Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Short Stories

A View Long Lost

It rained most mornings in Faerieland and the noise seeped into my dreams. I awoke gasping for breath with damp cheeks and eyes.

by darkpixie28
Fixing the Ultimate Smoothie Machines

A message is handed swiftly to Wrayton as she arrives at the workshop, and Aiwai sails off immediately after depositing the small card with the basic details of her next assignment into her grasp - clearly it’s one of those days.

by betti666
Cavall's Guide to Making Friends

“Happy birthday, Cathton.” The Royal Cybunny smiled as she offered the colorfully wrapped box to a small Blue Cybunny.

by precious_katuch14
Open the Book: Robot Days

"Their little family had made their way once again to the kooky scientist’s big secret laboratory. Meepa slid along the known cold floor with his small forefins. Meepa was a Baby Tuskaninny who always came along for the ride, hoping his older brother would one day get that lucky zap..."

by endisnigh
Moon Garden

"Kreludor is kind. It brought my partner and I stability. A home. Peace of mind when before we struggled so much..."

by parody_ham
An Evening at Kelp

The ceiling fan spun slowly, causing cool water to circulate throughout the office. Beneath it sat two figures, one of whom was the owner of the most famous underwater restaurant in Neopia, Kelp.

by dennykins
Moltara's Core Beliefs

"Major unrest had taken hold of the land of Moltara over the past few days. Monty McTaggart, the CEO of the Moltara Obsidian Company, was publicly revealed to..."

by opossumman
Robot Petpets to the Rescue

"It was a cold and ominous night on the Virtupets Space Station. Silence surrounded the local businesses as the Grundos slept peacefully, unaware of the situation unfolding around them..."

by maddie_bangz
Search the Neopian Times


"Robot Petpets to the Rescue" by maddie_bangz
“I’m telling you, something weird is going on.” It was a cold and ominous night on the Virtupets Space Station. Silence surrounded the local businesses as the Grundos slept peacefully, unaware of the situation unfolding around them. Within the Robo-Petpet Shop, two unassuming Petpets were wide awake, conversing quietly so that none of the other Petpets around them would wake up. The room was dark aside from some flickering lights in the back rooms, casting the space in an eerie glow. “Tell me everything.” Flash the Wheelie Bot whispered urgently, pulling his friend Oscar, a GX-4 Oscillabot, closer to him in a huddle. Most of the Grundos at the Space Station didn’t understand the beeping sounds robotic Petpets use to communicate, but Flash didn’t want to take any chances. “Well, do you remember the Zoomik that was bought last week? I heard through the Petpet network that his Neopet took him to the Grundo Cafe yesterday. His Neopet didn’t seem to notice, but there was something wrong with Gargarox.” “What do you mean?” “Well…” Oscar paused in thought. “He said he seemed stiffer, almost… robotic, I guess.” Flash beeped out a laugh. Oscar shushed him angrily. “It’s not funny! He said Gargarox was talking funny too. And he swore he heard him beep when nobody else was looking! This is serious Flash.” “That’s just Gargarox, Oscar. He’s a… unique Grundo, you could say. What you’re telling me just doesn’t make any sense.” Steam blew out of the Oscillabot’s antennae in frustration. “It’s not just Gargarox! Other Grundos are acting funny. If you don’t believe me, I can show you.” Oscar whispered intensely. The two Petpets slowly looked around the room, listening to the soft beeping snores of the other Petpets.

Other Stories


Cryptic: Machine in Motion
Welcome all and thank you for joining me at this special meeting of “Machine in Motion. And utility. And fish”, where we talk about machines in motion, but mostly about utility and fish.

by water_park1993


Robot VS Steampunk! Machine Colour Comparison
When you think of machinery in Neopia, there are two lands which should come to mind: Virtupets Space Station and Moltara.

by pikachu315111


Not the Best Family Reunion
Mio burst through the doors of a cosy little restaurant in a forgotten corner of Faerieland. A cheery bell chimed to announce her arrival as if her urgent entrance hadn’t been enough of an attention grabber.

by kayixu


The Other Side
Zalyin was more terrified than she had ever been in her life.

by surging


This Machine Bridge is not Strong Enough
Not strong enough for all these potatoes! Collab with pequepanda

by kimpossibleluvr


Lemint Roseatte: Machines in Motion
Music to my ears...

by littlest_wiley

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