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Random Contest Winners!

Every week or so we have a new Random Contest. The rules and events vary from competition to competition. Below are the winners from the last contest. If you'd like to enter the current contest, wander on over to the Random Contest submission form and have a look at what the currently silly task is. If you think you're up for it, give it a shot and submit your entry.

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Haunted to the Roof

Was that spooky enough? No? Hmmmmm.... well then maybe all of you will have to show us what spooky is. Your challenge for the next week is to create a haunted house diorama. You can use whatever materials you like, but you have to make the structure yourself and then decorate it with Neopian spooks etc. Your submission should include a picture of your diorama, and it should tell us what is in it, and what you made it from in the description. We will judge entries on creativity, spookiness, and their overall awesomness. :)

First Place

Three winners receive the Random Contest avatar, 15,000 NP and an item of DOOM.

Meepit Manor
by _sumojoker_
Once upon a time there was a young Kacheek who lived all alone in a large manor in the middle of the haunted woods.He was lonely living alone so he started adopting abandoned and unwanted petpets. One day the little Kackeek found a "innocent" Meepit wandering around alone in the woods so he brought him home. After a week the little Kacheek went missing and was never found again. But if you visit his manor, especially around Halloween,you will find it over run by Meepit.

A Haunting at Fuzzle Manor
by cricketbuggaloo
Materials: One large cereal box, lots of spare cardboard, glue, bits of fabric, some really bad paint, markers, string, tape, a tissue, a pint of Rocky Road, glow sticks, and one hour without electricity.
Took several days to construct it, but it was during the hour without electricity that the joy of glow sticks was discovered (the cats stole two of them). So while the first two pictures were taken in regular light, the bottom two are with glow sticks, making a nice eerie feel to it! The house is two stories with an attic, the latter being haunted by a rather over-sized Ghostkerchief! The bedroom features some lovely Meowclops furniture and a ghost kadoatie (better cover your ears!). It also has a lovely candle-lit chandelier! The lower floor contains the stairs lined with the Fuzzle Family portraits, a grandfather clock, and comfy couch! And wait... is that a ghost meepit? RUN!

The Abandoned Mansion
by jeessaaj
Where Spooky Petpets Lurk... The diorama is made of cardboard, assembled using glue-gun, and painted with water color. Petpet images are printed on cardboard. These spooky petpets are the current inhabitants of this deserted house. Ain't it freaky or cute?

Second Place

Five lucky people have 10,000 NP, the Random Contest avatar and an item whizzing their way.

by annelikene
Some extreme haunted house business.

Not the typical shoebox diorama
by apple_butter
Includes a haunted house with an openable door and a Bori silhouette, a shoutout to the Bori Day when the contest was put up.

Spooky Neopets Halloween House!
by bad_ska8r_kitty
This spooky Neohome features my uni and my friends Kougra all dressed up for Halloween, waiting for Trick-or-Treaters! There's a scary ghost and creepy cat in the windows as well as an evil pant devil! A cute little bat's hanging out in the tree judging everyone's outfits and tombstones featuring Neogames of times past!
It's made from cardboard, tp, yarn, cotton, paper, hot glue, fabric, markers, colored pencils and Sharpie!
It took a total of about 8 hours to make! Hope you like it! Happy Halloween!

Spooky House
by gluefizz
Materials used: Cardstock, hot glue, crayons, sprinkles and other candy bits, faux spiderwebbing, scrap wallpaper samples, wooden cutouts, food coloring, water, vapor rub (for "Ednas Spooky Brew"), small plastic bottles, aaaand cupcake liners. Neopian items featured: Ednas Spooky Brew, Spooky Halloween Gift Box, Halloween Meowclops, Simple Green Rug, Happy Halloween Bag, Kauvaras Potion, Fizzy Ummagine Potion, Halloween Bruce Broom, and Old Cobwebs Foreground.

The haunted house of Eliv Thade
by kmilaaaa
I made this diorama from different types of paper such as cardboard, cardstock and photo paper. I was inspired in "Eliv Thade Castle Background" to make the structure.

Third Place

Lastly there were 8 runners-up who will each receive 5,000 NP and the Random Contest avatar.

IMPORTANT - SUBMISSION POLICY! By uploading or otherwise submitting any materials to Neopets, you (and your parents) are automatically granting us permission to use those materials for free in any manner we can think of forever throughout the universe. These materials must be created ONLY by the person submitting them - you cannot submit someone else's work. Also, if you're under age 18, ALWAYS check with your parents before you submit anything to us!