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Neopets Poems

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Sloth Appreciation Day Special

Dr. Sloth, Misunderstood?
by maculose

The important day was finally here,
Celebrating someone who brought such fear.
There was one problem with this day.
Dr. Sloth didn’t like celebrating this way.

The day was here because he’s bad,
But was he really or was he just mad?
He did what he did because it seemed right.
He did all of this to show his true might.

He enslaved some Grundos to to his deeds,
But he only did it so that he could lead.
He showed them how to build so much.
He taught them science and math and such.

No one celebrated any of this.
All of these deeds just seemed like a miss.
A different view was what he’d make.
He really just wanted some birthday cake.

He sat around not wanting to mock,
And suddenly he heard a rather loud knock.
He opened the door and grew rather merry.
Standing at his front door was the Space Faerie.

“Today is your day so let us forget.
I’m here for you and brought you a gift.”
She opened the gift that was real and not fake.
“You really brought me a tasty, nice cake?”

Dr. Sloth was shocked and very relieved.
This was such a surprise, he couldn’t believe.
“I know you viewed what you did as right,
So let’s enjoy some cake and have a good night.”

Dr. Sloth’s Hidden Hobby
by i_lovee_icecream

On the rough exterior,
Dr. Sloth is a dictator.
Mean, green, angry, shouting;
A menacing, ruling parader.

But there is a side to him,
That none will ever see.
This side is soft and loving,
And so far from beastly.

When Dr. Frank Sloth is tucked away,
In his study, all by his lonesome. 
There is a hobby that he greatly enjoys,
That is immensely wholesome.

He goes to Petpet shelters,
And finds the saddest one.
Who has been hopelessly abandoned,
And left by their owner; shunned.

Dr. Sloth will spend his day,
Playing and feeding and walking.
Then, he’ll return home,
And do something quite shocking.

In his cosy library chair,
He sits with a cup of tea.
Knitting little sweaters for Petpets,
Like a Slorg or a sweet Frowny.

He’ll knit and purl any pattern,
Choosing new designs and colours.
Dr. Sloth puts his love into his projects,
Our secret source has uncovered.

So, on this day,
Of Sloth appreciation,
We thank Dr. Frank,
For his loving creations.

Ode to Evil
by sportyangel3338

Dr. Sloth is the most evil
Planetary conqueror
Major destruction makes him gleeful
Just wait to see what he has in store

He will control all of the Grundos
They will fall like dominoes

He will be the Neopets master
When he invents his new blaster

Dr. Sloth is king of doom
Always causing havoc
He will make Neopia boom
With a quick little trick

Dr. Sloth looks great in green
With red eyes that scream "I'm mean!"

Don’t dare call him a Neopet
Or you will face his wrath, I bet...

Virtupets Space Station was his home
Before he was overthrown
He will get revenge and then some
And he will get to take his throne

One day, he will defeat Brucey B
And that nasty Space Faerie

He will cause complete upheaval
Because resistance is still futile!

The Happiest Villain in all of Neopia
by 9kas

Sauntering through Neopia, smile on my face. 
Spreading happiness is my claim to fame. 
I bring pure joy to all of outer space. 

With wings of a faerie I flit with grace.
To share my exuberance is my sole aim. 
Sauntering through Neopia, smile on my face. 

Virtupets Space Station is my sacred place. 
Grundos enslaved? Well ain’t that a shame!
I bring pure excitement to all of outer space. 

Though I may be idle, I am still on pace
For world domination - sounds like a fun game!
Sauntering through Neopia, smile on my face. 

Whenever I return, Neopians shall embrace.
Power I once lost, I’ll at long last reclaim.
I bring pure ecstasy to all of outer space. 

So with all this evidence, let’s settle this case:
Happiness a facade, Dr. Sloth is my name. 
Brewing evil plans with a smile on my face,
I bring true misery to all of outer space.

Devoção ao Dr. Sloth
by dinha_reeves

Algo comigo aconteceu
Dr. Sloth na minha frente apareceu
Seu olhar frio me observou
E meu coração, de alegria, acelerou.
Pensei que era finalmente o meu momento
De mostrar a ele o meu sentimento.

Embora pela Fada do Espaço ele foi derrotado
Ainda é preciso com ele ter muito cuidado.
Dr. Sloth, o Maior Vilão de Neopia
Coloca medo até no prefeito de Neovia.
Com um sorriso malévolo e assustador
Ele é dono de um poder devastador.

Torci para que ao menos ele só me taxasse
E meus preciosos Neopontos ele levasse.
Minha vida Neopiana seria poupada
Embora fosse ficar decepcionada.
Mas um lindo troféu eu poderia ganhar
E todos saberiam o que acabei de enfrentar.

Porém Dr. Sloth com sua sabedoria
Observou que eu não era como a maioria
Ele notou que nos fóruns eu estava a usar
Seu semblante naquele seu belo avatar
Ele resolveu então me presentear com uma poção
Em agradecimento à minha devoção.

Dr. Sloth é o maioral
E minha devoção à ele
Será sempre imortal.

Sloth Usuki
by precious_katuch14

The shopkeeper warned,
"Keep your Usukis away
From this other Usuki."

My Sloth Usuki,
A doll with cunning red eyes
And a long, black cloak.

It's just a doll, right?
A tribute to Dr. Sloth
In Usuki form.

A rare Usuki,
A collector's item, too.
Probably not cheap.

And that's all it is.
Surely not part of a plot
By Dr. Frank Sloth himself.

Yet, the shopkeeper
Said, "Keep your wits about you.
'Cause you never know."

Know what, exactly?
It's only an Usuki
Of Dr. Frank Sloth.

I shrug, take my doll,
Think nothing of these warnings.
And I don't notice

The cunning red eyes
Lighting up all by themselves
In Sloth's evil grin.

The Story of Sloth at the Start
by chai7705

Not many people are quite all aware
Of the tale of a certain Dr. Frank Sloth
Well, most know he’s evil and has three green hairs
Who many are prone to fear and loth

The truth is that he was here before all of us 
Yes, even Faeries and Neopets both!
For Neopia was once bare, no high point or plus
Just a sludge-filled planet — no green growth

Sloth dug him a lair which he made into a lab
And molded the mud just like clay
He created some creatures to jab
Experiments all night and all day

He honed and perfected these monstrosities
To do his evil bidding and deeds
The only things that kept him some company
Til one day some magic was freed

A beam burst down from clouds up on high
And lit up the world full of shine
It melted those creatures and no one knows why
Even Sloth had exclaimed, “Hey! That’s MINE!!”

Then soon thereafter more creatures appeared
This time born from magic and light
Neopets had arrived, but Sloth had no fear
The minute he’d seen and set sights 

“This planet is a place I can dominate!”
Dr. Sloth exclaimed with great glee
But he didn’t expect to nearly meet fate
And soon run and be forced to flee

He stepped out of the lab, and it hit like a truck
The sunlight bore down on him hard
Of course, he cried out, “Isn’t that just my luck!”
His plans to take over were marred

He invented the Space Station for Virtupets
And tried to reform his all plans 
He’d take over Neopia — and that’s a sure bet
Mutating Grundos to give him some hands 

The story doesn’t end there, but that’s truly how
Sloth ended up where and how he is today
There may be a lull in Sloth happenings now 
But he has quite a will and a way!!

An army song for Sloth
by darthtingle

If in your heart is domination
and your mind is ethics-free
and you've a knack for conflagration
or chaos -- then, quickly, come with me!

We can join the horrible Doctor,
that's right, the one called Sloth,
whose plots no good can alter
and whose clones add up like moths.

We can conquer every Land there is
from Roo to Altador,
we can spread and clone so vicious
from our lairs in Kreludor.

We'll collect in Virtupets Station,
which he built those years ago
and join the glorious migration
of clones and brainwashed Grundo

To the wide sweep of Neopia
where Pets and Petpets and their ilk
think they live in bright utopia
laughing laughs and drinking milk.

We'll turn them all to Mutants!
And Sloth's brilliance will hold sway
No one will call us recreants
Once our army's won the day.

So sign up here to join the ranks
right on the dotted line
to take your place with doctor Frank
the best Sloth of all time!

Words about Dr. Sloth
by imbitter

Dr. Sloth, what is he?
No one knows as he fights for victory
He’s not a fan of cute, flowers or sunlight
The sun on Neopia, the cause of his plight

Here before Neopets, he’s as old as it gets
His hatred towards them never seems to quit
Grundos are his creation, planned as minions
His atrocious mutations horrified civilians

He’s returned more than once, trying to reign
Using intense intelligence and power of his brain
The Space Faerie is the one who is his biggest opponent
Her powers and knowledge used to save the innocent

The best plots involve Sloth, past, present and future
As a villain he’s great, couldn’t be cooler
Intelligent and cunning, doing battles and all
His confidence is high, it’s often his downfall

Of course it depends on which side you choose
The good guys or bad guys, whatever your views
Regardless, he is one of the best,
Characteristics better than the rest

The Sloth Sympathiser
by tatyanne

Who would like some Sloth Spaghetti,
Or some Berry Sloth Ice Cream?
We celebrate with some confetti,
And Cheesy Sloth Cake–what a dream!

There is much food, such a great selection–
A Sloth Dog please, my sincerest thank you!
How amazed I am at this confection,
As I quickly devour this Sloth Day Soup.

I eat my greens and have Sloth Broccoli,
And swiftly scarf down a Vegetarian Sloth Wrap. 
“How wonderful is this Toxic Sloth Slushie?”
I think as I don this pretty Sloth Cap.

It is time to have the best dessert–sweet,
And delight in the Chocolate Sloth Head.
Hydroslothic Acid Toothpaste for the teeth–
I brush them diligently before bed.

I read a book or two to sleep–
Dr. Sloths Dungeon is a good choice.
His character is oh-so deep–
I think I can almost hear his voice.

Dr. Sloth, I wish you a good night–
For you are a villain of great might!

Sloth Appreciation Day: An Ode of Celebration
by lauramfan

On the 14th day of Sleeping, a huge celebration
Takes over all Virtupets Space Station,
Dedicated to Dr. Sloth, our evil scientist and leader of Virtupets Corporation,
Let's turn this Sloth Appreciation Day, for this brilliant villain, into a joyful commemoration.

Consider changing your avatar, choose a Sloth one,
Make your affection and loyalty, for our overlord, be known to everyone.
Maybe dressing some Sloth clothes, wear them proud,
You can pretend you’re taking over Neopia, and cheer aloud!

Visit Virtupets Space Station, his orbital domain,
Maybe go to Grundo's Cafe, and check out the favorite foods of this ruler so grand.
Seek Sloth's thrill in games to play,
You can choose between the Hangar or the Recreation Deck, where his preferred games stay!

Play with Sloth toys, a joyful spree,
An Evil Fuzzle will surely give you glee.
What about buying some Sloth-themed books, where you can find quotes, secrets, or maybe tales untold?
On every page, his story unfolds.

Consider purchasing some licensed toys, themed and soft, 
A cuddly tribute for Dr. Sloth.
How about pretending to be this evil genius, in the Battledome's dance,
Against the Space Faerie, his arch-nemesis, a thrilling chance.

Today, in homage to our leader, join in the celebration,
Let’s praise the greatest PhD in horribleness of this generation!
Let the joy and festivities start,
Congratulations on your day, Dr. Frank Sloth!

All Hail Dr.Sloth!
by lauren92_k

In Neopia's vast expanse, a villain takes his stand, 
Dr. Sloth, with twisted dreams and schemes so grand. 
Aboard his ship within the Virtupets Space Station so high, 
He eyes the world below with a malevolent sigh.

Within the confines of his spacecraft, amid the boundless unknown,
He plots and schemes, a tyrant yet to be overthrown. 
With minions in tow, and a cackling glee, 
He crafts his plans for world supremacy.

His laboratory hums with an eerie glow, inventing gadgets to bring Neopia low. Mutant creations and mind-control rays, 
Dr. Sloth's desires lead to chaotic displays.

Dr. Sloth's true motives, a tale seldom told. 
A once-prominent scientist, now a villain bold. 
A tragic experiment led to his dark transformation, 
Fueling his ambition for world domination.

As he plots and he schemes to put Neopia in strife,
Heroes will always arise to thwart his dark life.
With teamwork and wit, they'll conquer the day, 
Dr. Sloth's plans in disarray, swept away.

Hooray for Sloth Day
by spukl1

All hail Dr. Sloth,
A Neopian with spirit and heart he doth. 
His underlings call him Mr. Frank,
He has the power of a massive tank.

The Grundos gather to celebrate,
Because Sloth is exceptionally great.
He controls the stars and space,
And he has proudly earned his place.

Sloth is a general and doctor too,
Who knows what else he can do! 
The Happiness Faerie haunts his dream,
He loves the sounds of Neopian screams.

Today we clap for our favorite villain,
Well throw a parade and he’ll be chillin’,
He is our king, and so we will say,
For Dr. Frank Sloth, hip-hip-hooray!

My Leader
by absoll

I think myself to be brave
I think myself to be strong
But I can not compare
I can not stand
Behind the incredible Sloth

Was there ever any being
You'd know that's braver than he?
Could take Virtupets
And command the Grundos
Make all Neopians bend at the knee?

If I could have one wish,
I'd want to fight beside him
Blaster in hand,
Defending my hero
But I think my chances are slim

I anxiously await the day
That he'll come back and win
And so I will wait
And dream every night,
Of when his new reign will begin!

Dr. Sloth is NOT a flop!
by theamandafiles

Three cheers for our brilliant, phenomenal ruler!
Forget faeries! Dr. Sloth is a million times cooler.   

As a leader, his brilliance and power are great.
He's dignified, charming; what's there to hate?

In his time he's accomplished so many great things!
He's done more for Neopia than all history's kings

Like what, you ask? How much time have you got? 
I can't even keep count! Honestly, there's a lot.

No really, it's true! He's the best at world-ruling. 
To list all his fantastic feats would be grueling. 

There's the time that he, well...
Oh! And how about, um...

Well he almost...he would have! 
Had distractions not come!

Without the meddling of the Resistance, 
We'd all be enjoying a better existence!

He'd be ruling Neopia now as we speak,
If not for the gall of that Cheat! playing geek. 

He would right now be our great ruler and master!
If it weren't for that blue-haired Space Faerie disaster.

And someday he'll rise again to the top, 
Mark my words, you'll regret calling Dr. Sloth a flop!

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