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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Ogrin Day Special

Zombie Ogrin
by kellyclark1115

What's that over there?
Four, tall legs, exposed brain,
ripped clothes over a grey body,
and an expression of horrible pain.

No need to fear, 
that's a friendly Zombie Ogrin!
He means no harm,
just look at his grin!

Despite their frightening looks,
Zombie Ogrins are quite shy.
If you try to talk to him,
he won't even look you in the eye.

As if he wants to join you,
an afternoon walk in the park!
He'll definitely say yes,
as long as you're back before dark.

See! Zombie Ogrins are super sweet,
after you get to know them.
Even if ears and eyes are scary,
they are just a precious gem.

The Ogrin Master
by natashabelx

A robed Yellow Ogrin with a long grey beard,
His martial prowess widely revered,
Naturally his assessment of great importance,
He judged the entrants of future Palace Guards on their martial arts performance,

Striving to teach all of his disciples,
In the knowledge of the martial arts principles,
He urges them to find the truth amongst the clouds,
Training from daybreak till nightfall allows, 

During The Faeries’ Ruin the faeries turned to stone,
Neopia and its future thrown into the unknown,
The Master vowed to bring forth the finest soldiers,
He carried these heavy burdens on his very own shoulders,

His teachings end with the deafening chime of the gong, 
All of his soldiers dedicated, loyal and strong,
Trained to be the finest of Palace Guards,
Obviously, the Ogrin Master is held in the highest regards.

Orie Dinelle
by therainbowsheep

On Team Brightvale, this Ogrin plays -
For saving goals, she seeks no praise.
Orie Dinelle loves her sport,
In the goal box, she seldom falls short.

When she is on the field,
She acts as the Brightvale shield.
Though she is not one to battle,
Her classic Ogrin charge can rattle!

Strong instincts and speed on her side,
Watch her jump, dive, and slide.
Anything to save the ball,
Orie knows when to stand tall.

Off the pitch Orie's a bit shy,
And she's not even sure why.
Because once you get her talking,
The result can be quite shocking.

She'll prattle on with glee,
Of her observations and all she sees.
On and off the yooyuball scene,
This special Ogrin is quite the queen!

A Friend Like Oliver
by ennyra

I have a great friend,
His name is Oliver.
He's a friendly Ogrin,
And together we travel all over.

He loves to learn new things,
So he's fun to have around.
Wherever we go,
We're searching from sky to ground.

I've discovered so much,
About Neopia far and wide.
I've learned about everything,
Just by having him by my side.

He was really shy at first,
But opened up over time.
I'm really glad I met him,
And want to share with you through this rhyme.

Ogrin Day is here at last,
I want to celebrate them all.
Maybe you know someone like Oliver,
So together we'll all have a ball!

I Met a Chocolate Ogrin
by precious_katuch14

On the way to Ogrin Day,
I met a Chocolate Ogrin,
With whipped cream ears
And a chocolate shaved mane.

With eyes like caramel,
And an undercoat of white,
Chocolate from tip to tail,
Truly a sweet sight!

"Are you coming to Ogrin Day?"
The Chocolate Ogrin asked.
They in whose presence 
I continued to bask.

Their voice was smooth,
Like melted chocolate.
I gave them a nod.
I didn't want to be late!

"Well, come along with me!
"What are you waiting for?
"There'll be White Chocolate Ogrins,
"And Chocolate Ogrin Cupcakes galore!"

"But before the dessert,
"Try the Ogrin Meatballs,
"Be sure to grab a plate,
"And don't let them fall!"

"The Ogrin Master is our guest,
"With fortune cookies to spare.
"And stick around for the stories
"Of the Ogrin Mountain Climber!"

On the way to Ogrin Day,
I met a Chocolate Ogrin.
"Hurry up, don't be late!"
They said, with a grin.

Burlap Ogrin
by agedbeauty

Today is Ogrin Day,
So can we talk about
The Burlap Ogrin and
Its cute but scary glory?

See, Burlap Ogrins do not have
A full, glorious mane
Instead the Burlap Ogrin
Has stringy, wirey tresses.

And Burlap Ogrins do not have
A soft, silky coat
Instead the Burlap Ogrin
Sports its threadbare skin.

Plus, the Burlap Ogrin's tail
Is no cute well-coifed tail,
Instead it's rough and matted,
Shorn and threadbare.

But it's the Burlap Ogrin's eyes
That really make you think twice
No real eyes but worn out buttons
Are the window to its soul!

Does the Burlap Ogrin sound
Unappealing, rough, or scary? 
Like it should be in a field
Scaring off airborne pests?

If so on this Ogrin Day,
I challenge you - 
The Burlap Ogrin is so cute, 
Well worn and huggable!

Each has its rustic charm,
Threadbare and oh so cute - 
Yes, Happy Ogrin Day
To each Burlap Ogrin!

We Love Orie
by cpssgh1004

An Ogrin with the strongest hands,
Who also wears sporty headbands.
No one can get a Yooyuball past her,
She moves so quick, she's a blur.

Orie Dinelle is her name,
She is one of the best in the game.
Goalkeeper is her role on the team,
Playing for Brightvale was always her dream.

Very little gets through the defence,
As Gordo the Grarrl is quite immense.
But when it does, Orie's skill shines bright,
As she always guesses the balls direction right.

To celebrate this Ogrin day,
A game of Yooyuball we shall play.
Off to the Brightvale practice grounds we go,
And perhaps while there we will see Orie put on a show!

The Original Grandma
by bittersweet52

It's Ogrin Day once again
Come sit by the fire with me
Let me tell you the stories I ken
As you perch beside my knee

With my yarn I knit and purl
While another yarn I spin
Of the days when I was a girl
A slip of a thing back then

Now with my feet in my slippers
My Elderly bones they do ache
But that is the way of the universe
And this is the life that we make

Many may claim to be Elderly
Get Off My Lawn! they'll say
But we Ogrins were the O.G.
Y14 Neopian Elders Day!

Dig deep when you look within
And give us what we are due
Pay your respects to the Ogrin
Who brought you the Old as new

Captain Jethro Rourke
by theguy2020

A huge fan of sailing,
Manages to complete his missions on the sea without failing,
Ready no matter how dangerous the task,
If you have an important mission he is the one to ask!

Danger is his middle name,
Captain Jethro Rourke is anything but lame,
He has quite a few stories to tell,
Perhaps even the time he made Dr Sloth's minions run and yell!

Known for sailing to the Lost Isle,
He will take you to your destination but he may not always have a smile,
You can trust him to keep you and the crew out of harms way,
The only thing you'll need to worry about is a weather delay!

A handy mechanic who is able to fix things,
He even knows how to make some mechanical wings,
His career is one that continues to gain more fame,
He puts all competing captains to shame!

The Ogrin Survivor
by iloenchen

The Ogrin Survivor, have you read it?
It's one of the greatest books
About some Ogrins, all of them fit,
Turning heads with their dashing looks.

They set out in a boat
To cross the sea together.
For five days they stayed afloat
Then they got terrible weather.

The waves were wild and high
The storm was far too strong.
One Ogrin let out a cry
And then they were all gone.

The boat got swallowed by a wave
The Ogrins fell into the sea
A grey, dark and very cold grave
From which they could barely flee.

The Ogrins all fought for their lives
When finally, the storm cleared.
They came up from their dives
Not one of them had disappeared.

The group was alive and well
They washed up on a shore
Leaving behind the watery hell
Glad to be on a solid floor.

The Ogrins, they have all survived,
And now you can read their tale.
In shops, the book has now arrived
It has even gone on sale.

An Ogrins Wild Life
by twinkle_jazz

There once was an Ogrin, 
Who lived in the city,
But he was growing tired,
Of how it was so busy.
So he packed up his bags,
And decided to leave,
Back out to the wild,
With the rivers and trees.

On his first night,
He found a spot,
To settle down,
And so he stopped.
He laid some grass,
Down for a bed,
And a pillow,
To rest his head.

Throughout the night,
It started to rain.
He woke up, and said,
"What a pain!"
He grabbed some twigs,
And then some leaves, 
And made himself,
A canopy.

He was feeling hungry,
So he looked around,
But there was no food,
To be found.
So he went on a walk,
Towards the prairie,
And found a bush,
Of juicy berries.

He ate them up,
And said to himself,
"This life's okay,
I'm doing well.
But I don't know,
If it's for me,
I'm going back,
To the city!"

The Darigan Ogrin: A Ghastly Ghoul
by _brainchild_

The scary Dari Ogrin, super
Fiendish, I must say,
Turns feelings into nasty blurs
Of horror and dismay.
From glare of crimson terror to
The fangs which pierce my soul,
This beast of monstrous mood and hue
Is quite the rotten troll.

I hear its stare can paralyze,
And bite will poison me.
Upon the sight of ghastly eyes,
I drop my task and flee.
The toxins, fierce, would rot away
At livelihood of mine,
And leave me feeling oh so grey,
With pain throughout my spine.

So, if your paths may cross with ghoul
So horrible and mean,
You'd better run, or be a fool
Who surely won't be seen
Again after the Dari Ogrin
Pounces with its spite.
This creature causes much chagrin
Which can't be solved by might.

Delinquent Ogrin Outfit
by indulgences

This Ogrin is a derelict.
He’s criminal and slack.
He’s careless and he’s negligent.
He’ll take you quite aback.

His Wig is spiky, bleached white strands,
Rebellious, cool and hip.
They sometimes get into his eyes.
They’re tossed back with a flip.

The Lens will change his eyes to grey.
They’re melancholy things.
They look like darkest, stormy clouds,
And all the rain they bring.

The Pants are patterned camouflage,
And end in boots of black.
They’re sturdy, as befits this punk.
Of toughness, there’s no lack.

The Jacket is a tattered blue,
Not worn for style or flash.
It’s shabby and a little worn,
And suits this Ogrin brash.

And finally, the Makeup is
An eyeliner so dark.
It’s hued the darkest ebony,
A look that’s grim and stark.

This Ogrin is a character.
He’s one to break the rules.
He’s edgy and he’s radical.
He’s absolutely cool!

Ogrin's notes (A small Ogrin’s observations in nature)
by meedmmeesoh

The electric blue Jiggybug 
Silent each night except once
by the marsh I heard it sing
when pineflowers bloomed

What is spring except the grinning 
faces of sillie daisies
twirling with the springabees
in an endless joy?

On my way home,
a small Cybunny screams
at your sudden
slithering, Snake Rose.

If only they could see what I see:
the gentle falling away
of yellow petals
reveals your starry heart. 

No sentry of purple snakes
can hide your true face, rose.

Orb Plant you hold your head
high, crowned with a glimmering
blue halo.

You teach me how to remain open
to the world’s light
and in doing so
Burn even more brightly
for others.

Ode to a Faerie
by kimelliott86

My Ogrin’s name is Brennie
He’s artsy, and it shows.
He loves composing poems
Much more than writing prose.

His muse is fair Illusen
Residing in her glade.
Her freckles, smile, and spirit
Are traits that never fade.

He wrote her many sonnets 
And words of sparkling praise.
He laboured over ballads
For twenty-seven days.

At last, he went to see her
With all the pages bound
So hopeful that his efforts
Would not be lacking, found.

He stepped into the clearing
And hesitantly spoke,
“My lady, may I show you
My art, which you evoke?”

She looked the pages over
And saw he’d done his best.
But sadly still she told him,
“I’d much prefer a quest.”

Dejected, Brennie left her
And never wrote again,
For what’s the point of poems
Without sweet Illusen?

The loneliness consumed him.
He searched throughout the land
For somebody creative
Who’d really understand.

He met another faerie
Who greatly valued art
She loved to paint with colours
And share what’s in her heart 

When Brennie offered Naia 
The first ode she inspired,
Her face lit up, revealing
The answer he desired.

The two collaborated,
Their skills they did invest,
Into the greatest art form
Of bringing out the best.

Total Poetry Pages : 2739

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