Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword muggledude

Week - 785

Lag in the Battledome
by muggledude
Description: Sometimes waiting is tough.

Week - 865

by muggledude
Description: Not everyone sees things the same way.

Week - 909

by muggledude
Description: Be careful what you drink

Week - 968

by muggledude
Description: These gourmet foods are getting weird

Week - 995

The Omelette
by muggledude
Description: "That should last the rest of the day..."

Week - 1000

Prepping for 1000
by muggledude
Description: Hope the Weewoos are ready!

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"Dude, the sun is coming up..."

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A normal day for the Fountain Faerie
"Here it is..."

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Peachy Keen - 1000 (Comic) Issues!
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The Gallery of Heroes: A Comprehensive Guide
When thinking over my submission for the thousandth issue of the Neopian Times, I was uncertain. Perhaps a comic? Maybe a list article? A short story?

by jjensen687


Growing Up With the Times
Here's to 1000 issues and everyone who's connected through their love of the Neopian Times.

by flames_unleashed

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