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Neopets Poems

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Usul Day Special

Usul Friend
by lovelylittledreamer

Up on terror mountain,
Possibly in a tree,
You will find a special Usul friend,
the sight of their ruffs and ribbons will fill you with glee,

One might think a pet,
As fashionable as the Usul,
Could not be very well at sports,
Or the idea to be unusual,
But they are proved to be a superior bunch,
Because as good as they can ski,
They can also pose and strut,

Some might say the Usul is vain,
They groom and brush,
And tame their mane,
They fluff their tail,
And accessorise,
While twinkles of future outfits dance in their eyes,

But they are also a great pet,
And love to make new friends,
It’s always a party when Usuls are around,
Because they ensure the fun will never end.

Hannah the Brave
by theguy2020

Always down for an an adventure of mission,
Hannah can join any team and contribute to almost any position,
Not many Neopians have accomplished as much as her,
So give her a call if trouble starts to stir!

Bravery is her middle name,
Even the wildest beasts she can manage to tame,
She laughs in the face of danger,
Truly a game changer!

One of her first missions was to recover her grandfather’s stolen land,
Honesty courage is just part of her brand,
You absolutely need her on your team, 
Or when things go downhill if you don’t have her you’ll lose steam!

Even once all the Boris she helped save,
Adventure is truly what she craves,
If you need some help she always considers those in need,
Most of Neopia can probably agree!

The Shadow Usul
by _cherry_kisses_

Most Usuals are loyal and friendly, 
but this one isn’t so nice,
so you would do well to listen
and heed this urgent advice.

She might steal all your items,
but that’s not the worst she can do.
We don’t know much about her,
but they say she’s quite vicious too.

You might see her at midnight,
tendrils of smoke under the door,
or darkness wisping around her
as she floats across the floor.

She can move like a ghost or cloud
under that pale full moon.
When she appears on the wall,
her shadow fills the room.

So stay out of the dark if you can
and rest safe in the lamplight’s glow.
Always take some light with you
wherever you want to go.

If she does catch you one night,
no doubt that she’ll remind you,
as you quake and quiver with fear,
“I know all that you do…”

The Chocolate Usul
by truebrony

Oh Chocolate Usul,
You sweet happy thing!
Your tail is made out of
Chocolatey cream!

Your eyes are so vibrant,
Luscious and brown,
Your smile’s as sweet
As a candy cane crown!

Oh Chocolate Usul,
How you dazzle us so!
You leave us in awe
As you dance to and fro!

Your chocolatey fur
Is as soft as a doll!
Oh Chocolate Usul,
You’re the sweetest of all!

Usulbat Plushie: Talented and Unique
by _brainchild_

Usulbat Plushie is my friend.
So different she may be,
Yet she will please me to no end---
She brings me lots of glee.
Some think she's far too strange, but I
Extol her as unique.
I simply cannot fathom why
Their view of her is bleak!

The doll-like face of cute Usuls
And Korbat wings shall fuse.
This awesome plush is very cool---
She's certain to amuse.
An eyeball may be missing, though
I really do not care.
I love to watch Usulbat go
Through clouds while in the air!

So, if someone is not the same,
They're not the soul to shun.
Don't pile upon them lots of blame---
I'm sure they're lots of fun.
Oh, many an Usul has yearned
For, one day, taking flight.
As allies of Usulbat learned,
Her attitude is bright.

A Sonnet for the Chocolate Usul
by i_lovee_icecream

Whipped cream; oh, so sweet,
With a cherry on top.
Fluffy and pretty and neat!
Plopped in a dollop.

A smooth chocolate body,
Tempered to perfection.
Yummy simplicity, never gaudy.
Oh, what a confection!

The Chocolate Usul,
Is a sight to see.
She looks like a spoonful,
An angel atop a cocoa tree.

Gold bows tied ‘round ears and tail,
As sweet as a sugarplum inhale.

Usul from Ugga Drop
by roxanna203

Many fear the height from above,
But the higher I am, the more I love,
Only a select few of us feel this way,
My competitors agree with what I say. 

An Usul far from the ground,
The only brave female around, 
Taking a deep breath before the jump,
Timing it correctly because I'm no chump. 

Down down down and fast we all go,
Parachuting too early, makes us slow,
My heart sinks during this small time,
In a good way that is just simply divine. 

Who will reach the bottom first?
Of course it will be me, the Usul. 
I strike a pose in my Tyrannain dress,
My hair always on point for the press. 


Usul Day: Usukiland Shopping!
by honorrolle

When one goes to Usukiland,
A few things one must understand, 
Magical hair and stylin’ fashion,
Lots of Neopians shop with passion. 

Big hair’s a pro,
Outfits for snow,
Ready for anything, 
Purses for carrying,

Superhero mask, 
Camping flask, 
Pretty in pink, 
Ice skating rink,

Beautiful bride, 
Purchase bona fide, 
Usuki King, 
Flower crowns of spring,

Every collector ready in the fall,
Ready to open caps and have a ball,
Coloured purple and coloured pink, 
When released watch wallet shrink,

Usukiland here in Neo to stay, 
Celebrated for more than a day, 
So very very fun to buy,
Let shopkeeper Blum increase the supply!

Shadow Usul of the Night
by therainbowsheep

In darkness the Shadow Usul lurks,
Spotting her takes some work.
She only roams at night,
It's rare to catch a sight.

Silhouette visible in the moonlight glow,
Shows her methodically moving slow.
She climbs up windows, creeps up walls,
To be stealthy sometimes she even crawls.

Effortlessly, she'll break in
With soft laugher and a grin.
She's sure to leave her mark,
Her shadow like a river of dark. 

Quiet, she won't make a sound,
So it's tough to tell when she's around.
In Neopia Central she tends to dwell,
What does she seek? No one can tell.

Notably sneaky and always on the move,
It is unknown what she strives to prove.
So keep your wits about you, be on guard 
Lest your paths cross and leave you scarred.

The Woodland Usul
by bittersweet52

Deep in the woods beneath the shady limbs
Where the Earth Faeries go to sing their hymns
If you have a keen eye and a heart that is true
A Woodland Usul may appear to you

Her fur falls in whorls that resemble bark
Making her invisible as the light grows dark
Camouflage working at its very best
As many fruitless searches can attest

Seek for fronds with blooms of pink
(The flower will be smaller than you think)
Growing sometimes near a weathered stone
With mosses and bits of grass overgrown

When you find her, a boon you may ask
She can grant you protection, or help with a task
She will do her best to help in your cause
And laud your successes with heartfelt applause

So go to the woods with a conscience that's clear
Go with your hopes and your wishes so dear
Seek out the Usul and endeavour to try
And find that you have a new friend by and by

Happy Cake Day Usuls
by punk_rocker_pip

Happy Usul Day, let’s celebrate with cake
There are so many yummy options to bake

My favourite is made of cookie dough in the shape of a Usul
It is flavoured with chocolate chips and bright orange zest
One bite and I think you’ll agree its simply the best
Have some with a glass of milk, careful don’t spill!

The Deluxe Strawberry Cake is also a must try
It has a moist vanilla sponge in many layers
And fresh strawberry filling piled high

Pets may also enjoy a Caramel Usul Cake Confection
It has a nutty almond flavour and is topped with rich chocolate fudge
A single mouthful makes all pets grin
Don’t take my word for it, you be the judge!

Fruit fans may want to try the Amazing Apple Cake: which is bright green
Tender spice cake is topped with apple frosting that is sour
Grab your sugar, butter, and don’t forget the flour
This multilayered cake is perfect for a Royal Girl Usul Queen

Chocolate fiends will love the Starry Chocolate Usul Cake
It is so much fun for you and your pet to make
Decorate with blue icing and bright gold stars
Homemade tastes better than what you find at the Bazaar

Grab your fork or maybe a spoon
Usul Day will be here soon!

The Shadow Usul
by kellyclark1115

If you feel chills at night,
watch out for a shadowy being.
He can sneak up on you,
his bright yellow eyes gleaming.

Fur as dark as a moonless night,
ears shadowy and dim,
That's who the infamous
Shadow Usul is, yep that's him.

If you are lucky, 
he'll give you the chance
to battle him in Central Arena.
Don't get caught in his trance!

With weapons as shadowy as him,
he uses cunning wits.
Try to dodge him 
as he tries to land hits.

Garin the Brave
by fizztop

By now we all should know the most famous of them all,
He’s strong and he’s bold, 
And always up for a brawl, 
Garin the bravest Usul whose story should be told.

Drifting across the deepest of blue, 
Out from the mist soars the grand sail, 
Dashing across the deck is his crew,
The Black Pawkeet hums on its trail. 

The depths of Maraqua protected by his deeds,
Against the terrors of Captain Scarblade,
Who attempted to bring the high seas to its knees, 
But Garin and his crew swiftly came to their aid.

His life as a pirate is built on cruelty of no form, 
But as his dear friend Isca learnt one day,
Finding the shiniest of treasures is what keeps his heart warm,
And from a life of thieving she could not make him sway.

As you may know Usul Day this year is upon us,
If you see The Black Pawkeet out on the sea, 
Grab all your friends and make a huge fuss, 
For Garin is worth trying to spot, I guarantee!

The Frightening Shadow Usul
by ayakae

One of the most mysterious figures of all Neopia
The Shadow Usul shows up in the darkest of nights
Without a sound, without as much as a whisper,
To Neopians she brings immeasurable fright

A shadow of her past self is what you could say she is
Some say she doesn’t even have a body anymore
Lost of any sense of kindness and empathy,
Only pure evil and viciousness lies in her core

What she does to Neopians? Nobody really knows
Anybody who survives refuses to tell the tale
When asked what happened with the Shadow Usul
All they could do was let out a pitiful wail

So be very vigilant as you walk in the darkness
Just keep moving as you pass on through
Because if you stop for even just one second
The Shadow Usul might just catch up to you…

The Reluctant Princess
by corrina404

Sakhmetian princess on the throne,
Advisers speak but she hears them drone,
Vyssa dreams of getting away,
The ivory tower is such a cliché.

She dons her jewels like a coat of armour,
Against those who attempt to charm her,
Daily attempts to use her power,
Through false flattery they try to shower.

Draping her coat and pulling her hood,
Being anonymous feels so good,
To travel through the city square,
Without the audience or fanfare.

One day she thinks the time will come,
An escape from the palace hum,
To cross oceans and travel lands,
See beyond the desert sands.

For now she stays in the palace walls,
Ignoring the way the adventure calls,
To support her sister’s fair reign,
Keep their people free from pain.

Here’s to Vyssa for all you do,
Reluctant Princess, thank you.

The Unusual Usul
by ennyra

If there's one thing about Usuls,
That everyone knows,
It's that they live in trees,
And love it when it snows.

But I'm here to tell you,
About an unusual other.
My good friend Skip,
Who prefers to be in water.

You see Skip grew up,
With Lutaris by his side.
So loving water was all he knew,
Climbing a tree he never tried!

When he met other Usuls,
He just didn't understand,
Why they all wanted to be up high,
Instead of with him on the sand.

Over time, Skip accepted,
He'll always be one of a kind.
But he still deserves to be celebrated today,
Even if he's of a different mind!

Princess Vyssa
by cpssgh1004

In the divine pyramids of Lost Desert,
The daughter of King Coltzan III resides.
Anyone will recognize this famous Usul,
So often she roams Sahkmet in disguise.

Sister of Amria and next in line for the throne,
Vyssa commands the attention in any room.
Known for her raven locks and charcoal eyeliner,
Along with a signature desert rose perfume.

Vyssa while young and inexperienced,
Has all the best attributes that Usul's possess.
Friendly, brave and fiercely loyal,
Vyssa will defend Lost Desert under any stress.

So on this very special Usul day,
Let us join together and celebrate,
A princess who will lead her kingdom to glory,
With the beauty and grace she radiates.

Ode to Gilly the Usul
by agedbeauty

Today is Usul Day, so let me tell you
All about Gilly's Tale of Woe
For Gilly helped save Neovia,
In adventures not long ago.

Gilly is a Usul, and
She looks delicate and frail
But though she might look tiny,
To save Neovia, she would prevail.

It started when she found the Wanderers
And listed to an Elephante in their camp.
There she heard the Tale of Woe,
Amidst the darkness and the damp.

And then what should Gilly find,
But Neovia hidden deep among the trees.
Finding a locket, finding a monster - 
And reuniting Bruno with Sophie.

As Gilly worked to lift the curse,
From there the tale gets dark and deep,
With a visit to a sanitorium
And a tale to make you weep.

But inside with dear Lucy,
Our favourite Usul found a flower.
And it was just what Sophie needed,
To give her potion power.

Then the town returned to normal,
(Except for Bruno, you know).
And Gilly was a hero,
Although - where DID that Elephante go?

So on Usul Day remember,
Against the villains so unsavery,
Gilly the Usul was smart and strong,
So always remember her bravery!

The Groom Me NOW Usul
by precious_katuch14

You've heard of Usukis,
Fun to groom and style.
But here is a new toy
That'll keep you busy awhile.

A Darigan Usul's bust,
With ears and mane to match.
Darigan Citadel's toy store
Rolls them out by the batch.

With accessories all their own
Brushes, clips and hair bows,
For you to fix up their fur
The best way you know how.

But did we mention
The Usul's fiery orange eyes?
Glaring at you as if to say
You'd better groom them up nice?

And you'd better start now.
Or the Usul will continue to stare
'Til you sit down with the brush
To give them that Usul flair.

A toy of many possibilities
That'll make you say wow.
But if this Darigan Usul could talk
They'd say "Groom me NOW!"

The Usul Groomer
by darkhound45

A Usul groomer was at the park.
He was very glad it wasn’t dark.
This groomer was quite unique. 
He never charged don’t you see?

Cutting hair was a passion of his.
Money was not really part of his biz.
He continued to walk and felt so free.
He was trying to look for a pet in need.

When all of a sudden he heard a sound.
So he quickly jumped up and turned around 
There was another Usul that seemed rather sad.
He knew he wanted to help her really bad.

“What is the problem?” He quickly asked. 
He was really hoping she’d ask for a task 
“I tried doing my hair but I’ve made it worse.
What’s worse is it doesn’t even match my purse.”

The Usul groomer smiled really big.
He knew he could help and danced a jig.
“You see I’m a groomer and am here to help!
I’ll make it so good you won’t even yelp!”

He began to cut, snip and wash.
“Would you look at my hair?! Wow! Oh gosh!
What do I owe you? I’m very pleased!”
The groomer smiled, “For you, It’s free.”

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