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Edible Spooky Foods: Entrées that Won't Eyeball You

by drziggs


We all want to visit the Haunted Woods this upcoming fall season - with cooler weather and upcoming Halloween festivities, everyone is in the mood for carnival games, haunted houses, and pumpkin patch visiting! But this time on your yearly excursion to the Deserted Fairgrounds, you forgot to pack your Light Faerie Sandwich and Faerie Chips! However, your stomach is growling louder than the Esophagor. What is a Neopian to do? Dare to take a visit and pick up a snack at the Spooky Foods stand? The Halloween Bruce shopkeeper is friendly enough, and points you to a spread of all kinds of local snacks. But wait, did that sandwich just slither across the table? I think something just flapped out of that soup, and this lollipop just winked at me! Not to mention, I hear some usual moans coming from the back kitchen...

     Here is a quick and handy guide to choosing the best (and least queasy) option the next time you visit the Deserted Fairground. While we want to avoid any slithering, slimey, or moaning dishes, this list will point out some of the most safe options. Despite many dishes containing an alarming amount of body parts, there are still plenty of excellent non-eyeball containing options that are quite good and rather charming, encapsulating the unique, fall-themed cuisine of Haunted Woods. After all, you don't fully trust that Bruce shopkeeper - last time, he tried to push me to try a tentacled Octornapie! Here is your guide to avoid heaving up your lunch the next time you decide to visit. Those with a sweet tooth will especially enjoy checking out these many Halloween and spooky themed treats and desserts!


     Chocolate Jack-O-Lantern Chip Cookie

     Surely you can't go wrong with this extremely safe and friendly-looking cookie! It's a perfectly crispy chocolate chip cookie in the shape of a cheerful jack-o-lantern. It seems to be baked with pumpkin as well to add additional flavor. No tentacles, tails, slimes, or eyeballs in sight, so you should be in the clear for this one! If you can catch that floating glass of Haunted Milk, you might be set for some milk and cookies.


     Pumpkin Pie

     A fall classic that can't possibly go wrong, and it smells amazing. There's nothing amiss with this sweet pie made with fresh harvested pumpkin and baked perfectly in a warm oven. It even has a charming grinning jack-o-lantern face for Halloween. Its big enough to share with friends as well, so grab a slice for yourself and all your Neofriends.


     Ghost Pancakes

     After an all-nighter of playing Carnival of Terror, wake up with these delicious Ghost Pancakes for breakfast. They look a little spooky but taste delicious with warm butter and maple syrup - no tricks here. For extra sweetness, you can try topping these with whipped cream and fresh fruit. Chocolate pancakes are always a hit - try adding a bit of your trick or treat leftovers to make this more of a dessert. However they do tend to float around the room - make sure you eat them fast!


     Box of Skull Truffles

     After dinner, indulge in one of these decadent chocolate truffles for dessert. These would also make a great gift for a loved one and are even wrapped in a delightful purple box. While these chocolate treats have spooky grinning shapes, they are perfectly normal truffles. The strawberry filling inside is a nice and sweet surprise.


     Halloween Oranges

     Tired of too many sweets? Check out one of the rare fruits sold by Spooky Foods! These Halloween oranges each feature a unique jack-o-lantern face, perfect for spooky season. No surprises here, they taste just like oranges from Neopia Central - perfectly sweet and juicy when in season. And this purchase includes a whole basket of them to share with the group!


     Chocolate Korbat Ice Lolly

     While the Haunted Woods are typically pretty chilly, Magma or Lost Desert pets may need to cool down a bit more. This cute ice lolly should do the trick, and is delicious to boot! Its made of vanilla ice cream dipped in a rich milk chocolate topping. Even the eyeballs are edible - but don't worry, they're just gumballs! They say only 1 in 100 Korbat ice lollies have perfectly lined up eyes!


     Chocolate Graveyard Cake

     Even more sweets! This decadent chocolate cake would make a perfect dessert after a hearty meal. The base cake is chocolate with frosting sprinkled with cookie crumbles to resemble dirt. The gravestone and skeletal hand are artfully crafted fondant designs - entirely edible! You many even find a gummi worm hidden in the cake if you look carefully.


     Ghost Marshmallows

     And here we have the least frightening item in all of Haunted Woods. These little marshmallows have such sweet, smiling faces that you would feel bad about eating them. The faces are carefully added using chocolate piping, while the marshmallow itself is perfectly pillowy and sweet. If you have the heart, you may want to melt them over a campfire to get the full experience!


     Spooky Shake

     This quirky drink was created in collaboration with the Shoyru barista at the Coffee Cave in Roo Island, who is an expert at new drink creations and mug designs. It's a unique pumpkin-flavoured milkshake with added licorice flavour, topped with a bit of whipped cream. The tiny pumpkin is edible candy, of course. Its the perfect drink to end a night of Trick or Treating!


     Pumpkin Chip Surprise

     The only surprise here is the lack of eyeballs or other body parts! While this presumed dessert is a strange combination, it contains no tricks. This grinning carved pumpkin is filled with pumpkin cookie dough, which is quite an indulgence. In addition, it's topped with chocolate chip icing? I won't question it if you won't. Perhaps the creator of this ran out of ingredients. At least it looks suitably whimsical and spooky - maybe it would make a better centrepiece for your table of haunted treats?

     Consider this your quick and handy guide to not getting sick when you visit the Haunted Carnival! After all, you don't want to offend your Haunted Woods friends by not eating anything, right? Now you won't have to worry about picking a non-slimey option. Remember - if it moves, don't eat it!


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