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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Happy New Year
by shadowloid

It's finally the end of the month,
And all the Neopets here
Have gathered just to celebrate
a special time of cheer!

There's food in the lobby
Stay up, don't forget it!
It's just a couple hours
And if you snooze, you'll regret it!

They're singing songs outside,
And if you'd like to go
They're also building igloos,
And playing in the snow.

Come back inside at 12
That's when we'll all share
Our New Year's resolutions
And last year's joys and scares!

The records have been set,
And bright is the moon!
It is almost time!
The new year starts soon!

It's the greatest sight
we've ever seen!
Happy New Year!
It's finally Year 18!

New Year's Fireworks
by amarettoball

"Are you sure this is going to work?"
The faerie Ixi asked the baby Xwee,
Eyeing the contraption before him
As his partner cackled with glee.

"Oh, don't you worry," she replied,
"All those days I've spent in my room?
I was up perfecting a firework spell
That would produce the biggest boom!"

"I don't know. This doesn't look safe,"
The faerie Ixi squeaked in fear,
For the rocket was already sparking
And smoking out the rear.

The baby Xweetok began a countdown.
"…. One, here we go!" she announced,
And with a flick of her wrist,
The rocket lifted off and jounced.

Unbeknownst to the both of them,
The string at the end of the rocket
Was coiled around the Ixi's ankle,
So he was also ripped into orbit.

The Ixi disappeared into the night sky
as the firework erupted over the city.
The Xweetok cringed as he dropped,
sighing, "Well, at least it was pretty."

Year 18 is Coming!
by alyndasgallery

Can you believe it,
Did you know?
Another year 
Is about to go!

Year 17 is done,
We're moving on.
Let's celebrate,
And sing a song!

This year went fast,
Was full of fun.
And now it's time,
For another one!

Get streamers ready,
Let's give a cheer.
Welcome to Y18,

New Year Glee
by waning

A New Year has come upon us!
It’s so shiny and brand new.
What new surprises will be in store?
I hope there will be more than just a few!

Plots, games, and challenges,
Everything a Neopian could wish!
New trophies are to be had,
Items which one can relish.

Will new opponents find their way,
Into the battledome’s door?
Could new avatars arise?
Oh, I sure hope to earn more!

Grab a streamer and celebrate,
for a new year brings Neopians glee!
A New Year is upon us!
Let’s all shout “Yippee”!

An Usul and a Treadmill (Happy New Year!)
by tankish

An Usul and a treadmill?
What an...unlikely pair!
For whenever I visit the gym
Usuls are never there

Another one walks in
Who seems to be rather keen
They stop and talk and giggle and laugh
And work out in-between

I pause and rub my eyes
As 20 more skip through the door
I take a drink and sit and watch
As they take over the gym-floor

Two days pass, and I go back 
To do my workout again
To my surprise, what do I see?
The numbers have shrunk to 10!

"This is rather peculiar..."
A gym buddy says to me
But when I glance at the calendar
I chuckle, feeling relieved

"My friend," I say, turning to him
"I think I have the solution!
Don't you see, it's Year 18
It's their New Year's Resolution!"

A Neopets New Year
by chai7705

The clock will strike at midnight
The scores have all reset
All new dailies yet to do
And monthlies - don't forget!

But wait, today's not quite the same
As any day before
Now we start a brand new year,
YIPPEE! Now what's in store?

First, the month of Sleeping
To start the year off right,
Then we'll be Awakening
And rise up from the night

Then we're up and Running
Across Neopia we'll go,
And then the month of Eating,
Oh how our bellies grow!

Then warriors go Hunting,
For many years they've trained
To earn the month of Relaxing
A prize they'll gladly claim

Then everyone goes Swimming
To beat the summer's spell
Soon after we'll rest in Hiding
In the neohomes we dwell

Next, the month of Gathering
When everyone pitches in
To work on our Collecting
For our galleries with great grins

Then comes the month of Storing
To organize and prepare
For the month of Celebrating
Which we welcome with fanfare

Another year on Neopets
Spent with all our neofriends
A year of fun and games and laughs
'Til next year, when we do it all again.

Happy New Year, Neopia!
by clairevoiant

We spend the year-end fondly recalling
The memories of good times we share
While some of us are smiling, others bawling,
It’s a time when we can show that we care

The best way I’ve found to remember
Is to tell the story using the dates:
From January all the way to December,
From Sleeping to when Neopia Celebrates

And so we began Year 17 in Sleeping,
Awakening to the cries of the Draik,
While some were Running, others creeping,
To start Eating their jellies and cake

Others preferred to go out Hunting
But if you ask me, I liked Relaxing
Because Swimming made me start grunting
Then I tried Hiding- it’s all very taxing

Neopets were Gathering with a friend
And Collecting berries of all shapes and sizes
While Neopians were Storing for the year’s end
When we started Celebrating our friendships and prizes

So here’s to you, Year 17: such a wonderful, happy year!
Year 18 has a lot to live up to… so Neopia, Happy New Year!

Grarrl New Year Dentures
by xxsicklullabiesxx

Some folks may say "new year, new me"
And that's just fine and dandy,
But us old Grarrls have something better
That might just come in handy.

We say "new year, new dentures"
To you that sounds disgusting
But we find it to be quite joyous
To eat something we've been lusting.

To eat some new year sticky cake
Would fill me up with glee,
But eating with my gummy gums
Sounds frightening to me.

To celebrate the New Year,
I'll pop them in my mouth.
I'll chew and chew and chew some more
Before my night turns south.

Happy New Years, to all you old folks
Who just might want some fangs,
Who may just want some New Years candy,
And late night family hangs.

I can't wait for all the fireworks!
Great memories to keep,
But sadly I am old and weary,
And at seven I must sleep.

What are your resolutions for 2016?
by allysalvador

A new year is fast approaching. 
You will be missed, 2015! 
I hope you all achieved your resolutions this year.
So, what are your Neopet resolutions for 2016? 
A new Neopet for the new year, perhaps?
A beautiful Usul, a cool Quiggle, or a dashing Lupe painted Halloween?
Yes, a new pet is a great idea! 
Will a new pet be your resolution for 2016? 

Or maybe you want some more trophies, 
Standing beautifully in your homepage with a gleaming sheen! 
Yes, some more trophies will be splendid! 
Will more trophies be your resolution for 2016? 

What’s that I hear? Your bank is empty?! 
You spent all of your Neopoints in 2015? 
How else are you going to buy that Stealthy paintbrush? 
Will saving Neopoints be your resolution for 2016?

There are so many resolutions to choose from. 
You can achieve them all, if you’re keen! 
Work hard, try harder and never give up. 
You can achieve anything in 2016!

by the_lightbringer

Slowly drifting past,
The snow was meant to last,
Not for time of a year,
But in stories to hear.

Looking back at the year,
We can hold back a tear,
And look excitedly,
To the new one delightedly. 

Farewell neopia calls,
And the past still drawls,
But all that counts,
Stays the same to every ounce.

Long ago seems year seventeen,
And from memories we still glean,
And still there is more to come,
A new year of awe to strike us dumb.

A smatter of new suprises,
Of fun and love time still entices.

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