Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Mechanical Buddies for Your Neopets

Is your Petpet too much work to take care of? Well, look no further, since these mechanical buddies require very little care.

by _brainchild_
Cryptic: Machine in Motion

Welcome all and thank you for joining me at this special meeting of “Machine in Motion. And utility. And fish”, where we talk about machines in motion, but mostly about utility and fish.

by water_park1993
Tangor’s Tinkering Treasures

If you have ever wandered the streets of Moltara City, amidst the whir of cogs and hum of fans, you may have discovered a workshop tucked away right at the back of the city’s edge.

by mango_
Patents of Neopia #1

In this series, we will be taking a look at various patents granted throughout Neopian history.

by one_headlight
Which Piece of Neopian Machinery are YOU Most Like

Ever wondered what kind of machinery you might be if you were a part of the diverse mechanical community of Neopia?

by skittlesrock10292
Robot VS Steampunk! Machine Colour Comparison

When you think of machinery in Neopia, there are two lands which should come to mind: Virtupets Space Station and Moltara.

by pikachu315111
The Top 5 Machines You'll Encounter On The Daily

Now that’s a machine worthy of our love. Collab with kikepv

by rascle90
Machines in Motion: Side Hustles of Robot Petpets

After a couple of days touring the Station and learning about the history, those Grundo’s introduced me to my new obsession… and the topic of today’s Hoppin’ Hobbies: Robot Petpets.

by spukl1
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Robot VS Steampunk! Machine Colour Comparison

When you think of machinery in Neopia, there are two lands which should come to mind: Virtupets Space Station and Moltara. Virtupets Space Station is hi-tech & futuristic with machinery like computers, lasers, and holograms. Moltara is based on the “steampunk” genre so its machinery is made from steam power, hydraulics, gears, pipes, and modified Victorian clothing. These aesthetics are also seen with the two colours strongly associated with these lands: Robot for Virtupets Space Station and Steampunk for Moltara. What style of machine someone prefers is their own preference... BUT that’s no fun so let’s compare them in: ROBOT VS STEAMPUNK! MACHINE COLOUR COMPARISON No matter whether you choose circuits or gears, The cost to paint your Neopet one will bring you to tears! Before we pit electricity against steam (kids, don’t try this at home), let’s cover some ground rules: 1. The comparisons will mainly be between how the Neopets look when you first paint them their respective colour (and how they do when you look them up in the Rainbow Pool): Robot Neopets will be wearing their full outer casing and Steampunk Neopets in their entire attire & accessories. If something about their base designs under their clothes is notable (especially with the Robot Neopets) I may give it a mention (and include an image) and they could be used to decide tiebreakers. 2. So that everyone has a good look at each pair, I highly suggest looking them up on the Rainbow Pool. 3. And most importantly, these are just my opinions and it’s all in good fun. Feel free to agree or disagree (especially if you agree). ;) Now with all that settled, onto the comparisons! ACARA: We start off pretty basic with the Robot Acara. The sleek Robot design looks cool, and funny they gave it a “tail” antenna, but nothing much stands out.

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Moon Garden
"Kreludor is kind. It brought my partner and I stability. A home. Peace of mind when before we struggled so much..."

by parody_ham


Robot Petpets to the Rescue
"It was a cold and ominous night on the Virtupets Space Station. Silence surrounded the local businesses as the Grundos slept peacefully, unaware of the situation unfolding around them..."

by maddie_bangz


Moving Parts
"A long, long time ago, an especially unusual Neopian Times article was penned by an especially unusual predecessor of mine, one Tanya Deanyn. Justifiably regarded as something of a sensationalist in her day, Deanyn had made..."

by tamia_silverwing


A Charity Yooyuball
With Team Meridell leading going into the second half, would Team Darigan Citadel be able to hit back? And, more importantly, would their peace treaty survive the match?

by pikapi20


Motion Detected on Terror Mountain

by beckyx191


The Meepit Machine!
Wait a minute...! Collab with jenna_lyn_russell

by darkobsession

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