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Which Piece of Neopian Machinery are YOU Most Like

by skittlesrock10292


Welcome to another edition of the world renowned Neopian Personality Tests by Jm! Ever wondered what kind of machinery you might be if you were a part of the diverse mechanical community of Neopia? In this light-hearted and entertaining quiz, we'll uncover the playful and metallic side of your personality. Are you as energetic as a popcorn machine, as mysterious as a fortune telling machine, or perhaps as comforting as a plushie claw machine? Answer a few fun questions and discover which whimsical persona best matches your unique traits. Let's get started and reveal which piece of Neopets machinery reveals the true you!

The directions are quite easy. For each question, tally if you answered A, B, C, D, or E. At the end, we will tally up which letter you answered most and find out which machine best describes your personality!

1. Which of these do you enjoy collecting the most?

A: Stamps or Avatars

B: Items with a certain word / colour / theme

C: Trophies

D: Collectable Cards

E: Whatever I can get!

2. What have you been spending your Neopoints on the most lately?

A: Stamp collection

B: Your Gallery

C: Gourmet Foods

D: Training

E: Nothing in particular, just whatever catches my eye next!

3. Which of these Neopian characters do you relate to the most?

A: Queen Fyora

B: Dr. Sloth


D: Lord Kass

E: Island Mystic

4.Favorite Neopet colour?

A: Baby

B: Royal

C: 8-Bit

D: Mutant

E: It’s all about the customisation!

5. When you hear the word “machine” what comes to mind first?

A: Fruit Machine

B: Anything that performs a task

C: The more the merrier!

D: Me, during the AC


6. Which machine would you enjoy being?

A: Fruit Machine

B: A robot designed to serve humans

C: A jet

D: A fruit-juicing machine

E: A trash compactor

7. Besides motor oil, which Neopian beverage sounds the most refreshing?

A: Apple Juice

B: Avocado Strawberry Smoothie

C: Ice Blended Mocha Coffee

D: Galaxy Energy Drink

E: Jelly Neocola

Now tally up which answers you have more of and find your corresponding machine!

If you answered mostly A…

You are a “Popcorn Machine!”

Popcorn is the life of any social gathering from Altador Cup watch parties to the red carpet at the Neopies! Always popping with energy and excitement, they have a contagious enthusiasm that lights up any room. They love to entertain and be the center of attention and would love to be the model for your beauty contest entry, they have just been waiting for you to ask them! They’re also a very comforting presence, perfect for cozy movie nights with their Neopets. They’re spontaneous, a bit unpredictable, but always delightful!

Other machines you might relate to include Gumball Machine, Chocoball Machine, and Slush Machine.

If you answered mostly B…

You are a "Karaoke Machine and Microphone!"

This piece of unique machinery would be your loud, extroverted friend who is always late to social gatherings and will always sing/scream in your car. They have a vast repertoire of talents and love to showcase them to anyone who will watch. They encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and join the fun. You can find them representing their Altador Cup team loudly and proudly on the boards, and having fun no matter the outcome. With a knack for making people laugh and feel good, they are the ultimate confidence booster and social butterfly. They make great Guild mates and will stay up way too late with you to feed Kads.

Other machines you might relate to include Mini Slot Machine and Grey Mini Trudy's Slot Machine

If you answered mostly C…

You are a "Deluxe Plush Claw Machine!"

The Plush Claw Machine is a very complex type of machine personality. They can be gentle, kind-hearted, and always ready to offer a hug but can be very protective and are not afraid to show their claws. Their warmth and cuddliness is (mostly) balanced by their spark, fire, and passion for fairness and equality. They’re dependable, always there to provide comfort, and have a knack for making you feel at ease but only if you have earned their trust. They may test new friendships to ensure loyalty but it will be well worth it if you can get past their professionally manufactured emotional walls.

Other machines you might relate to include Gumball Negg Machine, and Shaved Ice Machine.

If you answered mostly D…

You are a "Snowball Machine!"

A Snowball Machine personality is characterised by their strength, resilience, determination, and an unwavering resolve. These are the brutes of the machine world. They are ready to face any challenge at any time! They pick up heavy things and put them down! But what many people do not know about the Snowball Machine personality, is that they are extremely smart and tactical. Many people might think they are only good for moving large objects but they are actually calculated and think before they do anything.

Other machines you might relate to include Darigan War Machine Toy, and Vile Liquid Dispensing Machine.

If you answered mostly E…

You are a “Fortune-Telling Oracle Machine!”

The Fortune Crystal Ball would be the mysterious and intriguing friend who always seems to know what’s coming next. They are really good at the Mystery Pic competition and have won the Neopian Lottery twice. They are wise and perceptive, with an almost magical ability to read people and situations. They love to share cryptic advice and insights, often leaving you with something profound to ponder that would give even King Hagan a run for his money. They’re a bit of a dreamer, always looking beyond the present moment. Some call them a feather in the wind, just blowing wherever nature intends.

Other machines you might relate to include Origami Flying Machine, and Sprout Gumball Machine.

Well well well my metal friends I hope you enjoyed another one of my famous personality quizzes! Keep an eye out on the Neopian Times for more wacky crazy quizzes and until next time…I leave you with a joke.

Why did the machine cross the road?

Because the chicken programmed it to!

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