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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Gadgadsbogen Favorite
by binky1260

If you can imagine
A vegetable that grows
So far underground
It defies garden hoes,
You’d have an Ummagine
With color so bold
You wonder what flavor 
Is there to unfold…
Does it taste like a plum
With an essence that’s sweet,
Or will it be bland
Like the unwelcome beet?
I like to imagine 
A taste bud parade
Of chocolate and popcorn
And lime marmalade;
And if it delivered
Some hot apple pie,
Now that I’d consume
In the blink of an eye!
So as much as I like
This fun game of surmise,
I’ll just take a bite…
Mmmmmm, French fries!

Fountain Faerie Quests
by xxsicklullabiesxx

You may want a pretty pet
To paint but you don't own one
But Naia, the Fountain Faerie
Can certainly get the job done.

She'll paint your pet a gorgeous hue
Maybe blue, or pink, or red,
She'll paint your pet transparent,
Or like a zombie, quite undead.

But Naia tends to be quite shy,
By that, her quests are rare.
You're lucky if you can nab one
And complete it, if you dare.

I, for one, am not so lucky,
And I've waited for many years,
To hope that Naia shows her face
To help paint my little dears.

Instead, I've painted them all myself.
So many neopoints spent!
But in my eyes they were all worth it,
Right down to the last cent.

So if you wish to complete a quest,
And paint your beloved pet,
Just hope that you have enough luck,
For a quest, but do not fret.

You can always save up neopoints,
And paint them on your own!
It's so rewarding in itself
It's the best feeling ever known.

I stumbled upon a Faerie
by theoriginaltali

One day I stumbled upon a Faerie,
She was grey and looking oh so weary.
She asked for a petpet to make her happy,
"Sure! Ok! I'll go get you a Snuffly."

So off I trotted to a lovely petpet shop,
Full of Snorkles and Spyders, and Sauropod.
No Snuffly's in sight, where could it be?
"Ooo I know, the Wizard I will go see!" 

And Sure enough Shop Wizard knew where
I could find a Snuffly with time to spare!
With excite and glee, I found the shop for me;
In the Market Place stall, Snuffly were three!

I picked one up and carried him back,
To the Grey Faerie who whistled and clapped!
"You brought me a Snuffly, Thank you so much!
For your efforts here's a bit of Fountain Luck!"

Its a nice thing to be kind to Faeries,
Gifts and spells they are abundantly sharing.
Maybe you will see a Faerie one time,
"I wish you good luck, great friends of mine."

Finding the Hidden Tower
by clairevoiant

Somewhere in the heart of Faerieland
Is a tower of which I’ve heard
That stands tall, and yet is hidden;
It is secret like a password.

This tower holds many treasures
That you may decide to buy
With your hard-earned Neopoints,
But you must find it to give this a try!

You may want a powerful weapon
To use in the Battledome,
Or a Baby Paint Brush
To bring a Baby Neopet home.

Or maybe you’d like a special doll
To love with all of your heart,
Or a very thick and rare book
To read to make your pet smart!

Of course, this is what I’ve been told
As I haven’t found the tower yet…
I also heard there’s a discount day
Where prices are as low as you can get!

So if you find the Hidden Tower,
Be sure to let me know
How you came across it,
For I’d really like to go!

Faerieland Visit
by mangomagica

Once upon a time
There was an Aisha that was red.
What was her name, you ask?
Well, he went by the name of Fred.

One day, the Aisha's owner
Who gave him tender loving care
Said "We're going to Fairieland
The land with so much fun and flair!"

Fred was so excited to go
He couldn't contain himself;
He ran to visit the town 
With all the toys, petpets, and books on the shelves.

"Oh what fun!" he said with glee, 
"I don't want to ever leave here!"
Then all of a sudden, a raven fairie
before his eyes appeared.

She was notorious for causing no good
And causing pain and strife all over.
She made a proposition to the Aisha,
To get her a four leaf clover.

"O-or what?" Fred gingerly asked.
"Or else I'll turn you into dung!"
She replied with a cackle,
"And I'll give you a black tongue."

However, he refused, and with his tail
Between his legs, ran far away.
Shaking her fist, the dark Faerie yelled,
"You'll pay for this someday!"

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