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Neopets Poems

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Zafara Day Special

Ode To Zafara Day
by chai7705

Long, long ago in the second year
A creature was found here
With a long, strong tail
And spotted, floppy ears

With spikes all down its back
And big feet fit for the outback
You might be afraid
That such a beast would attack

But take a closer peek
And see its fluffy chest and cheeks
With a big friendly smile
And eyes big and meek

This is no monster we should fear
This is a Neopet we all hold dear
The Zafara! Hurray!
Instead we all shall cheer

The Hunting month, it premiered
But another holiday was too near
So now we celebrate this special pet
On the Third of Awakening every year

Zafaras of Baby and Blue
Marble, Mutant, and Magma too
What colours come next?
Let's celebrate the new Zafara's debut!

Zafara Day
by coolton45

A Zafara so full of fun,
With energy like the shining sun.
On his birthday we all gather round,
To celebrate with a joyful sound.

With leaps and bounds he jumps so high,
Bringing laughter to the sky.
His stripes as bright as rainbow hues,
He's loved by Neopians, it's no news.

We sing and dance in his honour,
For he is our dear Zafara friend,
We hope his birthday will be a blast,
And that it will never end.

So here's to you, dear Zafara,
May all your jumps be super high,
We're so glad to call you friend,
And wish you a happy birthday fly!

The 8-bit Zafara
by uggachild

In pixels bright and bold,
A Zafara, 8-bit and old,
Through neon streets did roam,
In search of a digital home.

With joystick in her hand,
She'd explore this cyber land,
Through wires and circuits she'd fly,
A digital adventurer, never to die.

She'd climb the tallest towers
And swim through the darkest hours,
Nothing could stop her quest,
To see what lay beyond the rest.

A glitch in the system,
A glitch in her mind,
She'll never stop exploring
Until the end of time.

So let us all take heed,
From this 8-bit Zafara's lead,
And let our hearts be filled with wonder,
As we explore the world we're under.

Ace Zafara: Space Adventures
by master_ark

Virtupets Space Station is where he calls home
A true Super Race champion on top of the throne
Is it fiction, or a true Neopian legend?
Advert Attacks popping up every second

Who's ready to challenge the best in Neopia
Be fast or he will zoom right past ya
The race is on, who's the fastest to zoom by
Ads begone, there's no time to click by

Keep clicking and clicking, then click some more
Eventually you'll end up at the portal's door
Dr. Sloth and his evil minions will cackle and laugh
But the master of the Space Race is simply too fast

After all is said and done, the legend is true
The fastest Zafara of them all is actually blue
If you manage to beat him, you'll get an avatar too
So are you ready to beat Mr. Ace Zafara? Are you?

Flower Merchant Zafara Outfit
by indulgences

The Flower Merchant weaves her way
Through folks and crowded streets.
Her arms are full of flowers bright.
Her steps are quick and fleet.

She calls out, “Flowers are for sale!
A rose for one NP!
A carnation is sold for two!
A daisy for just three!”

The Wig upon her bonny head
Has wavy auburn hair.
It glistens in the morning sun,
So elegant and fair!

The Dress she wears is orange silk,
With ruffles at the hem.
The waist has belt of brightest green,
The color of a stem!

The Sandals that are on her feet
Are made of leather white.
They’re trimmed with orange flowers, and
They’re such a lovely sight!

Her Basket’s brimming with the best
Of blossoms bright and sweet.
They fill the air with their perfume,
A fleeting, precious treat!

And finally, the Flower that
Is held in her left hand
Is waved around to passersby
To show its beauty grand!

The Flower Merchant Zafara
Is such a charming thing!
It captivates our senses with
The flowers it does bring!

Edna the Witch
by taluhi

Edna the Witch, a spellbinding sight
With cauldron bubbling day and night
She's known to cast a wicked spell
And leave her foes with a funny smell

Her magic powers, beyond compare
Her potions, potions everywhere
She brews a brew with great delight
And watches it bubble day and night

But don't be fooled by her wicked grin
She has a heart that's kind within
She uses her magic for good deeds
And helps those in direst needs

So next time you see Edna the Witch
Don't run, for she won't make you twitch
Just approach with an open heart
And she'll show you the magic of her art

Zafara Hop!
by stariell

With tails long, legs strong and a hop so grand,
The Zafaras roam Neopia's land,
They're always bouncing, never slowing down,
Their antics bring laughter all around.

They love to play games, they're quite the sight,
Jumping over obstacles left and right,
Their speed and agility, quite a feat,
A Zafara's never one to miss a beat.

They love to dance, a silly hop and twirl,
Their friends all join in, such a joyful swirl,
Their energy contagious, one can't help but smile,
The Zafaras, a joy to be with all the while.

So next time you see a Zafara's grin,
Take a moment, join in, let the fun begin,
Their zany ways, a delight to see,
Zafaras are the best, we can all agree!

Zafara, the Double Agent Spy
by querba

Zafara, a double agent spy
Her mission, to deceive and deny
With a smile on her face, she pretends
But her mind is always around the bends

She infiltrates the enemy's lair
Gathering secrets with utmost care
Her loyalties constantly shifting
Her allegiance, a mystery lifting

She walks the line between right and wrong
Her choices, a delicate song
She dances in the shadows of doubt
Her cover never blown, never found

But when the truth is finally revealed
Her actions, a double-edged sword wielded
She stands between two opposing forces
Her motives, hidden, behind closed doors

Zafara, the double agent spy
Her story, a tale of mystery and lies
A Zafara who lives in a world of grey
A puzzle that's yet to be deciphered, in the end, some say.

Ace Zafara
by dudeiloled

Today I will get in my spaceship and fire my rockets.
It is the same as yesterday, and the day before,
but sometimes my advert attacks stretch on for hours,
and other times they are short.
This is not my fault, my spaceship is out of my control.
All I know is wake up, get in, fire rockets, go home.
Sometimes I don't even remember what home is, where it is.
I just remember that today I will get in my spaceship and fire my rockets.

In space, it is easy to feel alone.
A neverending, black abyss
With stars that steal your eyesight and galaxies that swallow you whole
But I'm safe, in my spaceship.
I think.
I don't tell anyone, because there is no one to talk to,
but sometimes, very rarely, not often at all,
(except that very rarely, not often at all, means every day, all day)
that I am frightened out here
and I wish I could go to a new home
with other Neopets
and feel real-safe.
Not space-safe.
Not spaceship-safe.

Today I will get in my spaceship and fire my rockets.
It is the same as yesterday, and the day before,
but sometimes my advert attacks stretch on for hours,
and other times they are short.
This is not my fault, my spaceship is out of my control.
All I know is wake up, get in, fire rockets, go home.
Sometimes I don't even remember what home is, where it is.
I just remember that today I will get in my spaceship and fire my rockets.

Are there other Zafaras like me?
Other Zafaras?

If you're out t h e r e
Please f i n d  m e

Royal Girl Zafara Pancakes: A Tasty, Fruity Treat
by _brainchild_

Royal Girl Zafara Pancakes
Are delicious, finely baked!
They're great with syrup, oh so sweet.
They really are a scrumptious treat!

Zafara lass shall bear a grin.
Food cute and tasty is a win!
The ears are floppy. Prominent,
They're swell in flavour and fine scent.

The strawberries, so fruity, are
Adored by gourmands near and far.
Despite the lower rarity,
They scarf down pancakes with great glee.

For breakfast this Zafara Day,
Cure any mood of grim dismay
With berry pancakes---they're the best!
They clearly outshine all the rest.

Kayla's Biggest Fan
by rurirawr

There is a little Zafara, 
Who wants to be just like Kayla:
Potions master of Meridell -
The greatest, anyone could tell. 

But first of all, she has to get, 
The new Kayla's Chemistry Set, 
So at the toy shop, there she buys, 
The set at a discounted price. 

Excited, the Zafara starts,
To assemble the many parts, 
Of tubes and beakers, flasks and stand,
It's going according to plan!

Combining liquids, green and blue,
She watches as it changes hue, 
Then gives the tube a tiny flick,
Thinking that it should do the trick.

Instead, the mixture turns to pink,
And bubbles up right to the brink. 
In her surprise, she stumbles back,
When the tube breaks with a loud crack.

Alas, she'll have to send her props, 
Over to Donny's repair shop, 
But this mishap won't halt her quest,
To be like Kayla at her best!

Delma the Zafara
by kadface

Delma the Zafara
Of Team Faerieland
Crafty in defence
And with ball in hand

Focused in her sport
Playing down the left
Throws the Yooyu far 
Hands are slick and deft

Guarding is her strength
Speed her only flaw
Loves to win the game
Hates to lose or draw

Long purple hair
Wings a pinkish hue
Ears long and curled
Eyes a sparkling blue

Delma the Zafara
Favourite of the crowd
Watch her stout defence
And surely you’ll be wowed!

Kayla the Potion Maker
by hectic_haley

Kayla the Potion Maker,
is a vibrant Red Zafara,
with piercing pink eyes,
and a large, friendly smile.
She sports a starry witches hat,
with a matching robe,
and almost always has a potion in hand.

Though she dabbles in the art of potion-making,
Kayla has also travelled through time.
Zafaras are adventurous, and she's not one to turn down an adventure.
Despite her warm and friendly nature,
Kayla has experienced war.
She played a pivotal role in the Meridell vs. Darigan war.
It was her brain that thought to transform Turtums into giants,
and it was these giants who were an equal match to Kass' war machines.

The war has come and gone,
and now Kayla resides in Meridell.
She opened a shop within the castle
and will offer any traveller a potion for a price.
She brews for good, not evil.

The Pirate Bomber
by precious_katuch14

An expert in pyrotechnics, 
A master of bombs,
She makes things explode
With undeniable aplomb.

She's the Pirate Bomber,
A Zafara with a knack
For explosives and things
That go boom and crack.

Even as a sprout,
When she lit her first fuse,
She watched the sparks
And vowed never to lose.

She joined Captain Scarblade,
A firecracker in his crew,
The Pirate Bomber would soon show
Everything that she could do.

What needs to be set aflame?
What needs to be obliterated?
Whatever it is,
This Zafara is plenty elated.

Her bombs fly into the air,
As she watches with a grin,
And as they crackle and explode,
She knows they can win.

When you hear her giggle,
Don't stay a while.
You might want to run,
When you see her smile!

Zafara Safari
by discardedcrayons

Zafaras may look like a Kangaroo,
But they also have dragon like qualities too. 
With their head and chest floof, 
They are quite a cute Neopet.
And the best part is their adventurous nature yet! 

Don't be afraid to drop by Edna for a quest, 
Or visit Kayla's for a freshly brewed potion. 
Don't be fooled by Chadley's smile,
He is quite the foe with a lot of guile. 

With their adaptable nature, 
They are fit for adventure. 
A nomad with their ability to adapt,
Makes Zafaras the perfect pet to zap. 

With enough love and care, 
They will share their luck that they have plenty to spare!

A Secret Dragon?
by bittersweet52

Sinuous body and mysterious spikes
The Zafara's body tickles the mind
Strong hind legs hint at muscles to leap
What if the air is what they seek

Some have fins and some have wings
But most have neither of these things
A muscular tail is common to all
Does it help them not to topple and fall?

With their fluffy tufts of fuzzy fur
Mammals they may aptly infer
But then that tail, so much like a Pteri
It's all getting a little hairy

What exactly is a Zafara?
How did they come to be as they are
Could it be this floppy-eared friend
Is really, secretly, a type of dragon?

Help Edna the Zafara Witch
by pixie_tea

Edna the Witch is a Zafara whose age is unknown but is said to be even older than mouldy cheese,
Her speciality is working with magic spells and potions and if you sniff any of her potions you'll definitely sneeze.
One of Edna's prized possessions happens to be a broomstick that is parked outside of the spooky, shadowy Witch's Tower,
This beloved broomstick took her over two hundred moons to learn how to ride, but without it, she has no power.

Edna is still not very good at riding her broomstick and is always trying to master her spells,
The cauldron that she uses to work on spells and concoct potions is larger than a combination of two wishing wells.
She is always mixing up spells and getting them wrong,
It would take her a very long time to find the correct spells and when she finally does, she never has the right ingredients, and then she hysterically breaks in a song.

Looks like Edna the Witch needs your help to get her spells right,
But hurry because the time limit is tight!
All you have to do is head on over to the Witch's Tower and accept a quest from her,
Once you know all the ingredients she needs, you shall hunt for the missing spell ingredients and bring them back for her to stir.

If you come back before the time is up with the correct ingredients, she will reward you with something great,
Who knows, maybe she will let you taste her potion on a plate?
But I wouldn't taste it if I were you,
I suggest only accepting the prize she awards and you may even receive the Edna - Cackle! avatar after all that you've been through!

Happy Zafara Day!
by sqwigglie

Who has two big paws and large floppy ears?
A super long tail and has no fears?
The Zafara, that's who!
But I bet you already knew

And today is their special day!
We're very excited, I must say
I wonder what new colour TNT will release?
My curiosity will not cease!

I can't wait to see the new colour we can paint
Any of the colours, I would have no complaint!
There's Elderly, Mosaic, Snot and Toy
Steampunk, Sponge and Oil Paint, oh joy!

So I'll be lurking in the news throughout the day
I wouldn't have it any other way
Because Zafara Day only happens once a year
And this day brings everyone so much cheer!

The Unlucky Zafara
by orlytheowl

There once was an unlucky Zafara
That one day lost her mascara
She looked through her house
Scared away an old mouse
But when she found it it was dry as Sahara

She then had to purchase a new one
But that she never should have done
Because it made her eyes runny
And that's never funny
So she decided to simply wear none

Now she is living the good days
With no mascara or powder and no glaze
She now knows natural is best
She has put it to the test
And have tried it all different ways

Celebrate All Zafaras
by ennyra

If you never met a Zafara,
I suggest you do it now!
They're the best friends to keep,
They'll never let you down.

My best friend is Zane,
We've been friends for so long.
Or favourite thing to do together,
Is dance and sing a song.

We go on many adventures,
All across the land.
From the snow on Terror Mountain,
To Mystery Island in the sand.

I want to celebrate Zane today,
Along with all other Zafaras around,
We'll be throwing a party,
Meet up with us in the middle of town.

Full of cake, punch, and balloons,
We'll be awaiting exciting news.
Zafara Day is sure to be a hit,
And will keep away the winter blues!

Zina Of Ruins Rampage
by therainbowsheep

The sneakiest Zafara we know,
Zina knows how to stay low!
Desert Scarab member, she's out to steal -
She snags trinkets with lots of zeal!

To the ruins of the desert she went,
Following treasure's scent.
A true Zafara, she loves to explore,
Roaming is never a chore.

But the ruins are quite the maze,
Possible to get lost for days.
Her partner is bad at directions,
Only able to build their collections.

But luckily Zina is here,
She navigates with no fear!
Determined to find a way,
She leads them through the fray.

Once free, it's to the next job
There's so much more to rob!
Zina we forever admire,
To be like her, we aspire.

Z is for Zafara
by i_lovee_icecream

Zigzagging in the meadow,
Dancing with their shadows.
Zipping like a race on a track,
Always playful, never to attack.

Zafara are the Neopets,
At the end of the alphabet.
While they may be last,
To the side, they are not cast.

Zest for life evident in their smiles,
Their paws have seen miles and miles.
Zooming from here to there,
Like stars shooting everywhere.

Zafara are the Neopets,
At the end of the alphabet.
Wearing their “Z” proudly,
And their pride loudly.

Zombie to Baby to Halloween,
So many colours to be seen!
Zapping them until they turn,
To a beautiful colour, you yearn!

Zafara are the Neopets,
At the end of the alphabet.
Go adopt your very own today,
They’ll be loyal and here to stay!

The Christmas Zafara
by roxanna203

On a very snowy night,
Only those with lucky sight,
Will be able to see,
An angel in glee.

A Zafara floats around,
Her wings all abound,
Her halo shiny as gold,
One that won't grow old.

Christmas is her season,
Imagine the reason,
Her white fur blends,
But the gold makes amends.

Singing in soprano,
Holding long notes,
Ears and eyes are blessed,
On this special Zafara day!

A Total Chadley
by actiontal

Chadrick, Chadley, with his eye’s so dreamy 
A green pompadour, he’s as fresh as sashimi 
The Zafara’s smile is as wide as a Kreludor moon
The swagger and style make a Usukiboy swoon

His autograph inscribed on me like a tattoo
And I chase after him like a Puppyblew 
VIP discounts at any beauty salon
All of his clothes are made of silk chiffon

Maybe in love with his own reflection
And still I vie for all of his affection 
He double dare’s my heartbeat to skip
The Green Zafara has got that d r i p

The Zafara of Advert Attack
by niddyz

Whether you’re going for the avatar
Or just like a little fun
When playing Advert Attack you’ll learn
Zafaras are number one!

What’s that, you say? Too many adverts?
Surely that’s not true!
Just look at all the things you can buy,
Sell, click, wait, give what to who?!?

They take over the screen, all bright and flashy,
So now the game is lost?
No, look at the valiant hero barging in:
It’s Ace, the Zafara—at no cost!

Ace in Super Race is truly all aces—
No other pet dare compare—
And fighting off Sloth’s nefarious plans
Makes gaming ever more fair.

So as you bounce around Neopia
On this fine Zafara Day,
Be sure you celebrate our little furry friend,
And tell those adverts to GO! away!

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