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Neopets Poems

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Festival of Buzz Special

What’s all the buzz about Buzzes?
by sportyangel3338

Buzz are a magnificent species
But choosing one isn’t so easy
You could choose Rainbow, Relic, or Maractite
But how to know which one is right?

Grey Buzz always look so melancholy
While Christmas Buzz are so jolly
Don’t forget Woodland or Robot
You might want to forget Snot

There is a competition for the most adorable
If only UC pets were restorable
The Baby Buzz are so tiny and sweet
But Plushie Buzz can definitely compete!

Royal Buzz are so regal
While Elderly Buzz are a bit feeble
Tyrannia Buzz are a little scary
And Halloween Buzz are very hairy

If you’re looking for something sweet
Candy and Chocolate Buzz are a treat
Buzz also come in Biscuit and Custard
Choosing one of those can make you flustered

Some like their Neopets to be hot
Fire and Magma Buzz hit the spot!
Others want their Neopets to be cold
Snow and Ice Buzz fit that mold

While Maraquan Buzz can do many things
One thing that they do lack are wings
They navigate the oceans instead of the sky
Don’t fear the claws, they are just waving hi

A long, long time ago was the Fleye
Who glared at everyone with one eye
Now everyone is happy because
We now have the amazing Buzz!

Little Baby Buzz
by devotedly

One sunny spring morning
Waking from its sleep
A Baby Buzz is hatching
From their egg just as we speak

It stretches out its body
Making big twists, twitches and turns
Blinking it's bug eyes twice 
Taking in the brambles and ferns

Every day it will munch, crunch, munch! 
On the leaves, the veg, the fruits
Until its tummy feels quite full 
Then sleeps safely in plant roots

Continuing to grow bigger
Wider too of course
Yet can you blame it really
Eating all food without remorse

For this Buzz has big dreams
Stored inside its little head
One day it will grow some wings 
And fly off to eat instead

Yet for now this little Buzz
Squirms on and on each day
Philosophical thoughts fill its head 
Leaving not much time for play

As it grows, will it cocoon?
Or do wings come naturally?
How does that metamorphosis work?
Guess we better wait and see!

Buzz Alchemist
by lil_kitten_kaboodles

Deep within the ancient forest at the edge of Altador, next
to the old abandoned mines where not even Hagan's men dare go,
where Neopets alike often turn away perplexed
stands a crooked tower with murky moss-covered moat below.

By day, it stands so silent and still, one would guess it abandoned,
but at night the lone window glows red and out comes green smoke,
which has led for years whispers of it being enchanted
though oft through the dusk and haze can be made out a cloak,

from which many wings jut and flutter about, throwing bottles
containing Eye of Newt and Nimmo Fingers into the lurching waters.
The Buzz Alchemist might raise his head, causing his starry hat to wobble
and let out an echoing bellow of something like "Oh, rotters!"

Some say he might beckon you in if you catch his perfect eyesight
through a stone door, you never really noticed before by a gap in the moat,
where together you climb a set of stone stairs at the stroke of midnight
and emerge into a dimly lit room where half-melted candles seem to float.

He'll sit you at a table near where a cauldron brews and sometimes overboils
and ask you to play a game of cards, his favourite game of Cheat!,
when he convinces you to take a wager, his coy smirk a perfect foil
because before you know it, Bang! Boom! You're beat

as you find yourself suddenly pulled up on unsteady feet.
Once again, you might look around through the haze and smoke, 
your pockets out-turned with nothing left from your defeat, 
and notice stacks of gold near an ornate table made of oak,

surrounded by stacks of discarded and empty bottles whose labels
are obscured or just plain missing, meanwhile, the Buzz Alchemist insisting
there's nothing going on and that alchemy is just an old fable
when he guides you past his open spell books, (there's no resisting)

to the open door from whence you came. When you turn around in your confusion,
he will likely grin and bow his starry pointed hat as he shuts you out
leaving you to wander back home before you come to the conclusion
that you learned from the worst can come gold at the Alchemist's hideout.

Sergeant Brexis's Secret
by catchinglights

Look! Up in the sky!
It's a bird, it's a plane!
(what's a plane? something arcane?)
It's Sergeant Brexis flying high!

Danger Buzz is his hero name,
Snotty Meuka is his chosen foe,
He's the Meerca's biggest woe,
Though no one knows his hero game.

The Defenders are superheroes through and through,
And Sergeant Brexis is second in command.
Judge Hog's loyal insectoid right-hand,
May keep his power a secret but his heart is true.

Speedy or strong, lightning or ice, sword or spell,
Sergeant Brexis expertly takes down his prey.
His skills are unmatched so at the end of the day,
Whatever Brexis can do, it's his secret to tell!

by califorthehomeless

For a small bug, no one sees more
Than a certain faerie, I’m very sure 
The Rainbow Fountain Faerie sighs again
for another Buzz to paint, they’ve arrived!

She’s pondered long 
for why they come to her
But she grants them their wish
And they leave looking wonderful

For as many Buzz as she has seen
Is there a favourite for her to be?
A Snow Buzz and their wooden wings 
Maybe a Split Buzz, her two favourite colours 

A Baby Buzz, green, cute and small
Maybe a Maraquan Buzz, crustaceans above! 
Tyrannian and Mutant are a little scary
And that Halloween Buzz is a little hairy! 

For all the flying creatures in Neopia
No matter how big or small
A faerie can agree 
Happy Buzz Day to all that celebrate!

Collecting Buzz Plushies
by precious_katuch14

Many Buzz Plushies in the market,
But which of them will you get?

Will it be the Blue Buzz Plushie,
Happy as happy can be?

What about the Baby Buzz Plushie?
The cutest Buzz you'll ever see!

Darigan Buzz Plushie has a wicked grin,
What could it be contemplating?

Faerie Buzz Plushie, with pretty wings,
Just don't snag them on other things.

Maraquan Buzz Plushie's big meaty claws
Inspire such shock and awe.

Rainbow Buzz Plushie really buzzes.
At least that's what everyone says.

Mutant Buzz Plushie, rare and elusive,
Quite the ferocious aura it gives.

Starry Buzz Plushie, a profound blue,
Stars standing out against the hue.

The Birthday Buzz Plushie is here
To celebrate Neopia's birthday year.

A hard worker, the Foreman Buzz Plushie,
His hat and vest fit him to a tee.

There's Red and Green and Yellow,
Zombie, Orange and Snow.
Buzz Plushies, all in a rainbow,
As if about to put on a show.
Many Buzz Plushies in the market,
Why don't you collect the whole set?

Painting your Buzz
by dinha_reeves

When you complete a Fountain Faerie Quest
You will be able to paint your Pet
And if the colour of your Buzz you change there
A rare and beautiful avatar you can get.

The colour's a choice of your right
There's Rainbow, Purple, Pink, and White.
But if you prefer another one
The Disco Buzz looks so fun.

Your Buzz can look great as Spotted too
It'll be a great match with a Yooyu.
The Dimensional Buzz looks so bright
But the Faerie one it's a wonderful sight.

There's Elderly Girl and Elderly Boy
But maybe the Baby Buzz is the one you'll enjoy.
You can choose the Grey, Pirate or Split
Or even the Snot Buzz, you can admit.

Say which colour you want for the Fountain Faerie
It doesn't matter if it looks cute or scary
You can choose Darigan, Ghost, or even Snow
All of them look awesome from head to toe. 

The Maraquan Buzz is the most beautiful Pet
But you can also paint your Buzz as Sketch.
Maybe you prefer to paint as Biscuit or Island
Don't forget you can also choose the Woodland.

There are colours like Orange and Blue
But maybe the Desert is the right one for you.
No matter the colour, your Buzz will look cool
You just need to dip them in the Pool.

There are so many options for you to choose
And your dream the Fountain Faerie won't refuse
So pick your colour and celebrate the day
Put on your Buzzer avatar and let's play!

The Buzz Who Bakes
by maculose

There was a Buzz who loved to bake.
He made all sorts of wonderful cake.
What made his cakes among the best,
Was a secret ingredient. Can you guess?

The secret was honey made with care.
It gave off an aroma that filled the air.
This aroma was pleasant and very sweet.
Others knew this meant a very great treat.

He made these cakes for any and all.
He made them for both large and small.
Several neighbours bought so many.
They were not picky and would always take any.

They would always ask, “Why do you bake?”
He always smiled, their hands he’d shake.
“My mother loved to make it all.
She was extremely caring and rather small.”

This was the reason he loved it so much.
His mom had taught him to bake and such.
She had gone away a while ago,
So he did the baking to put on a show.

It was a pleasant way to remember her.
It kept his mind fresh and not a blur.
He loved it when others were happy and glad,
So he baked and baked and was never mad.

Buzzer found a Buzz
by spukl1

One day a Buzzer found a Buzz,
The Buzz was surprised to see the ball of fuzz.
They started hanging out, just because…
The best friendship it ‘twas.

The Buzz and Buzzer flew around, 
Scanning both the sky and ground.
They wanted a Springabee from the pound,
To join their little family found.

These buzzing friends were quite a sight,
The Buzz was happy, this felt just right.
They brought each other much delight…
And were there for each other day & night.

The Buzz had a Buzzer & a Springabee,
This little family was happy with glee.
And lucky they were! Can’t you see.
They were the best of friends, those three.

A Thank You Poem to the Buzz Foreman
by i_lovee_icecream

At the Jelly Factory,
Transporting gelatinous goo. 
The Buzz Foreman works,
To supply sweets to me and you. 

And at the end of the conveyor belt, 
Sits that famous Hungry Skeith.
Eating food that’s not jellied,
Quality tested and bequeathed. 

But if the Skeith is left,
To eat the factory’s jellies.
He gets heartburn and indigestion,
And the most upset of bellies. 

The Buzz Foreman flies all day,
Speeding through the factory. 
He works with great precision,
So the gelatin is satisfactory.

Red to red, blue to blue;
Colour-coordinated goo!
And you can’t forget,
Green to green too.

For all his hard work,
As a blue-collar Buzz.
We have immense gratitude,
For the labour he does.

On this Buzz Day,
We thank you. 
For your hard work,
On the jelly queue. 

Thank you, Buzz Foreman;
For our gelatin today.
Happy Buzz Day to all.
Hip, hip hooray!

Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic
by bittersweet52

In Moltara deep below the ground,
A cosy shop can easily be found
The lights that blaze out from within
Cut through the darkness and the din

A gruff-looking Buzz runs the shop
Offering his wares to all who stop
The warm glow of his lamps beckons to all
To come and patronize his stall

Here where the sun is but a thought
Artificial lights are often sought
They soothe our hearts and please our eyes
Eliciting smiles and happy sighs

Lampwyck himself, that Buzz of Blue
Creates works of art in every hue
Pulling gold wire and blowing glass
Hammering metal and shaping wax

His inventory is limited but curated with care
There's no other shop that compares
So stop on by next time you're in town
Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic - highly renowned

Unexpected Friend
by 9kas

It was the tenth month of last year,
Neopia was buzzing with excitement. 
The Faerie Festival gifted rare treasures:
A Fountain dip was my desired present. 

For I had long dreamed of the moment
Where I could dip my newborn Buzz
Into the Fountain filled with magic
To acquire the avatar, just because.

For years on end, I grumbled that the
Bug-eyed Buzz was the avatar’s face. 
A species oft misunderstood,
But for the pixels, I had to embrace. 

So when the moment finally came,
And Naia had at long last visited.
I created my Buzz and ran to the Fountain,
Exchanging him for the avatar I coveted. 

Something has happened! I squealed with glee,
Finally obtaining the avatar I needed. 
But amid my excitement
My Buzz stood alone, to the side, neglected. 

He glanced at me with innocent eyes,
Unaware of the truth of my selfish jubilance. 
For I was the only being he’d known,
In the very few minutes of his existence. 

And as I finally met his glance
A feeling of guilt overwhelmed me. 
How could I ignore this tender-hearted,
Polka-dotted Plushie bee?

With a rush of emotion, I ran to hug
My new Plushie Buzz, contentedly.
Little did I know that day I’d gain
An unexpected friend to complete my family.

It's Great Being A Buzz
by greencheese79

Let me explain why it's great being a Buzz,
And I'll explain it better than just saying "Because!",
Because being a Buzz is like being a Petpetpet,
Well, the closest you can get while still being a Neopet.

Now why is that so great and why is it so grand,
To resemble a critter without proper hands?
Well if you're so interested, pull up a seat.
A Buzz is the coolest species you ever will meet.

Our hands are quite proper with opposable thumbs,
With strong sturdy legs if we so choose to run.
Yes, we have many features that other species share,
Except we're not at all furry and have little hair.

I know there are species who know how to fly,
But our feather-light bodies let us dart through the sky.
And flying around is one of those things,
You can do more efficiently with two sets of wings!

And our large compound eyes are perfect for seeing, 
A much greater advantage over other types of beings.
A design that gives us impeccable sight.
We can see very clearly in the day and the night.

Our biggest weakness is our passion for sweets.
But tell me one Neopet who doesn't like treats!
And for those who know us, we're a hard-working crew,
And it goes without saying that we're quite stylish too.

Chef Boggles the Buzz
by theguy2020

Chef Boggles the Buzz can make your favourite snack,
When it comes to being one of the greatest chefs in Neopia he is well on track,
Making the best meals is what he does,
That's why he's everyone's favourite Buzz!

Cooking up something rad is what he is best at,
He uses some special ingredients usually some of this and that,
Always surprises his fans with his creations,
Seeing their delighted reactions is his greatest inspiration!

Flying over the cooking pot with his wings above the ground,
His light tomato soup is Neopia renowned,
Blended until it becomes quite airy,
He even has options for those who prefer to not have dairy!

Having the best flavour is something that is important to him,
This is why he has assistants ready to help taste on the whim,
Appealing to those of different likes and tastes,
He makes sure none of his food ever goes to waste!

He's been beating the competition for several years,
Those who line up outside his kitchen can be heard with joyous cheers,
His rival Chef Biggles the Grarrl has been constantly outsold,
However, the act of challenging Chef Boggles the Buzz itself is quite bold!

Have you been wondering how you can create a recipe that is the same?
Luckily Chef Boggles the Buzz shares his claim to fame,
He's selling a cookbook that you can buy,
Inside are several of the best recipes in Neopia you can try!

Birthday Bash for the Brilliant Buzz
by chai7705

With pairs of flittering wings
And covered with no fuzz
Its iconic big eyes make it clear
This is the beloved Buzz!

They once were a Pet called a Fleye
Way back in the Year we called Two
With a "body" of mostly an eye
So different, many now say "That's WHO?!"

On the Eleventh of Sleeping is when
We celebrate this unique Neopet
Our flying and fluttering friend
We love more and more each day yet!

They love fruits from Mystery Isle
Especially some yummy Tigersquash
We made the biggest feast seen for miles
With Tropical Fruits so great you'll say "Gosh!!"

Some know the delicious Buzz Honey
So sticky and sweet and just right
There's even Soap and Lip Balm - how funny!
But I love Crunchy Buzz Honey Delight!

Whatever Buzz is your favourite kind
Like wriggly Baby or fungus-y Woodland
Or Tyrannian, so uniquely designed
Split or Gold are so grand

All Buzzes are celebrated today
The Eleventh of Sleeping, every year
So let's party and shout out "Hooray!!"
For a love-buggy Neopet we hold dear!

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