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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Nimmo Day Special

Have you seen my Nimmo?
by butter_bar12

I break from the crystal shore,
Dodging a Rockfish and Kelp galore,
Gaining speed, I know I cannot delay.
Have you seen my Nimmo today?

She was just here, floating by,
Swimming under the Neopian sky,
Perhaps she fancied a Slushie break?
Oh, the suspense is more than I can take!

For today is the famed Nimmo Day,
A chance for all Nimmos to bounce and play,
The cake is waiting at our Neohome,
She can’t be far, she wouldn’t roam.

A nearby Flotsam gives a wave,
Provides the info that I crave,
“Your Nimmo is safe, not a worry!
She’s on the beach, you better hurry!”

I laugh and swim back to the isle,
All this time was worth my while,
I give my Nimmo a warm hug,
While she responds with a guilty shrug.

“Oh you!” I try to give her a scold.
But her eyes are shimmering gold,
“I couldn’t help but swim away,
It’s such a lovely Nimmo day!”

Goddess Nimmo Outfit
by indulgences

The Goddess Nimmo lifts her head,
So regal and divine.
She’s absolutely marvellous,
In clothes that gleam and shine!

The Headgear worn atop her brow
Is made of gems and gold.
It glitters with a million sparks,
A splendour to behold!

The Top she wears is whitest silk,
Its collar, turquoise stones.
The front is cinched with golden wings,
To match her mighty throne!

Her Skirt is sewn with emeralds
That glow and scintillate.
It’s clearly meant for royalty,
A leader wise and great!

And finally, she holds a Staff
That’s made of ebony.
It’s topped with head of finest gold,
And suits her pedigree!

The Goddess Nimmo is a sight,
Resplendent, proud and fine!
Her outfit is a lovely set
That cannot be outshined!

The Brightest Nimmo
by zebra_wishes

Nile the Nimmo had just one desire:
To learn every fact that his brain could acquire.
For years in his study, alone with his mind,
He’d memorize every book he could find.
One day, in a tattered old tome, he saw scrawled:
“The light of the Nova is brightest of all.”
But no matter how hard our poor Nile tried,
This fact he simply could not memorize!

He left from his study and entered the night,
Quite certain a curse was to blame for his plight.
But that’s when he met in the cold mountain glow,
A beautiful Nimmo who he used to know.
“It’s been many years,” she said with a smile,
“Please tell me a fact that you’ve learned, dearest Nile?”
His loneliness gone, Nile answered her call:
“The light of your smile is brightest of all."

Nimmo Day
by she_chose_love

Down by the pond,
where the water lilies grow.
Catching Flies,
look at that tongue go.

Sitting on a lily pad,
floating around the pond.
Chasing all the flies,
in his reach and beyond.

Sits a Nimmo,
just having fun.
Enjoying the breeze,
and the warm Neopian Sun.

Today we celebrate,
Nimmos near and far.
With lots of new items and activities,
to show Nimmos they are a star.

Ryshu the Nimmo Master
by stmarshall

Ryshu swung his bamboo rod,
Leaping 5 feet in the air,
Arms outstretched in perfect poise,
Intimidating with his focused stare.

His headwear billowed in the wind,
Bandaged limbs making swift moves,
Mouth curled up in a snarl,
Motions ever so very smooth.

His Techo Master taught him lots,
But now he is a Master himself,
Passing on his training to the next generation,
You could be a disciple yourself.

Practice is the most important thing,
You can see he swears by it,
Patience comes second,
If you commit.

Come visit him on Mystery Island,
If you are dedicated to the craft,
He will be waiting for ones who,
Are willing to graft.

Reb Weemelott
by l0000000l

True to the nature of his fellow Nimmo kin
Reb Weemelott's intellect comes from within
And so Brightvale is where he'd always been
As the Right Forward, he gives Yooyus a spin
With his craftiness, he knows they can win

The spotted, smooth-skinned Nimmo is quick
Sadly, in scoring, it has yet for him to click
Alas, up the sleeves of his green gear is a trick
With a hidden flat piece of metal, he’s so slick
Hitting his foes in a move he calls “the icepick”

Unlike other Nimmos that live peacefully in zen
Reb is known to trash talk again and again
If he hasn’t yet it’s just a matter of when
Words not elegant unlike his use of a quill pen
Behaviour different from his land of wise men

Regardless of actions his mindset is the same
For Team Brightvale to receive critical acclaim
On-field, his quick-wit will put others to shame
Calculating the perfect and precise angle to aim
Work smarter not harder is the name of his game

The Keeper of the Books
by precious_katuch14

Always found reading his wares atop his ladder,
The bookshop keeper is an interesting fellow,
But whenever a customer should come in for help,
They can always count on this wise blue Nimmo.

"Welcome to my shop, please stay awhile.
"I have many books for you to browse.
"Books on dancing, exercise and staying fit,
"And books on furnishing your garden and house."

"If it is a happy faerie tale you need,
"I have several here on Shelf Three.
"If you prefer a faerie tale about Illusen,
"Here's a book with her in front of a tree."

With so many shelves, it's easy to get lost
Within the bookshop and its intricate maze.
But you can count on this Nimmo to be your guide.
How does he do it? Oh, he has his ways.

And when there is a dusty tome up above,
You can rely on him and his trusty ladder.
No book is too high up, and once he finds it,
You certainly can't be any gladder!

"If you'd prefer to browse quietly on your own,
"I'll just be here reading the latest book.
"I haven't been able to put it down recently,
"Perhaps you too would like to take a look?"

Maybe you're not quite sure what book to pick.
There are so many choices; it's hard to decide!
The Nimmo shopkeeper has recommendations galore.
So don't worry about choices once you're inside.

When your time in the bookshop comes to an end,
When your bags are packed and your purchases made,
The shopkeeper shall bid you a warm goodbye,
As the sun sets and the afternoon light fades.

"Do come again soon, if you don't mind,
"There are still so many books waiting to be read.
"Books for the kitchen, books for the Battledome,
"And books meant to be read while tucked in bed!"

The Mosaic Nimmo
by miraday

Most occupants of the Art Gallery
Are insentient and curated in rows.
Amidst ancient works and tapestries
Is the breathtaking Mosaic Nimmo.

She sits on a pedestal of her own—
Sunlight from the arched mezzanine
Passes by her introductory columns
And colours the gallery in its reflecting.

The Nimmo’s legs, springy if glassy,
Dazzle the room in brilliant chartreuse.
Her outstretched hands hold pieces
More somberly placed, green blue.

Her eyes look back at onlookers;
Their colour reflecting her viewers
Like two polished opal marbles 
With a speck of mint flowers.

Of all the art in Neopia Central, 
The Mosaic Nimmo takes the crown;
She bides her time, allowing others
To see themselves in her renown.

Sometimes it’s easier to see oneself
In the reflection of another’s soul.
It gives the Nimmo time herself
For public immersion whilst alone.

Each night, when the gallery closes, 
She leaves the exhibit and hops home.
She knows and is known, soothingly so,
Prideful to be the sole Mosaic Nimmo.

A Letter on the Discovery of the Species of Nimmo
by heartswold

[“A Letter on the Discovery of the Species of Nimmo”
Translated from Ancient Neopian by Prof. Lambert
From Explorer ???, to the Early Seekers Guild,
— 15th of the Month of Relaxing, Year Two]

My dear esteemed professors of the Early Seekers Guild,
My search for a new species has been fruitfully fulfilled!
My travels ‘round Neopia took me places undiscovered,
And in this letter I shall share the knowledge I’ve recovered.

While walking through a jungle in an exploratory quest,
I stopped nearby a pond somewhere in Ancient Neopia West,
And came across the most fascinating pod of creatures!
They called themselves “The Nimmo”. Here, I’ll describe their features:

The first to note, their height: they are longer-limbed than most,
Their leap is high, their balance true, their speed something to boast!
Their skin is smooth and porous, made for breathing underwater,
their pink tongue darts out lighting quick - a natural fly-swatter.

The nature of a Nimmo is most certainly curious,
For I’ve yet to meet a Nimmo who was angry or was furious;
They feel at one with wood, stone, water, fire, and air,
They seem to find a state of zen, despite any despair.

I suspect that they are named for their nemophilist ways,
They can lose themselves in forests for days upon days;
They’ve a gentle touch with petpets, and any manner of small being,
Their spirits seemed to me to be generally agreeing.

They are champion companions, and have shared many a story,
I cannot wait till all of Neopia learns of their glory!
This day is one for history books! And here’s what I propose:
Let’s celebrate this “Nimmo Day” with poetry and prose!

With such joyful a tiding do I set my course for home,
My research on the Nimmo could most easily fill a tome;
My dearest Early Seekers, I now wait for your reply;
I’m on my way. I’ll see you soon. Til then, I bid goodbye.

[unidentifiable signature of Explorer ???]

Sidney the Nimmo
by myncithemonkey

In a spooky fairground,
Entered by a brave few,
Flashing lights all around,
A sly Nimmo beckons you.

"Sssssoo want to try your luck?"
Comes a voice from an old shack,
Chance to make a quick buck,
Or leave with an empty pack.

You hand over some NP,
Sidney looks delighted,
Dreams of a winning spree,
Has you quite excited.

One by one you scratch,
Bats, worms, and a blank,
Three Furwitches—a match!
This win should fill your bank.

But instead Sidney sneers,
"I changed the prize pool,
For the first time in years!"
As you realize who's the fool...

Total Poetry Pages : 2763

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