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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Chomby Carnival
by Indulgences

The Chomby Carnival is here!
We're here for the parade.
We crane our necks to watch them strut,
A Chomby cavalcade!

What wearables will they display?
What clothing have they donned?
Will they be manly, strong, and tough,
Or graceful in chiffon?

Some Chomby Leafy Lollypops
Are given out for free.
The Chomby Chips are tasty, too.
The snacks fill us with glee!

The music starts. The band, it plays.
Neopians start to cheer.
The Chombies, they're beloved by all.
We want them to appear!

We start to chant and wave our arms.
We toss confetti, too.
We're thousands strong and full of joy.
We line the avenue!

And finally, the Chombies come!
They're gorgeous to the eye!
They lift their heads with pride and cheer.
They surely aren't shy!

And what is this? No uniforms
Are donned by their grand selves.
Instead, they wear such motley clothes.
They're gentlemen and belles!

One Chomby's dressed in rainbow clothes.
Another is a sleuth.
Another is a flower child,
So sweet and full of youth!

The prehistoric Chomby is
So fierce and wields a spear.
Another is a grave digger,
So dark and full of drear!

My favorite is the warrior,
Complete with metal shell.
So gleaming, strong, and wonderful,
I fall under its spell!

The music swells. Some folks, they cry.
We love the Chombies so!
We want to celebrate their ilk.
The Chombies ought to know!

So, celebrate the Chomby's day
By watching the parade!
The Chomby Carnival is such
A beautiful brigade!

All Them Chomby Crisps
by Rielcz

A whole bag full of Chomby crisps!
A whole bag full of fun!
It's true what they say about these chips,
You just can't stop at one!

Spicy BBQ has a real kick,
It'll light your mouth on fire!
You'd better get a beverage, quick,
Or the situation could get dire...

Chokato has that flavor you love --
Salty and sweet and cute!
(To answer the question you're thinking of,
A Chokato's a vegetable, not a fruit.)

Sour cream and chives is great, you'd agree,
Coming in a bag so green!
Vegetable and dairy in perfect harmony,
Eat some and you'll know what I mean.

And then those ones baked beautifully,
Rather than being fried.
As such, they are more healthy,
So, no worries -- go eat those chips inside.

Chomby crisps: a grand selection of four --
They're sure to make a wonderful treat!
Now, go and buy them at the store
And give me some to eat!

The Unusual Chomby Grave Digger
by Sugarypixiestix2

In Neovia is where he digs
while snacking on some figs.
He doesn't mind the labour
or that it is his neighbour.

Grave digging is in his blood;
this capable Chomby is no dud.
With his shovel in his palm,
the cemetery is lull and calm.

He works all hours of the day,
but it doesn't make him grey.
The Chomby knows his position
is a vital and grand mission.

Most nights he'll dig alone,
which doesn't make him groan.
Solitude is what he favours,
it is the quiet he savours.

At times he might see ghosts,
who look to him like hosts.
Inviting him to stay longer,
making his movement stronger.

Poor Tippens
by Dr_tomoe

You just have to feel bad
for the Spooky Shindig Society,
as Tippens's big event he planned
had started off perfectly.

The contestants were ready,
the crowd was excited,
the meals were prepared
and Tippens was delighted.

Spooky Food was devoured,
cheers rang out in the air,
and, for a moment, Neovia
felt something more then despair.

But that all changed at the end
when, as a surprise to all,
one of the competitors
wasn't a Neopian at all!

A monster had infiltrated,
and in the resulting stampede
the contest was destroyed
by everyone's fleeing.

And poor Tippens, all he had
was a ruined contest and chairs,
but, chin up our Chomby friend,
hopefully it'll be better next year.

Admiral Blackbeard The Chomby
by Kaibeau

His voice was deep 
As the sea's green heart
'Neath fathoms of tide-tossed blue.
His eyes were filled with amber light
Lit with power rare and true.

Admiral Blackbeard rode the wind
With blooming sails of coarse red twill.
A cutlass hung against his side,
Wielded with deadly skill.

A Chomby lord; A pirate king
With nerves of stainless steel.
When treason rose up in his crew,
He pitched them off the keel.

They say he roams the sea alone,
His sails proud and tall.
In lonesome ports across the globe
You'll hear his roaring call.

Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby
by Dragonsfriend1021

Nobody knows how I got this way,
I simply kept growing bigger each day.
As long as I can remember,
No one called me slender
As my body continued to splay.

Among Neopets I am a giant,
And, while I try to be compliant,
All the other 'pets glare.
I don't fit anywhere,
So I have to be self-reliant.

But it's because I'm so big, I conclude,
that I can't seem to get enough food.
I just want to eat,
Doesn't have to be sweet,
But it's hard to without being rude.

I spotted a cake on a window sill
At a small Neohome on a small hill.
I snuck up behind --
That Kacheek surely won't mind --
And I attempted to eat my fill.

The cake didn't quell my hunger,
So I decided to try some lumber.
I might have made a goof
When I ate Judge Hog's roof.
I probably should have gone for the cucumber.

It was then that I had an idea
That made me shout "Eureka!"
When your tummy is airy,
There's only one faerie
For hungry 'pets in Neopia.

The Soup Faerie, of course, was so kind.
She gave me a big bowl, she didn't mind.
But when I tried to stoop
To eat my soup,
I knocked over the whole pot from behind!

As you can see I don't try to be violent,
But my hunger is constantly prevalent.
My appetite is large, frankly,
I'm eternally cranky,
And that's why they call me malevolent.

The Defenders of Neopia 
Chased me out of my home.
Now I'm doomed to perpetually roam.
I've started to fight back
And found I have a knack,
So watch out for me in the Battledome!

We're Chomby And The Fungus Balls!
by Tj_wagner

We're Chomby and the Fungus Balls.
We rock The Concert Hall.
Fans are lined from wall to wall,
'Cause we're Chomby and the Fungus Balls.

We're playing it loud and bold,
And our songs never get old.
All your friends should be told,
'Cause we're playing it loud and bold.

We each wear a rockin' wig.
That's how you know this show is big.
All our songs you will dig,
'Cause we each wear a rockin' wig.

There's lots of merchandise --
A great deal no matter the price.
Souvenirs are always nice,
'Cause there's lots of merchandise.

We're Chomby and the Fungus Balls.
We rock The Concert Hall.
Our fans are lined from wall to wall,
'Cause we're Chomby and the Fungus Balls.

Hungry Hungry Chomby
by Trubiekatie

I’m not sure where he comes from,
But this Chomby is surely gigantic.
I can hear his thundering steps
And I can feel myself quickly panic!

“RAAAARRR!!” he cries out loud.
Well, now I’m truly scared.
We’re fighting in the Battledome
And I feel utterly unprepared.

He’s definitely hungry,
I can hear his stomach grumble.
As he walks the Stone Arena
I can feel the ground rumble.

Can I give up now before I’m done?
Maybe I’ll trick him with food.
He once took from the Soup Faerie,
Which I personally find quite rude.

I’ve head he likes cakes,
And he once ate a roof?
How can someone like both of those?
I think I’d need to see some proof.

Regardless of what he likes,
I’d best finish up this fight.
This Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby
Has given me and my ‘pets a fright!

Chomby Treats
by Dianacat777

With a special day on the horizon,
Every Chomby fan must prepare.
A Chomby Day party just isn’t enlivened
Without some special festive fare.

Chomby catering comes in all venues:
Veggies, snacks, dips, 
Chips, cookies, and sweets.
And far from exclusive is the party’s menu --
Any ‘pet will enjoy 
These Chomby-themed treats!

Chomby Crisps, Neopia’s favorite chip,
Are a must for any real snack line.
Barbeque, Chokato, sour cream, and dip...
Just set them out and it’s snack time!

And, of course, there’s more to sample:
Chomby Bread Basket and leafy Chomby Chips,
And pray that you don’t end up trampled
When going for the last Iced Chomby Biscuit.

There’s Chomby Meatloaf for the main entrée,
Chomby-styled hot dogs and Chomby pot pie.
Chomby Veggie Burgers, even Chomby Pate
That braver Neopets might like to try.

And I hope you’ve left yourself some space,
Because these desserts 
You don’t want to miss.
Take the Baby Chomby Cookie, 
the Iced Chomby Fruit Cake.
Rainbow Chomby Jelly -- seven flavors of bliss.

Lime and caramel 
Might make for strange twins,
But the Lime Chomby Cake 
Always ends up going quick.
Purple Chomby Ice Cream, 
With chocolate and mint,
And tangy Chomby Fruit Tarts are always a hit.

These Chomby favors will be a blast
(And they’ll create a great buffet!),
So celebrate, and make it last,
And have a happy Chomby Day!

Berin, The Chomby Champion
by Flufflepuff

Time and time again you told me
Not to be someone
Even children can look up to,
And not to try for fun.

I tell you, please, care for me less. 
As heartless as I seem,
I'm stuck in my new dead end job.
I've stunted all my dreams

For your sakes, both of you. But still,
Perhaps you didn't know
That I've trained hard behind your backs:
The Island's helped me grow.

That's why, you see, I've put on weight.
Pray don't look so aghast! 
Is it not your job to support, 
Regardless of the past?

In any case, now I can take
On foes who come my way.
I've even made a mask and cape
So I might fly away.

Mom, don't you say a word to me
About my getting hurt!
Narrow your omelette-wide eyes
And force them to revert.

Truly, it's my fault. I had
Expected far too much
From those who kept me ignorant
And love me very much.

If you will not support my dreams
And fear I shall be slain,
Then there's one thing I ask now:
Keep silent. Keep my name.

To all but you two I am known
As Chomby Champion,
But I am still your small Berin,
Your triumph you had won.

In this world I've come to see
And learn about, I've found 
That there are few that one can trust.
That's why I am here now.

I've mentioned I was stuck at work,
But that's a lie. I've quit.
Not to worry, the Neopian
Defenders dealt with it.

I know this news is one great shock.
I figured you should know
Because, by telling me to stop,
You made me want to grow.

Thank you for embracing me.
Now at last my life's begun.
I'm very proud to be your child,
Your superhero son.

Total Poetry Pages : 2758

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