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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Snargan the Skeith (Avoid Him, Please)
By Concertogreat_8

Snargan the Skeith is an impossible beast,
With a mind like cold steel and an iron fist,
Greedy eyes and a large stomach, not least.

Treasurer he's named, officially called,
But clearly he's not quite the usual sort,
And you're likely to by him get mauled.

So do not try to steal his gold or even lead,
Or you will likely find yourself in some dark place,
With no knowledge, just an empty head.
Don't be greedy -- he's enough for two,
Molten silver might catch your eye,
But please don't make me come rescue you.

His claws are mighty crushers,
And it's guaranteed he'll laugh,
As you turn slowly into smushers.

Meridell might be quite a cool place,
But if I were you I'd avoid the treasury,
Instead, why not have a look at Skarl's face?

There's ferns, glades, green-y things,
Bulls-eye, Illusen, nifty games to play,
Who needs to look at diamond rings?

Why go into a stone-cold vault,
When you could stay in an open glade,
Where no one will find you at fault?

Who needs rocks and shiny coin?
When instead you can have... um, dirt,
Well, hey, least dirt's fine to purloin.

So heed my warning, stranger, please,
If you wish to keep your head,
Just don't that evil Skeith tease.

Snargan is a clever one, true,
But if you're cleverer, you can prove
He's not nearly half as sneaky as you.

An Ode to the Scarabug
By Larkspurlane

Scarabug, I have seen you,
With your quick eyes,
And quicker wings,
Whizzing about
With your buzzing swarm of friends,
And I have seen you, Scarabug, stop to visit
My little garden.

You have now been perched
A full two minutes
Upon the petals
Of that Star of Paradise
(I bought it from the Neopian Garden Centre
Myself, you know.)

How still you sit, little Scarabug,
How motionless you pose,
Twitching your antennae,
Blinking an eye,
I like to see you like this, Scarabug,
Resting those little wings,
Spreading them, showing me
That brief moment of iridescence
In the sunshine.

Then up comes the breeze,
And leaves rustle,
And the flower sways,
And that breeze calls you
Once more to quick flight
With your swarm through the trees.

Come back to me sometime,
Little Scarabug,
Rest your little feet
Once more on the petals
Of my Star of Paradise:
One day, Scarabug,
I will reach and touch
Your bright iridescence,
And be careful not to brush
The rainbow dust off of your wings.

The Mystery of Gargarox Isafuhlarg
By Lily2b18

He stands in line, waiting to hold
The Gormball. Will it be electric? Gold?
Possibly made of steel, so hard and cold?
He hopes that it's time hasn't been.
The time between outbursts has long been quite old,
"It's been over a minute," our viewers are told.
What's that? The Gormball is growing white mould!
Gargarox hopes that he'll win.

The ball arrives and he contemplates time,
Is it possible the ball's not past its prime?
He decides that it's so, and begins to mime
The throwing of the ball, with much torque.
But it just so happens that, without reason or rhyme
This Grundo was afraid of his silverware's grime;
He took them with him, should have been a crime...
He popped the gormball with his fork.

Glubgar's Harrowing Volcano Run
By Indulgences

Through scorching winds of high degree
And hot volcanic rocks,
He weaves a path that's risky and
A touch unorthodox.

He's black with soot and red with heat.
Volcanic ash floats by.
He'll dodge those boiling lava streams
Without a single cry.

When Glubgar spots a blazing rock
That flies toward him with speed
He RUSHES forth and folds his wings,
And pays that rock no heed!

The action makes him dive below
That glowing rock of doom.
Then quickly he unfurls his wings
Despite the lack of room!

And when he spots a sparkling gem
That twinkles like a star,
He will not stop to gather it
If it looks rather far!

He's full of contradictions, yes.
He'll dive instead of fly.
He'll fly instead of grabbing gems.
He'll risk all, yet not die.

The thing that makes me call his flight
A harrowing ordeal
Is that he flies with such finesse
Like danger's never real!

He grins while passing fiery bombs.
He smiles while scraping walls.
He shrugs instead of panicking
And pilots through the halls.

Oh Glubgar, Glubgar, watch yourself!
Please live to read this rhyme!
And dodge that red volcano's heat
In record-breaking time!

The Wicked Ruki
By Anjie

Roll the dice and move along,
You'll have to take a chance.
To foil wicked Ruki's plot,
For then, you can advance.

Such horrid deed he did commit,
Each die he stole away.
Games fall silent, pets do mourn,
The world cries in dismay.

Who can foil Ruki thief?
The job shall fall to you.
Catch this wicked prankster soon,
And get the dice back too!

Sneak into the Ruki Realm
And seek him, if you can.
A dark dimension lies ahead,
So come armed with a plan!

The Ruki thief hides all away,
The dice must soon be found.
The strange world you must travel in,
So quickly does confound!

Who knows what Ruki plans to do,
With all those stolen dice!
One thing we all guess is, though,
It won't be something nice!

Through the odd dimension run,
The Ruki you'll pursue.
Roll the dice and take a chance,
Escape is up to you!

Total Poetry Pages : 2757

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