Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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Robot Tycoon

Wow, they're really busy!

by caticulated
Normal is boring: A visit to the Vending Machine

Gather your nerkmids! Collab with sebaspet717

by alexatina
The Meepit Machine!

Wait a minute...! Collab with jenna_lyn_russell

by darkobsession
Machines in Motion: Just Monotony

Advanced technology!

by tylerhuyser
Press Paws

Slow down! Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony
Sleuthing Sloth

Can you save yourself?

by lunensis
What's That!?

Handle your zappermajigs carefully!

by prulletje1852
Wrong Move?

No?...Collab with bebsabe

by baiwuxian
El sonido de la bondad

Kindness is everything Collab with azucena46 and frecuencialatina

by romina_r
Life Improvised : Afloat, Part 1/2

It's important to learn about your history.

by keng200
The Floating Islanders - Machine's Emotion

Battledome enlightenment...

by yankeesrule244444456
Motion Detected on Terror Mountain


by beckyx191
A Unique Boochi Zap

It's entirely different! Collab with shin0bi_

by therainbowsheep
Lemint Roseatte: Machines in Motion

Music to my ears...

by littlest_wiley
Robot Yooyu Tricks

The best kind of Yooyu! Collab with sessa

by togepwi
Lawyerbot in Meridell

Lawyerbot evaluates a (pre-grey) Meridell Collab with ophiopogon

by fivemilliononly
Introducing Coach Crabby

Team Dacardia think of a new use for Crabbybots!

by lavo0810
A Failure In Motion

*Mawr* Collab with Plasticprep4eva and Chowzai

by shenkuun
Machine in Motion

Let's make a machine...Collab with dance_chik_13

by serebii251
This Machine Bridge is not Strong Enough

Not strong enough for all these potatoes! Collab with pequepanda

by kimpossibleluvr
All Ideas are Good Ones..?

Brainstorming session!

by devotedly
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Robot VS Steampunk! Machine Colour Comparison

When you think of machinery in Neopia, there are two lands which should come to mind: Virtupets Space Station and Moltara. Virtupets Space Station is hi-tech & futuristic with machinery like computers, lasers, and holograms. Moltara is based on the “steampunk” genre so its machinery is made from steam power, hydraulics, gears, pipes, and modified Victorian clothing. These aesthetics are also seen with the two colours strongly associated with these lands: Robot for Virtupets Space Station and Steampunk for Moltara. What style of machine someone prefers is their own preference... BUT that’s no fun so let’s compare them in: ROBOT VS STEAMPUNK! MACHINE COLOUR COMPARISON No matter whether you choose circuits or gears, The cost to paint your Neopet one will bring you to tears! Before we pit electricity against steam (kids, don’t try this at home), let’s cover some ground rules: 1. The comparisons will mainly be between how the Neopets look when you first paint them their respective colour (and how they do when you look them up in the Rainbow Pool): Robot Neopets will be wearing their full outer casing and Steampunk Neopets in their entire attire & accessories. If something about their base designs under their clothes is notable (especially with the Robot Neopets) I may give it a mention (and include an image) and they could be used to decide tiebreakers. 2. So that everyone has a good look at each pair, I highly suggest looking them up on the Rainbow Pool. 3. And most importantly, these are just my opinions and it’s all in good fun. Feel free to agree or disagree (especially if you agree). ;) Now with all that settled, onto the comparisons! ACARA: We start off pretty basic with the Robot Acara. The sleek Robot design looks cool, and funny they gave it a “tail” antenna, but nothing much stands out.

Other Stories


Fixing the Ultimate Smoothie Machines
A message is handed swiftly to Wrayton as she arrives at the workshop, and Aiwai sails off immediately after depositing the small card with the basic details of her next assignment into her grasp - clearly it’s one of those days.

by betti666


A View Long Lost
It rained most mornings in Faerieland and the noise seeped into my dreams. I awoke gasping for breath with damp cheeks and eyes.

by darkpixie28


Cryptic: Machine in Motion
Welcome all and thank you for joining me at this special meeting of “Machine in Motion. And utility. And fish”, where we talk about machines in motion, but mostly about utility and fish.

by water_park1993


Patents of Neopia #1
In this series, we will be taking a look at various patents granted throughout Neopian history.

by one_headlight


Fun 4 None
As promised, the Grundo in a robot suit arrived on time, greeting Cog with a box full of voice boxes, all of which were neatly packed and aligned in place.

by shellshocks


A Charity Yooyuball
With Team Meridell leading going into the second half, would Team Darigan Citadel be able to hit back? And, more importantly, would their peace treaty survive the match?

by pikapi20

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