Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Altador Cup Quick Questions is back! This is a segment in which brief interviews are held with a select few Altador Cup players to give insight into the preparations they put into the sport, team dynamics, their lives outside of the Cup and anything else they feel like sharing with us in the few quick moments we are able to talk with them! These interviews were held right before the start of the games so that the players could stay focused throughout the tournament! With that said, we will be kicking things off with the Captain of the newest team to be added to the Altador Cup, Tyrra Tamina from Team Dacardia!

Interviewer: “First off thank you so much for joining me! Our readers are avidly awaiting news of Team Dacardia for their big debut. It will be nice to finally see you in the arena!”

Tyrra: “Oh my gosh, yeah, it’s been a long time coming! Sorry I’m so nervous. I keep thinking this is a dream, and that I’ll wake up and something else will have happened to keep us away. Two years in a row – please don’t be three!”

Interviewer: “That’s right, you were supposed to debut two years ago. Can you elaborate on that? What kept your team away from the Cup for so long?”

Tyrra: “It’s not a happy story… You’ve probably heard about the huge storm that destroyed Dacardia. That was the first thing that stopped us from coming to the Altador Cup; we decided to stay home and help rebuild. Friends and family were more important than fame and glory. Things were going well… There was still a lot to do but we were in a good enough position that my team and I felt confident going to the Altador Cup. But then…”

Interviewer: “I heard there was an injury on your team. Was that what stopped you from competing last year?”

Tyrra: “Yeah. I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit it was me who got injured… I tripped and fell over a Crabby-bot when I was getting omelettes for my teammates. We had been hard at work building a new Neohome and I wanted to treat everyone to a nice lunch…”

Interviewer: “Can’t practice on an empty stomach! But you’re all healed up now and ready to play, right? Can you tell us a little bit about Team Dacardia’s strategy?”

Tyrra: “Well I can say we won’t be relying on my leg! But that’s okay, I’m a defender so I just need to stop the Yooyuball, not chase it. It’s still a bit of a damper on us as a whole though since our team has always relied on speed and agility. That’s why “Rowdy” Roo and Camila are our star players. But just because we’re fast doesn’t mean we’re fragile. You should see some of the dives Jarek’s done to keep the Yooyuball out of the net. I’m pretty sure that guy’s indestructible.”

Interviewer: “Sounds like you’ve got quite the range of strengths and weaknesses! Good luck to you all in your first ever Altador Cup.”

For the next interview, we’re sticking with Team Dacardia and talking with the team’s left forward, Ruffaele “Rowdy” Roo!

Interviewer: “Thank you so much for joining me! Our readers are avidly awaiting news of Team Dacardia for their big debut. It will be nice to finally see you in the arena!”

Ruffaele: “It’s been a long time coming. Feels good to finally stretch my legs and run free in a new arena. And may I say that Altador is a real fine city. It’s so lively – I could really get used to being in a place like this.”

Interviewer: “Sounds like you’ve caught a bit of a travel bug, Mr. Roo!”

Ruffaele: “Please, call me Ruffaele. Or “Rowdy,” that’s what my teammates call me. ‘Mr. Roo’ makes it sound like I’m playing for Roo Island.”

Interviewer: “You don’t seem to like that. Do I sense a bit of rivalry brewing…?”

Ruffaele: “Nah, nothing like that. Roo Island is fun and all, I like the place and love the team, but I’m tired of getting mistaken for one of their players! I’m Dacardian through-and-through!”

Interviewer: “No need to raise your voice, Mr– Rowdy.”

Ruffaele: “Heh heh. Now you’re just teasing me. But that’s okay, I dig it. Will I get to see you in the stands cheering us on?”

Interviewer: “I’ll be in the stands, all right! But I can’t look too biased now…”

Ruffaele: *Laughs* “That’s okay, I know you’re a fan. And I’m a fan of yours now, too.”

Keep an eye out for our next round of Quick Questions, as we will be returning with more intriguing player interviews soon!

Hi guys. Tired Eyes aren't showing up on my Shoyru's petlookup :( Could this be fixed please? Thank you. ~frichikinisha
Hello! Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention! We have made the proper fixes and your Shoyru should now be able to look completely tired now! Happy customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! *slides a plate of void cookies* Would it be possible to get a lovely dyeworks black version of the Dark Enchanted Cape pretty please? I just think it would look so pretty in black! Thank you for all you do! ~perxsephxone
Hello! Thank you for the void cookies and the fun Dyeworks suggestion. We shall keep it in mind! If you have any more ideas, keep an eye out on the NC Trading Neoboards for our Halloween Dyeworks update suggestions board. It should be up in about 3-4 weeks. We would love to see Dyeworks items and color suggestions there as well! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! Could you please fix what is wrong with the flowers that come with the relic colour for rukis? They appear in my closet, but when I try to put them on I can't do it, as if they aren't there. ~ancaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hello! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This should be fixed now! Happy customising! ~~ Adler

Hi TNT. I just wanted to say that the 17th Enchanted Forest Birthday Cake is so beautiful! Shout out to the artist responsible. Is there any way you might consider making a similar fg item? Those glowing mushrooms deserve a more permanent spotlight. ~anonymous
Hello! Yay! We’re so happy to hear that, and the artist appreciates your feedback! Thank you for the suggestion as well, we shall keep it in mind hehe x) ~~ Miss Rainbow

The new Giant Omelette page's link back to the plateau says "prihistoric" in the url instead of "prehistoric," which leads to a broken page instead of back to the plateau. ~aisha_painter119
Hello! Thanks for writing in about this issue. TNT Dingo has corrected it so you no longer get lost on your way back to the Plateau after grabbing some omelette! ~~ Miss Rainbow

Hi, TNT! With the Battledome getting its upgrade to the new site, do you think we could please have a link to it somewhere like the game room or anywhere? Thanks! ~travel74147
Two sturdy, sharp looking swords have appeared in the top navigation, as well as the games room now to help navigate your way towards the battles! Enjoy~ :3 ~~ Fae

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If you have a question that you think should be answered, click here and you can use our submission form. The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

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