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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Random Day Gallery

Neopian Feast
by agedbeauty

Have a seat Neopians, 
It's time to celebrate!
We'll have the grandest feast
With tons of food on every plate!

We'll start with hot Borovan,
And a glass of Munuberry Juice.
Lay out a plate of Meerca Apertif,
And a few bowls of Loveberry Mousse.

Then we'll have the soup course,
Starting with Neggdrop Soup.
There'll be plenty of Grilled Cheese Dippers,
And Cream of Tchea for the entire group.

Next will come the main course,
With Baked Juppies for the feast!
And Carnapepper Finger Sandwiches,
Spicy - but try one, at least! 

On the side is plenty, too
With Mashed Potatoes shaped like Buzz,
Tiny Aisha Riceballs,
And some Xweetok Sushi, just because!

Finally it's time for dessert,
With plenty of ice cream!
There's Checkered, Borovan, and Chocolate,
And Creamy Cloud - what a dream!

After all that food,
Of course it's time for bed.
You'll dream of tonight forever,
This feast had quite the spread!

The Shop Wizard
by theguy2020

Using his wizardry for good,
Helping you find the lowest prices he should,
Able to find low prices for all,
Make sure you ask him to search a few times or you may end up in a mall!

A man who understands business as well,
Does Shop Wizard-N Commerce ring a bell,
You may have invested in his stock,
With his unique abilities if it earned you a lot of Neopoints it wouldn't be a shock!

Working every hour of the day,
Making it so that less you will have to pay,
Anytime you need to purchase something new,
Hit his line he'll give you a clue!

His abilities do have limitation,
Use it too much in an hour and you may be banned for a duration,
Never fear as it is always less than an hour,
After that the shops you may continue to scour!

After the Party
by ennyra

There comes a time,
In every celebration,
Where everyone leaves,
And there's a cease in elation.

Neopets' birthday is over,
And it's time to clean.
After all the fun we had,
This year was supreme!

From sales to new pet slots,
The Goodie Bags, gifts, and cake.
These are memories,
Nobody can take!

So while we wait until next year,
To see what is in store.
One thing is for sure,
The 23rd birthday will go down in lore!

by therainbowsheep

We wait around the clock,
For Neopian shops to restock!
Often the wait is long,
And patience must hold strong.

But eventually good luck strikes,
Regular and Purple Neggs alike!
Perhaps a bubbling fungus or two,
If you miss them don’t be blue.

There is always a chance for more,
Keep refreshing your stores!
You could even get something rare,
So focus, not a second to spare. 

Maybe a pricy stamp or goodie bag,
Or morphing potions will give you reason to brag.
A classic way to earn, 
Restocking is worth it to learn.

Before you know it you’ll be on your way, 
To profits galore, hooray. 
So happy restocking, good luck!
Here’s to making the big bucks.

The Sword of Apocalypse
by precious_katuch14

The most powerful sword 
In NeoQuest II, or is it?
With its shining blade
And jewelled hilt.

Waiting in the game
To be carried high
With a strong sword arm
And a battle cry.

Before the sword
Lies Faerieland's maze - 
If it didn't annoy so,
One would be amazed.

Before the sword,
Trials and tests await.
Hanging in the balance,
Queen Fyora's fate.

As the sword is forged
So shall a hero be,
Forged by many battles
Before the sword he'll see.

Yet it is also a sign
Of what lies ahead.
A metal reminder of
Both thrill and dread.

The most powerful sword,
Is it truly, you ask.
Would it be strong enough
Against King Terask?

A Game of Deadly Dice
by natashabelx

Scorned by society, 
He walked through the trails of the Neopian nights.
Eventually settling in a dilapidated castle,
To sleep until two hundred years after his arrival.

The clock strikes midnight,
The nightly creatures rise amidst the dark.
In his castle on the Island of Roo,
Count von Roo awakes for a challenge between two.

Over the graphite table the dices roll,
You hold your breath,
How will this battle unravel?
“Ha, I win! Your little pet loses a level.”

Whilst treading softly over the grass meadow,
The castle fades away from sight.
Unaffected by the potential sorrow,
Prepared for that rematch tomorrow.

Naia the Water Faerie
by roxanna203

Underneath the deep sea,
Lived a shy water faerie, 
Naia was her given name,
Most knew of her fame. 

Known for her shy nature,
No one can ask for a favour, 
As she is rarely spotted out,
But she will grant without a doubt! 

Humming as she swims,
Singing songs of hymns,
Her voice is a sweet lullaby,
Soft words with closed eyes. 

Blonde locks down to her back, 
A faerie not destined to attack,
She smiles watching from far,
Underneath the sea and stars.

A Random Event Poem
by i_lovee_icecream

“Something has happened…”
Says a banner on my screen.
I nervously scroll back up to read,
Jacko the Phantom who looks so mean…

But wait! A chill runs up my spine,
The phantom painter is behind me.
As his ghostly figure fades away, 
A Glowing Paint Brush is all I see.

To the Rainbow Pool, I go;
With my paint brush in tow. 
My Cybunny is about to glow,
Against the November snow. 

But not all Random Events,
Are as happy as this. 
“Something has happened…”
Can mean that something is amiss…

A menacing voice growls at me,
“Not been paying your bills, eh?”
The Tax Beast is here to redeem,
And I am no his cowering prey.

But thank goodness he isn’t angry,
Then from green, he’d turn to red.
The taxation would go from 10% to 25,
And if that were to happen, I’d lose my head.

However, there is one bright side to this,
I am now 3rd on his hi-score table.
This earns my look-up a gold trophy!
A sad tale turned to a joyous fable. 

Good or bad, happy or sad;
I welcome all random events.
For luck and chance are funny things,
Which often bestow presents.

Writer's block
by annikkiadepp_

Once I could write easy rhymes, 
win even a trophy at times

I would even win on a Random poetry day,
and my poems would absolutely slay.

Then some of them got rejected, 
which left me feeling quite dejected

I kept wondering: should I stop here?
It’s all over for me, that much is clear

Gone was my creativity,
leaving space for negativity

I couldn’t put together a single rhyme
as I was surely no more in my prime

Then one day I sat down and wrote,
about everything I held dear.
I thought really hard and took note
that I had stopped writing because of fear

Publish me or not, do what you will
I will never again abandon my quill

I’ll admit, though, it was a bit of a shock: 
realizing I was suffering from writer’s block

Gone Fishing
by hp1223

Sitting on the Docks
Feet over the edge, rod out
Line in the water

A crystal blue lake
Beautiful and dark and cold
Calm and quiet now

A world all alone
A whispery peaceful cove
For the fishermen

Lure dips beneath blue
Sudden adrenaline rush
A fish totes the line

I crank the line up
I can only think one thing
Dang, Breadfish again

by odemus

In my mind, a story unfolds.
As I go to the closet and see what it holds.
A rummage, a toss, things begin to look lost. The despair is building, now I'm really cross

I know it's in here, I swore they wore it just last year. Did they out grow it? Did I trade it away? Anxiety is building, please don't tell me it's gone away. I wish I could spell it. I'd find it in a cinch, but all I remember is it's purple, the same colour as a Darpinch.

Behold! I have found it, I past it a while back. In my hurry and haste I sailed right past. Now the story is done, my pet is perfect to behold. He tells the full story at a glance, standing there so bold.

The Maraquan Fall Cardigan: Soft, Muted Hues
by _brainchild_

Maraquan Fall Cardigan, finest in sight,
Is soft, warm, and cosy---it surely delights.
This knit sweater so gorgeous is perfect for fall,
Since its hues so autumnal shall surely enthral.

This is perfect for Neopets of vast, blue seas.
The Maraquans can fit into this one---what glee!
They've tried numerous jackets just not made for them,
Yet they've finally found something, and it's a gem.

Lovely colours are muted, like fresh autumn leaves.
This will look oh so wonderful on you this eve,
And it's functional, so you will stay super warm
In cold weather, from rain to a vicious snowstorm!

So, Maraquans, if you seek a sweater, here's one
That will fit you, and look super stylish---what fun!
With this cardigan, searches of yours are complete,
So I think you should purchase this soft knitting feat.

Luck and the Lost Desert
by dzireeuhn

GAH! I lost yet another 
game of Sakhmet Solitaire
that’s…eight losses in a row now
I never won, totally unfair!
I visit the area almost daily and
know villagers mean no harm
but I despise this losing streak
Do I need to buy a charm?
Am I just naturally unlucky?
I’ve been losing lots of NPs
Maybe Coltzan doesn’t like me. 
To clear my mind, I walked around
and felt giddy when I found
the Fruit Machine in front of me
“Maybe a try will make me happy”
And thankfully I chose to spin
a minute or so later, I did win!
It wasn’t a big victory, mind you,
but I felt fortunate to play
another exciting game or two
of Sakhmet Solitaire that day.

The Joyful Feelings of Birthdays
by ledgers_legends

Another years falls upon us,
taking all by surprise,
so let us hold onto this memory,
let it be burned upon our eyes,

We are only promised moments,
that we capture in our mind,
so be reminded to be giving, 
be reminded to be kind,

as we blow and make a wish,
the candles all blow out,
everyone yells 'hip hip hooray" 
"happy birthday" they all shout.

And in this single moment,
your happiness overflows,
and the joy inside your heart
feels like it could explode.

The Money Tree
by lnrae_

I’ve met lots of Neopians
and been to several lands
but one place that never
fails to fascinate me
is Neopia Central’s Money Tree

The generous donate items
Some quickly come and go
Was that a rare paint brush?
I guess we’ll never know. 
As someone with slow paws
when I grab something nice,
It is like hearing applause 
and seeing brighter skies
I’ll practice my skills, there
might be a wise technique
to come up to the Tree and
take exactly what I seek

Hungry Hungry Skeith
by thabos

Hungry Skeith, hungry Skeith, oh so much fun to play
I could sit idly by and play it day after day
So many foods-pie, carrots, and even blue jelly
Just don't let them end up in the Skeith's belly!

Instead, let him eat foods that will increase his tone
Cake, custard, or even an ice cream cone
Five levels to play, each harder than before
Can you reach 1000 points, the secret avatar score?

You start off with five lives, a nice little buffer
With enough practice, you are promised not to suffer
Just keep up the pace and make sure the Skeith is kept fed
With the right foods of course, that goes without being said!

Once in a rhythm, you should be able to coast
This trophy is one I truly cherish the most
Just make sure not to press the shift key
All progress will be lost, a sad place to be!

by ayakae

Darkness beyond compare
All I hear are my thoughts
Thick, tall hedges and spooky-faced trees
I’m scared beyond my wits
I want to run to safety
But how can I when my master needs me?

A scabbed and gnarly finger
Points me towards the entrance
Faceless, he croaks, “Find me Faerie Dust!
In the middle of the maze
You should find what I seek
Succeed or die trying if you must.”

And so, I stumble inside
With no qualm nor hesitation
For I cannot afford to anger my master
Eerie sounds fill the air
I feel I am not alone
And my anxiety grows ever faster

Which way should I turn?
North, south, east, or west?
My sense of direction the darkness has seized
But yet I push through anyway
Despite terror in my heart
For darkness has nothing on a master displeased

What’s that over there?
Could it be Faerie Dust?
At last, I can finally make my way out!
With the treasure in tow
I pray I make the right choices
For to the exit there is only one correct route

My legs are feeling sluggish,
And my head is feeling heavier,
My strength is unfortunately beginning to fade
The exit is not yet in sight
In this maze I’m still trapped
It’s the end of the road for me, I’m afraid

A glimmer of hope shines through
As the exit enters my sight
The sweet taste of freedom is ever so near
I push and claw myself through
With my last bit of strength left
Until finally, finally, I am in the clear

I turn to my master, relieved
And present to him his treasure
The task he’s assigned to me is finally done
But alas, he points again
To that awful, dreaded maze
“Your list of tasks has only just begun.”

There is nothing I can do
A Mutant Blumaroo I only am
To my master, I am nothing but a mere wretch
No choice but to accept my fate
And resign myself once more
To a never-ending night of playing Fetch

Autumn's End
by corrina404

The end of fall is coming soon,
The leaves are all strewn,
Birthday fun was gladly had,
We wore so much plaid.

We’ll miss the leaves turning brown,
Floating as they fall down,
Pumpkins seen at every door,
Hear the Crokabeks as they caw.

With the season’s end,
We see a different trend,
Holiday cheer fills the air,
Carols sung in the square.

White snow comes from above,
Our presents we prepare with love,
We sit around the fire so warm,
Huddle inside from the storm.

Today we will miss autumn’s reign,
Waiting until we see it again,
But look ahead to winter’s fun,
The new season has begun!

Discovery of Brightvale: Awakening the New Morning
by honorrolle

Before the sun arises, the cool, crisp morning emerges in the valley of Brightvale as a calm settles over the land. 
Surrounded by scenic mountain highs and trickling water passways, green stretches as far as the eye can see. 
Early risers are seen but not heard, gently handling the delicate and age old scrolls and books around the prestigious land. 
Wisdom seems to emanate on the breeze, caressing each nook and cranny of the legendary land of King Hagan, the wise. 

As the land awakens, the sun hovers just below the mountains, ready to spread and share its light, like the knowledge that is shared. 
The scratch of the quill can be heard, and eagerly Neopians near and far start to ready themselves to hear the wisdom of the wisest King. 
Inundating the breeze with the scent of paper and ink reminiscent of a library, a gentle wind stirs and the sound of pages turning is heard. 
The sun breaks the horizon and all of Brightvale seems to exhale, for today is another day of learning, and celebrating the beauty of the discovery of Brightvale.

The Battle of Time -Pt.1-
by p3eahces

The Neopet Cherrybluexxx
Her friends call her Blux
She was called that because she was a fierce Battledome champion
She had beaten every challenger ever made
At least that she had known of
There was one challenger Blux had not unlocked
The only secret challenger she had never known about
The name sounds sweet, but this is an evil Neopet.
This challenger was a Kacheek
This was strange to Blux
Only because Kacheeks are considered the cutest and most harmless Neopet
This Kacheek was yellow, hence the butter
And the dog part? Just a random funny word that was made up by the Kacheek
Blux unlocked this challenger by defeating Dr. Sloth for the 5th time
Blux thought Dr. Sloth was as bad as they could get in Neopia
That was until Butterdog came along

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