Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Moving Parts

"A long, long time ago, an especially unusual Neopian Times article was penned by an especially unusual predecessor of mine, one Tanya Deanyn. Justifiably regarded as something of a sensationalist in her day, Deanyn had made..."

by tamia_silverwing
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"Moltara's Core Beliefs" by opossumman
Major unrest had taken hold of the land of Moltara over the past few days. Monty McTaggart, the CEO of the Moltara Obsidian Company, was publicly revealed to have been using the mined obsidian from the quarry as a commodified energy source...all while liquefying it in such a way that caused untold environmental damage. He was aware of it all, and actively suppressed research findings about the damage while running shadow smear campaigns against renewable energies, all for cold, hard Neopoints. To say the citizens of both Moltara City and the Moltara Caves were furious was a massive understatement. Stealth paced back and forth across the apartment, the brown Grundo putting his hand to his forehead. Jacob, a Christmas Kacheek, sat at the kitchen table, fists clenched atop its surface, trying desperately to ignore the stress sweat dripping down onto his brass gear goggles. His Albot, H.O.O.T., whirred quietly, likely sensing the tension. “We're...complicit in this, Stealth,” Jacob said feebly, his voice trembling as he hugged H.O.O.T. to his chest. “I'm complicit. I'm the one who's worked at the Obsidian Quarry for years, not you.” “I should have asked questions sooner!” Jacob yelled. “Come on, Liquid Obsidian? Obsidian is volcanic glass, Stealth! If you melt it down it just becomes lava was he turning it into fuel? Unless it was some form of arcane magic and one entirely unlike that of the Magma pets' magic, it doesn't make sense at all...or at least, it didn't. Now that we know the truth about the fuel...” “...It makes complete sense?” Stealth added. “...Yeah,” Jacob said with a sigh. “I suppose we both had the wool pulled over our eyes. But we can course-correct, right? Incite some sort of change?” He looked toward Stealth, who looked back only briefly, then...

Other Stories


Moltara's Core Beliefs
"Major unrest had taken hold of the land of Moltara over the past few days. Monty McTaggart, the CEO of the Moltara Obsidian Company, was publicly revealed to..."

by opossumman


An Evening at Kelp
The ceiling fan spun slowly, causing cool water to circulate throughout the office. Beneath it sat two figures, one of whom was the owner of the most famous underwater restaurant in Neopia, Kelp.

by dennykins


Patents of Neopia #1
In this series, we will be taking a look at various patents granted throughout Neopian history.

by one_headlight


The Top 5 Machines You'll Encounter On The Daily
Now that’s a machine worthy of our love. Collab with kikepv

by rascle90


Sleuthing Sloth
Can you save yourself?

by lunensis


Press Paws
Slow down! Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony

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