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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Aisha Day Special

Of Alien Aisha
by birdinggal

The Alien Aisha are a mysterious group,
Sailing the stars as a space-faring group.

While only a few of this batch we’re aware,
What little we do know I’d now like to share.

Arlhox VII is their Commander Supreme,
Giving out orders to his reliable team.

Like Captain Xelqued, and his pilot Norbekk!
They made quite the team whilst stealing that tech.

Beerlap III is one of the bravest,
To be first on new planets is what he doth cravest.

Farlax V, the Vending Machine Scout!
They’ll be one in each galaxy, this he does not doubt.

Gargon IV hunts for ingredients new,
And across the galaxy, new recipes accrue.

Shreegla VI researches the unknown,
Finding things that would make others groan.

Farvin III is the champ of Gormball;
Who uses all ears to know when popping befalls.

Eddix and Moxi, a duo courageous,
Helped save scientists from circumstances outrageous.

Sophix II just wanted to sing,
But now works for Sloth for the coin it brings.

Then there’s the hero of the Tyrannian plains,
Though nameless shoots magma as down it does rain.

What are their goals? We’re really not sure.
Do they seek domination? Or simply to tour?

We may not have answers to these questions quite yet,
But one day we’ll know – on that you can bet.

The Amazing Aisha
by triarthrus_eatoni

Somewhere in a far-off place,
there was an Aisha lad.
On a mystic ship in cyberspace,
there were many adventures to be had!

Flying through a computer land,
with digital landscapes to behold.
The bits of data were like sand,
and they never aged or got old!

The Aisha was from a living world
until a mishap was to be shared.
When the Aisha's plan had been unfurled,
his self in digital life was snared!

The Aisha used to be a cartographer,
aboard a mighty vessel.
Then one day he was pulled hither,
and the whole ship would soon there nestle.

They were trapped within a digital space,
where no one would know to free them.
The Aisha now had an 8-bit face,
within the digital realm.

So with a scream, it would seem to redeem,
the world to them now lost.
Though with a hope to them a gleam,
they'd get return at any cost!

They would search for the clues to their home,
In every nook and cranny.
The pursuit of that place like a holm,
in a hope they'd find the key.

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine
by truebrony

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine,
Where you can find your wildest dreams,
Paint Brushes, riches, and fun galore,
All wait behind this Alien store!

Step right up and deposit your Nerkmid,
Press the buttons however you determine,
And wait as your prize shoots out of the slot,
Let’s hope it’s a special prize you’ve got!

Sometimes it’s food, as gross as can be,
Or sometimes it’s Neopoints, enough to win a trophy,
But on the rare chance that luck is on your side,
You’ll win a Paint Brush, the most wonderful prize!

It could be a simple colour, like Christmas or Island,
Or a fantastical find, like Plushie or Maraquan!
Either way, you’re sure to have fun,
So come spend some Nerkmids, it’s open to everyone!

Le Aisha paresseux
by werdesy

Ainsi va les vancances de Noël terminées
Il est l’heure de retourner travailler
Cadran mis pour se lever
Ma foi, il est tôt cette année!

La noirceure plombe ma fenêtre
Mon bébé Aisha veut des gratouilles
Je me sens tout sauf renaître
Allez, on le chatouille!

Le Aisha paresseux (moi) se fait un café
et un pas si bon petit déjeuner
Prêt à braver le froid hivernal
Il n’irait pas sur un piédestal

Je me sens paresseux
Laissez moi dormir
Petit Aisha motivé par son anniversaire tout à l’heure
Une nouvelle couleur pourrait le faire revivre

On fait bien des blagues
Mais Joyeuses Années à tout le monde
Le Aisha paresseux est heureux de retrouver ses amis
Joyeuses Fêtes des Aisha!

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine
by dinha_reeves

An Alien Aisha gave me a Nerkmid
To use in his Vending Machine
He said I could win a tasty food
The Neopia's best cuisine.

I insert the Nerkmid into the Vending Machine
But there are so many buttons to press
And a lot of levers to pull too
I don't know what to do, I must confess.

I choose the first large button to press
And the Left pink small button as well
I pull the lever for five times
Until I start to feel a funny smell.

When I look down, my eyes grow wide
In my front, there's a gross food
It is the prize I won from the machine
That doesn't look any good.

The Alien Aisha celebrates for me
He thinks it's a really tasty treat
So I decided to give him my food
Because I definitely prefer something sweet.

Baby Aisha
by spukl1

Oh, Baby Aisha,
You are pink and blue…
Oh, what do you do,
You are a baby, brand new!

Oh, Baby Aisha 
You love your sweets,
You deserve all the treats,
You can’t yet eat meat!

Oh, Baby Aisha
You are home sweet home, 
There’s also a baby gnome,
Looks like you when you roam.

Oh, Baby Aisha
Here are some toys,
For all girls and boys,
They’ll bring lots of joy!

Oh, Baby Aisha,
You’ll learn to play dice,
It might be your vice,
But you come with a price.

Oh, Baby Aisha,
You make me proud,
You’ll sleep on a cloud,
And cry very loud.

Oh, Baby Aisha 
I love you so,
Stay a baby, don’t grow,
I want our time to be slow.

The Tragic Tale of Two Aishas
by chai7705

Once the fair Princess of Khonsu's realm
A land taken and long forgotten since
Sankara was ready to be at the helm
To avenge her father, with no words to mince

She sought refuge in the city of Sakhmet 
Where Coltzan took her under his wing
Like a daughter, fostered without fret
What a noble Lupe, that desert King

Years passed by, and vengeance always talked down
Til she came up with another, different scheme
She would remove Coltzan to pass on the crown
Hoping someone on her side would be supreme

And so Coltzan met a cold and dark fate
At the hands of one raised like his own
The death of her father had filled her with hate
Yet again, Sankara was alone.

Now Queen Amira is who reigns and who rules
Over Sakhmet, to rebuild her father's glory
She would not let tragedy turn her cold and cruel
As once was Princess Sankara's sorry story

Two Aishas with royal blood in their veins
Under King Coltzan's kindness and care
One Aisha, too filled with rage and pain
The other Aisha, forced to take the throne as heir

Was it fated to be? Was there no other way?
Why did King Coltzan pay the ultimate cost?
These questions of two Aishas, like night and day
Are much like the Desert: eternally Lost.

An Aisha’s Rewarding Job
by maculose

An Aisha woke up to begin the day.
It would be busy, so no time to play.
He was fully dressed and ready to go.
A day full of plumbing he would soon undergo.

He loved his job an awful lot,
While others would frown at this plumbing thought.
He was a fan of using his hands.
He just made sure not to wear any bands.

The reason he loved this job very much,
Was he loved helping people with problems and such. 
Some had sinks filled to the rim,
And did not know where they should begin.

There was one client he loved the most.
He loved her so much he dared not boast.
She was an older Aisha who lived alone.
She would always call him by using her phone.

Her plumbing issue was always the same.
Her sink kept running which was a shame.
The Aisha plumber would always smile.
It just needed to be turned off every once in a while.

He never told of this easy fix.
It was a nice break not full of tricks.
He knew that she had cherished this time,
So he kept coming back when his phone would chime.

It did not matter what others thought.
He loved this job and what it brought.
He was always busy with no time to play.
What he loved the most was making someone’s day.

Amazing Aishas
by eleganza_lights

Finally, the day to celebrate Aishas,
Many ears and Pets with flaws. 
Famous Aishas are all around,
In the skies, seas and ground.

Isca and Caylis; sisters bound in dreams,
One of happy futures and the other of screams.
The Protector, Jerdana, looks over Altador,
A sorceress who sits on the council and speaks of lore.

And the bright and beautiful Princess Amira,
Returning her city to its former glory and order.
Tehuti enjoins everyone into playing card games,
Winning pyramids is a challenge of great pains.

So many Aishas enjoy the spacefaring life.
Gargon IV travels the galaxy for new foods to combine.
Farvin III strives to be the best at Gormball,
Arlhox VII is busy opening vending machine stalls.

Sweet little Imiya just wants to sleep,
But all she dreams of are math-crazy Babaas in heaps.
Arguing with her brother is Abigail’s past time,
And honing her gaming skills full-time.

Aishas have held their own in the Altador Cup,
Dorina Hals and Prytariel are here to shake it up.
These playful and loving creatures,
Are today’s exciting feature.

Happy Aisha Day
by agedbeauty

Happy Aisha Day, 
The Day has come at last!
We've waited all year long
And it did not come fast!

Today we have been waiting
For new clothes for our Pet
I'd really love something spacey
Or maybe an Assassin Set!

Aishas you see
Are the best Pets to customise
They look so pretty in many dresses
Along with sparkly closed eyes.

We're also excited
To see today's new Paintbrush
Aishas have so many colours
But Mosaic could be lush!

Will it be a colour
I'll need for one of my Pets?
We'll have to wait and see - 
This Aisha Day could be the best one yet!

The Rainbow Aisha Morphing Potion
by bittersweet52

The Aisha originally comes from afar
An alien world set among the stars
Yet as they've established themselves here
They've become friends which we hold dear

With magic and cleverness those who aspire
To let their appearance be inspired
By the Aisha that is well-loved by all
Now a potion is at your beck and call

The most affordable option that can assist
If a change is on what you truly insist
Is the Rainbow Aisha Morphing Potion, yes indeed
This bottle will give you what you need

It's painless, I promise, many have tried
All it takes is a blink, swallow, and sigh
And then between one breath and the next
A startling change if you stop and check

You can get one for free if this is what you want
Simply visit Hannah at her cave-like haunt
There among the treasures and prizes she hoards
She will assign you a task linked with a reward

The rewards range in value and also in type
There are Neopoints of course, and then also HYPE
The Rainbow Aisha Morphing Potion is in the pool
So if you're looking for one, just stay cool

If she isn't offering one to you today
Just mosey on by and go on your way
Ask the Shop Wizard, there's plenty to be found 
They're scattered about in shops around town

If you're looking for a change it's an easy one to try
And if you change your mind, there are other ones to buy

A Song for the Aisha Thieves
by i_lovee_icecream

Purrow and Meesha,
Slinking through the night.
Under Neopia Central,
In the sewers, out of sight.

Abandoned all alone, 
With only one another;
This crooked Aisha duo,
Steals from shops together. 

Through the pipes and drains,
They break in unseen.
Stealing whatever they please,
Their hauls are greedy mean.

And these teenage twins, 
Really love their sweets.
From the Annual Chocolate Ball,
They’ll steal so many treats!

Their mouths covered in chocolate,
All their paws sticky.
They love any dessert,
These Aishas aren’t picky!

Infamous thieves,
Adorned in black.
Masked and ready,
For their next attack.

Only Aishas Get To Have All the Alien Fun
by sportyangel3338

Very high up in the sky
There is an Alien Aisha nearby
Watching over all the Neopian lands
And stopping by to collect Nerkmids when they can

As they sit and run the vending machine
They sometimes think the universe is mean
There are so many different Neopets species
If only making friends was so easy

You see, of Alien species there is just one
Only Aishas get to have all the Alien fun
Maybe one day there will be an Alien Ogrin
Then we can have a Cosmic Reina and Orion

For now, the Alien Aisha is all alone
Its lime green colour makes it easily known
While other Neopets have wings and hair
The Alien Aisha has ears to spare

There is a bonus to being unique
Everyone else looks up to thee
While other Neopets wear astronaut clothing
Those neopets are only posing

While other Neopets may stop and stare
The Alien Aisha just doesn't care
With their cosmic design and spacesuits to wear
Alien Aishas show off their flair 

This ode to the Alien Aisha is almost done
Remember only Aishas get to have all the Alien fun

Everyone Should Have An Aisha (Here's Why)
by katz279

I've got some things I'd like to say
on this New Year's Aisha Day,
and this is the truth I won't deny:
Aishas are the best.  Here's why:

They're smart and quick on foot and mind,
and not to mention sweet and kind!
Some love to read all sorts of books
and hide themselves in comfy nooks, 
but others love the thrill of flight
in ships through Kreludor's endless night.
Some find they have a love for games,
and others find they love the fame
of a beauty contest's winning vote
or a Battledome victor's right to gloat.

No matter what they like to do
Aisha is ALWAYS the right pet for you.

Happy Aisha Day, fellow Neopians!

The Alien Aisha
by theguy2020

Coming for outer space,
Likely from quite a different place,
The Alien Aisha has arrived,
One of our favourites with the coolest disguise!

While compared to the original Aisha they have an extra pair of ears,
They'll be able to hear all the excited chants and cheers,
Coming in a vibrant green colour that is bold,
As a true explorer, they love to see an adventure unfold!

While space was their home,
It's now Neopia they enjoy to roam,
First arriving with eyes filled with glee,
Now we have a magical friend, that is plain to see!

Bringing with them some of their treasures,
After all, they know its best to bring a gift for good measure,
The Alien Aisha Vending Machine is among the most iconic,
However, some of the prizes can be quite ironic!

If you need a paint job, Alien Aishas are your friend,
With the help of their machine, you can get your Pet painted to match the latest trends,
They use Nerkmids and for every one you use,
You have a chance at winning a random Paintbrush you've probably deduced!

If you manage to come across an Alien Aisha perhaps you can spark a conversation,
Maybe from that time, they were defending the space station,
They can even tell you about their most adventurous travels,
Likely they have many daring tales to unravel!

Aisha the Poet
by profebest

There was once a Neopet,
Aisha the Poet was its name.
Where the love of poetry—
didn’t go away, don’t run away.

Starry moons across the night time,
Feeling the love of St Valentines,
Among the air, lovely day.
Aisha the Poet felt apart.

Apart from the others Kredulor fame,
Grundo’s attacking, powerful bright.
The bright idea of the Aisha the Poet—
had in mind, blown ideas around the cloud.

Navigating on my Hoban boat,
On a wonderful view on my mind.
Lovely poet is wearing Hoban’s hat—
Traveling to the sea on a beautiful night.

Happy Aisha Day

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