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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Pots for Flowers

How Pretty!
Some of us were noticing that we are sadly lacking in potted plants around the office. Thus we are going to task you with creating a neopian flower pot. You will have 2 weeks. It can be any neopian theme, and you do not even have to have a plant in the pot yet. Please do all of the work yourself. Your submission should include a picture of the pot, and it should tell us how to made the pot and what it represents in the description. We will judge entries on usability, creativity, and their overall awesomness. :)

First Place

Six winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 10,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Gardener Girl Usuki
by franticfox
For this Gardener Girl Usuki flowerpot I used two small flower pots, felt,thread, needlefelting, spray fixative, paint, clay, glue gun, graphic pens and an old paintbrush stick. It took more work than I realized it would especially with all the needlefelting but I am pleased with the result.

Starry Bruce Flower Pot
by jenny_lince
It's a starry bruce flower pot made of clay and painted with fabric paint. And there is a blue ribbon.

Another use for Morphing Potions
by rabid_mon_goose
Ever wonder what to do with those old morphing potion bottles after you've used them on your pet? This is what I wondered as well, and I came up with an answer... flower arrangements! This replica of a Woodland Draik Morphing Potion that I sculpted from mixed colors of modeling clay and then baked goes rather nicely with flowers, don't you think?

Money Tree Flower Pot
by rintintan
Description: This Money Tree neopian flower pot allows you to change the Money Tree’s hair style whenever you pot a plant!

Materials Needed:
1. Brown paint (about 1 bottle), Black Paint (a small amount), Lighter brown reddish paint (a medium amount).
2. Glass or plastic vase/container in a cylinder tree-like shape
3. Modeling clay that air dries
4. 3 short twigs. (one twig = 2 inches long, the other two should be about 4 or 5 inches).
5. Hot glue gun
6. Paint Brushes (and a cup of water to put dirty paint brushes in)
7. 2 Pieces of tan felt
8. Black Marker (thin tip)

Creation Instructions:
1. Roll clay into long thick strands/coils about 2/3 of an inch thick. (Varying thickness and lumpiness is fine and makes it more realistic)
2. Vertically stick coils onto your cylindrical pot. Continue sticking coils in this fashion side by side so that they're touching until the vase is covered in coils. This is your tree bark. Leave some of your coil hanging off the bottom and top if you want roots at the bottom, or if you wish the trees branches to extend upward.
3. Roll out the clay flat and cut two triangles in the clay for the trees eyes. Coil a small piece of clay, and stick it onto the back of these triangles so that the eyes will stand out from the body of the tree. Make sure this coil is in line with the edges of your eyes.
4. Stick the eyes onto the tree while the clay is still wet.
5. Stick the shortest of your twigs (about two inches long) below the eyes in the center of the face for a nose.
6. Roll out clay and cut a half moon shape for the mouth. Also, create two thin coils about an inch long to attach to either point of the smile in order to create a smiling mouth.
7. Again, create thin coils and attach to the back of the mouth so that it will stand out farther from the body.
8. Attach mouth below the nose while the clay is wet.
9. Begin painting the body of the tree (the coils lining the vase) brown. Two or three coats of paint are needed.
10. After you have painted the body, paint the coils holding your mouth and eyes out away from the face a lighter brown color. This will make your eyes and mouth show up more easily against the dark brown of the body.
11. Paint the eyes black. Again, two or three coats of paint are needed.
12. Using your lightest color, paint a tongue onto the mouth crescent. Then, mixing your dark brown paint with the light brown paint, create a different color brown for the rest of the mouth. Two or three coats of paint are needed.
13. Gather your two long twigs.
14. Paint them the same color brown as the rest of the body. The amount of coats needed depends on the color of your twigs. I only needed one coat.
15. When the twigs are dry, hot glue the twigs to the sides of the body to form arms. (WARNING: Young neopians, be sure to have an adult assist you with this! It is very easy to burn yourself with hot glue, and it may be hard to attach the arms).
16. Next, gather your felt pieces.
17. Cut out a small rectangle of felt and gather the edges to form a small sack. Cut a thin strip of felt, and tie the sack together. Gently tie with the felt, as the felt may rip.
18. Make another felt sack. These sacks should be a little less than 1.5 inches tall.
19. Using your black marker, write NP for neopoint on the bags.
20. Take your finished Neopoint bags and hot glue them to the ends of your arms. Make sure your arms are securely fastened to the body before doing this.
21. Plant a plant in your pot.
22. A problem you may run into is the fact that your vase/cylinder may not have holes in the bottom. The best solution is to use this pot as a cache pot (Put a plant already in a pot inside this pot to hold water that drips from the bottom). Other solutions include drilling holes into the bottom of the vase/pot, using a certain kind of styrofoam (order on internet), or to buy a pot/vase with holes in the bottom in the first place.
Enjoy your new Money Tree flower pot!

Marlock Guardian
by sheerluck
This cute little Marlock watches over the garden. He features a white Begonia growing out of his back. The little guy is made from Crayola Air Dry Clay and painted up using Acrylic paints. He was fun to make and will be a joy to have around~

Mutant Kacheek Flower Pot
by truthwarrior
Nothing says summer like brains and flowers!

Second Place

Ten lucky people have 5,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

Poogle planter
by chantal320
Based on the Pink Poogle Planter.

Rainbow Lenny Pot
by chelly2703
It's Rainbow Lenny's Pot! I made it out of a small cardboard box, an empty plastic bottle, fake feathers & flat sticks. I used silicone glue to put the flat sticks (half) around the box like a fence, and to attach the feathers together like a wing. And I drew the Lenny by myself!(:

Geraptiku Pot and Fly Trap
by freckleface130
Who doesn't have a Geraptiku Fly Trap in their inventory every once in a while? This pot is made of polymer clay and stands 6 inches tall including the plant and 2 inches tall without it. The plant is 100% fake and guaranteed not to attract petpetpet’s or need watering anytime soon, because not all of us have green thumbs. ;)

by gothlol
I made a Habitarium-themed flower pot, because it is a great theme for flowers and green plants :) I used acrylic paint for the flowers and the petpetpets, and a CD Marker for the black contours.

My Mootix Marvel!
by jade__r
The adorable Mootix was the inspiration behind my Pots of Flowers creation since they spend so much time in the garden already! Materials used to make this - Terracotta pots & feet in different sizes, green, yellow and black paint, glue and pipe cleaners.

Cloud JubJub flowerpot
by lainfiltrada
My flower pot is like a cloud jubjub, hand made with cotton, paint, rubber and glue. A clod in my garden. (Mi macetita es como un jubjub de nube. Hecho a mano, solo con algodon, pintura, goma y pegamento. Una nube en mi jardín!)

Petpets Rule
by lostheart2366
It took me two days, but it was worth it! My pot contains many common petpets, that were hand painted. I still can't believe this was a old brown pot!

Secret Lab Map Pot
by magicblackwolf32
A pot inspired by the two lab rays, it'll be a great place to store all those piles of soot! I used various paints and paint pens to create this design.

by shiokata
What could be better than a lovely Meepit to watch over your beautiful flowers? A "Meepot"! That's right! 8D // I used a plastic bottle to make the pot shape... I also used coloured pen and pencils, paper, glue, rubberised paper, a string and Photoshop to add some of the illustrations. Hope you like it!

The Darkest Faerie
by thedarkestfaerie2
These pots are based on my favorite video game ever! The Darkest Faerie!

Third Place

Lastly there were 20 runners-up who will each receive 2,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!