The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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by anarkau

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We will try our best to help any patient.

by pca_03101


The Best Prank of All
On the eve of King Skarl’s Masquerade Ball, the Blumaroo Court Jester prepares for his shining moment. He lays out his jester costume, making sure his bells are all sewn on tight and none of his patches are fraying.

by spukl1


Autumn Adventures
Eleanor the Elephante waved her arms dramatically, waiting for her friend to spot her in the distance. Clover’s face broke into a smile as she spotted Eleanor standing outside of the Plushie Shop.

by maddie_bangz


Reia's Quest
Reia walked through the sparkly pink gates to the Faerie festival fairground, looking around in wonder. Neopets of all species and colours were running around, completing quests and bringing junk to recycle.

by peppermintandrea

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