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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Time Off from the Altador Cup

How does one relax...
The Altador Cup is starting soon so we have a question for you... How does your favourite team member relax in their off time? Your task over the next couple of weeks is to draw a picture showing how your favourite team member relaxes in their off time from the Altador Cup and all of their practices. You can draw it as an illustration, comic, painted etc. Please do all of the work yourself. Your submission should include a picture of your drawing, and it should tell us what the player is doing and why they do this in the description. We will judge entries on creativity, fun, and their overall awesomness. :)

First Place

Ten winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 10,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Nitri Cassale: Usul Groomer
by air_faerie_102
For this contest I drew Nitri Cassale, a.k.a. my favorite team member of Krawk Island, as what I would expect her to do while off from the Altador Cup: groom usuls. She puts her fabulous fashion skills to work to make all usuls look gorgeous at all times. I drew this in Paint Tool SAI, and refined it with Photoshop Elements 10.

Morning Stroll Before Practice
by amyerita5
Team Mystery Island's Teylor Nix likes to take a stroll along the beach in the early morning before he spends the rest of the day training for the upcoming Altador Cup. He comes across so many interesting and beautiful sea shells on his walks that he started a new hobby of collecting sea shells.

by chiruza_sama
My favourite Altador Cup character is the entire Mystery Island Yooyuball team. Volgoth enjoys setting up extra practise as he it is the only way he can relax and vent off. Meanwhile, the rest enjoy skipping these practises and chilling on the beach. Ex-members are always welcome to join!~

Free Time Flies Away
by copper_stairs
Dinksy enjoys her free time flying around neopia with her brave petpets

More cake, mr. Mortigan!
by fjant
I think we all figured out the reason as to why Brains Mortigan joined the Awakened in the Battle of the Obelisk. Hint: it wasn't for the brains...

Relaxing At The Magma Pools
by hisako87
When Aldric Beign isn't warming up for the Altador Cup, he's reigniting his muscles with a soothing dip in the magma pool. Keeping your body in top condition as an athlete is important! That way when things heat up in the next match, he can fire the best goals!

by koratah
This was such a fun picture to do! Hands down, my favorite Altador Cup team member is Derlyn Fonnet, captain of the Kreludor team. I'd imagine space and moons tend to be kind of cold, dreary, and rather monotone, so I thought she might like to spend her free time in a place completely opposite of her home: Mystery Island! Here she is, enjoying a nice Achyfi Ice while sitting at the Tiki Bar. The picture is done in a postcard style because if I were her, I'd be sending out tons of "wish you were here" cards.

Ladies' day out
by liouchan
Xana DiLanche uses an advanced relaxation technique to keep her nerves in check, with support from team mate Mirsha Grelinek.

The Best Way to Relax? Beanbag!!
by phyllismi
The best way for Garven Hale to relax might be Beanbag games because he can not only enjoy the fun but also practice catching and throwing while playing the Yooyu-shaped beanbag during the off time of Altador Cup. Some people even reckon that he might be doing this so as to be a secret training for his passing skill, which, as people know, happens to be his weakness.

Larcy Phu's off time.
by therealpara
Everybody knows Larcy as a tough Yooyuball player with some dirty tricks up his sleeve. Well, it's time to see him from a different side! Here we see good old Larcy enjoying life when he isn't busy training and playing Yooyuball. He's just relaxing, staying fit and meditating... and I bet nobody knew that he has two Biyako's! :)

Second Place

Nineteen lucky people have 5,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

Heggle's Oasis
by 42nd_road
Being Team Captain is hard work, especially when you live in the desert! Luckily, Leera Heggle knows of a few good places to cool off after a hot day. With a glass of iced tchea tea (plus umbrella!) and his hammock, Heggle makes his own little oasis with a great view of the river and the pyramids. If there's a better way to celebrate the Lost Desert, he says he hasn't found it yet.

Painting Fish
by animalker
They don't call Timu 'The Paintbrush' for nothing! She paints because she's very focused and creative and likes getting all that energy out on a canvas. She finds it relaxing- the challenges of adapting to a new city and playing Yooyuball in the biggets tournament in Neopia can be very stressful!

by cosmicfire918
Derlyn Fonnet of Team Kreludor relaxes and keeps herself nimble by practising yoga; during the off-season she enjoys trading the low gravity and sterile technology of Kreludor for Shenkuu's lush scenery and tradition-rich culture. While there, she trains with experienced Shenkuuvian yogi and takes time to slow her pace and meditate, giving her heightened focus and stamina when she returns to Yooyuball. Every year after the Altador Cup ends, Derlyn invites "Brains" Mortigan from Team Haunted Woods to join her, but he doesn't seem too interested in anything not involving his favorite food.

Prytariel's Day Off
by emmilou123
Prytariel laying out in the cold summer sun. ;)

Salayne Ritad - Usuki Mad!
by fizbarington
Between training sessions Salayne Ritad, goalkeeper for team Altador, can often be found with his Usuki collection. Salayne is a well-known face at Usukicon, having spent millions of neopoints amassing one of the largest collections in Neopia. Unlike most collectors Salayne is a firm believer in playing with his dolls: "They were made to be played with! Dressing them up in the latest outfit, designing their characters, roleplaying with a few of your friends... it's a vital part of the Usuki experience. I wouldn't have managed the stress of being a top yooyuballer without my Usuki dolls there to support me!"

Inner Beauty
by kevinlin1216
After all the rough and tumble of Yooyuball and the growling and scowling of the intimidating Team Krawk Island, getting in touch with the more delicate sides of life can be a breath of fresh air.

by kittenstealth
Ciona Broan loves to go shopping in her free time, and what better place is there to shop than Faerieland's own Hidden Tower? It's just perfect for a pretty Faerie Kyrii! She's hitting two Pteris with one pet Rock and taking the Faerie Yooyu for a walk, too! Made with Copic Markers~

Tandrak Shaye takes it easy!
by lasdarkfirewolf
Darigan Citadel has one rather popular team member! Tandrak Shaye has a lot of fans. He's a dashing and dark fellow and obviously he's not missed this attention! In fact you can say it's rather gone to his head x3. So what does Tandrak do on his time off from the Altador Cup? Why, he takes it easy and enjoys the simple things! Of course in his eyes, these are 'normal' everyday things every Neopian does! Until he finds a new game. Being introduced to the great game of KeyQuest there is a rather big shock to him! HE'S not featured in it. Poor Tandrak he, nor his fans, can play him in KeyQuest. How can he fully enjoy the game, if he can't play as himself?!

Stargazing in Shenkuu
by light_magical
Xana DiLanche had always loved gazing up at the beautiful night sky that overlooked Shenkuu. The moon and the stars were always a soothing presence for her and never failed to calm the preseaon jitters that she always seem to feel. Perhaps other Neopets might prefer trekking up to the Lunar Temple and listening to the wise Gnorbu discuss the movement of the moon and other such erudite matters, but Xana preferred the peace and quiet she got by stargazing by herself.

New Hobby to Keep Those Muscles Fit
by lilsarapopstar
Apparently mountain climbing with a grappling hook is a good way for Mirsha to stay fit during the off-season, courtesy of advice from Princess Terrana.

Minae Mitora on a day off
by loke7
I had the honor of following Minae Mitora on a day off. She took me to Terror Mountain where she grew up. In her free time she loves snow games. But Minae also has a special mission! She protects petpets from the evil snow beast, and that is also how she became a fantastic goallie! I have drawn a comic of my day with Minae using my computer and Paint.

Mirsha in Tyrannia
by mpat12
Mirsha loves to spend her free time visiting the Concert Hall in Tyrannia! Here's a picture of her just before seeing her absolute favorite band, Yes Boy Ice Cream. Of course, she's still sporting her Shenkuu Team Cuffs :)

Krell Vitor's Guilty Pleasure
by my_kiki_love
This is Krell Vitor of Haunted Woods. Despite his scary exterior, he enjoys nothing more than baking his favourite treat: glowing muffins. He has raided the Altador Cup merchandise shop and wears his Haunted Woods chef's hat, apron and oven mitts.

Theres Zo place like Paradise!
by nahhnbahs_side
I felt that as one of the more popular haunted woods team members, Zo would want to hide out in a tropical paradise to relax - and escape the fangirls!

The glass bottom boat tours of the Lake
by nelamota
A great way to relax is traveling in the famous Glass Bottomed Boat, where you can enjoy a beautiful landscape :)

Danseur Layton
by onoffplayer
Layton Vickles is my all-time favorite Altador Cup player from my all-time favorite team, Darigan Citadel. How Layton chooses to spend his off season from the cup can be surprising to many as he likes ballroom dancing! I always found Layton to be handsome but even more so now when he dons his spiffy jacket and top hat! My inspiration for this look came about because I always thought that Layton would be very good looking in something other than his cup jersey, and rightly so! Plus, of course he would be brilliant at dancing with those slithering legs of his! I used pencil and markers to draw Layton, and color pencils for the dance studio background.

Lamelle Turrow the Prankster
by pillarbox
In his downtime and between practices, Lamelle Turrow from Maraqua loves to play pranks on fellow teams. Ever the fun-loving Kiko, here he is portrayed sneaking slugawoos into the lockers of the Virtupets team. He would like to strain that he is not trying to sabotage the AC team, but, if his actions hinder their efforts to be the first team to win the AC twice, who is he to complain?

Personal Day
by rainbowgirl117
In between seasons, you might find Layton Vickles spending a day of relaxation at the Neolodge. The Darigan Citadel team captain finds peace in lounging poolside while sipping some Islandberry Tea, occasionally listening to Jazzmosis. He uses this time to allow his mud mask to set, an important ritual in keeping those scales sleek and moisturized. We want to look our best for the first game, right? The most important thing is to remain completely calm and keep any thoughts of being beaten by the Haunted Woods or Krawk Island again out of your head. It has been rumored that teammate Kep Bonnefie also visits the Neolodge as well as the Grooming Parlour on her days off, but those claiming to have seen her have mysteriously vanished.

Larcy Phu - Culinary Concoctions
by rainplush
Larcy Phu, the famous right defender of the Shenkuu team, is seen in this picture to be enjoying a lovely bowl of soup he made himself. Living in Shenkuu, when he isn't touring with his team, he is often seen gathering different resources across the Shenkuu mountains and jungle and providing the local health store, Remarkable Restoratives, with different cures he has sourced. He is also a frequent customer at from Exotic Foods Store, where he buys more exotic foods for his own experimental culinary concoctions. During team meet ups, there is little argument over who is providing the food. However, ever since Antola's surprise gender change, he was been careful of what drink Larcy gives him...

Third Place

Lastly there were 30 runners-up who will each receive 2,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

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