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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Meeting Meuka
By Hydroblast

Trailing through the Haunted Woods
Leisurely walking as slow as I could
I had been lost for over a day
Now I was pursuing another wrong way

The air smelled foul of waste and grime
The ground was covered in layers of slime
All directions lead to nowhere.
But alas! In front of me, a mucus ball blared?

It rolled and strolled around in a pile
Leaving a trail that smelled like bile
This was hope (or so I thought)!
But when I approached, I was mauled with snot

It snorted and looked up to me
A Meerca? No, it couldn't be
But it had the tail, the ears the eyes
I should've walked away, but to my surprise
Its mouth rippled open and bared yellow fangs
(They didn't look brushed for years, decades).

I picked the boogies from my face
And immediately started a one man's race
Towards the direction I had started from
But Meuka wasn't done, he wanted more fun

He leaped and flopped right after me
But somehow I managed to escape easily
Though now I'm cursed with an awful stench
That makes all Neopets keep their distance

And so I must bid you adieu
Remember my journey, and don't follow through.
And if you must, just remember to bring
Plenty of tissues!

The Meerca Brothers
By Wolfofthewoods

I'm telling you a story,
Filled with laughter, but not glory,
And perhaps you'll feed that yearning,
To get done some good old learning.

There once were a couple thieves,
Robbers, so to speak,
And though they were quite sneaky,
Their hunger was far from weak.

They crept into the Bakery,
Searching for the wonderful recipe,
But soon were craving doughnuts by the bucket,

Leaving a mission forgotten,
They tucked in with sheer glutton,
Faces smeared with icing of all sorts,

Eventually finding the formula,
The no longer hungry creatures ran,
Ran straight into a wire laced with cans.

The metal clanged,
The metal banged,
Causing a horrible din,
And as the Meercas struggled up,
The authorities poured in.

So if you're looking for some help,
In stealing something nice,
Be sure to call the Meerca Brothers
(as long as it isn't iced!)

Young Sproggie
By Milorules

Always in a chipper mood
This Meerca just loves to eat food
Not any food, in fact you'll see
For gross foods he holds an allergy

His strong points include meats
He has even won over 100 feasts
He may be a lightweight with small legs
But man, that boy can eat some neggs!

He wears a brown open vest
No shirt to keep an open chest
Because any extra needed room
Could mean an extra winning mushroom

A strange little Meerca, indeed
He always wants to feed, feed FEED!!!
On any type of neggs or meaty food
Day or night, even any type of mood

A deckhand is his pirate title
But the thing these pirates hold vital
Isn't bronze, silver, or even gold
It's how much your belly can hold!

Chuffer Bob the Meerca
By Casth1

You may have heard the fable
Of a Meerca known as Bob
Who could eat you under the table
But that's 'cause it's his job

He's an Official Food Taster
And that's his job description
He's an eater, not a waster
And is rarely out the kitchen

Except for when he's playing "Cheat!"
Since he's an expert bluffer
He's sneaky, so it's hard to beat
The legend known as Chuffer

But he's also very caring -
He likes to cook for friends
You'll find he's always sharing out
His snacks and meals and blends

He's a fine pet, and good at his job
And excellent at play
So let's all drink to Chuffer Bob
This happy Meerca Day!

Tricky Meercas
By Golden_shadow_girl

"Ouch!" my Lupe said,
As she was hit by a rock.
It fell from a tree above,
And gave her head a knock.
She looked up and saw
A long, bouncy tail flash by.
"Those pesky Meercas," she said.
"So tricky... why?"

The Lupe turned to my Ixi,
And frustratedly drawled,
"Meercas are such pranksters,
Playing jokes on all,
I wish one day they'd stop
Playing so many pranks,
And that they'd descend
Down the social ranks."

The Ixi replied, "Ah,
But those jokes mean no harm,
Meercas are just pranksters;
You needn't sound the alarm.
They are playful and kind,
Not to mention fast, too,
Without Meercas there would
Be nothing to do."

Just then, a Meerca said
As it climbed down a tree,
"I'm sorry; I didn't mean
For you to get hurt, see?"
The Meerca apologized over and over again,
Then invited the Lupe and Ixi to its small den.

"Are you injured at all?" the Meerca asked.
The wound the rock left
Left the Lupe unmasked.
The Meerca lathered on
The bruise a soothing lotion,
And the cut healed as if
The Lupe had drunk a healing potion.

As my Neopets were leaving, the Ixi pointed out,
"All Meercas aren't bad; and that don't you doubt.
See that Meerca? It was nice and sweet,
So stop wishing to have them all beat."

The Lupe shrugged; Meercas weren't bad at all,
Especially since the rock was not meant to fall,
And the Meerca that did it healed it all the way,
Leaving not a single thing wrong for her to say.

The Ixi added, "Besides,
How can you hate them today?
I mean, today comes
But once a year; it's Meerca Day!"
Her sister the Lupe was surprised and shocked,
How could she forget
Something so important over a rock?

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