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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Techo Day Special

A Tyrannian Techo and His Tooth
by darkhound45

A Tyrannian Techo was at his table.
He was very happy and quite stable.
In front of him was some stone jelly,
That he hoped to put inside his belly.

He smiled real big and took a bite,
But he writhed in pain with all his might.
His jaw was hurting quite a lot.
“What was the reason?” the Techo thought.

He licked his teeth and let out a yell.
He was missing a tooth he could definitely tell.
As he looked down he saw the tooth.
He was sure he could fix it which was the truth.

He went to the cabinet looking for glue,
For the Techo knew just what to do.
When the Techo came back there was no tooth!
So he started to search like a sly sleuth.

Then he heard a very strange sound,
And saw something scurrying across the ground.
It was a little Acko standing there.
The Acko seemed full of fear.

In its jaw was the pearly white.
It was playing with it, holding it tight.
The Techo noticed it was having fun.
He noticed the fun had just begun.

The Techo looked up and liked what he saw.
He liked this new look, not minding his jaw.
He let the Acko keep his tooth.
He made a new friend and liked this truth.

The Cheese Maker
by hectic_haley

Three toed feet, long tail, very large eyes.
Blue scaly skin, little red hat, lover of cheese.
The Cheese Maker is a notable Merdellian,
offering a variety of cheeses to roll.

A Techo with a big heart, 
willing to part with his beloved cheese.
As long as you can make it down the hill quickly,
and in less than 60 seconds.

He has curated 35 different cheeses,
from spicy to chocolate.
Though you may not want to eat them,
if they have first been rolled down the hill.

The Cheese Maker may claim that rolling
is all about being one with the cheese.
However, you need a little bit of luck on your side,
and good strategy to avoid obstacles in your way.

Wizard Windelle
by therainbowsheep

Wizard Windelle loves a good mention,
Like all Techos, he loves the attention!
Captain of Team Meridell, he leads with pride -
Always present at his team's side.

True to his species, he is agile and quick - 
In Yooyuball, he knows all the tricks!
An expert, he makes it look easy,
For Windelle, scoring is breezy.

Also often on a passing streak,
He is master of the "give and go" technique.
A true strategist, he knows how to win,
And get under his opponent's skin.

As captain, for his team Windelle cheers,
So loud, the whole stadium can hear!
His ambition is strong and contagious,
His leadership truly courageous.

Meridell is lucky to have Windelle,
With him around, the team does so well!
Our praise for Windelle echoes,
We're oh so proud of this Techo!

The Tale of the Techo Fisherman
by chromasia

A painful journey you must embark,
to the seas to chase your heart.
The waiting is the hardest part,
Catching fish is all you want.

So you wait and wait and wait,
but your heart it starts to ache.
You worry that you'll go insane,
Until your hands--they start to shake.

You firmly grasp the fishing pole,
bracing for the final pull
You try your hardest to reel it in,
But can't beat the momentum.

The beast you've caught might overpower,
The dream you always tried to shelter.
But right before your hands give up...

A Jetsam jumps into the sky!

There is more to fishing,
than the fish you catch.
It's the moments, where you can laugh...
That make the memories last.

The Best Techo
by annikkiadepp_

You hear it resounding like an echo,
“Today is the day of the Techo”

It is certainly worth a mention
as Techos like to be the centre of attention

Performing stunts, displaying their skills
having harmless fun and cheap thrills

But what makes Techos exceptional?
Their qualities are indeed plentiful 

They always wake up with a smile on their face,
they may not be popular but they’re full of grace.

They always look on the bright side of life,
they’re naturally friendly and they’ll avoid strife. 

All Techos in Neopia have important jobs, 
shopkeepers, witch doctors, and even game hosts

But the best of them all is your Techo friend,
who waits for you to come home at day’s end.

Techo Fanatic
by actiontal

I love the Altador Cup
I’m the biggest fan there is 
Someone scores, I jump up
AC stan is my biz 

Who do I cheer?
I really don’t care
I think I’ve made it clear
It’s a Techo fanatic affair 

I scream from the stand
And try to catch the ball
I’m surprised I’m not banned
Techo fanatic roll call! 

Cheering and jeering, noise all around
So let’s make some loud noise today
The AC isn’t on until you hear my sound
The Techo fanatic will never go away

Mon Techo (French)
by maxlolll

Quand mon Techo chante un solo
En exerçant son falsetto
J'entends l'écho en stéréo
De sa belle voix de soprano

Quand mon Techo fait du judo
Ou bien encore du taekwondo
Il se la joue un peu macho
Croyant qu'il est un vrai sumo

Quand mon Techo danse le tango
Avec son bon ami Grundo
Ils sont jugés sur la synchro
Mais ne méritent qu'un gros zéro

Quand mon Techo mange un taco
Ou bien un bon ossobuco
Il s'empiffre en rapido
Ne retenant son rototo...

Techo Says Retro
by profebest

Techo Says was the first game in Neopia,
July 28, 2000 (Y2) was released into games,
Many Neopians could enjoy whacking Neopets,
It was up until 2003 (Y5) that was retired,

Although the game was re-released years later,
The original version can be found at the;
Game Graveyard where all the retro games are,
Techo Says (RIP Y5) is the original version,

The new Techo Says is not Retro anymore;
It's tagged as ID 1000 and it's a remake,
Well, kinda; if you don't own this Trophy,
I suggest you go to play it and get it,

Happy Techo Says Retro Day!

The Zombie Techo
by precious_katuch14

When the sandstorm stops
And the desert air clears,
Pray that you won't see
This apparition of fear.

With vacant red eyes
And patchworked scales,
It stretches out its arms
Comes for you with a wail.

It's a Zombie Techo!
The Lost Desert's menace.
Somehow making the land
A more inhospitable place.

Terrorizing travellers,
Waiting 'twixt the dunes,
Whether under the sun
Or beneath the full moon.

It screams, it bares its claws,
Leaps out with a sneer.
Who would've thought that zombies
Would make their home here?

The sandstorm starts again,
The Zombie Techo is gone.
Take this golden opportunity
To cut and run!

The Techo with Many Cheeses
by roxanna203

Today was a scorching fire sunny day,
"Perfect for some Cheeserolling, I say!"
Gleamed excitedly the Blue Techo. 
Unable to wait, he put a few for show. 

This crafty Techo has over 15 unique cheese,
One is bound to be perfect for you for a fee.
Brain cheese has the right amount of bounce,
Someone smart will certainly add to their count! 

The peppermint cheese is great if you're scared,
Its stickiness goes slow, so be prepared!
The Spicy Juppie cheese is the one he favours,
Being the first cheese he crafted with flavour! 

The Blue Techo in charge of cheese rolling smiled, 
As Neopians yelled, "this cheese has gone wild!"
He loved his job, this was his passion in life,
Creating cheese and watching the struggle strife.

Smelly Swamp Gas Techo
by kellyclark1115

Green bubbles burst around him,
I'll bet you can smell his scent,
You have for sure seen this fella,
Perhaps when you visit your invent.

He's infamous, freshly painted,
a poor Techo who only desired
a new colour to show off.
But instead he was outsmarted.

He gambled with the Rainbow Fountain Faerie,
who showed him no mercy in her game.
"A free colour, I get to choose?
I'll grant your wish" she claimed. 

The Techo closed his eyes,
with a smile and a nod.
But instead of stripes or spots,
he smelled an odour oh so odd.

When he looked around,
he realised it was him.
A smelly Swamp Gas Techo,
all on a mere whim.

Naia only laughed and sent him away.
Eventually he was known by all,
as the freshly-painted Swamp Gas Techo who walks by...


Techo Says
by theguy2020

Techo Says was the first game,
At first glance it looks quite tame,
I assure you this game is very fun,
You'll end up playing it a ton.

For this game you'll have to remember a lot,
A skill that would better be practised than taught,
I'm sure you'll get the hang of it,
From all the clicking in the game your fingers will become quite fit!

There are 6 different pets you can click,
However the game is timed so try to be quick,
As it goes on you have to be faster,
But if you keep practising you'll become a master!

If you want to get a trophy you should aim for gold,
Just remember to follow directions and click the pets as told,
This is an exciting game that you won't be able to stop playing,
A timeless classic in Neopia that goes without saying!

Tekkitu or Taquito?
by i_lovee_icecream

Tekkitu the Techo,
A witch doctor of great power;
A native of Mystery Island,
Behind his skull mask, he scours.

Many confuse his title,
For a spicy tortilla snack;
But his name is not Taquito,
If you call him that, he’ll attack!

Tekkitu or Taquito?
Choose your words wisely.
Tekkitu or Taquito?
Or else he’ll strike you precisely.

Tekkitu the Techo,
With long, red hair to his waist,
Invoking fear in his enemies,
He can cast his spells in haste.

Misnomers are unkind,
Take the time to learn his name;
Everyone deserves their title,
To be pronounced without defame.

Tekkitu or Taquito?
Choose your words wisely.
Tekkitu or Taquito?
Or else he’ll strike you precisely.

Christmas Techo
by fourin

Tis the season for this Techo
Always a festive holiday
Lively and cheerful, ready to go
No time like the present, he would say

His hue a verdant green
Of lush forest pine
A welcome wreath of leaves
Is his vivid design

He is red, merry, and bright
For celebration and joy
A stripey tail of snow white
Completes this jolly boy

Minty scarf to stay snug
Flutters in the winter wind
Comfy like a cosy hug
The chilly air he pays no mind

His earmuffs fluffy and soft
As if cuddled by tiny Fir trees
They relieve the bite of frost
And keep him warm despite the breeze

For a pet from warmer climes
He still clearly fits here
For despite the frost and rime
He spreads the merriment and cheer

Techo Tim
by kool_girl332

Techo Tim was rather slim,
No big meals affected him.
Jams and jellies, loaves and pies,
It all looked good in ole Tim's eyes.

His friends would sniff with jealous glares,
"How'd he eat that?! That's not fair!"
But Tim kept quiet, knowing well,
He had a secret he wouldn't tell.

He needed energy, you see,
To make big changes, bodily.
Periodically, outside he'd bolt,
For it was time for Tim to moult!

He'd work quite hard to shed his skin,
Then head on home and walk right in.
But finally tiring of his pals' scoffs,
He now decided all bets were off.

After moulting he hatched his plan,
Invited friends, Bob, Grace and Anne.
His friends came over, curiously,
And saw ole Tim way up a tree!

"Get down from there!" his friends all cried,
"Techos like you belong inside!"
Tim didn't move, didn't say a word, 
His friends were frantic -- wait -- what's that they heard?!

They whipped around, saw eyes so blue,
OMG - Tim number two!
His mouth shaped into a grin, so sly,
He whispered, "Boo!" then ate some pie.

The Buzzer Game
by truebrony

With shaking, shaking hands,
And sweat just like a flame,
I try my best, to solve the test,
To beat The Buzzer Game.

Endlessly, I try.
Relentlessly, I sigh.

The buzzer sounds,
I’m out of bounds!
I must begin again.

The Techo sighs and shakes his head.
“Why won’t you give in?”

Endlessly, I try.
Relentlessly, I sigh.

I build my concentration,
I search for relaxation,
A kind of meditation.

Till finally- I’ve done it!
A cause for celebration!

The Techo finally lifts his gaze,
Smiling with acclaim.
“Well done,” he says, and bows his head.
“You’ve finally won the game.”

The Techo Thief
by andrehmf98

Where there is light
Darkness lies too
And such is the tale
Of a Techo I once knew

Kelland is his name
A thief like no other
Born shrouded in darkness
Amidst lots of disorder

Never once had he questioned
If stealing was wrong or right
It was the only thing he knew
In his nature, intertwined

But it all had changed
Once Kelland saw
A thief robbing the poor
And a line did he draw

"There is nothing I can do"
Kelland thought to himself
But even a lowly thief
Could do something to help

He quit stealing from the innocent
And began to steal from thieves
Returning what was lost
Gives back, and leaves

Where there is darkness
Also dwells light
And then this fellow Techo
Had a change of heart

So his deeds echoed
To all the city within
Soon enough came the king
Sharing a word with him

"I want you by my side"
Roared eloquently the Lupe
And now Kelland is a part
Of Altador's council troupe

The Techo Who Sells Such Tasty Treats
by _brainchild_

In Qasala, there is a store
That sells delicious foods galore!
A Techo runs it, cooking treats
That surely are a joy to eat.

"What edibles have brought you here?"
The Techo asks with joyous cheer.
"A Hieroglyphic Cake delights!
No finer pastry is in sight."

"Some healthy food? That's a-ok!
The freshest Queela Fruit today?
It's spicy, giving quite a kick!
You'll breathe some flames with just one lick!"

"A blazing mouth is not what I
Desire. The Leaf Wraps, good for my
Nutrition and my sense of taste,
Are what I'll buy in certain haste."

I thank the Techo for his wares.
While I'm not one of those who dare
Give spicy Queela Fruits a go,
The Techo has lots more, you know.

Techo Fanatic Lunchbox
by indulgences

The Techo fan has always been
My favourite character.
He screams his lungs out every year —
A loon, you must concur!

There now exists a Lunchbox that
Is based on this crazed fan.
Whenever opened, it will scream
As loudly as it can!

You’ll have to open it quite fast,
Then shut it just as quick.
Please press the lid until it’s locked,
And makes a tiny click!

I know the screaming will astound
The listeners close by.
You might decide to warn them first,
Before the Techo cries!

I’m loving this new Lunchbox, and
I know I’m not alone!
It makes me laugh and double take,
Not something to bemoan!

Sun Dried Techo Claw
by flufflepuff

Much more than story, article, or song of widespread fame,
Redundant are the scores of words in lieu of item name:
A tale is told by item grim, if eaten cooked or raw,
What sort of story lies behind the Sun Dried Techo Claw?
From whence did such a food crop up, said stringy, meaty treat?
The Haunted Woods doth house a plethora of brambled street…
Perhaps ‘twas one unlucky one, who once ignored the law,
Thus yielding the result of crunchy Sun Dried Techo Claw.
Mayhaps a creature, bathed in night, had lurked, was poised to strike.
Perhaps there’d been a plot that called for just one well-placed spike—
Although it causes guilt to pass it through one’s doubtful maw,
Its tastiness can’t be denied, that Sun Dried Techo Claw.
There yet remains another use, as flavour text describes--
Accompanied to Techo Says, therein lie wordless jibes.
In-game, on dinner table, there’s conclusions one can draw
From staggeringly commonplace, old, Sun Dried Techo Claw.

Total Poetry Pages : 2738

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