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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Wocky Day Special

My Wocky Experience
by annikkiadepp_

I remember the day I found this site,
I adopted a Wocky and it felt so right

I was so elated as I’d found a new friend,
 getting a Wocky is what I recommend.

Wockies love to explore, 
look around for treasures to find
but they especially adore
people and things that are refined. 

With their luscious fluffy tail and neck scruff, 
they don’t look it but they sure are tough.

They are champions in the Battledome,
while very kind and patient at home. 

In fact, they are indeed loyal friends, 
they will protect you and always make amends. 

They will be there for you 
to comfort you when you’re blue
and laugh when you’re happy - I swear, it’s all true!

Wallace the Wocky
by cpssgh1004

Among all the Neopian artefacts that exist,
To collect them is something this Wocky can't resist.
Young Wallace can't help but collect all the junk,
And store them in his trusty little trunk.

If he walks past a jumble sale,
He will always stop without fail.
The toy sailboat that has been left behind,
For Wallace is a treasure of a find!

The garage sale or money tree,
Both make Wallace jump with glee.
One day on a stroll in the woods,
He stumbled upon a tree raining goods.

Unable to resist,
He now stays in their midst.
Moving side to side in a hobble,
And collecting his items at Wicked Wocky Wobble.

The Darigan Wocky’s Great Passion
by darkhound45

Darigan Wockies can seem very fierce.
Their very sharp horns will often pierce.
Tommy was different don’t you see?
Grooming made him as happy as can be.

He filed his horns and made them smooth.
He did this to music and often grooved.
He used only the best grooming supplies.
He would curl his hair and powder his eyes.

Scaring others was not his great passion.
Tommy was more of a fan of great fashion.
There were always those that pointed and stared,
But he paid no attention, and did not care.

He had found his passion, and he was glad.
There wasn’t anything that made him mad.
Grooming himself emptied other thoughts.
Happiness and proudness is what it had brought.

Someone walked up and asked him one day,
“Why don’t you care what others will say?”
Tommy smiled and politely replied,
“Find real friends that don’t want you to hide.”

Extreme Potato Counting with Edgar
by precious_katuch14

Come to Meridell,
Where the coolest dudes go,
Come and join Edgar
As he counts some potatoes!

A Wocky in funky shades,
And a radical mohawk,
Always ready for anything,
Always ready to rock!

He's Edgar Percival Clarke,
Potato counting extraordinaire.
His extreme tips and tricks
He is ready to share.

"Keep your eyes peeled,
"Those potatoes are gonna fly.
"Watch out, homie,
"They can get pretty sly!"

"Beets may be bodacious,
"And carrots are kinda cool.
"But if you lose those tubers,
"You'll wind up the fool!"

"This is Extreme Potato Counter,
"Not Alton's wimpy game.
"If you don't wipe out,
"You're headed for gnarly fame!"

Come to Meridell,
Count potatoes with Edgar.
Maybe one day, like that Wocky,
You'll be a potato counting star!

Wobbling Wocky Wallace
by natashabelx

The medieval land of Meridell,
Housed a Wocky with the name Wallace,
He was said to not be well,
His collection of junk left many feeling aweless,

The temptation of a good sale,
He just could not resist,
Scavenging for more treasures without fail,
Apart from the Igloo Sale, which existence his friends dismissed, 

During one of his explorations,
Junk seemed to be falling from the sky,
Adding another layer to his already problematic situation,
He was trying to bring home this unlimited supply,

He is wobbling left and right,
But Wallace is determined to bring everything back,
The little Warf sometimes makes his space tight, 
So put your best foot forward and help Wallace stack.

The Grey Wocky
by roxanna203

A grey day supposed to be happy,
Instead this little Wocky feels crappy,
But only because of his painted coat,
He truly is happy amongst the float!

Today is Wocky Day - one like no other,
He enjoys the company of all the smother,
Those that relish in his mere presence, 
He is something like royalty essence.

His face known to many because of this,
An avatar created - Grey Wocky bliss!
He smiles while trotting all about,
This is a special day, there is no doubt.

As he celebrates by enjoying all the free,
He travels around Neopia in pure glee,
More of his kind will be created today,
A great way to end the day, I'll say!

Wicked Wocky Wobble
by therainbowsheep

Bold and adventurous, a Wocky roams
Until forests of Meridell become his new home.
An avid collector, Wallace waits beneath trees
Wondering what goodies he'll snag for free!

Arms outstretched, Wallace waits:
Which falling items are in his fate?
Maybe a plushie or perhaps a book,
Or even some fruit, something to cook!

With deft coordination and focus so strong,
There isn't a chance his mission goes wrong.
Sure, things seldom fall in a straight line,
But this is what allows Wallace to shine!

Though quickly the pile towers,
Strong balance is his power -
Top speed is also on his side,
As he maintains a quick stride.

Yes, sometimes Petpets mock,
By stepping in his path to block.
But it's all in good fun,
And in the end, Wallace gets the job done!

I Am Greed, Destroyer of Neopia
by dudeiloled

I Am Greed,
Destroyer of Neopia
Gold, minted, adorned
With all the riches you cannot afford
And unwilling to help you move up.
Neopoints grease the gears of society, I say
Without them, you go nowhere
Give me stocks and trades and investments
But let me hoard them all for one
Let me buy this item -- that item -- those too
Buy them all from little shopkeepers
Until they disappear from use
And once I have them all, yes all, for I Am Greed
I sell them for higher prices,
Then keep the profits just for me.

I am Greed,
Destroyer of Neopia
You may have seen me before
You may think you know my face, from old, previous wars
Yes I am a vice, something terrible for this world
I am that Golden Wocky, in my top hat
Without a care for your woes
I have often said, in the Battledome, many a time:
"Think you have enough NP? You never do."
"Give into the greed... You always need more, and more, and MORE!"
Don't shy away, don't turn from me
Many already see the benefits of such actions
And take my message, my very reason to live
Turn it on their fellow Neopians and watch them scramble
Enjoying their millions in their ivory towers.

YOU are Greed,
Destroyer of Neopia;
A Wocky just like me.

Clara, Neopia's Smartest Hero
by corrina404

She studied books in Brightvale,
Absorbing every fine detail,
At the library of her work,
A successful young clerk.

She moved across Neopia’s lands,
On her two hind legs she stands,
Shenkuu now is her home,
Bringing her favourite tome.

Now a clever assistant by trade,
Helping the Wise Gnorbu as his aide,
Studying the moon phases,
A star pupil gaining praises.

Adventure called her name,
Saving the world was her aim,
Discoverer of a world underground,
Moltara was lost but now found.

For Roxton she was essential,
Clara Chatham has so much potential,
So here’s to the girl painted grey,
On the happiest Wocky Day.

MAGAX: Destroyer II
by kellyclark1115

Floating through the dark,
a Blue Wocky with a scar.
Help him shoot his enemies
with energy beams from afar.

His name is MAGAX,
zapping Cybunnies, Jubjubs and Scorchios.
Defeating Hubrix Nox is his goal,
try to hit him on the nose!

Once a villain, 
serving under Hubrid Nox,
he is now a hero,
saving Neopia by defeating lots.

Ten levels you'll need to best,
don't let the enemies touch you!
Skulls can help regain health,
don't forget the code xagam too.

If you are lucky and pass,
you might earn some neat awards.
Perhaps a shiny trophy,
or an avatar to use on Neoboards!

The Auction Genie
by theguy2020

This magical creature is quite blessed,
At his job they are definitely the best,
If what you are seeking is quite rare,
This wonderful being can give you a breath of fresh air!

Searching through auctioned items all around,
Presenting the thirty cheapest of that term that could be found,
They can provide you quite the deal,
Some of them may even be considered a steal!

He can show you how much time is remaining,
Without this feature checking back constantly would be quite draining,
Compared to him not many work as hard,
So make sure you take his business card!

He even allows you to search for the auctions of a specific user,
Pay attention to how much time is left or you may end up a loser,
Winning the auction isn't the only thing that should be done,
Please remember to also have fun!

The Faerie Wocky
by bittersweet52

A Sprinkle of sunshine, a sprinkle of luck
Soaring amongst the stars and the moon
Joining the other Wockies in her fam
With perhaps a new member to be joining them soon

Her personality is sweet as a cupcake in spring
Frosted in swirls and decorated just so
With sprinkles added generously on top
In all the myriad colours of the rainbow

Spreading her wings, this Faerie will fly
A blur of pink and cream speeding on her way
Into space where she'll reign from above
With love and kindness throughout the days

If you ever feel down or just out of sorts
If you need a boost or an encouraging Wink
Make your way to the seat on the moon
Where you'll find this joy in pink

The Kings of Metal
by cinnabonski

Hush go the masses
As the hall goes dark
This feeling’s electric
Excitement the spark

Collective breaths held
For what is to come
Anticipation does build
To a palpable thrum

Stage lights go on
Deep silence is broken
The assembled cry out
A frenzy awoken

A guitar starts a riff
The drums follow suit
Baseline gets dropped
As pyrotechnics shoot

“Hello Tyrannia”
Says singer to the flock
Wild goes the crowd
“Are you ready to rock?”

Hysteria takes over
A thunderous shout
The plateau is shaking
As tasty jams ring out

These Wockies are gnarly
These Wockies do shred
These Wockies are hardcore 
What else need be said

Who is this group
That just won’t stop
It’s the kings of metal
Wock Til You Drop!

Clara Chatham, the Scholarly Adventurer
by erroro

Clara Chatham of Shenkuu
The student of the wise Gnorbu
When he sent her to journey the world,
She intelligence and skills soon unfurled.

She originated from Brightvale Kingdom
Moving, she feared she’d lose what she loved.
Learning, books, scholarly pursuits,
She was not a typical adventurer’s recruit. 

Red headed and with a fiery wit,
She knew she would never quit. 
This quest to save Neopia was on,
And she knew she would not be passed upon. 

She had to put up with a rather annoying Lutari,
"Roxton A. Colchester the Third!" he spouted regularly.
Yet, she persevered and they became a good team,
Which is heroic within itself, most would agree. 

She slid on ice and cave glided towards
A strange lava world called Moltara. 
With the Moltaran mechanism fixed,
What will Miss Chatham next accomplish?

Happy Wocky Day!
by xghoul447

What's fluffy and a friend to all?
And its favourite toy is a yarn ball.
What's cute as can be?
Oh Neopia, don't you see?
Of course, I'm talking about the Wocky!
Oh friend, you love you so dearly
You express yourself so freely! 
So relax, today is your day
Have fun with the day of play!
Here's some freshly baked cake
And eat by the lake
Oh dear friend
We celebrate you truly
Today is your day

Wock Til You Drops Number 1 Fan
by _forever__unbroken_

I’m going to see my favourite band
The greatest group in all the land
They are Wockies that are Tyrannian
Wock Til You Drop is in demand

I listen to them in the afternoon
Rocking heavy metal loud in this joint
Head banging along to the greatest tunes 
Like Rock Omelette and Gimme Some Neopoints!

For months they’ve tried to play their show
The vendors would say they had to go
Now the tables have turned and rightfully so
They now have a chance to play at the Plateau!

The drums and the bass are so loud up on stage
Fans are heard cheering “they’re all the rage!”
My mom used to tell me “it’s just a phase”
But Wock Til You Drop is the greatest, no matter my age!

A Wocky Tale
by triarthrus_eatoni

A passing Wocky looked at me,
His face was rather glum.
But that's all okay with me,
I'm a Chia of the colour Plum.

I said "My friend, what brings you down?
Why are you so blue?"
He said "I lost my Neopoints,
there's nothing I can do!"

I reached my hand to his shoulder,
and patted once or twice.
"I have many Neopoints,
so have some more suffice!"

The Wocky went from blue to green,
as quickly as could be seen.
His face lit up like a Christmas tree,
his fate no longer mean.

"Thank you, Thank you!" The Wocky cried,
hiding his expression of joy,
"Now I can afford a Petpet, 
and even a new toy!"

The Wocky bounced about on his way,
his future quite ascertained,
"But now, you see, I am quite broke,
and I have only myself to blame!"

Define a Wocky
by _kexia

Bold and adventurous in so many ways 

Fluffy, and stout,
And a tail for days

Explores new lands
and territories 

Makes a great friend and has so many stories 

Cat-like in looks, fearless, and free

Can jump over rocks or climb up a tree

Celebrated on the 12th of December 

A pet you'll never forget and always remember 

Has a sly grin and just a bit stocky

 This can only define one Neopet... a Wocky!

The Wocky Stocking: Giver of Holiday Goodies
by _brainchild_

If you've been searching for a toy,
I have the prize for you.
The Wocky Stocking brings great joy,
So you will not feel blue.
The fluffy trim boasts softest feel,
Yet it is very fake,
Since fur from pets, not stuff to steal,
Is bypassed, for their sake!

The Christmas Wocky that you see
Is jolly. Festive cheer
Shall radiate. Oh, lots of glee
From red and green so dear
Shall please the soul, along with flakes
Of gorgeous, sparkling snow.
There's not a better sock to make
Your holiday, I know!

When opening the stocking, what
Exciting loot will be
Awaiting you to fill your gut?
Desserts for you and me?
Please share---I love the chocolate treats
That you are bound to get.
Or maybe you'll find fruit to eat---
They're juicy, I will bet!

So, if your pet demands a gift,
This stocking is quite grand.
For hours, through the toys you sift,
Yet what your pet demands
Is something sweet to guzzle, so
A stocking will surprise
Your friend, whose face will surely glow
When goodies meet their eyes.

Wocky Wonderland
by reply

In the winter snow, a Wocky roams
Through the frozen land, she makes her home
Her fluffy tail sways with each step she takes
As she prowls through the snow, no noise she makes

But as the night falls and the temperatures drop
The Wocky curls up in a cosy little spot
She tucks her nose under her fluffy tail
And dreams of the fun that awaits on tomorrow's trail! 

In the winter, the Wocky is strong and free
Roaming Terror Mountain with plenty ease

She is a true pet of the winter season
And that is the reason they are a wondrous sight to see!

Ode to Wockies
by shift

Ticky tocky, there’s a Wocky,
Prancing down the hall…
Ticky tocky, look at that Wocky,
Standing oh so tall!
She’s proud of her fluff that keeps her warm,
Whether to style or leave it, she is torn;
Ticky tocky, pretty Wocky,
Never shall she fall!

Ticky tocky, fluffy Wocky,
Playing in the icy snow;
Ticky tocky, silly Wocky,
Snowballs she sure can throw!
With her head held high,
And confidence through the sky,
Ticky tocky, crafty Wocky,
Her opponents she’ll surely overthrow!

Ticky tocky, tired Wocky,
Tis time to take a break;
Ticky tocky, sleepy Wocky,
Perhaps a nap by the fireplace…?
Conquered her day she has,
And earned some rest, at last…
Ticky tocky, fabulous Wocky,
She’ll do it all again when she wakes!

Ode to our Wockies!
by scouting

Wocky Day is here, a time to play
With games and fun, the day away

We start with Wock 'Til You Drop
A special edition event, bound to make all hearts throb!

Everyone also gets a prize, oh how grand
But the fun has just begun, don't you understand

Next up is the Auction Genie,
Where treasures can be found - some a little clunky!

Bid high and bid low, it's all in good fun
For Wockies and their friends, the day has just begun

With their fluffy tails and playful grins
They bring joy and laughter to our lives within!

So cue the celebrations, with games and cheer
For Wocky Day is here, let the fun begin my dear!

Wockies Will Wock
by punkprincezz07

For Wockies about to Wock!
They will Wock you!

Frolic in the field, 
they will Wock you!!

Dancing with the Petpets,
they will Wock you!

Fluffy tails and ears,
they will Wock you!

Happy Wocky Day everybody!
*loud guitar solo*

Adventures of a Wocky
by sqwigglie

Allow me to introduce you to a Wocky named Calesei
So adventurous, it'll make you weepy
Her friends always told her to be cautious
But the thought of that only made her nauseous
All she wanted to do was climb the Terror Mountain
After all, she was forged from the Rainbow Fountain
She thought it would be perfect to climb on Wocky Day
So training for the feat, she could not delay
And what better place than Meridell's Hill
To see if she truly had the climbing skill
And once she mastered this, she knew
That she was ready to see that Terror Mountain view
So with each climbing step through the fluffy snow
She reminded herself not to look below
And although it was tough, she persevered
And to her surprise, her friends cheered
With one final step, she reached the peak
The view was so beautiful, it made her knees weak
This is when she knew adventuring was her calling
To explore Neopia would be so enthralling

Wocky's are Cool
by cassanthia

Wide eyes and puffy tails
Optimistic views and adventurous attitudes
Capable of bravery that rivals others
Knowledgeable in exploration the Wocky proves
Yesterday, Today and even tomorrow
Setting foot out into the unknown, always lurking for more excitement

Awesome rascals that purr and play
Rising each and everyday
Eager to find the unseen of a new day

Catlike eyes wide with intrigue 
Offering dares and smirky smiles
Opportunistic dare-devils
Laughing at something new every single day

A Poem for New Wocky Owners
by littlegaytroll

At first it might be kind of rocky
to gain the trust of your new Wocky -
They’re often quite shy,
but once you catch their eye,
you will realize your Wocky’s quite talky!

Your Wocky might sit on your lap
with her chin resting on your kneecap, 
and she might even purr
when you’re brushing her fur,
and then she’ll settle down for a nap.

But don’t worry if you’re feeling bored
'cause your Wocky will want to explore -
she will lead you down roads 
and she’ll walk extra slow,
just because she was feeling ignored.  

If you still feel like you aren’t quite sure
I’ll share with you just one thing more:
if you’re feeling quite sad,
if you’re angry, or mad,
there’s no pet with a love quite as pure.

Pink Wocky Pyjama Outfit
by indulgences

The Wocky stumbles out of bed.
She stretches, yawns and blinks.
She’s dressed in a pyjama set
That’s plushest, softest pink.

The Top is made of lovely silk
And graced with beads of white.
The fabric shimmers, shines and gleams,
So pretty, and so bright.

The Shorts have lots of polka dots,
A look that’s quirky, fun.
They’re comfortable, and silk as well,
And cannot be outdone.

The Slippers are such fuzzy things,
And cover Wocky feet.
They’re warm and cosy, soft and snug,
And simply can’t be beat.

And finally, we have the Mask
That blocks out errant light.
It helps our Wocky fall asleep.
She snores throughout the night.

This Wocky has the sweetest dreams!
They’re fanciful and light.
It’s all because she wears these clothes.
They fill her with delight!

How gorgeous is this lovely set
Of pink pyjama clothes!
It’s absolutely velvety,
From Wocky head to toes!

Letter to a Dear Friend
by meedmmeesoh

In the baby plushie toy on my nightstand
In the soft pile of strawberry pancakes

I find you in all your soothing kindness.

In the glistening gold of a triumphant shield
In the wan smile of a blue garden gnome

I find you in all your protectiveness.

In the warm crumble of gingerbread cake
In the sweet perfume of violet hair spray

I find you in all of your joy.

Where are you now, I wonder,
You with your brimming heart of adventure and joy?

Tell me you are on the hunt 
For something monstrous & evil,

eager to return once it’s over.
Tell me you are somewhere 

With a heart still beating—
Ravenous, tender, hopeful. Tell me

Wherever you are, that I might find you.

Tyrannian Wocky
by jrayeb3

With your teeth protruding from your mouth
Like Sabre-X, and that purple mane of yours,
I know you to be not half as ferocious as you look.
Your tail is bushy, even among fellow Wockies,
And the fur growing off the top of your head
Into the sides of your cheeks is all the more reason
To give you a hug so large I could get lost in the fluff.
Be careful, little Wocky; do not let the
Tales of the Lair of the Beast scare you.
You hold great strength in your paws
Of the wild that has raised you alongside
The Stego and the Airax of the jungle,
The Duocorn and Graglop of the barren rocky plains.
They feed by your side at the Giant Omelette,
Enjoying nature’s endless gifts as one.
Tonight, when you feast upon the ripe
Ugga Melon, remember from where you came,
And where you will always be welcomed
For the Wocky that you have become
And will always be.

“The Wock Til You Drop Concert”
by angel022299

From days of humble beginnings,
Three Wockies dreamed. 
Practice and rehearse, and one day -
Share their music with all of Neopia.

Though heavy metal isn’t for all,
The Wockies are undeterred.
Seeking to energize,
They hope to reach new audiences.

Their hard work,
Became a refined melody.
The skillful guitar weaves,
Leading to the syncopated drum pattern.

On the third of the month,
Three Wockies take the stage.
What are you waiting for?
Let us go to the Tyrannian Concert Hall!

Music floats through the air,
Light shines through the night.
There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,
An evening of glimmer.

It’s over far too quickly,
But no need to mourn.
A 1250 NP ticket and 30 days later,
Wock Til You Drop will return!

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