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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Moehog Day Special!

A bouquet of Moehogs
by orlytheowl

The mountain is hidden with a grey, thick fog
The creature that hides is a cool Moehog
Part of a crew that you'd might want to stalk
The crew is of course known as Moehawk

But another Moehog will prevent all the stalking
He's a hero and everyone listens when he's talking
The hero is also known as Judge Hog
You can never outrun him no matter how fast you jog

Yet another Moehog can't really be called a hero
All her good deeds might just as well end up in zero
This Moehog is better known as Morguss
And she is known to cause lots of fuss

Harry the Mutant Moehog
by myncithemonkey

The blazing sun,
The scorching heat,
Nowhere to run,
Facing defeat.

Ahead of you,
On a brisk jog,
Harry in view,
Mutant Moehog.

His snout flaring,
Acting aloof,
Thin eyes glaring,
Stomping one hoof.

He charges straight,
But you're ready,
A moment's wait,
Slow and steady.

You deftly jump,
Swiftly aside,
Harry goes flump,
On his backside.

Moehawk Appreciation
by _interrupted_

Rocking the Tyrannian Concert Hall, 
There is a special band  
A group of talented Moehogs, 
Who's tickets are in high demand. 

The Moehawks are spectacular, 
And put on a brilliant show. 
Playing their musical instruments, 
Drums, guitar and the piano. 

The crowd all go wild, 
As they sing and dance along. 
Jumping in excitement, 
Because they know each and every song. 

And after the concert is over, 
The Moehawks are happy to sign, 
Autographs for all the fans, 
Which will be treasured for a life time. 

So, thank you to these Moehogs, 
For keeping us entertained. 
We have so much appreciation and love for you, 
That could never be explained.

Ode to The Great Judge Hog
by baby_bear1924

The greatest neopet know to man,
 To the bringers of justice, a true fair hand!
Judge Hog, the protector, a moehog so true!
Watching over Neopia, saving the city from blues! 
No villain shall escape his sight,
So evil doers do what you might!

He will come to the rescue in a quick flash,
So evil doers remember be good or be dashed! 
Where ever you are, what ever you do!
Judge Hog will always be there to save you!

Moehogs are dangerous
by oomp

I should warn you right from start,
A moehog’s hoof prints mark the heart.
For he is gentler than he seems
The kind of pet you find in dreams.

A moehog is one loyal friend
Your neopoints, he will not spend
For moehogs are a trusted bunch
That’s factual, not just a hunch!

His sturdy hooves - majestic, sprawling
make perfect tools, the mountain’s calling!
But most of all, his heart’s distinctive
He lives to please, his charm’s addictive.

Unwavering, sincere and kind
He never leaves a pal behind
And when your stress is through the roof
A moehog, reaches out his hoof

His eyes spark with untold adventure,
the Haunted Woods - his next thirst-quencher.
But after all the fun is had
A moehog leaves feeling quite sad

So if you spot him in the pound
Don’t pass him by, his love’s renowned 
And when you pick, a pet so pure 
Your loneliness, he’ll surely cure.

Mutant Moehog Wisdom
by lil_reef

Fold upon fold,
Of flubber and skin,
Are a feature of this creature
With a goofy grin.

He sits and smiles,
And waits a long while,
Never really wondering,
Whether waiting is worthwhile.

His sparse orange hair,
Does give him some flair,
Though his large ivory tusks,
Might give you a little scare.

He is benign and kind,
A gentle soul at heart,
Nothing bitter crosses his mind,
He is both optimistic and smart.

He is quite happy,
Just as he is now,
Whether awake or nappy,
He never has a frown.

From this Mutant Moehog,
There is a lesson to learn-
"Enjoy life as it is and who you now are,
For the things that can happen are quite bizarre,
But the view you have can make them the best things by far!"

The Bravest Moehog of All
by pandacat838

Around Neopia, Moehogs don’t have the best reputation, I’m sure
We might be awkward, shy, all around lacking allure.
With big beady eyes and tusks that get in the away,
In the Hall of Heroes, we’re certainly no mainstay.

But as with any species, be it short or tall
There is bound to be at least one, who is known by all,
For us Moehogs, it’s none other than the mighty defender,
Convincing every criminal to cease and surrender.

Judge Hog is a name that will not go unheard,
Those who know him not, are honestly quite absurd,
To every law abiding citizen, he is close to heart and mind,
Justice and him, why they’re just so ever entwined.

To every cry of help, he’ll be there to answer your call,
There’s no issue too big, and definitely none too small,
Thanks to him, every villain has been soundly defeated,
No crime or offence, by the same Neopian, ever repeated.

Thanks to him, Neopia is a safer place, I can proudly say,
And invite you all, to celebrate him, on this Moehog day!

Strong Moehog
by migorz13

My Moehog friend is super strong
He carries objects all day long
He lifts stuff up with his tusks and legs
Like bales of hay and colored neggs

He moves them around in a wooden cart
Like a walking mobile mini mart
His powerful legs can really pull
Even when his cart is twice as full

His tusks so sturdy, hard, and tough
Can handle objects smooth or rough
With his powerful neck and steady back
He's an energized little power pack

And he really is friendly and super kind
He'll carry all, leave no one behind
And i love him for it my Moehog pal
If he ever needs me, be there i shall

Sodden Moehog
by russka

The roads were slippery, as they say,
a storm came early that day.
"We better stick together"—you could hear,
regardless, the Moehog house was not near!

"My party is ruined, what I'm gonna do!",
"I've wasted your time and your day too!!".
The Moehog expression turned into sad,
he'd better listen to mom and dad!

His friends started to laugh a little,
maybe now you'll understand this tittle!
"It doesn't matter if it's raining,
you truly know about entertaining!"

Everyone came closer to hug his friend,
there was tons of love to spend.
"I'm so happy to be your Moehog,
I can even feel my friends in the fog!"

The rain started to wet the grass,
but there wasn't something to surpass!
Those friend were already sodden enough,
because their friendship soaked them though!

Agent 00 Hog - Moehog Day!
by kiwigoddesskimmie

Ever played cheat? I make it hard to win it
My name is Agent 00 Hog
I can only stay and chat a minute
I'm late for my pre-game jog

I keep my fitness as peaked as my mind
For I'm last to be faced before Spectre
I strive to be as primed for the grind
As he's certainly no card collector

I'll make it a challenge to win
After seven victories straight
Because if you want to see a jetsam fin
You'd better hope to make it eight

I hope I don't intimidate you
By giving you all these facts
Besides, you have Spectre to await you
Who occasionally eats players for snacks

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