don't take back what was taken"

That supper the young rogue told the tyrant her crime
Telling her that he'd rather things not get rough
But the Skeith cared not and continued to dine
At which point the youngster decided, "enough"

Before she could blink, he was finished with her,
Having retaken not only all the hoarded food,
But the shoes from her feet, and this startled the cur,
And she ran from the Kacheeks and was gone for good

Turning back to the others, expecting applause,
Having brought back his people from the brink of starvation,
He found only scared gasps, and eyes covered by paws,
His place among them was lost, or rather, from him taken

And as the years past his sadness became bitter,
Blaming all Skeiths for his losing his place,
And the worst of them all, King Skarl, throne-sitter
Most greedy of his thuggish old race

So the Kacheek trained until he'd become a shade,
Driving out his childhood's kindness and light,
And now he stalks the castle, showing through his regular raids
He'll never be slow to give Skarl a share of his spite

Meek Kacheek Games
by tingtingwu

Non-flash games? Boring, no thanks, they're quite the snore.
"Give our games a chance!" challenged these meek Kacheeks four,
"Test your fortitude with us if you're inclined,
You may be surprised by a few and change your mind."

"Once an aspiring knight promised fortune and fame,
Now known as Prisoner Three, freedom is my aim."
Look for Squire Meekel if you're good and able,
To connect five and win on the Cellblock table.

"If you're feeling lucky and want to wager,
Bet on me, Puffo, in Food Club to win major.
My galleon-sized appetite when candy is served,
Is why 'the Waister' is a nickname well-deserved."

"Most are fooled by my dimwitted disposition,
Believing Bacheek to be no card tactician."
Should you dismiss the stone mover in Go! Go! Go!
You just may find yourself wailing Oh, No! No! No!

A nameless Desert Kacheek finds eagle-eyed,
Monthly Geos devotees who come from far and wide.
"'To build or to bomb, that is the question,' I ask,
As you must complete four shapes to fulfill the task."

While we all wait for action and flash conversion,
Try these Kacheek games for a welcomed diversion.
Whether it's strategy, luck, or chance that you crave,
One of these could become an unforeseen fave!

A Guide on How to Fly!
by jaden90610

Squeak the Kacheek was a little guy,
But despite his size he was never shy.
Brave and curious, he travelled far and wide.
In hopes of one day making it to the sky.

As the long years came and went by,
Squeak the Kacheek would always try,
But no matter how much he jumped or cried,
He just couldn't seem to make it to the sky.

Yet as fate would have it a faerie passed by.
Her wings gone, ripped, farewell, bye-bye!
The grey faerie looked at the Kacheek with a sigh.
"If you help me, just maybe you'll be able to fly?"

So Squeak buckled up for this quest was a ride,
He searched high and low for this item; a cherry pie!
And so he gave the faerie the item he vied!
His reward? Something that would make him so spry!

For she had no magic, the Grey Faerie had a friend pay the dues.
The Rainbow Fountain was finally up for use!

With a splash and shout he jumped on inside,
And came out with wings that could mystify!
After taking some time to finally dry,
Squeak the Kacheek could reach the beautiful sky.

Kacheek, My Sweet
by mialuvx3

O, wee Kacheek, thou are so sweet.
The faeries bless these Neopets, who are meek.
For they are cuddly and soft as fleece,
Yet cunning as the stealthiest of sneaks.

Paint them blue, grey, mutant, or baby?
Perhaps their intellect overpasses their owners, maybe?
Either way their happiness, cuteness, and charms will continue to reign freely.

Sweet precious Kacheek, we appreciate your species,
May you never go extinct, and that we study more books on your thesis.

Kacheeks are cool,
So choose one kid.
Kacheeks like to exercise in parks or in a pool,
After eating all that Kacheek Crunchy Cereal there's plenty of calories to get rid.

Furthermore, whether you support the Kacheek shepherd or a Kacheek thief,
Go and spend your Neopoints on a neat Kacheek Plushie for instant relief!

Kacheek Seek
by chai7705

One, two, three, and four
I count aloud excitedly
Five, six, seven, eight
Eyes still closed so I can't see

Nine, and ten! I turn around
And look from left and then to right
I check each nook and cranny
Until a flash comes to sight

What's this? It's blue,
And it's a blur
It's fuzzy -- no, furry --
I can't be sure

I approach with caution
And stretch out to reach
Aha! I found you!
My favourite game! Kacheek Seek!

Let's play again! And again, again!
Shouts out my friend Kacheek
Alright, I say, but just one thing:
Now I'll hide, and don't dare peek!

Hide and Seek on Kacheek Day
by imhere4now1

Sweet and mild-mannered
amiable and meek
My pet is oh-so hard to find 
when we play hide and seek
All around our humble home
In every space and I scan and look
I search other places nearby too
There are several outdoor nooks
Is she hiding in her favourite spot?
No way, that’s way too easy…
Maybe the wind blew her away
after all, the day’s breezy.
Then a bright lightbulb
suddenly goes off in my head
my next plan was to call her friend
but maybe this will work instead:

“Oh well,” I sigh, “It’s just me who’ll eat
this specially made Kacheek Day treat!”
I hear steps quickly approach. Success!
My heart warms a bit from happiness
since at the end of the day I got 
to eat yummy cake with my Kacheek
after what seemed like five hours 
of playing hide and seek!

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