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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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We love to fear you, Jhudora
by chavo_guerrero

Jhudora Day will soon be here,
A time of wicked spells,
So let us visit her Faerieland Bluff,
Which is where this Faerie dwells.

She might be happy to see us,
And welcome us with a smile,
She might give us all a little gift,
If we help her for a while.

But sometimes she is not so nice,
And she might be acting bad,
And she's such a scary Faerie,
When green and purple clad.

If her eyes give a flash of malice,
You'd best be on your way!
(At least a clever Neopet,
Wouldn't want to stay!)

But maybe we'll stop long enough,
To just drop off a note,
Shout her name, then run away,
Leaving only what we wrote.

'Happy Birthday, Jhudora!
We all hope you have fun,
We would have stayed a little longer,
But I'm afraid we had to run!'

Purple and Green
by dr_tomoe

Sometimes Neopia seems
just a little too nice
with all the smiles and joy
and virtues over vice

Every so often you need
to get a little mean
and for that, look for the faerie
that's purple and green

It's her color of darkness
and her trademarked brand of evil
And with her, let's get nasty
and dark and uncivil.

You can switch out treats
with Jhudora's poison ones
and replace a friend's petpet
with Bartamus for fun.

For even her snowballs
have her swirl of color
best save it in the winter
to use in the summer.

Be sure to go to your Neogarden
and add her personalized swing
and if you have the chance
put on her bewitched ring.

For today we celebrate
the greatest of dark faerie you've seen
Jhudora, mistress of the bluff
clad in purple and green.

Jhudora: A Poem
by isanonymous

Even a dark faerie
can have a fair heart.
Sure, she's not very friendly,
but Jhudora sure is smart.

The other resident faeries
make her seem mean and tough,
but really, Jhudora enjoys
spending time alone in her Bluff.

Do you think she's evil?
She certainly has the power to conquer
but keeps her abilities mostly secret
like Queen Fyora's Hidden Tower.

Do her a favor (or five)
by completing her quests
She could thank you more graciously,
but evil never rests.

She may scheme and plot all day,
as Faerieland's favorite rebel
but I greatly respect Jhudora
even though she makes me tremble.

Jhudora the Sneaky Faerie
by katehoughtonbeckett

Jhudora’s the sneakiest of the dark faeries,
handing work off to others to do.
She might be known as an evil one
but there is no proof to see
Until we know the truth and have some proof
Jhudora will roam free.

Day by day we do her quests,
though we know she’s up to no good.
We rush around Neopia and surrounds
and through our hoarded piles, 
We look for whatever she wants
it’s just easier to comply

You have to wonder what she does,
with all the trinkets she collects
Are we part of her evil plan?
Is there a plan at all? 
Is she simply misunderstood?
One day we'll know, I'm sure.

Jhudora, love or evil?
by jurr13

Today is the day, of our darkest queen,
so be aware, you might get seen.

So is she evil, or is she sweet?
Try her quests, and feel the heat!

But if you're loyal, and complete them all,
you get an expensive item, don't let it fall!

Jhudora raises her wand and she yells,
sound the alarm and ring the bells!

What? Was that the pant devil thaw I saw?
I can't believe it and drop my jaw.

Where's my prize, where is it gone?!
So this is what they mean by her quests are never done..

But once you start, there is no return..
but on the darker side, there is lots to learn!

So will you join us in the dark?
Just listen carefully and you'll hear her protectors bark!

But if you join Jhudoras side, do know:
that if you see Fyora you really need to go!

So Jhudora gave an item, and took it away..
Does this make her evil or even...okay?

But trust me, she doesn't hire rookies..
but feel free to join Jhudora in the dark know she will have cookies.

Jhudora Day
by enchantfuls

As long as there has been light, 
Darkness has always found a way,
Faeries are no different of course,
There is one quite evil they say.

Donned in purple and green garb,
She strikes fear into the hearts of all.
Causing mischief in the night,
Terrorizing the weak and small.

She may offer you a quest,
To aid her in her wicked plan.
Though you must make haste,
Before her patience wears thin.

But today's her day to celebrate,
So neopians everywhere, beware.
For who knows what could happen,
When Jhudora comes soaring through the air..

Oh, Jhudora!
by icysnowe

Oh, she’s so dark and devilish;
She basks and revels in her fame.
Neopians shiver and quake in fear,
At the very sound of her name.

Oh, Jhudora as she is known;
A Dark Faerie in every sense of the title.
Embark on one of her quests if you dare,
Don’t be late, or prepare to be belittled.

Despite being a merciless Dark Faerie,
She’s barely the evilest villain out there.
Though her archenemy Illusen may disagree,
Deep down, Jhudora actually does care.

You see, when Neopians fail to bring her goods,
It sparks a fury within her dark heart.
But when they do succeed in fulfilling her wishes,
The rewards are incredible from end to start!

Jhudora Wig
by indulgences

It glistens with a purple hue
So ominous and dark.
It only shines when it is night.
It's evil, strange and stark.

A streak of foulest neon green
Malevolent and weird
Illuminates the wig's right ear.
It's something to be feared.

Beware what happens to your pet
When it's adorned with this.
Its attitude will change, contort.
Your pet will snarl and hiss.

This wig will change a happy pet
To one of dark despair.
It's something that you can't control.
It's more than you can bear.

Please, please think twice before you don
This wig upon your pet.
It's something that you can't take back.
It's something you'll regret!

A Jhudora Conspiracy
by binky1260

Ensconced in a castle above Faerieland, 
Jhudora ponders her next cunning plan;
That no one can forecast just what it will be
Fills the dark faerie with malicious glee.

The lab ray has been very stubborn of late;
I zap each day but it won’t cooperate;
Could Jhudora have had a hand in some plot
To change my poor Neopet’s color to Snot?

And then in the Battledome, I search for Sid
And challenge the Ace for a lovely nerkmid;
I’ve had lots of luck of the kind that is bad;
Is it she in disguise who is feeding my Kad?

At the Food Club, I’ve had a very sad run;
Losing my Neopoints isn’t much fun;
Jhudora, if it is your mischief at play,
Could you please find another to torment today?

Jhudora's Cloud Avatar
by xxsicklullabiesxx

I've made my way to Faerieland
To attempt a dastardly quest
I've got my Neopoints in my hand
And I'll try to do my best.

I slink my way to Jhudora's Bluff
To enter her wicked lair
I'm on a mission to get her stuff
(And also, admire her hair.)

"Where is my apple pie?
I don't have all day!"
I look through shops both low and high
And bring it back midday.

For my efforts, I got a lollypop!
Though I would not dare to eat
I'll take another quest and shop
To get another treat.

I've made it through 'bout 19 quests!
I'm on my last one now.
I'll get the avatar to go with the rest
I'll get this, I don't care how.

Oh now! I can't buy what she wants!
It costs way too much for me
I guess for naught were all my hunts
But I'll get another avatar, you'll see!

Instead, I'll quest on Jhudora day
And get her other avi
I'll get that one, but what can I say
I'm not all that questing savvy.

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