Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Continued Series

The Other Side

Zalyin was more terrified than she had ever been in her life.

by surging
Not the Best Family Reunion

Mio burst through the doors of a cosy little restaurant in a forgotten corner of Faerieland. A cheery bell chimed to announce her arrival as if her urgent entrance hadn’t been enough of an attention grabber.

by kayixu
Fun 4 None

As promised, the Grundo in a robot suit arrived on time, greeting Cog with a box full of voice boxes, all of which were neatly packed and aligned in place.

by shellshocks
A Charity Yooyuball

With Team Meridell leading going into the second half, would Team Darigan Citadel be able to hit back? And, more importantly, would their peace treaty survive the match?

by pikapi20
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The Top 5 Machines You'll Encounter On The Daily

Alien Aisha Vending Machine It is said that out in the great expanse of space that Alien Aisha are out to explore multiple worlds in search of adventure and knowledge. But what happens when these curious explorers decide to reach Neopia? The most logical thing possible: they bring a mysterious machine to do business with the locals! This machine can be found within Neopia Central in the Neopian Plaza, and Neopians can play with this alien machine using a currency of these space friends called Nerkmids (there are different types, colours, and prices!). The prizes that could be obtained from this machine vary depending on the Nerkmid type, as well as the combination of buttons and levers you can press. What possible prizes, you ask? You can get a wide variety of prizes that range from somewhat disturbing food prizes (spooky or simply disgusting) to incredibly colourful Paint Brushes. Remember, it is a matter of luck! Still, this machine is a Neopian Classic that everyone should try, at least once, whether it's because you feel lucky enough, you have an appetite for a rare prize like a Chocolate Fish Pop Milkshake, or just because you are aiming for Aisha Alien's cherished Avatar or Trophy Neocola Machine Everyone in Neopia knows of or has heard from the legendary Dr. Sloth. Even though he is one of the biggest villains in Neopia, we can’t deny his intelligence in creating one of the most famous entrepreneurships. It is said that he created the Neocola Machine to fund his evil plans.. But nevermind that, just what is the Neocola Machine? It is a vending machine that, using Tokens that feature the evil Doctor’s face on them, people have access to roll for different prizes including transmogrification potions that can infamously turn your pet into a twisted, Mutant variant.

Other Stories


A View Long Lost
It rained most mornings in Faerieland and the noise seeped into my dreams. I awoke gasping for breath with damp cheeks and eyes.

by darkpixie28


An Evening at Kelp
The ceiling fan spun slowly, causing cool water to circulate throughout the office. Beneath it sat two figures, one of whom was the owner of the most famous underwater restaurant in Neopia, Kelp.

by dennykins


Machines in Motion: Side Hustles of Robot Petpets
After a couple of days touring the Station and learning about the history, those Grundo’s introduced me to my new obsession… and the topic of today’s Hoppin’ Hobbies: Robot Petpets.

by spukl1


Cryptic: Machine in Motion
Welcome all and thank you for joining me at this special meeting of “Machine in Motion. And utility. And fish”, where we talk about machines in motion, but mostly about utility and fish.

by water_park1993


Wrong Move?
No?...Collab with bebsabe

by baiwuxian


What's That!?
Handle your zappermajigs carefully!

by prulletje1852

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