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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Journey to Krawk Island
By Songful

A drafty morning peeks upon
The fog-strewn sea below;
The sea is bare, and yet afar
A tiny craft still flows.

Though gales torment its ragged sails,
And salt encrusts the deck,
The ship weaves on across all storms
To reach its far-flung trek.

Yet ever on its crew will plough
Through dusk unto the day;
For dreams of riches still afar
Light up their murky way.

And yet a morning there will come--
A dawn for all to view;
Bells will ring and laughter sound
Throughout the weary crew.

Krawk Island sprawls ahead at length,
Its shores alight with sand;
Through crashing waves and blazing storms
The ship has reached its land.

Final Days of Geraptiku
By American_pants

To whom, dear soul, then do I pray?
As rocks beneath soon give away,
When feet that flee will shake the land,
The foot most firm no more shall stand.

The sun will set a final time
Against a pallor, orange sky,
When winter black will bite our skin,
As turgid rains will beat us in.

Where victory is now a loss
When stalemates come at such a cost.
As wind consumes the ships at sea,
Oh, what was gone shall soon will be.

And chants and songs are written soon
To foreign gods and mystic runes,
And then we'll know the answer why
Our ghost towns were the dreams that died.

Lost Glory
By Shelbster118

Swift of paw and stout of heart,
That's the way the old tales tell.
Jeran, the Lupe who played his part,
Vanquishing darkness as he fell.

As months go by and turn to years,
His story we forgot,
We don't remember Lisha's tears,
Or Meridell with danger fraught.

The classic knight dear Jeran was,
All decked in shining armor,
He battled for King Skarrl's cause,
Protecting simple farmers.

Lord Kass looked down on those green hills,
His cruel eyes filled with hate;
The thought of peace just gave him chills,
A painful war awaits.

Soon enough his armies came,
Twisted mutant creatures;
When Skarrl heard Lord Kass's name,
Fear spread across his features.

Over streams and over fields,
The battle raged in fury;
Brave warriors all raised their shields,
But there was cause for worry.

For gentle folk war does not suit,
And green glades turned to black,
Trees bent down with torn up roots,
There was one more attack.

With stealthy grace Jeran snuck in
To fight the lord himself,
But he was not fated to win,
He was thrown onto a shelf.

Although he helped to win the war,
He never saw the truce,
His country was worth fighting for,
He gave up his use.

Now rainbows flood the merry land,
It's filled with children's laughter
Both nations walk along the sand
And live happily ever after.

Darigan Redeemed
By Waifine_1

A tyrant, a villain,
A fiend to crush all,
Destroyed by the Orb,
He came to his Fall.

From the heart of an earth
Of both hatred and scorn
Resurrected he was,
The Fallen, reborn.

No longer a villain
And weak past all verge,
Was nursed by a child
Of the land he did purge.

He learned of the new Lord
Who war now did make
And to the Fallen's great rage
Made the Fallen's mistake.

Though Orb was no more,
Three voices did live
And from kings they would take
While saying to give.

The Fallen one fought,
His heart true to sword.
He finely vanquished
The Three and their Lord.

A monarch, a ruler,
Though Fallen it seemed,
Yet when was twice tested
Was labeled "Redeemed."

The Deserted Tomb
By Devilintotalcontrol

Somewhere in Geraptiku,
There is a tomb for me and you.
A treasure hidden far below,
In the Darkness it's aglow.
Who will get it, who will suceed?
Many don't even proceed.

Climb up the steps, fly up high,
As dark clouds invade the sky.
Mystery Island drenched in rain,
We enter the tomb in vain.

Will you go further, will you dare?
The darkness gives us quite a scare.
Desperate screams bounce off the walls,
No one hears their helpless calls.
For those poor souls it is too late,
The tomb is their final fate.

Silence circling us like prey,
We must move on without delay.
This tomb could be our destined grave,
Or treasures could reward the brave.
Will this place be your doom?
Enter the Deserted Tomb...

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