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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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April Fools Gallery

Double Agent April Fools
by actiontal

A double agent can never be pranked 
Her keen awareness in constant motion 
She sips her Borovan every day 
Furtive glances with little emotion 

A Slorg perchance in her garden today
She pays little mind to his slide 
He munches on leaves in the sun 
This Slorg could have nothing to hide 

The cunning spy pulls up her hood
And outlines the secrets she’ll sell
Another passing glance at the Slorg 
Would these petpets ever rebel?

Caught in her notes, she missed the Slorg
Who’s fortunate slides are not smelly
His hijinks here are almost done 
He’s filled her Borovan with jelly! 

The Zafara tries to sip once more 
But the liquid in the cup begins to sway
The Slorg says "Gotcha!"
“Happy April Fool’s Day!”

April Fools in the Food Club
by honorrolle

Squire Venable, a hundred days in to the new Neopian year,
A streak of zero for one hundred, losing followers he did fear.

He glanced at his rugged pirate-y self in the dank saloon, 
And promised today was the day, he would stop being the village buffoon.

He steeled his stomach for dairy and gross food, for sweet and veggies and fruits, 
He strengthened his mind, for savage mind games and pirates making of with their loots. 

Twas’ the first of April, arriving aghast, in the foggy Krawk Island evening, 
Hooligans were out and Buck, Gooblah & Dan the bets were leaning. 

Poor Squire again, 13:1 odds, it really wasn’t looking too good, 
When matches began, Venable puffed out his chest and menacing stood.

Each competitor choked on egos and pride, on fruits and veggies and anchovies.
Till’ Squire marched up and opened his trap, effortlessly digesting to trophy. 

The room was besides their poor little Neopian selves, with Bucky-C’s mouth open wide,
Peg leg winked and whispered, “never doubted for a minute” while Squire’s friends all cried.

The legend still has it, each April first, Squire’s odds quickly increase, 
For some fated reason, he’s extra lucky that day, that lucky ole’ scallywag beastie.

Happy April Fool's Day!
by shutianlei3333

It's the scariest day of the year,
Because there are lots for us to fear.
Remember to stay on high alert, 
For any tricks, hidden or overt.

Don't accept any drinks or food, 
Even if that seems to be rude. 
Keep an eye out for Zeenana peels, 
Especially if you're wearing high heels!

Watch out for people hiding behind walls. 
They might hit you with Evil Snowballs.
Don't believe things that people say. 
They could just be lying today. 

The best thing to do is to stay at home. 
So if possible, try not to roam. 
Stay safe and sound on April Fool's Day. 
Let's wait 'til tomorrow to meet and play.

Remembrance Of An Old April Fool's Joke
by frankie8492

Over the years, there have been many pranks that I can recall, 
But to me, Neocharge was the funniest of them all.
The concept was that you had to pay for each page you load.
Your debt racked up and you could see how much you owed. 
Soon, the bill became quite large, although each charge was small. 

The logic they presented for this feature was quite clever, 
So much so that there were some people supporting this endeavor. 
They said that it reduces server strain by making people pay,
And also removes neopoints, which keeps inflation at bay. 
These benefits were supposed to make the game better. 

There were people in favor of each side, as you can see, 
And the discussions for this were quite interesting to me. 
In the end, it didn't matter because this was just a joke, 
But people will remember it for the conversations it provoked. 
I think it was a good decision keeping this game accessible and free.

It's Not April Fool's
by precious_katuch14

It's not April Fool's,
What do I mean by that?
There's party horns and hats,
Now hit the piñata with a bat!

It's not April Fool's,
Enjoy these chocolate hearts.
They come with cookie zombie parts
In pumpkin-filled carts.

It's not April Fool's,
See the wings on display?
In pink and lavender array
In the breeze they sway.
But some wings aren't pink,
These are purple, I think,
To match noxious green drinks.

It's not April Fool's,
A kingdom was discovered today.
But which kingdom, they say.
The one into which Jeran strayed?
Or the one next door, not far away?

It's not April Fool's,
It's clearly the Faerie Festival!
How do you explain wings on the walls
Or the sweet flute calls
Or the flying faerie rolls?
Why celebrate one faerie
When you can celebrate them all?

It's not April Fool's,
It must be some other holiday.
There won't be any tricks today,
Honest, believe what I say!

Didja hear the news?
by flufflepuff

Didja hear the news?
Kaia's just been made the queen!
And your brand-new shoes?
Why, they're nowhere to be seen! 

And the Vale, once bright, 
It's gone altogether dim. 
Domes where some did fight
Now house battle's antonym. 

Didja hear the news?
Unconverted pets are free 
To emote and choose
What they want to wear and be. 

Sakhmet's under snow,
And the Mountain's plagued by heat. 
Healing springs won't flow, 
So to heal, you've got to eat. 

Didja hear the news?
They've reopened Neoschools!
...Why are you confused?
Dontcha know it's April Fool's?

April Fool's Day
by hmmdotcom

It's April Fool's again (or is it?)
A time to play crafty tricks
An excuse to be mischievous
To play a prank on a friend

You have until noon to execute it
Be smart with whom you trick
'Cos if you prepare it thoughtfully
You'll win the game of wit

Your funny well thought plans
Will award you a great honour
Unless your idea is nasty
And your victim feels misled

Don't scheme anything after midday
Or else you'll become the fool
Follow the rules, be safe
And enjoy the fun and games

To Be the Fool or Be Fooled
by i_lovee_icecream

To be the fool or be fooled,
That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to trick
A gullible stooge of woeful ignorance
Or to fall prey to annual antics 
And become the hornswoggled yourself. 
The bellyache and the thousand natural pranks,
That flesh is wont to do: 'tis a celebration.
Devoutly to be jested. To laugh, to weep;
To weep, perchance at a gag—
Ay, there's the tradition:
For in that crying laugh what fools are made,
When dignity is stripped from a mortal Neopet,
Must give us pause——there's the respect
That makes us question such a holiday.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of a quip,
Th'prankster's farce, the buffoon's anguish,
The pangs of dispriz'd jokes, the dunce's dismay,
The insolence of the offended, and the spurns
That onlooker who misunderstands the lark,
When he himself chortles at a half-witted remark
Without escapade? Who would do so,
To giggle and guffaw at a hackneyed pun,
But to upturn the nose at a randy rollick.
The indiscreet comedy, at another's expense,
No recipient amuses, puzzles the clown,
And makes us rather question those morals we have
Than to accept the drollery and carry on?
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,
And thus the comedic hue of tomfoolery
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of remorse,
And enterprises of great satire and sitcom
With the spirit of April Fools' Day turn awry
And lose the name of humor.

Thus, I must ask you:
To be the fool or be fooled,
That is the question.

Is this April Fools Day?
by victoriathegr8one

P                I  
         O               S        I
         E               H        H
         T               A        O
         R               R        P
         Y               D.       E

    M        W               
      Y         O               
      P         N               L    
      O        T               O   
      E         B               S  
     M         E               S  
in translation

Am I April Fool?
by cinnabonski

Things not what,
They ought to be,
Seeing sights,
One ought not see,
Cursed day,
It is for thee, 
Replete with ruse,
And trickery,

Trust not vision,
For illusions rise,
Shade of deception,
Upon thine eyes,
Temper belief,
In their cries,
For they are riddled,
In fib and lies,

Fun or folly,
Jokes they play,
Depends on con,
Which side you sway,
Laugh or cry,
When you fall prey,
As hoax abound,
This vexing day,

If their jest,
Doth anger rule,
Or bringeth tear,
Puddle or pool,
Remember this,
And keep thy cool,
For single day,
Thou art April Fool.

A Pranking Party, Compliments of Morton Firefly
by _brainchild_

What should I use to prank my friend?
Supplies for tricks abound.
The mischief never sees an end
With laughter all around.

My friend will be a pile of soot,
Like Petpets far and wide.
Alternatively, head to foot,
My pals will all be pied!

Or, slime will mess up shiny fur,
To everyone's dismay.
Or, other tricks will be incurred.
A species change. Um, yay?

My friends had better tread with care--
The pranks are what they'll feel!
I hope that pie is what they'll bear,
Or slime, which won't appeal.

April 1st
by treeword

The weather begins to warm
And flowers start to bloom
Rejoice for winterʼs gone
Taking its freezing gloom

Aprilʼs just ʻround the corner
But take heed of one day
The 1st is for the fools
And mischievous at play.

Yet do not be a victim
Come and join the jokes
Use your wit to trick
Or invent a clever hoax.

I like to say the Pant Devil
Has stolen their favorite top
Or place within a closet
A Dr. Sloth cardboard prop.

Glue a single neopoint
Onto everyoneʼs keyhole
Or tell them
Now has an pricey toll.

Wait for tears to come
Or cries of frightful rage
April Fools Day is lots ʻo fun
For ʻpets of every age.

Every Holiday in a Day
by parody_ham

Every holiday is happening 
Prepare yourself for fun!
Halloween, Valentine’s, even New Year’s too?!
A calamitous day that is sure to stun!

Frolic in some clover fields 
While looking for a negg
Or munch a pack of candy hearts 
We ain’t pulling your leg!

Dress up in a scary suit
While donning cheery hats
Or rediscover Meridell—
Eat (almost) gummy rats!

Jhudora will be waiting there
To finish up her quest
As Gormball tourneys run all day 
We’ll see who is the best!

Neopia turns 22 and a third
At the famous chocolate ball!
Watch out if Dr. Sloth shows up
To mind control us all! 

Here we are, Neopians, 
On this day of April Fools,
With one thing we can all agree:
Each holiday here rules!

Musings of an April Fool
by exanomaly

Fierce Peophins *blank* has eaten 
too much *blank* tin of olives, an
orb of bubbling apple jelly,
hidden trumpet of cheese Pteri –
how do you stop blue beef rouladen?

When another name for bashful Cheat!
Got retro disco Jinjah treat.
A herd of cool negg, who you trust? 
Brave Skeith accepts a quest Malkus?
Equipped with Alstaf Poogle seat. 

Upset by a gift from Usuki?
Evil slorg mess up Tooth Faerie?
Wanting to gets streaky bacon?
Afraid of rainbow frost cannon?
Protected shield of strawberry.

Why Wheel of Mediocrity?
Vain searching from the Neggery.
What do you do if lonely Buzz?
Shouldn’t you call upon fire loves?
Offering a spell of spicy tea. 

Where you turn sad from Sticks N Stones?
Who didn’t you think thinks they know?
When they’re sporting a wing of light, 
carrying the cup of gooey life,
will you keep red wanting to hopes?

(Note: For more musings, grab a copy of “Jokes to make Skarl laugh” this Jester’s Day!)

by peacelovebliss

Don’t be too cool
to celebrate April Fool’s
join in, don’t be shy!
Just don’t be totally mean
or do something obscene
for a prank may go awry.
Don’t feel very anxious
there’s no need to be nervous
in deciding what to do
There may a book for that
or try the Neoboard chat 
the imagination’s good too!
Don’t feel the need
to go too grand or too small
(it wouldn’t really count)
Neopians don’t analyze and think
about every single trick
Just fool others in small amounts! 
Lastly, Don’t pout or mope
if someone played a joke
that leaves you glum and sad
Just brace yourself and say
“April Fool’s only for a day
so there’s no need to fear
eso I’ll make the most of it
and retaliate next year!”

April Fool's Day poetry
by hits

The day has come,
the end was near...
How you dare
to log in here?

Let me inform:
This poetry...
the last you saw!

Is Neopets
already done.
Don't you believe?
Then... WELL DONE!

All that I said
Today we enjoy
to fool you, son!

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