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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Blue Tonu Ballet Outfit
by indulgences

I think it's rather difficult
To make the Tonu sweet.
It's big, and lumbering as well,
Not something small, effete.

But then I saw this outfit new,
And knew I had to buy.
My Tonu would look graceful, sweet,
So wonderful and spry.

And when my pet was fully dressed,
She twirled in sheer delight.
She was so sleek and marvelous.
She was a glorious sight.

It's Tonu Day! Go buy your pet
An outfit she'll adore!
Perhaps this ballet outfit will
Be what she's longing for!

Those Thundering Tonus
by _m_a_e

Here they are, these thundering beasts
Hooves are stomping, crushing all beneath
Small but tough, they'll take on any enemy
Be it Grarrl or Chomby, they're not afraid you see.

Toughness aside, they are also quite cute
with their colourful eyes and fuzzy hairdo.
But be careful, for they really love to cause trouble
Rampaging around, smashing rocks to rubble

Take one to the Battledome, they do well there
Against a well trained Tonu, challengers beware
Though lacking in wit, they have great persistence,
standing up to all and any kind of feeble resistance 

And I can say for sure, they are an awesome friend
loyal and protective, I do truly recommend.
So for a great little pal, to have through the  worst
why not go and meet one, February 21st?

Royalboy Tonu
by chavo_guerrero

Have you ever seen a creature,
With such exotic style,
As the handsome Royalboy Tonu,
And his fascinating smile?

He wears a feather in his hat,
Which serves to make him tall,
But nobody could mistake this 'pet,
For an animal that's small.

His clothes adorned with golden trim,
And jewels hung all about,
A perfectly shiny horn as well,
Stands proudly on his snout.

He's the last word in extravagance,
In expensive and rare taste,
But the only thing he's wanting now,
Is just to be embraced.

Hold out you arms and give a hug,
To a figure that's so fine,
For on this special Tonu Day,
How could anyone decline?

The Lumbering Tonu
by icysnowe

The lumbering Tonu lurks, unseen;
Engulfed by the eerie darkness.
Hidden by thick tendrils of fauna,
Tucked away in the damp forest.

This stance is not maintained for long,
For once the Tonu catches a whiff
Of a potential playmate nearby,
The beast’s cover is blown in a jiff’.

Boisterous and playful as they are,
Tonu seem to lack a sense of danger.
These clumsy voracious eaters
Would play hide-and-seek with a stranger.

Not everyone enjoys the rough and tumble
That ensues when Tonu want to play.
But we all appreciate these fun-loving pets,
As we celebrate them on Tonu Day!

Hugo Fairweather - Tonu
by tallydepp

All hail Hugo!
Or Professor Fairweather to you.
A lecturer at Brightvale University,
Perhaps the most famous Tonu!
A member of the Seekers,
An expert of ancient lore
There is not a lot he does not know
Of What has occured before.
To find an isle described in a book
Became his lifelong plan,
His fellow Seekers did ridicule him -
They thought he'd gone quite mad!
But Hugo Fairweather was resolute
And determined, off he set...
Soon enough the Lost Isle was found
And filled with gigantic petpetpets!
Hugo and his crew were lucky to escape
With their lives intact,
But our clever and brave professor
Would one day love to go back.
Until that day doth arrive
Hugo the brighest Tonu
Spends his time teaching all he knows
To the likes of me and you!

The Magma Guard
by dr_tomoe

If you need a new look
or so you've been told
and want something hot
but fire is too cold

Then down to Moltara
that's the place you should go
where lights hang from the roof
and hot magma will flow.

There's a special pool
in the heart of the caves
that taking a dip will
light you for days

but the magma pool is guarded
by a tough and fierce Tonu
who's doesn't let anyone pass
yes, that includes you.

He'll block your way
no matter how you try
for your own protection of course
he doesn't want you to fry

But if a magma color is desired
so you'll have to try hard
to become well-versed in Moltara
Or sneak past the Tonu guard

He's the only one you see
and as diligent as a keep
but even the most diligent
will sometimes have to sleep

Wait till he snoozes
and then sneak right past him
and then into the Magma pool
and go for a swim!

Terrific Tonus
by alyndasgallery

Wild mane blowing wild and free,
Galloping wildly as it plays.
Horned snout foraging in the dirt,
The Tonu has strange ways.

Prehistoric creatures they may be,
Exploring Tyrannia through the night.
Though they may be kind and gentle,
They don't shy away from a fight.

Charging roughly is their nature,
Their bodies large and strong.
Loud calls bellow through the plateau,
Their voices joined in song.

Frolicking with their fellow Tonu,
They seek out friends with their herd.
Will you find one on your travels? 
Tonus are terrific - haven't you heard?

The Tonu Herd
by xxsicklullabiesxx

On the plains of Tyrannia 
There lives a herd of beasts
With fluffy manes and large nose horns
There must be hundreds, at least.

The Tonu are a lovely bunch
They frolic across the land
Though they aren't so graceful in the least
They're certainly quite grand.

The faerie Tonu are so unique
With their wings to hold them up
And the baby Tonu are quite small
Though too large to fit in a cup.

They feast upon the Giant Omlette
On the Plateau they like to graze
They live a life so peacefully
In the sun they spend their days.

The herd is so magnificent
It grows more and more each year
Which is why on this special day
We all should give a cheer.

Here is to the grand Tonu
You're large but that's okay
Here is to my favorite species
Have a happy Tonu Day!

March of the Tonus
by anandapia5

There's a rumbling in the ground
Trees are shaking all around
Do you hear the growing sound?
The Tonus are a-coming

They are marching through the fields
Kicking dust up with their heels
Their firm feet need not our wheels
The Tonus are a-coming

They are marching through the night
Oh my goodness, what a sight!
See their beauty, see their might!
The Tonus are a-coming

Their reason, no one knows
They must have one, I suppose
But my admiration grows
For the Tonus that are coming.

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