A simple Black Mirror.
Both Donny and Yillan were expecting some kind of magical weapon to defeat Vira and her Plushie army; still, they hesitantly took the mirror and stared at it in silence.
Donny looked up at the Snowager, hoping for some kind of clue, but instead he was already fast asleep on top of all his treasures.
They whispered a confused thanks as they headed out of his lair.
"Donny, I've got no idea..." Yillan turned the mirror over and over again in their hands, hoping for something to happen.
"Hmmm... Well, what do we know about Vira? She hands out cursed mirrors, reflecting an ugly truth that isn't there for others. Her mirrors bring desperate Neopians down to her level..." A strong coughing fit temporarily stopped Donny’s train of thought, though Yillan felt like they had almost reached something.
"Yes, that’s right. Her pride can’t stand the thought of others being more beautiful than her. You know Donny, I heard about her long before the Grey lands happened and now this Plushie army she seems to be gathering. It’s sad really, if it’s true that someone cursed her, then why didn’t she ask for help? I’m sure Fyora could have reversed the curse... Vira’s pride really brought her down a twisted path..."
"That’s it, Yillan! Her pride... You are a genius! Follow me!"
A bolt of energy and a new sense of purpose swirled around Donny’s body. He held the mirror tightly in his hand and returned to the cave they had visited earlier.
"Vira! We know you’re in there! Come out!"
Yillan gasped at their old master with their mouth agape and eyes full of shock. "Donny, I trust you, but I’m still scared."
"Yillan, I need you to do as I say..." Donny quickly explained the plan to his old apprentice who, of course, understood right away. Though they were currently in a precarious situation, Donny was happy to be working alongside Yillan again.
After a few tense moments, a shadow appeared at the mouth of the cave. As Vira stepped out into the light, they saw the army of plushies and toys behind her. An adorable mix of creatures stood behind Vira, and their cute eyes were now red with anger.
"Oh, well if it isn’t the toymaker and... some old geezer. Thanks toymaker for that giant Meowclops! I just sent him off with some friends into town to have some fun! Well, well, well, would you listen to that? Seems like the party has started!"
A chilly wind circled around Donny and Yillan, and soon they could hear screams and shouts in the distance. There was no time to waste!
Donny stepped forward and smiled at the dark creature before him.
"Vira, what is it you hope to achieve? To make everyone miserable? To turn the toys they love into something twisted... like yourself? You are hideous. Absolutely disgusting to look at. And..."
Before he could finish what he wanted to say, a blast of magical energy knocked him off his feet. He flew back and landed in the snow, with Vira now towering on top of him. Her foot pressed hard into his chest, making it difficult to breathe.
He couldn't see Yillan, but he could hear them now fighting off the plushies.
"Disgusting? You... called.... ME...DISGUSTING?! Take a look at yourself old man! And what do I hope to accomplish? I am helping Neopia. I am helping everyone to see how rotten their world is, how rotten they all are. Neopia needs to be cleansed, to disappear into a dark Void. Only then, can it be rebuilt. I can build a better world, one where no one hides behind false beauty and pretty words."
Between gasps for air, Donny couldn't help but ask, "Why...toys...?"
"I was just a child when this curse happened to me. Even my toys withered away in my paws. My childhood was taken away..."
Donny wasn't sure if the lack of air was making him delirious, but it seemed like there were tears in Vira’s eyes. She stepped off for a second to wipe her eyes, giving Donny the chance to catch his breath and stand up.
"I don’t mean you are hideous because of your physical appearance. In fact, if you had a kind heart I would call you beautiful. There were so many paths you could have chosen, yet you decided on the darkest one. You could have been helped, if you just asked for it. You have dissolved into a monster... When was the last time you looked in a...MIRROR?!"
At the word "mirror," Yillan jumped forth and grabbed Vira, shoving the Black Mirror from the Snowager before her eyes. Donny was thankful Yillan could play their part, even with a handful of Plushies still attacking them.
As Vira gazed into the mirror, the plushies began to slow down.
She quickly blasted the mirror away, but the damage was done.
"NO! NO! NO!!! I don't look like that! That wasn't me! That wasn't me in that mirror!!"
As Vira writhed and screamed into her paws, the plushies, too, began to shake and spin around violently. Soon, the mental anguish was too much, and the magic needed to sustain the toys was broken.
It was a strange sight to see - toys scattered all around the snowy field; an old, coughing Bori; a tired-looking Wocky, and a screaming Acara.
Vira looked up at them with nothing but hatred in her eyes. Donny hoped she would have learned something, though that didn't seem to be the case.
"You haven't seen the last of me. I will come back, and I will come for you two first." With those parting words, she disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke."
Donny and Yillan hugged in the snow quietly before finally speaking again.
"Donny, I knew I could count on you! You saved the day!!!"
The old Bori, however, still felt a deep heaviness in his heart.
"Yillan... Thank you for reaching out to me. I'm... I'm sorry for being such a stubborn and prideful old man. Much like Vira, I let my pride get the best of me. I was angry at you for leaving, and for so long I wished your toy factory would fail. Forgive me..."
Tears fell down Yillan’s face as they hugged their former friend even tighter.
"You taught me everything! Without you in my life, I don't know where I'd be right now! I'm sorry for not reaching out sooner... Let’s go back to my place! I’ll make my special Borovan and we can talk all night, like we used to way back when...Oh... First, we need to clean up these toys and check on the town!"
As they cleaned up and helped the hurt Neopians in town, Donny felt a weight lift from his shoulders. No matter what happened in the future, he would keep in touch with Yillan and support them no matter what.
The End.