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Neopets Poems

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Day of Giving Special

The Grarrl That Ate Christmas
by roxiesmom

If you’re familiar with Grarrls,
There is one thing they do that is not right.
No matter if it’s edible or not,
They eat everything in sight.

My Grarrl loves to eat,
Especially around Christmas time. 
But there is just one little problem,
To most, it could be considered a crime.

Presents are one of the joys of Christmas,
I shower all my Neopets with gifts.
Except for the last few years,
My Grarrl has eaten all of the gifts!

Plushies, clothes, jewelry, 
You name it!
Whatever gifts were under the tree,
You best believe my Grarrl ate it.

This year had to be different!
So instead of my usual gifts,
I decided to get my Grarrl 
A lifetime supply of omelettes!

’Twas the night before Christmas,
My Grarrl opened his gift early,
So that come Christmas morning,
He couldn’t fit anything else into his belly!

It's Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Christmas
by neopearly

The tree is twinkling on the glittery bows,
fire crackling as thick snow blows.
Sweet cinnamon, peppermint, and cookies filling the air.
Fluffy red stockings already hung and stuffed with care.

But another smell wafted from every NeoHome.
A traditional treat that is commonly known.
Borovan, of course, Neopia's favourite winter brew!
Hot creamy cocoa with an asparagus or two.

Big warm cups steaming by the window
the night lit bright by the wondrous moon glow.
A perfect winter with those we hold dear
and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Bruce Skater
by swordlilly

The moment has come. The Bruce halts
Nervously on the edge of the rink.
He has tied his skates tight,
And smoothed his bow.
Now the moment is here, and he's ready
To impress the judges three.

There they sit, a bespectacled Kacheek,
A fur-collared Wocky, and a Kyrii.
They look at him. The music plays,
And the Bruce skater silently prays
As he slides across the ice,
Turning neatly - twirling - thrice.

He's landed his first jump! Breathing
More easily now, he feels his body easing
Into the next sequence. Round he goes,
Catching each note. He slows
At the edge of the rink, arms held out
For balance, following his route.

And he becomes the music he is hearing.
The notes melt into each stroke. Nearing
The climax of the piece, he leaps
In perfect time. One judge weeps.
The Bruce is afraid to look at the end.
But he does, and sees: ten, ten, ten.

Happy Holidays to all Neopians!
by thedarkblade148

Hooray, Hooray we've been waiting all month!

All the lines I've stood in to get to the front.

For friends, for family, I've shopped around

So nobody I know would end with a frown.

I show all that I know the gift of giving

Before the new year and a new beginning.

Ice skating and Borovan with marshmallows and whipped cream

I'm happy that the smiles are for all to be seen!

Snow angels that twinkle and snow people that smirk

Oh! I am happy that today there is no work!

Write home to those afar or sing to those near,

hey thanks for the sweater that I will definitely wear!

Read a book by a fire or nap near a tree

I hope all are comfy especially thee!

Decorating the Money Tree
by evelo_xd

Oh Money Tree
you are my Giving Day Tree
so many items
every one, a gift
thank you Tree
and thank you Neopians
for my daily gifts

Poor Money Tree
take, take, take
and rarely give
rocks and mud and trash
I will keep you clean
leaving the gifts of the kind

Pretty Money Tree,
I'll hang some ornaments 
and garland
and lights
you deserve it

Tired Money Tree
you must be busy,
day and night
hour after hour 
so many visitors
so many items

Thank you Money Tree
what else could I say?
You help us all! 
feeding our Pets
and NP for some

For all those reasons
Money Tree...
You are my Giving Day Tree

Journée du partage (Day of Giving)
by petitehirondelline

Ce soir je suis allée dormir
En pensant à demain matin,
Au moment où je pourrai enfin dégarnir
Le pied de notre beau sapin.

J'ai déjà hâte de me lever,
De courir en bas des escaliers,
Avec mes yeux encore à moitié fermés
Pour voir tous les cadeaux emballés.

Je me vois déjà découvrir
Tout ce dont j'ai rêvé
Avec beaucoup de joie et plaisir
Pendant toute l'année passée.

Mais en fait, le moment inespéré,
Celui que j'attends le  plus,
Ce n'est pas celui où je débusque
Un incroyable jouet ou une peluche.

En fait, je ne peux plus attendre
L'instant où ma mère, enfin,
Posera son regard tendre
Sur cet élégant écrin.

Cette seconde où elle va apprendre
Que j'ai pensé à elle moi aussi
Et que doucement va descendre
Une larme de joie sur sa joue rougie.

Bien sûr, c'est une journée très spéciale.
C'est un moment où on reçoit beaucoup,
C'est le jour où on déchire des emballages.
Mais c'est l'occasion d'offrir itou!

by dottie27a

As it nears the end of the year
The temperature begins to chill
Beautiful sunsets over Terror Mountain
Bring a special holiday thrill

So begins my favourite time
To be a jolly Neopian
When exclamations fill the air
The Advent is here again!

For the whole Month of Celebrating
You can visit once a day
Themed presents await you there
They are only a click away

Don’t forget to keep an eye out
For some cheerful, hidden favours
Snowglobes, Santa Hats, Fir Petpets,
Always so much to savour

This is the most wonderful time of year
When the Advent Calendar brings joy
Even if you did not make a wish list
You will surely find a special toy!

Le jour du Giving
by lepetitpoulet

Pour faire plaisir à mon Shoyru
Je lui donne un pinceau du désert perdu
J'ai dépensé mon dernier Neopoint
Afin de satisfaire ses besoins

Pour donner le sourire à mon Jubjub
Je parcours toutes les pubs
Afin de lui donner un avatar
Qui en fera une star

Pour embellir mon Peophin
Je lui déniche une robe de satin
Un vêtement somptueux
Qui ne fait que des heureux

Pour réchauffer le coeur de mon Nimmo
Je lui prépare du chocolat chaud
Son breuvage préféré
Pour toute l'éternité

En cette période de fêtes
J'ai réuni tous mes Neopets
Parce que pendant le jour du Giving
Il n'y a personne qui chigne
Nous sommes rassemblés
Dans la joie et l'amitié

Santa's Elves are tired
by mgirl200

When you work in a toy store
life can be quite a blur.
Every person is a Santa,
siblings, cousins, friends, sure.
For in the Month of Giving,
there are so many things to get,
So I'm each Santa's elf,
and I make sure Santa's set.

When you work so fast and hard all day,
it can take quite a toll,
with aches all up and down your back,
and a tiredness in your soul.
It's refreshing to help make holidays
so joyous, bright, and fun,
But my house is still undecorated,
mine's the only one.

I don't come home until it's dark,
I eat and walk my Lupe,
I check my Advent Calendar,
and then my joy ensues.
Because staring back right at me,
as cute as it can be,
All decked out and jolly
is a Christmas Snowbunny.

I go to put it right away
into my gallery,
Next to the Christmas Bython
I think is wicked neat.
I also grab some trash,
and drop each in their place.
Until I check my gallery,
and trash stares at my face.

Well, very Merry Christmas,
to the person at the dump,
who finds my cute Cybunny,
and gives him lots of love.
I know I'm quite exhausted,
And I guess that is that.
I'm gonna go eat cookies,
and take a massive nap.

The Christmas Bython: Two Cheery Chaps
by _brainchild_

The Advent Calendar gave us
A Petpet that is worth a fuss!
The Christmas Bython will amaze.
These two heads are the latest craze.

They hatched out of an ornament,
Which is quite festive for Advent!
There are two cobras, red and green,
Which boast a lot of cheery sheen.

The red one sticks his tongue out. Why,
This snake is quite the sassy guy!
A golden bow shall decorate
The pals, with shimmer oh so great.

So, if you seek a new Petpet,
The Bython pleases, I will bet,
Since you will get not one, but two
Quite jolly friends waiting for you.

Space Station Holidays
by curiositease

If you're weary of holidays
spent on the ground
Come join us on Virtupets
we'll show around

Down sleek metal halls
we've hung strings of lights
we've put up fake Firs
They still shine quite bright!

Maybe you want
something cosy to drink
we do have Space Cocoa
and marshmallow treats!

Perhaps you still have
some unfinished shopping
We've got you covered,
come on, let's get hopping

Who doesn't need
this Honey Goo Blaster?
No? Well with this helmet
you'll run a bit faster

If screeching you hear
don't fear you're in peril
That's just the robots
singing Kreludan carols

We'll gather around
for a Space Station feast
Not chicken or turkey
But Grobleen, at least?

Perhaps for dessert
a spiced apple pie
it does look a bit...different
yes, it glows -- don't ask why

Now open your gifts, 
what will you find?
A box full of bolts?
A new Beepallite?

Aw, look, a Nedler!
Isn't she cute?
Careful, she's teething
she will eat your space suit

We may not have trees,
we may not have snow,
but we still have each other
and...Fuzzles? Oh no!

Giving More than Gifts
by decaf0n

It's that time, at year's end
To celebrate with Pets and Friends
We'll Give to each other
With love, we'll smother
Until we're smiling and content

Grab your Bottled Holiday Cheer
Have a swig, the time is here
This day's long-awaited
Get your tree decorated
And gather with those so dear

The Advent Calendar--do remember
Visit each day in December
Do what's wise
Claim your bonus prize
And enjoy the free stuff's splendour!

A perfect time to eat and drink
Such a fine occasion, don't you think?
Holiday Milk and Cookies
Some Borovan if you please
Then a toast--glasses of Neggnog clink!

Time to see folks you've been missing
Even get things for which you've been wishing
I'm sure you'd agree
Generosity's key
For this special Day of Giving

Christmas Petpet Party
by therainbowsheep

On this joyous Day of Giving, 
The Christmas Petpets made a decision:
Throw the most grand holiday party of all time -
Carry out their spirited vision!

Those resembling trees,
Were extremely keen,
To spruce up their every feature,
Appear extra festive and green!

Meowclops used a star topper,
Fir donned a candy cane bow.
Both brimming with shiny ornaments,
And golden lights that glow!

Others embraced the theme of giving.
Have you been naughty or nice?
If the former, Rock looks like coal!
If the latter, with Kookith, roll the dice.

Some Petpets are decked out in decor,
Did you see that Rudolph nose?
Frogarott, Puppyblew, Snorkle -
All strike a Reindeer pose!

Others emulate the great Santa,
Complete with a signature red hat!
Doglefox, Mallard, Meepit -
All pull it off, look at that!

Finally, some Petpets channel elves,
Decked out in classic uniform.
Symol, Mazzew, Faellie -
All look cosy and warm!

This Petpet Party will be a blast,
Jovial, seasonal, merry!
Come join the holiday fun,
The activities will vary!

Happy Day of Giving... unless?
by truebrony

On the first day of giving,
My Neofriend gave to me…
A happy little Snow Kadoatie!

On the second day of giving,
My Neofriend gave to me…
A Faellie Peppermint Candy!

On the third day of giving,
My Neofriend gave to me…
A Christmas Shop Wizard Plushie!

On the fourth day of giving,
My Neofriend gave to me…
A Christmas Snowbunny!

On the fifth day of giving,
My Neofriend gave to me…

On the sixth day of giving,
The Pant Devil stole from me…
My Seasonal Attack Pea!

Reina Holiday Season
by profebest

This Holiday Season,
Reina wants to bring some joy,
Neopets celebrating—
The Day of Giving, let’s enjoy.

Visiting the Advent Calendar—
Every day for an amazing prize.
Joyful moments at the rightful time,
Christmas Snowbunny time to shine.

Wishing for a Candychan Stamp;
It’s the time for a new avatar.
The Day of Giving we await,
Receiving items every on every moonlight.

Looking at the sky—
Snowflakes fallin’ above the clouds,
White as the snow, a wish has been reborn.
The Day of Giving oh, let’s sing a tune.

Reina the Aisha, maybe your luck is tonight,
Seasonal Attack Pea is a random prize.
Powerful weapon, it’s Battledome time.
It’s a Reina Holiday Season let’s enjoy this time.

Happy Day of Giving!

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