For an easier life Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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A Ghostly Halloween Party

by ningkov1


”Come join our Halloween party,” the two Wocky twins announced in unison as they stared into the Ghost Poogle's eyes.

     Misty couldn't believe she was back in Neopia. She emerged from under layers of dirt and looked around the dark cemetery. What year was it now? And who were these creepy little girls?

     One of the Wockys pulled a lollipop from out of thin air and handed it to her. As she took the candy, the Wocky did not smile nor move, she just stared with her large, vacant purple eyes.

     “Happy Halloween. I am Lanie and this is Lillie, follow us.” The two walked slowly ahead, followed by a horde of ghostly and ghoulish Neopets emerging from their graves.

     Misty cautiously licked the lollipop and was pleasantly surprised by its sweet flavour. Oh, how long had it been since she last enjoyed the tastes of Neopia? She looked around at the Haunted Woods, but everything seemed so different from her memories. She saw the Halloween decorations and remembered all the sweets she used to get after trick-or-treating. No land in Neopia did Halloween quite like the Haunted Woods and Neovia...

     "Ah, Neovia, my hometown. Where I lived with..."

     She closed her eyes and shook her head, focusing only on the sweet taste in her mouth. No, she didn't want to remember everything just yet.

     They walked around all the graveyards in the area, and Misty watched as the creepy girls brought Neopians back to life. Soon she started to hear music around them while Robot Chia clowns danced and walked alongside them.

     Misty followed along, taking in the sights, and munching on the never-ending supply of candy. She even made a few new Ghost and Zombie friends. When they reached Neovia, she stopped dead in her tracks and threw up all the candy behind a bush.

     “Umm, I’m sorry Lanie and Lillie, I can't go into Neovia. I’ll just... wait for you here? Alright?”

     The girls nodded and handed her an armful of candy before disappearing into the dark.

     Misty sat alone against a tree and looked at the entrance of Neovia. It wasn’t so different from her memories, and she was glad to see that all the monsters were gone. She wondered if someone new lived in her house now, where she used to live with her dear friend. She had left behind a loved one, but it was too hard to face those memories. She stuffed all the candy in her mouth quickly and closed her eyes.

     She screamed when she opened her eyes again and saw Lanie and Lillie right in front of her. She could smell their sweet breath, and a strangely cold breeze seemed to emanate from them.

     “Here, have more candy.”

     Misty shook her head and smiled.

     “Thanks, but I'm full! Maybe something salty though...”

     For the first time since their meeting, the strange twins showed a flicker of emotion as anger flashed through their eyes.

     “Eat the candy. Enjoy the Halloween party,” they commanded in unison, until they saw their brother appear from the woods.

     “DEATH! What are you doing here!? Stop trying to ruin our party! Go away!”

     Misty was afraid to see what Death looked like, so she stood up and ran away from the woods. From a safe distance she turned and saw the most adorable Baby Ixi with little wings floating in the air.

     The cutest being Misty had ever seen giggled and smiled while flying around. The twins hugged each other and seemed to actually fear this cheerful little baby.

     Death looked at the crowd of Neopians the twins had brought back to life and smiled even wider.

     “Hi friends! Are you enjoying this little party? Happy Halloween! But, it’s not right that you’re back. I’m sorry. It’s best you all go back to your peaceful sleep. Who’s with me?” Death expected at least a few ghosts to step forward, though no one did.

     “Ha! They’re having fun! We’re having a party! We’d invite you if you weren’t such a downer! Now leave us alone! Everyone let's go!” Lanie and Lillie turned and ran in the opposite direction, followed by their horde of Neopians back from the dead. Misty, however, was the only one that stayed behind.

     She looked at the cute spirit of Death and hesitantly asked, “Um...Death? How did your sisters bring us back? Also... Could you help me find someone?”

     “Halloween is the day when the barrier between the world of the living and the dead is weakest. My sisters can easily wake Neopians up on Halloween! And, yes! I can help you find someone! Do you have some unfinished business in Neopia?"

     Unfinished business? Yes, she had unfinished business, but she had been pushing the memory away this entire time. She didn’t want to think about it, so she ignored the gnawing pain in her translucent mind. She looked at her strange ghostly body and wondered what her Petpet would think of her now.

     When she was alive, she was a Strawberry Poogle with a Strawberry Meepit that never left her side. They always stood out in the Haunted Woods and Neovia, amidst all the spooky dark colours sported by most citizens.

     “I... had a Petpet. I'm still worried about her. Did she find a new owner? Where is she now...”

     Death flew over and gave her a hug. The Ixi then held her head in his paws and looked deeply into her eyes.

     “Oh! A Strawberry Meepit! Named Berry! How cute and fitting! I will find her! Give me a moment!”

     In a flash, Death disappeared into thin air, leaving Misty all alone with her thoughts. Her last day alive she had gone to the Fairgrounds as usual, checking on all of the rides before the customers came. She skipped home to Neovia, ready to have fun with Berry until she saw the townspeople had turned into monsters! It was complete chaos, and in that panic one of the monsters...

     She didn’t get the chance to even hug her Petpet one last time, and she worried Berry was also hurt that day. She needed to find out what happened to her sweet Meepit before she could truly rest.

     She closed her eyes and thought back to all their wonderful days together. She reminisced until Death returned and shook her awake.

     “Great news! I found your Petpet! She’s nearby actually, come follow me!”

     She followed Death back to where she had been buried and watched from behind the trees as her Meepit walked slowly to her grave, carrying a box of her favourite snacks and candies. She couldn’t believe her eyes! Berry was alright! And still in Neovia! Every Halloween they would go trick-or-treating together and also buy extra candies and special cakes from the stores. The sugar would keep them up all night, so they spent the time reading spooky Halloween stories and drawing pictures.

     She couldn't help but cry as her little friend sat before her tombstone and dumped the colourful assortment on the soft grass. The Meepit munched on some Chilled Eyeballs and Chocolate Coins while chatting nonstop about her life. Over the years, she had learned to understand what the Meepit was saying, and they had spent so many happy days together.

     The rest of her life seemed blurry now, compared to the vibrant and crystal-clear memories of time spent with her Petpet. They travelled to each land of Neopia; they tried all the local snacks, eating until they couldn’t even move; they read thousands of books together; and they even learned and became Gormball champions. She had lived such a full life side by side with Berry, and now her poor Meepit was sitting alone on her grave.

     Death whispered in her ear, “It’s OK! Go over and talk to your friend!”

     Misty didn’t want to scare Berry, so she walked over carefully and cleared her throat before speaking.

     “Ummm, Berry? It’s me, Misty!”

     The Meepit dropped her snack and turned slowly. Her large eyes stared at her former owner, and for a second Misty worried that Berry didn’t recognize her.

     “I know I look different, but it really is me! It’s hard to explain – these two little girls brought me back...”

     Tears filled Berry’s eyes as she leaped up and hugged her old friend.

     “Oh, Berry! I missed you so much! Have you been okay? Do you have a new family now? It’s okay if you do! If you are happy, then I’m happy and I can rest peacefully.”

     The Meepit shook her head and gestured for Misty to follow her. They walked back paw in paw to Neovia, to the house Misty once lived in. It was like time had never passed, walking around her old house, even seeing her old clothes.

     “Wait, so you live here all by yourself? Why didn’t you move or find a new family? I’m so sorry, you must have been so lonely...”

     Berry shook her head and pulled out a large sketchbook. Misty flipped through the pages of pictures of their adventures and days together. On the last page she saw the words, “Misty and me! My happiest days!”

     Both Misty and Berry jumped at the sound of Death crying loudly in the corner. They hadn’t even noticed that he followed them here.

     “Oh my! I can’t stop the tears!!! It’s just so touching watching the two of you!! Normally I want the dead to stay dead, but I’ll make an exception this time, especially since you were sent to an early grave by that cursed monster. That time in Neovia was really stressful for me, so many troubles… Anyways! Misty, please stay and have fun with Berry! Enjoy your time together, and I will see you at the end someday in the future!”

     As Death’s wispy blue vapours disappeared, Berry pulled out more of their favourite snacks and some Halloween books. Misty was back home, and they would not waste a single moment together.

     The End.

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