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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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An Underwater Aisha Day
by Chavo_guerrero

At the bottom of the ocean
That sweeps Neopia's shore
Lives a young Maraquan Aisha,
Who wishes to give a tour.

Her name is Isabella,
And she once wrote a book
That she called Aisha Sea Life;
Why don't you take a look?

She's proud to live beneath the sea,
But feels it's beauty's lost
Upon the surface dwellers,
Who like to be aloft.

She writes of all the pretty things
That grow beneath the waves,
And tells of everything she sees --
From sunken ships to caves!

For Aisha Day this year, she dreams
Of a party held below,
With banners of kelp and seashells,
And a Maraquan puppet show!

Let's all find our snorkel masks
And flippers for our feet,
And make her dream come true, at last,
With an underwater treat!

My Fickle Darigan Aisha Crystal Ball
by Sugarypixiestix2

To exercise my born magical skills,
I use an item that gives me chills.
It's a Darigan Aisha Crystal Ball;
I keep it on a pedestal in my hall.

As it's a cherished family heirloom,
alongside my one great aunt's broom.
It is given the far utmost respect,
and never given any kind of neglect.

Using it takes all my concentration,
which has become a big frustration,
since I cannot master it otherwise...
it's rather wily, despite its size.

My crystal ball is extremely rare,
being created by a dark cloud's air.
Once the Court Dancer borrowed it,
an event my family detests to admit.

No fortune it shows is ever wrong;
my readings on it are truly strong.
So, no matter how long it will take,
I'll tame its force before I break.

Alien Aisha Vending Machine
by Dr_tomoe

Located in a corner,
but not out of place,
there is a machine
that came from deep space.

It's full of food,
on which Alien Aishas fed.
All you need to try
is to insert one Nerkmid!

And what a feast shall emerge --
with delicious space-age treats;
to stomach what they make
is really quite a feat.

Foods made from spiders,
ants, limes, and grubs.
Meals so delectable
you'll be sure to love.

Fish pops of all flavors,
and chocolate mixed with everything.
You won't believe how well it mixes
with pickles and dung cream.

If that's not your thing,
try some Linty Bologna...
or perhaps grubs are a treat
if you don't want a smelly sardine.

But oh, the Alien Aishas love it.
These meals give them strength.
And their Nerkmids are worth a fortune --
they can laugh all the way to the bank.

But sadly, this time it's out.
Better luck next time, see.
Instead of delicious food
You got a Maraquan Paint Brush (TCG).

The Attic Aisha
by Blessed_faerie

In a tiny little house in Neovia
Lives one mysterious ghost.
If you’re seeking treasures,
It’s this Aisha who has the most.

Locate her Neovian cottage
And don’t be shy to go inside.
Look around until you find the stairs,
For the attic is where she hides. 

If you’re an aged Neopian,
She has treasures for you.
Watch the clock carefully
And you might find something new.

She only stocks special items --
The most beautiful and rare.
But you must be quick about it!
Snooze and they won’t be there.

No one knows why she does it,
Or what motivates her strange store.
She has sold some amazing things;
Let’s hope she has even more!

If I Were An Aisha
by Clairevoiant

If I were a baby Aisha,
I’d prance about my Neohome,
With my tiny paws always moving,
Only pausing to be combed!

If I were a chocolate Aisha,
I’d look so nice and sweet,
But don’t you try to bite me --
I’m the chocolate you can’t eat!

If I were a desert Aisha,
I’d wear robes and golden jewelry,
But much unlike the Sphinx,
I don’t tolerate riddles or foolery! 

If I were a faerie Aisha,
On each wing there’d be a heart,
Which reflects my love and kindness
That truly sets me apart!

If I were an island Aisha,
Every day would be a breeze!
I’d relax on the sand of beaches
And watch the waves roll on the seas!

If I were a Maraquan Aisha,
I’d have a necklace with a shell.
My fins allow me to swim
In the ocean in which I dwell!

If I were a plushie Aisha,
You could cuddle me all day.
I’d go with you everywhere --
Think of the games that we would play!

While there are many forms of Aisha 
That I failed to name,
If I were any one of them 
I’d enjoy it all the same!
So, if you’re an Aisha, 
Celebrate today and forever --
Painted or not, we’re still 
As loving and cute as ever!

The Protector
by Clkhohenheim

In a kingdom by the sea,
There dwells a sorceress of lore.
An Aisha beautiful, kind, and wise,
She is Jerdana of Altador.

With powers that are legendary
And a smile brighter than the sun,
She is a hero of their kingdom.
The Protector looks after everyone.

Jerdana used to wander, 
Helping all of those she could. 
Without a home to call her own, 
She used her magic for only good.

One day she met King Altador,
But in the woods they were attacked.
She let forth her light and mystic might,
And drove the darkness back.

Thus she earned her place among the twelve
And helped them rule for many years,
But there was a traitor in their midst.
It was their greatest fear.

Jerdana knew what must be done, 
So she stole the kingdom's past,
Took the memories, made a bubble of time, 
And for a thousand years, 
Her spells would last.

Not all hope is lost, for she left
Some clues embedded in her spells.
But will someone help her save the kingdom?
Only time will tell.

Doing Things The Aisha Way!
by Rielcz

Long ears to hear what all goes 'round
Magical tendencies -- power abounds!
Characterized by a big block "A,"
We're doing things the Aisha way!

Abigail has some serious brawn;
She takes even hardcore gamers on!
Hoban's a navigator -- a great one, at that.
He might seem crazy, but he has an epic hat!

(Doing things the Aisha way!)

Jerdana is a sorceress with more;
She once hid all of Altador!
Arlhox is an alien so great,
His machines bring foods bizarre to your plate!

(Doing things the Aisha way!)

Amira has a spirit, free
Unmoved by Jazan's treachery.
Purrow is a master thief
With Meesha, he fills many with grief.

(Doing things the Aisha way!)

Isca dreamed of oceans blue,
Of pirate ships and destruction true.
Osiri makes pottery fair,
But don't upset her perfect hair!

(Doing things the Aisha way!)

Imiya finds her dreams possessed;
Will she pass this arithmetic test?
Lisha traveled to the past
And ensured peace would come to last.

(Doing things the Aisha way!)

And that's not all -- there's others to know!
Caylis, Pride, the Storyteller, Mizuko...
So, join the masses who come this day
To do things the Aisha way!

Ode To Abigail
by Rationalizing

Unlike her brother, the Master of Games,
Boasting to all is not her true aim.
But rather, to have fun and enjoy,
And sometimes play with her toys.

Her ego is far less,
So people like her best.
Aristotle Avinroo may play for skill,
But Abigail plays for pure thrill.

Abigail shares her tips for success:
"Practice and try to get some rest,
Take it slow and steady,
And then you'll be ready!"

And she doesn't let AAA get to her.
She knows winning is what he prefers,
So she contents to watch him comfortably
And revel in his company.

Never after glory and fame,
Only playing for the fun of the games,
Her brother may be mightier,
But Abigail, at her age, is brighter.

That is why, on this special day,
When Aishas everywhere 
Are shouting "hooray,"
We should appreciate Abigail, the modest one,
And not play games just to get them done,
But enjoy them and have some fun!

The Aisha Enchantress
by Comawhite333

A high lady of the forest,
This Aisha is mysterious.
She steadies her fair hand
With a face that is serious.

Protector of a grove,
Little of her is known;
She stays to herself
In a land overgrown.

Those who have met her
Have been secretive of their experience,
Giving some the vague feeling
That this Aisha is imperious.

Then there are others 
Who have disappeared,
Never to be heard from again,
Gaining swift attention
From Meridell's lawmen.

A search always reveals nothing,
And things become more of the same,
But no one dares utter
This Aisha's given name.

Maybe, one day, we'll know the answers
To the questions that we seek,
But until then this Aisha Enchantress
Will be shrouded 
By an aura of mystique.

Aisha Slorgrider
by Flufflepuff

She stands out due to her pink coat,
But also something more --
She rides not on a Uni, but
A giant Purple Slorg.

The gentle girl knew to embrace 
A new, large, slimy friend. 
E'er since they'd met, they'd embarked on
A journey without end.

Through blizzards, jungles, and deserts,
The pair, through thick and thin, 
Glides onward, taking in the sights:
The sheer beauty within.

Each snowflake's pattern's intricate,
As though crafted with care.
The Aisha's acute ears detect
Their songs, noble and fair,

Silent to those who fail to take 
Sufficient time to see
And listen to the curious tales
Of snowflakes so tiny.

The jungle, too, offers her songs
Of moisture and of life.
The opening of the ferns burst forth,
Revealing hidden light.

The Slorgrider is entranced by 
The smallest shuffling noise
Made by Scamanders in the sand.
They bring her arid joys.

As for the slime, she does not mind,
It keep her looking young.
Slime's trivial in noble quests
To learn all songs unsung.

The Aisha's choice for traveling
Makes her truly wise.
So, just enjoy the scenery,
See with more than your eyes.

And you may yet find miracles
That take you by surprise.

Total Poetry Pages : 2758

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