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Neopets Poems

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Vandagyre Day Special

Spend Time with a Vandagyre
by therainbowsheep

Gentle, gracious and kind,
Vandagyres have bright minds.
A little bit quiet and mild,
Their activities rarely get wild.

Join them for a lovely tea party -
The snacks are always quite hearty. 
Nuts and caffeine galore,
These affairs are never a bore!

Or help tend to the garden with care,
Among the greenery there is fresh air.
Rising above the ground is an option too,
Vandagyres fly high and fast to see the view!

In the mountains they used to dwell,
Slow to come out of their shell.
They have existed since the early days,
And only recently joined the craze!

Now in Neopia, they've joined the fun
Stylish and second to none!
With so much to offer, they smile
And hope you stay a while.

Vandagyre Day: By the Great Feather!
by honorrolle

If you surprise a Vandagyre, you had better be on your guard!
If you surprise a Vandagyre, “By the great feather!” they hold regard.
For every Vanda that ever there was
Will say by the feather, it’s certain because, 
Today’s the day the Vandagyre mark their debut!

Every Vandagyre whoever was, is sure of some cake today!
There’s a buffet of delicious bakery items and lots of Cheat! To play. 
Up in the mountains where nobody ventures, 
They’ll seek a spot that nobody enters, 
That’s the way the Vandagyres enjoy their holiday!

Up they fly so high and fast, 
Bags a-seeping for afternoon tea,
Gracious manners when bumping past, 
Under the high mountain tree.

See the Vanda’s sip and chat,
Another sits down upon the mat, 
Happily, quiet- enjoying the time, 
Remembering a holiday so sublime, 
Today’s the day the Vandagyre are honoured!

Vandagyre Flight
by kellyclark1115

Silent in the night,
no one will hear me coming.
It's the flight of a Vandagyre,
maybe you'll hear my wings humming.

My favourite snack is nuts and berries,
during my afternoon tea.
Would you like to stop by?
We can even sit by the sea.

I love spending time in my garden,
tending to all the flowers.
Smelling roses, carnations, and tulips,
every week for hours.

At night I fly high,
breathing in the cold air.
I love flying aimlessly,
without a single care.

The Vandagyre’s Lucky Feather
by darkhound45

There was a Vandagyre whose name was Link.
He was so excited, he couldn’t blink.
His birthday had come, so much to do.
His mom was downstairs, so quickly he flew.

His mom was leaning on the table.
She was standing like she wasn’t stable.
His mom was sick, but seemed real glad.
Her head lost feathers, but she wasn’t mad.

“Your birthday is here my little Link.
It’s time for your gift don’t you think?“
She handed him a box wrapped real nice.
He gently opened it for the surprise.

Inside the box was a beautiful feather.
It could be used with any weather.
Link’s mom leaned in, not trying to squish.
“My little Link, this can grant any wish.”

Link was beyond excited and knew what to do.
He wanted a new colour, but what would he choose? 
He could be Christmas or painted with spots.
He loved his mom lots and lots. 

He looked at his mom and her smile.
She hadn’t smiled in quite a while.
Link knew what he had to do,
Of all the wishes and what to choose.

He held the feather as strong as lead.
“I wish for no feathers on my head.”
The feather glowed and his head was bare.
It was Link’s turn to show his care.

The Christmas Vandagyre
by roxanna203

It is not odd to find this one in the sky,
His species is known to fly fast and high,
Across the midnight sky like a spec,
On his sleigh with glitters that follow. 

The Christmas Vandagyre smiles,
Having to wait a year for delivering gifts,
His cane to guide him to the next Neopet,
Whose home will have biscuits and tea. 

A favourite snack of all Vandagyres,
This fact is known by most of the world,
He relishes in delight as he roams discreetly,
But one day he was discovered.... 

"By the Great Feathers!" he blurted,
A Baby Vandagyre was still awake,
The Christmas Vandagyre motioned,
A truce of silence between the two. 

The Baby Vandagyre with eyes as a doe,
Nodded happily seeing a miracle,
The Christmas Vandagyre patted her head,
And off into the night to the next house he went!

Visit from a Vandagyre
by miraday

The bone-rattling
Blue blizzard barricades
Happy Valley beneath.

Then the shapeless
Fury of flakes like flames
Bellies up, battered by wings

Biting through the bewildered
Gale— subdued by the beating
Feathers of a White Vandagyre.

The howling Mountain mutes;
An avian screech pierces the
Air like a perfect rendezvous.

The Vandagyre soars through
The unscathed evergreens, undeterred
By the blur of the burning blizzard.

I, too, yearn to navigate peaks
Of life unbothered by things
I neither control nor seek.

The talons of the flyer
Grab its perch like clockwork,
A final finish on a frozen steeple.

The snowstorm will resume
Soon-- the Vandagyre
Will prune then retire.

A single white feather 
Floats down to me,
A reminder of agency.

The frost bites back
As I return to the valley
And the Vandagyre
Ascends to their peak.

The Vandagyre
by bittersweet52

Forever the new kid on the block
With a dearth of colours at the Pool
Yet to some it matters not at all
For Vandagyres are the coolest of cool

The Baby with his giant eyes
His tiny wings tucked in so tight
The Mutant with his prehensile tails
Looks ready to take on any fight

The Toy Vanda is a popular one
It hearkens back to childhood delight
The colours certainly catch the eye
Though some may consider it a fright

For mystery might I suggest
A Stealthy Vandagyre wrapped in black
Or perhaps you'd like Tyrannian
For a prehistoric throwback

My personal favourite, if you'd like to know
Is Christmas with its classic base
I love the cosy outfit they have
The fluffy hat framing its cute face

But really you can't go wrong at all
This species that joined us a bit late
Has much to offer to any friend
If you give them a chance it'll turn out great!

There Are No Famous Vandagyre
by agedbeauty

There are no famous Vandagyre
No legends that loom large.
There's no Vandagyre hero lurking,
No Vanda to take charge.

No, Vandagyre are not famous;
There's no Vanda spotlight.
No Vandagyre on center stage
Or leading through the fight.

Vandagyre may not be famous,
But they are brave and true.
You see, there is no braver friend,
A friend who'll stick by you.

Whether your Vanda is painted
Royal or even Blue,
Whether they're Faerie, Grey, or Green,
Your Vanda will love you.

So if you a true-blue friend,
A Vanda's your best bet.
For if you choose a Vandagyre,
You're always a duet.

A Feather Friend
by theguy2020

Each one has at least one really cool feather,
Able to stay in pretty cold weather,
Originating from mountains up north,
But if you are having a tea party make sure you call them forth!

Friendly friends who can fly really fast,
Known for being kind and gracious without being asked,
One of the most polite friends you can meet,
Hanging out with them surely is a treat!

Gardening is a major passion,
Vandagyres take it very seriously while wearing the latest fashion,
A bit picky on the clothes they wear,
With their sense of style you might just stop and stare!

Always looking to help their friends when in danger,
Having one around could truly be a game changer,
They have a hand to lend,
So make sure you cherish your feather friend!

The Lucky Vandagyre Feather: A Charm, and No More
by _brainchild_

The Lucky Vandy Feather, quite
Fine in appearance, casting light,
Nevertheless boasts little power,
Leaving fighters feeling sour.

Three icons of offence won't do.
With plumage, battlers feel blue.
Six icons of defence aren't great---
They're sure to plunge you into fate.

Nevertheless, the wing is very
Pretty. Feather, light and airy,
Radiates a yellow glow.
The hues so blue shall please me so!

So, if you seek a pretty charm,
The plumage cannot do you harm,
But just don't bring it to a fight---
You'll lose regardless of your might.

Up In The Mountains
by ennyra

Let's go back in time,
And imagine being right under the stars.
Vandagyres have always been around,
Watching Neopia from up afar.

The mountaintops are peaceful,
Always being way up high.
It's calm and quiet,
And you feel like you can touch the sky.

That's where Vandagyres lived,
Keeping amongst themselves.
Until one day they decided,
Into Neopia they would delve.

Everyone was shy at first,
Not knowing what to do.
But once they all gave them a chance,
They saw their kindness shine through.

From then on, it's been great,
Always spending time together.
So let's celebrate the Vandagyres,
And all wear our feathers!

Why I Love Vandagyres!
by ayakae

All hail the precious Vandagyre,
Neopia’s newest species of pet
There’s so many things special about them
You can’t list them all down, I bet!

For starters, look at those gorgeous wings
They allow them to soar and fly
It’s always a special sight to see
Vandagyres streak across the sky!

Next, lose yourself in those pretty eyes
They’ll stare right into your soul
Their irises are colours oh, so bright
While their pupils are dark as coal!

Finally, you can’t forget the Vandagyre’s charm
These pets love to tweet and chirp and sing!
Since these lovable pets arrived in Neopia
Much fun and laughter did they bring

So come join us at our Vandagyre Day party
There’s food and drink for everyone!
We’ll dance the night away with our feathery friends
We’re bound to have lots of fun!

Whimsi Dia: Faerieland's Joy
by corrina404

Flying through the field,
Her racket she does wield,
Whimsi Dia moves to score,
Everything to play for.

Yooyuball is her game,
The Altador Cup is her aim,
A new player to the team,
Playing here is the dream.

Left and right she deftly moves,
To the crowd she quickly proves,
Whimsi Dia is here to stay,
Faerieland her place to play.

The Yooyu hits the goal net,
The horn confirms the score is set,
Faerieland wins the match,
The goalie misses the final catch.

The crowd roars with glee,
The fans all do agree,
Whimsi Dia they do admire,
Their favourite Faerie Vandagyre.

Vandagyre Day!
by jotty346

Their beaks may be small, 
But they’re strong nonetheless,
You’ll recognise the call, 
Of the Vandagyre.

Faerieland celebrates Whimsi Dia,
Their feathered addition,
No, not a Chia,
She’s a Vandagyre.

In the mountains they live,
Together or alone,
With wisdom to give,
They are Vandagyre. 

Discovered first in Year Sixteen,
In a shock to Neopia,
They were finally seen,
The new Vandagyre.

Large eyes to see,
Strong wings to fly,
Feathered and free,
Fly Vandagyre!

How do You Pronounce Vandagyre?
by josh161

Is someone here a linguistic supplier?
Information needed - I am the buyer!
Always wondered, here I inquire
How do you pronounce Vandagyre?

Riches and fame, whatever you desire
Answer told the question will retire
Someone, please, this is all I require
Won't you tell me how to say Vandagyre?

From the rooftops sung like a choir
Burning within me like a kindled fire
Four syllables, nothing higher
Please pronounce to me Vandagyre

No - this is not some satire
I do not conspire, nor a liar
My patience is thin, about to expire
Doesn't anyone know how to say Vandagyre?

I realize know, I must admire
What should have been clear many times prior
That it does not matter, it is not dire
How do you pronounce Vandygyre

Ode to Vandagyre
by hellsangel305

Vandagyres vanish in the mist,
A'lurking in Shenkuu's mossy forest,
No one noticed them for many years,
Despite how long they've been living here.
Aces of stealthy, silent flight,
Gliding from branch to branch in the night.
Yellow eyes gaze inquisitively,
Reading the language of the trees.
Enjoying the full moon's cool burn,
Softly singing a sylvan nocturne.

Why to Give a Hoot – It’s Vandagyre Day!
by erroro

Everyone give it up, get excited!
The hoots uncontained, go on unquieted!
Today it marks a very special day
For the Vandagyre is turning eight!

When they descended from the mountains,
To join Neopia with glee
To our new feathered friends,
We welcomed graciously. 

Wise feathered friends,
Kind eyes, discerning beak.
Often spouts booming deep hoots,
Rather than any kind of ‘tweet’

How the years go by so quickly,
I hadn’t even realized so,
How long it’s been since you’ve came,
How far you have left to grow.

So Happy Birthday Vandagyre,
Don’t go growing up so fast!
You’re the baby of all the Neopets
The best was saved for last.

A Vandagyre in his garden
by zoooomz

A Vandagyre was sitting in his garden
Watching the moon and the mist
The cold ground beginning to harden
No tree autumn could resist.

He drank a cup of Jasmine tea
Filling his spirit with warmth
Red leaves were lost from every tree
In mountains from south to north.

The Vandagyre was reminiscing
The joyful days he could remember
He thought of friends whom he was missing
It was already November.

The Violet Vandagyre
by littlegaytroll

No pet can fly up higher
than the Violet Vandagyre.
If someone told you otherwise,
that someone is a liar!

Any Pteri, Draik, or Eyrie
will eventually grow weary
if they try to start a race
with her quick and speedy pace.

Her wings are long and vast. 
They help her travel fast;
And every single purple feather
helps to make her quick as ever!

She's anything but weak.
She'll peck you with her beak
(if you should choose to disrespect
the many pets she does protect).

So if you're in need of a friend
who sticks around until the end,
then climb up on a mountaintop
and if you're lucky, she may stop!

But if you make her mad or scared,
her fury cannot be compared;
So I suggest you try your best
to stay away from Violet's nest...

Vandagyre Day
by punkprincezz07

hoot hoot
the sound echoes against the cool night air
making it hard to discern from exactly where
hoot hoot
the moon glistens above the forest trees
igniting a glow upon all the leaves
hoot hoot
down flies a Vandagyre dark as the sky above
the feathery beauty glides as graceful as a dove
hoot hoot
it perches upon a starlit tree limb
big eyes twinkling ready to take flight on a whim
hoot hoot

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