Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,890,900 Issue: 1014 | 9th day of Hiding, Y26
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El sonido de la bondad

by romina_r

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The Top 5 Machines You'll Encounter On The Daily
Now that’s a machine worthy of our love. Collab with kikepv

by rascle90


Fixing the Ultimate Smoothie Machines
A message is handed swiftly to Wrayton as she arrives at the workshop, and Aiwai sails off immediately after depositing the small card with the basic details of her next assignment into her grasp - clearly it’s one of those days.

by betti666


Press Paws
Slow down! Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony


Lemint Roseatte: Machines in Motion
Music to my ears...

by littlest_wiley

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