Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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The Fright Side: Treat or Trick

by halloween_luck

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Lawyerbot in Haunted Woods
Lawyerbot bravely attempts to evaluate the Haunted Woods. Collab with ophiopogon

by fivemilliononly


Spooky Petpets You Can Still Get!
In Issue 918 of the Neopian Times, I wrote an article about unconverted Spooky Petpets, ones that are no longer available...But there are lots of different Spooky Petpets which you can still purchase, some of which I’m sure you’ll like.

by _brainchild_


The Best Halloween Parties in the Haunted Woods
Since arriving in Neopia, I’ve spent years sneaking into—er, I mean, receiving invitations to—some of the most exclusive Halloween parties in the Haunted Woods. And it took nearly two decades, but I’ve finally attended them all.

by thesecondringbearer


Most Haunted Places in Neopia-not the Haunted Woods
'Tis the season for Neopets around the world to start investigating all things creepy and sinister.

by yami_wolfwood

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