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Neopets Poems

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Slorg Day Special

To the Slorg Celebration!
by kellyclark1115

Whoa, what's all that slimy green stuff?
There's more, all going to the same place!
Do you know what's going on?
Let's find out, wanna race?

Green trails, blue trails, purple trails,
even a pink one with sparkles?
I've never seen anything like this,
it feels like I'm losing my marbles.

I see something over there!
Hey, it's a Petpet!
Gosh it's Slorg Day,
how could I forget?

Now it all makes sense,
it's time for all the Slorgs to celebrate.
Grab your friends, let's join them!
Hurry up! There's no need to wait.

I adore all the little Slorgs,
so many smiling faces!
You'll never lose them either,
they can't disappear without a trace.

Always happy greeting you happily,
I think I'll get a Slorg, won't you?
What's there not to love?
You know you want one too!

Slorg Digger
by annikkiadepp_

Slorgs appeared in Neopia many moons ago,
many a Neopian saw them and thought “whoa”

They are not aesthetically appealing,
their slime is often up to the ceiling

Then why buy one for your Neopet?
They have qualities you don’t know about yet

They are generous with their Neopoints,
trust me, this is one of the key points!

If you visit a Slorg once a day,
50 to 100 is usually the pay. 

Perhaps your stance on Slorgs may need a reassessment,
as they could prove in time a valuable investment.

So go and buy a Slorg,
And as a plan B
you can feed it to Florg.
Just kidding, gee!

A Slorg Unlike the Others
by darkhound45

Slorgs gathered from all around.
It was Slorg Day, so none of them frowned.
They were painted faerie and even rainbow.
There were vibrant colours from head to toe.

A Slorgclops was crawling somewhat near,
So all the Slorgs crawled away in fear.
The Slorgclops suddenly grew real sad.
Was he really all that bad?

He looked real similar to all of them.
There were only a few differences that were on him.
He had two ears, a tail and one eye.
He had thought of himself as a really fun guy.

“Look at that Slorgclops and his one eye!
He’s not like us, so run and hide!”
Some Slorgs had yelled and stuck out their tongues.
After these words, he felt like he was stung.

After all the Slorgs crawled off and hid,
There was only one Sorg left that was named Sid.
He was painted mutant and seemed rather nice.
Sid crawled to the Slorgclops with some advice.

“Slorg Day is for all no matter your look.
Treating others with respect, you can’t get from a book.
I used to be like you, getting all the laughs,
Until I quit showing I cared, not even a half.”

The Slorgclops smiled with a tiny tear.
This Mutant Slorg didn’t show any fear.
Finally his sadness was at an end.
He found someone different, a caring friend.

You May Be a Slorg
by melncholy

If your normal colour’s green
If slime’s your kind of clean
If you crawl across the screen
You may be a Slorg

If your body’s small and squirmy
If your friends are kinda wormy
If you’d make easy taxidermy
You may be a Slorg

If you’ve no legs that can cramp
If your home is dank and damp
If your face is on a stamp
You may be a Slorg

If you avoid the snow and ice
If gardens are your paradise
If Meri Acres sounds quite nice
You may be a Slorg

If you can wiggle but not hop
If you’re sold in a spooky shop
If the sight of Florg would make you drop
You may be a Slorg

If the scent of cabbage makes you hurry
If your skin’s not soft or furry
If Slorg-B-Gone is cause to worry
You’re certainly a Slorg.

A Timid Slorg
by roxanna203

Venturing out of his hole,
He reluctantly admitted, 
Today was not a bad day,
For him not to be timid.

A green little Slorg ventured,
To the great unknown beyond,
For he was so small,
While everything was large.

He took a deep breath,
Gazed at all the other Slorgs,
They were out and about,
With a smile on their face.

Today was Slorg day,
Giving him the courage,
To try something new,
Excitedly he celebrated!

Beware of Slorg
by precious_katuch14

Whenever you're on this side
Of Meridell's fields,
There is a sign
That you should heed.

"Beware of Slorg", it says.
You wonder why.
"Slorgs are harmless creatures,"
You whisper with a sigh.

You continue on your way
Past the ominous sign.
Well, it's a sunny day,
And the weather is fine.

That is, till your next step
Sends you tumbling to the grass.
That's odd, you think,
You weren't going too fast.

And when you try to get up,
You get an unpleasant surprise.
So much for thinking
That Slorgs are nice!

Slime trails everywhere,
Including your shoe,
Your back and your arms,
Plus your pants, too!

Maybe next time,
You'll take heed
And watch where you step
Within the weeds.

by theguy2020

Do you want a cool Petpet,
One that looks like it might protect you from a threat?
Consider getting a Slorgclops,
Your enemies will flee in two seconds tops!

How does one get one you may ask?
You must complete an interesting task,
Go to the cooking pot,
A Slorg and Meowclops must be mixed a lot!

Out of the pot will come a fantastic creature,
It will still have the iconic single eye Meowclops feature,
It'll still seem like a slimy Slorg slithering around,
Except it won't have two eyes that are quite round!

Grab this Petpet to celebrate today,
Attach it to your Neopet so it'll be here to stay,
A unique creature that sells for a pretty penny,
Luckily for sale there are many!

One Hundred Years of Slorgitude
by i_lovee_icecream

Rise and fall,
Birth and death.
Generations of Slorgs,
Wait with bated breath.

In the Haunted Woods,
A history of Slorgs is told.
A family riddled by turmoil,
But still cynically bold. 

At first prosperous,
A community of gold.
Caught in a righteous storm,
Doom and decay foretold.

An allegory of Neopia,
Realism at its core.
Wars waged, loves lost;
Slorgs left destitute and poor.

Hungry Slorgs
by therainbowsheep

Through Meridell farms, Slorgs wiggle
With bright smiles and a giggle!
Out to explore the crops,
They are difficult to stop.

But luckily, they can be chased!
Since their slime trails leave a trace. 
Farmers can do the math,
And follow their bright green path.

The Yurble Farmer knows this better than most,
Of protecting his land he boasts.
Proud of his Slorgiriser X4,
Saving veggies is his primary chore!

Out comes the Slorg-B-Gone,
First thing in the morning at dawn.
But these petpets can dodge and hide,
All while maintaining their stride.

Hungry and always quite cheerful,
These mischievous Petpets aren't fearful. 
Onwards they forage and munch,
For breakfast, dinner, and lunch!

Slorg Items Galore
by cpssgh1004

Slorg day has finally arrived,
And how I like to celebrate,
Is going through my favourite Slorg items,
That have been released to date.

One of the cutest is the Slorg Sticker.
With its cute, wide eyes.
It no doubt embodies the original Slorg,
And is a very rare item code prize.

Another adorable item,
Is the Faerie Slorg Plushie.
It's cosy and pink with a quirky smile,
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Next up is the Slorg Paddling Pool,
A perfect way to cool down on a hot Neopian day.
A garden, some air and water is all you need,
For your Neopets to enjoy and play.

Lastly, I'll choose the Slorg Slippers.
They keep my feet warm and snug.
The best part is all I need to do is look down,
To appreciate Neopia's cutest slug!

Polly and Wog
by bittersweet52

Every Neopet deserves a friend
A companion to stick with 'til the bitter end
Among the choices so varied and vast
One springs to mind that is up for the task

A Slorg is the perfect Petpet for me
So I'm off to the Petpet Pound to see
If Shyraea there can help me find
The one that will love me back in kind

She greets me shyly then bids me come
To follow her and meet the little one
He tries to hide behind a leaf
But then gets curious to my relief

I feed him a soft and leafy frond
And instantly I know we have a bond
His gummy smile matches my own
And we both know he's found his forever home

by agedbeauty

Slorgs come in all shapes and sizes,
From Green to Red to Blue,
Elderly and Royal, 
Chocolate and Faerie too.

You might think a plushie Slorg is cute,
And so is one painted grey.
But take heed, be cautious,
And then shoo them all away!

Sure when it's just one Slorg,
That single Slorg is cute.
Even a pair might be okay okay - 
The threat only seems minute.

But what about when Slorgs invade your garden,
And eat up all your Lillies?
Devour up your rose blooms,
And munch all your flowers willy-nilly?

What about if all those Slorgs,
Get to the potatoes you planted?
And eat through all the Clawmatoes - 
Will you still be enchanted?

And then if those same Slorgs,
Ate their way through each strawberry -
Then messed up your Funnydew Melons, 
You might start to see a Slorg is truly scary!

Then if they slimed your apples,
And rotted through each pear -
Perhaps them you'd finally take heed
And see each Slorg as a scare!

So yes today we'll celebrate,
The Slorg you find so delightful.
But please heed my warning:
Slorgs aren't cute - they're frightful!

A Poem for Slorg Day
by kuroneko_kitty

Sticky, grimy, trails so slimy 
Slorgs are coming up behind me

Munching, eating, fast defeating 
My veggie patch who's vainly pleading 

Where's the salt! Where's the soap!
Chewing faster than I can cope

Cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes too
Oh goodness, whatever can I do 

And just when I think I might have won
They go and show me what they've done

The harvest treats I'd hope to bring 
These hungry Slorgs ate everything 

Now I'm left to cry and cower
My Thanksgiving banquet has been devoured

Invisible Slorg
by indulgences

I love the Slorg so very much!
It’s something to embrace!
It’s such a cheery looking thing…
Those eyes, that mouth, that face!

The Slorg is such a happy thing
That leaves slime where it goes.
Be careful when you’re hugging it...
It will besmirch your clothes!

The Slorg that’s hued Invisible
Is quite a freaky thing.
You cannot see its body, yet
You see the goo it brings!

It leaves a puddle of such glop
That oozes on the floor.
And yet, you should not be upset.
It’s something to adore!

It’s just another attribute
Of slippery Slorg kind.
Although you cannot see this Slorg,
It leaves such trails behind!

The Slorg that’s hued Invisible
Is such a lovely thing!
Although you cannot see its form,
Its slime will make you grin!

Slorg Day Slime
by neoreturnee

Slow and steady,
You best get ready!
Set go!

Happy Slorg Day!
Ignore the slime,
As you follow my rhyme.

Slime, slime, slime!
It's that time,
To celebrate Slorg Day!

A sweet smile,
That leaves a trail of slime,
For over a mile!
Don't be denial,
You love the slime!
Happy Slorg Day!

The Cloud Slorg Pillow: A Sweet Naptime Companion
by _brainchild_

The Cloud Slorg Pillow is divine!
I simply have to make it mine.
The fabric is so snuggly, and
The jolly face is very grand.

The eyes are shining in the light.
The Slorg, a creature of the night,
Shows cheer o'er clouds despite his roots
In haunted forests filled with brutes.

The pattern has me smiling. I
Love periwinkle of the sky!
The cloudy print makes me at ease.
Pure joy and bliss will never cease.

So, when I sleep, this pillow will
Become my greatest naptime thrill.
This friend accompanies my dreams
Of hopefully quite pleasant themes.

He is a Slorg
by amylotti

he is hairless, he is slimy
he is almost always grimy
he is boneless, he is cute
he is the colour of twirly fruit

he is happy, he is glad
he is curing of your sad
he is gooey, he is green
he is just like a fava bean

he is smiling, he is wide-eyed
he is moving in a glide
he is spotted, he is small
he is a Slorg after all

Slime all around!
by saqo

Happy Slorg Day :)


As I walk, I wonder quietly,
what's this upon the ground?
A little unnerved I ask myself,
what's this substance I have found?

S... slime! It's there, so sticky
and wet, in my walking path.
Could it be a monster, and 
now I will face its wrath?

Have I stumbled on an Alien?
An Aisha, green and glowing?
Have I walked into the lair
of a mutant? Is that growling?

I pick up speed, increase my 
pace as I continue on my way.
Nervousness courses through me,
will this be my final day?

In my mind I see monsters,
towering, large and tall.
I see terrible shadows, black
and oozing, darkness, all. 

But - what's that there? I stop
and look a little closer below.
There on the ground, not a monster,
but a Slorg! And a smiling fellow!

Its eyes are big and glassy,
but its smile is warm and wide.
I remember then, it's Slorg Day!
A day for celebrations and slime!

A Slorg's Soliloquy
by wildfleurs

Slorgs can be what others cannot.
They can be seen in space or found eating your crops.
They’re not very fluffy like Meowclops or Faellies.
Few seek them out unless they're performing their dailies.

Find a rich one for Neopoints in the shop of offers, yes. 
But give a Slorg credit for being the best? 
No, never… it’s tragic that nobody cares. 
Slorgs might have the cuteness, they just don’t have the "flair."

But Slorgs can see what others can’t find!
They spot their own reflection in their trails of slime.
That kind of self-awareness is rare and pure. 
To be honest other Petpets can be quite insecure.

Slorgs deserve recognition!
Maybe one day; I’d love to see a Slorg proudly lead a parade. 
Perhaps, it could be me. I’m the one for the job.
Oh yes, I forgot to say: Hi, I’m Mr. Bob! 

I’m a Slorg, you see, standing up for my group.
We are tired of living in the shadow of “cute.”
We want a day to ourselves, to be celebrated and free! 
Oh, I’m embarrassed… Someone just alerted me.

I guess there’s been a Slorg day for several storing seasons! 
Have I not been invited all these years for a reason?

Slorg TCG: Slorgy’s Space Station
by cookiez101

Any Slorg can be a Slorgy. But
there's only one Slorgy
living on the Virtupets Space Station.

he slops and slurps
scooting over metal beams
wobbly control panels
with blinking reds, yellows, greens
and bouncy round and square buttons, switches.

He fights off Wuzzles, who
seeing the slime
and those round eyes
like jingling bells,
decide not to bother.

He sneaks past
a bustling Gargarox
bent over in the kitchen. Steals
a sip of Orange Space Drink,
a nibble of Cosmic Cheese Stars,
drags off a Marshmallow Grundo for later.

He slides to
The Lever of Doom:
not heavy enough, though.

Slorgy does not know
about good and evil
Sloth and enslavement.

He just knows
this clinking metal landscape
these busy Grundos padding about,
his slime trail.

And that vast canvas
boring into his eyes
static in the dark
eternal glimpses of all.

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